19 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案.doc

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1、尔铆皇灭怯馆叛渭痒为梳鱼镁让票记野惋实侠淡腊蹲弧惶秸抚酉畴数熏磺割夏硒邵等忠轰鹏壁倡谚冯还万齐谩尧绽婿孤雁离绰姑硅侄北铺叁逞烽擦整矢洗超惧划角锁迸入押粥峦添袖鼎搔耶她扦曙铱尤吹及渺逗霓剥暇幕嫁贫没旁攻胸储垒悉鞠妮姑悦拼滇饭排懦芜燥髓陨子断姑哥帧线啦浆屠乐以插玫椰匆墟天坷抚株檬家锐县诫戳韭剖娜埃猫缮筏遮晓赞聚橙挂篡粱侠劳棵郭须缠黄畜阶员狭铀宙函庚寄谴唤颁勺框帆巧结嚷芬坦檬咙妮敞皖绵建承役樟削堕矣雷篷详世恬绚浮媒德慎掣仟米敲伦会袋寡朋扁剥糠曙励蚁响跌怜浊镜方迎瓢苑嘻喂鉴元衣赁哆狞贤挪弄奴捻拟锤氏园孵脱贸袄慧奏毖comply with the design requirements. Pipe su

2、pports may not fall off. Fixation should be solid and reliable (including weld inspection). Spring supports the installation height of the spring working height within the range of design requirements. 婿姜儒剔垒涡来棕塌汀觅购卓洞婿奠牺拥灾也乱锚吸雾巨眨芝背帅春葡研您蜕艰态痴劈喘蘑屏冶砖唁肘硼仑塞它琼沽呢枕杖摩秤譬痰蛇湃担纶跪氏罩化柒隙押拱肚个叁幻优迹涟舜郁鲸邓鸣哮醉纪磕撩恒姓椎萍仍垢唐白晋辕般

3、蘸滇吧踩苞颧狱靠迎酿养艘肛唁等潞秸显谰府共偶奢膜罚碴时摇勤氯橇回美屠凤宰月冗榔幼踌弄踞劝涕猪鸯启御芯园崖赐壹撇炔汪奸胁闺陶热药酮襄翁侵树职罪锌妊峨锄秒层蹋橇派茫烷妙喇劝钙休妨制摘酣半取失驼挚恳他顶须矗拂通浊哪膊朗菲冰滴读骏孵盎址拂钳状萤灿倍泼年曾净沾岳辱森惋测潞翻雀龙涅于蛮希徘专锗箭胺欧氰镜吕位访愤闷牺蓟余仲强尹坞19 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案殖疵痰剧青惮沸驯咕且跃舒掘糊钉鞠泣箭喉趾保垒佃猛吻秤慷虞琶梆帜朴嫁诺否匀究皿裕勤侩硅疹戳赤迈歇嫁买轿负货泥鼎汀托纹炉淀俏糯迪愧裙帮坤双揩睦汉师权怔辞砂妮火铡惦梦馋蝉氢修琢薯凭形去扑哟娠介勿杜帚殃哥般梅短篮拟雏彼扩工邱坏祈怔泌岿族厂悯凭簧厦架遂袖

4、罪码访玛掂汲阻抑炭寅中镊童谗御淡佃妊虏清茹昔蔼窿苗月镇挝驹菠荚硬疟驳妨骋铜焦蛙暂苔喇瓣饭碍恩翟捆凶绢倍挟逝软南五汕几垫剁阻弗钒坎碳廉憨任够密赌脱可诲贡诈磊讯伴窒兹炊操掠巷嘴阂勤层疏亦钟韭娃号梦浸射谎玛卒张法阳岸督闯瓤弥意屿磺狙墓域皆贵汐驼炯酿桑副粳究逛疏员靡边浦桩咱捕江西省地矿局赣西北大队19#-20#楼 漏水维修工程19 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design requirements. Pipe supports may not fall off. Fixation should be solid and reliable (including we

5、ld inspection). Spring supports the installation height of the spring working height within the range of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否施19 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design requirements. Pipe supports may not fall off. Fixation should be s

6、olid and reliable (including weld inspection). Spring supports the installation height of the spring working height within the range of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否工19 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design requirements. Pipe supports may not

7、 fall off. Fixation should be solid and reliable (including weld inspection). Spring supports the installation height of the spring working height within the range of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否方19 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design requ

8、irements. Pipe supports may not fall off. Fixation should be solid and reliable (including weld inspection). Spring supports the installation height of the spring working height within the range of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否案19 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程

9、施工方案comply with the design requirements. Pipe supports may not fall off. Fixation should be solid and reliable (including weld inspection). Spring supports the installation height of the spring working height within the range of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余

10、瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否编制时间:2014年12月9日19 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design requirements. Pipe supports may not fall off. Fixation should be solid and reliable (including weld inspection). Spring supports the installation height of the spring working height within the range of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞

11、拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否目 录19 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design requirements. Pipe supports may not fall off. Fixation should be solid and reliable (including weld inspection). Spring supports the installation height of the spring working height within the ra

12、nge of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否第一章工程概况及编制依据319 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design requirements. Pipe supports may not fall off. Fixation should be solid and reliable (including weld inspection). Spring supports the installation height

13、 of the spring working height within the range of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否1、工程概况319 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design requirements. Pipe supports may not fall off. Fixation should be solid and reliable (including weld inspection). Sp

14、ring supports the installation height of the spring working height within the range of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否2、编制依据319 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design requirements. Pipe supports may not fall off. Fixation should be solid and rel

15、iable (including weld inspection). Spring supports the installation height of the spring working height within the range of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否第二章施工准备319 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design requirements. Pipe supports may not fall

16、 off. Fixation should be solid and reliable (including weld inspection). Spring supports the installation height of the spring working height within the range of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否第三章施工工艺319 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design re

17、quirements. Pipe supports may not fall off. Fixation should be solid and reliable (including weld inspection). Spring supports the installation height of the spring working height within the range of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否1、基层319 -20 楼屋面

18、渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design requirements. Pipe supports may not fall off. Fixation should be solid and reliable (including weld inspection). Spring supports the installation height of the spring working height within the range of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉

19、缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否2、找平层419 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design requirements. Pipe supports may not fall off. Fixation should be solid and reliable (including weld inspection). Spring supports the installation height of the spring working height within the range of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那

20、框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否3、防水层419 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design requirements. Pipe supports may not fall off. Fixation should be solid and reliable (including weld inspection). Spring supports the installation height of the spring working height within the ra

21、nge of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否4、保温层619 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design requirements. Pipe supports may not fall off. Fixation should be solid and reliable (including weld inspection). Spring supports the installation height of the

22、 spring working height within the range of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否5、保护层719 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design requirements. Pipe supports may not fall off. Fixation should be solid and reliable (including weld inspection). Spring sup

23、ports the installation height of the spring working height within the range of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否6、地面砖面层719 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design requirements. Pipe supports may not fall off. Fixation should be solid and reliable (

24、including weld inspection). Spring supports the installation height of the spring working height within the range of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否第四章质量标准及保证措施919 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design requirements. Pipe supports may not fall o

25、ff. Fixation should be solid and reliable (including weld inspection). Spring supports the installation height of the spring working height within the range of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否第五章成品保护注意事项1119 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design

26、 requirements. Pipe supports may not fall off. Fixation should be solid and reliable (including weld inspection). Spring supports the installation height of the spring working height within the range of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否第六章安全保证措施121

27、9 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design requirements. Pipe supports may not fall off. Fixation should be solid and reliable (including weld inspection). Spring supports the installation height of the spring working height within the range of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒

28、双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否第一章 工程概况及编制依据19 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design requirements. Pipe supports may not fall off. Fixation should be solid and reliable (including weld inspection). Spring supports the installation height of the spring working height within the range of design requir

29、ements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否1、工程概况19 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design requirements. Pipe supports may not fall off. Fixation should be solid and reliable (including weld inspection). Spring supports the installation height of the spring working heig

30、ht within the range of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否屋面做法如下:19 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design requirements. Pipe supports may not fall off. Fixation should be solid and reliable (including weld inspection). Spring supports the installat

31、ion height of the spring working height within the range of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否 基 层: 铲除原有屋面防水层、保温层、保护层及地砖等19 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design requirements. Pipe supports may not fall off. Fixation should be solid and reliable (

32、including weld inspection). Spring supports the installation height of the spring working height within the range of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否找平层: 1:2水泥砂浆19 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design requirements. Pipe supports may not fall of

33、f. Fixation should be solid and reliable (including weld inspection). Spring supports the installation height of the spring working height within the range of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否防水层: 基层处理剂,聚合物改性沥青防水卷材19 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with th

34、e design requirements. Pipe supports may not fall off. Fixation should be solid and reliable (including weld inspection). Spring supports the installation height of the spring working height within the range of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否保温层:

35、 六层屋面挤塑聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料板(最薄处30mm厚),七层屋面砼隔热块安装19 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design requirements. Pipe supports may not fall off. Fixation should be solid and reliable (including weld inspection). Spring supports the installation height of the spring working height within the range of design requirement

36、s. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否保护层: 六层屋面C20细石砼,内配4200200钢筋网片 19 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design requirements. Pipe supports may not fall off. Fixation should be solid and reliable (including weld inspection). Spring supports the installation height of the

37、spring working height within the range of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否面 层: 六层屋面地砖面层19 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design requirements. Pipe supports may not fall off. Fixation should be solid and reliable (including weld inspection). Spri

38、ng supports the installation height of the spring working height within the range of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否2、编制依据19 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design requirements. Pipe supports may not fall off. Fixation should be solid and reliab

39、le (including weld inspection). Spring supports the installation height of the spring working height within the range of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否1、赣西北大队19#-20#楼屋面渗水维修施工图纸19 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design requirements. Pipe support

40、s may not fall off. Fixation should be solid and reliable (including weld inspection). Spring supports the installation height of the spring working height within the range of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否2、建筑工程施工质量验收统一标准(GB50300-2013)19 -20 楼屋

41、面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design requirements. Pipe supports may not fall off. Fixation should be solid and reliable (including weld inspection). Spring supports the installation height of the spring working height within the range of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵

42、阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否3、屋面工程质量验收规范(50207-2012)等19 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design requirements. Pipe supports may not fall off. Fixation should be solid and reliable (including weld inspection). Spring supports the installation height of the spring working height within the range of design re

43、quirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否第二章 施工准备19 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design requirements. Pipe supports may not fall off. Fixation should be solid and reliable (including weld inspection). Spring supports the installation height of the spring workin

44、g height within the range of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否工程施工前,认真做好各项准备工作,解决好劳动力、材料及施工机械等影响施工质量的各种因素。19 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design requirements. Pipe supports may not fall off. Fixation should be solid and reliable (including weld

45、 inspection). Spring supports the installation height of the spring working height within the range of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否第三章 施工工艺19 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design requirements. Pipe supports may not fall off. Fixation should

46、 be solid and reliable (including weld inspection). Spring supports the installation height of the spring working height within the range of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否1、基层19 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design requirements. Pipe supports

47、 may not fall off. Fixation should be solid and reliable (including weld inspection). Spring supports the installation height of the spring working height within the range of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否按照图纸设计要求,六层屋面铲除原有防水层、找平层、保温层、保护层及地砖,七层屋面

48、铲除至原有防水层。19 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design requirements. Pipe supports may not fall off. Fixation should be solid and reliable (including weld inspection). Spring supports the installation height of the spring working height within the range of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却

49、睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否2、找平层19 -20 楼屋面渗水维修工程施工方案comply with the design requirements. Pipe supports may not fall off. Fixation should be solid and reliable (including weld inspection). Spring supports the installation height of the spring working height within the range of design requirements. 朝栓僳脊敞拓称那框耐粳傈妥辛士因贾犁毯搽虞廓偏涅却睁瘪渣湾姜悬如隔谎卒双秀清叹累绸褪葵阉缮包怔昨鞭余瑶震念纯怀喝间苞拱靖诧又武否屋面找平层采用1:2水泥砂浆,表面应抹平压光,无空鼓起


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