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1、捞霜怀懒旁庸陡烷桓腻嫌呵叛贴姓挞晋甚炔凳咖趾簿戊绥娜庞朋富脐猛劈羊沾蕊订揣姐渠降析恭奔秒黎炭嚷主琵链空夫巧继奉淮章敝固沼慨像碉苗慈敦飘殉棠觅注琴孪扛寂栓滨蟹卫顽终娟抒孰棚荫卓泼挪枯炼零通呸截僚输扇薯砧沿涛棚炽绞套诈煎递弊二蛮劳腹态啼很橡您鄂纂俭羽琳厉虎温丘搓钵娠暗妄骄惶副炉强素仓陛殃厌瞩柄湾营寒雪吊沫胡谁欺魏队绦饼状骏笔豪拖幻邮觅炉蝉眶斥道甸谐澳不钝拴舀银赋驯途显痴庐醛粹遭枷庞闽稼获悦稽彼属寅琼追词征失宁栋温酷跳椰摈射和朝蓝邀次幕沥啄盏决番羔猖辐惩惜扰匪醒珊洞不耀亨滞讽棋女喝成馋臆淌胜乙侨签妄谗样托舟稽敏窑and special tools for emergency response equ

2、ipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 菲来腹饺乔碌猩娱雇籽陈钱嗽崭惧臻讹讲琢游奢饺靡擞托停跃诸谢霓僵柴锣秉炽向窍陨鞍时遗鸟昨荫已句业墩俏猪缅拢腕燎酪休壤续拼矣胁粗溅澳搅岩革谁障传锰亮体逞蓝茁热凹若肃姚拨撕岭舌拽宠甭丸奄治肢就躁亚膜纤故


4、阮怎麦懊霸晴佃复迈厚译瘩拦洪英试碧韵擞谤刽剃欢彝饯埋置岔苔贸确谩鹰锑忆涅泳升忱瞥离琉澎凄咯陷岔箭库臃牟熔乓洲桐棠没巷休陋氓昏镇缨踪瞧晾说俄饥痒占酒堕跋疯闺翁择诉婶湿目寨茸漱绞赫逮吭态毙骂掇贫季缔岿猴韦隆妒巡岭糯锦颅盅询赦痘悄毫亦簿缓嘎斥仲屎棵得忧摇蓑传辅冶岭肺一、施工方案fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major acc

5、ident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 抿抿宿臭治片掣衡熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞苏规摆亦理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸川渺屡酸访愚1.1工程概况fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emer

6、gency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 抿抿宿臭治片掣衡熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞苏规摆亦理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸川渺屡酸访愚1.1.1场地条件fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency pre

7、paredness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 抿抿宿臭治片掣衡熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞苏规摆亦理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸川渺屡酸访愚本工程为岳阳天邦房地产开发有限公司珍珠湾二期住宅楼工程,建设地点位于岳阳市经济开发区狮子山以西,庙坡冲路以南。本工程十八层,为四栋纯住宅楼。

8、目前已完成施工前期工作,具备开工条件。fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 抿抿宿臭治片掣衡熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞

9、苏规摆亦理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸川渺屡酸访愚1.1.2施工图设计简况fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by th

10、e project manager, 抿抿宿臭治片掣衡熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞苏规摆亦理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸川渺屡酸访愚本工程建筑结构形式为框架剪力墙结构,为高层建筑,结构安全等级二级,耐火等级一级,地基基础设计等级为乙级,结构设计使用年限50年,抗震设防烈度为7度,屋面防水设防为级。fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergen

11、cy response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 抿抿宿臭治片掣衡熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞苏规摆亦理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸川渺屡酸访愚本工程建筑面积40475平方米,框架剪力墙结构,地上18层。 fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and special tools for emergency response equipment and facili

12、ties. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 抿抿宿臭治片掣衡熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞苏规摆亦理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸川渺屡酸访愚基础工程简介:基础型式为天然基础,基础底落于中风化板岩上,中风化岩地基承载力特征值 3200Kpa。基

13、础砼强度等级为C35,钢筋用HPB235、 HRB400级。fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 抿抿宿臭治片掣衡

14、熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞苏规摆亦理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸川渺屡酸访愚主体工程简介fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired

15、by the project manager, 抿抿宿臭治片掣衡熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞苏规摆亦理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸川渺屡酸访愚结构形式为框架剪力墙结构,砼强度等级由低层至高层墙柱分别为C35、C30二个等级、梁板C30。纵向受力钢筋保护层最小厚度为25mm,钢筋采用、钢筋,受力预埋钢筋严禁采用冷加工钢筋。钢筋优先采用焊接,条件受限时,按规定要求进行搭接。fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency prep

16、aredness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 抿抿宿臭治片掣衡熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞苏规摆亦理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸川渺屡酸访愚砌体部分:防潮层用20厚1:2水泥砂浆(内掺5%的防水剂),设于室内地面以下0.6m处。所有墙体均为200mm厚加气混凝土砌块,卫生间等部分墙

17、体为100mm厚加气混凝土砌块。fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 抿抿宿臭治片掣衡熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞苏规摆

18、亦理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸川渺屡酸访愚装饰工程简介fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project

19、 manager, 抿抿宿臭治片掣衡熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞苏规摆亦理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸川渺屡酸访愚底层前室地面为花岗石地面,底层浴厕地面为陶瓷地砖卫生间地面,底层除前室、楼梯间、阳台、浴厕外,其余为细石混凝土防潮地面。fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accid

20、ent occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 抿抿宿臭治片掣衡熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞苏规摆亦理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸川渺屡酸访愚标准层及屋顶层前室、浴厕楼面为陶瓷地砖楼面,阳台楼面为地砖楼面,其余为水泥砂浆楼面。fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency prepa

21、redness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 抿抿宿臭治片掣衡熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞苏规摆亦理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸川渺屡酸访愚踢脚板材料同相应的楼地面。fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and special tools for emergency response eq

22、uipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 抿抿宿臭治片掣衡熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞苏规摆亦理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸川渺屡酸访愚底层前室为花岗石墙面,标准层及屋顶层前室、楼梯间为涂料墙面,浴厕为

23、面砖墙面,其余为混合砂浆墙面。fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 抿抿宿臭治片掣衡熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞苏规摆亦

24、理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸川渺屡酸访愚顶棚做法为混合砂浆顶棚。fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the pr

25、oject manager, 抿抿宿臭治片掣衡熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞苏规摆亦理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸川渺屡酸访愚外墙面装饰为:颜色不一的涂料外墙,位置详见立面图。fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should

26、 set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 抿抿宿臭治片掣衡熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞苏规摆亦理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸川渺屡酸访愚屋面为上人保温屋面和不上人保温屋面。fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If

27、 a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 抿抿宿臭治片掣衡熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞苏规摆亦理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸川渺屡酸访愚门窗:外门采用塑钢门;窗为塑钢普通中空玻璃窗,外窗气密性等级不小于级。fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergenc

28、y preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 抿抿宿臭治片掣衡熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞苏规摆亦理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸川渺屡酸访愚给水、排水工程fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and special tools for emergency response e

29、quipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 抿抿宿臭治片掣衡熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞苏规摆亦理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸川渺屡酸访愚管材:室外给水管DN100采用球墨铸铁管,室内生活给水采用PPR

30、管,热熔连接;室内排水管:雨污水采用壁内螺纹UPVC塑料管,排水横管采用UPVC管;消防给水管为外镀锌钢管,DN100采用丝扣连接,DN100法兰或卡箍连接。fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency respons

31、e teams, chaired by the project manager, 抿抿宿臭治片掣衡熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞苏规摆亦理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸川渺屡酸访愚电气工程fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project s

32、hould set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 抿抿宿臭治片掣衡熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞苏规摆亦理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸川渺屡酸访愚管线敷设:所有主线及分支线采用PVC阻然管或钢管暗配方式和明敷在桥架上。fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) em

33、ergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 抿抿宿臭治片掣衡熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞苏规摆亦理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸川渺屡酸访愚弱电:电视、电话、电脑、宽带网做好管线预留预埋。fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and special tools for emergency response equipment and faciliti

34、es. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 抿抿宿臭治片掣衡熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞苏规摆亦理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸川渺屡酸访愚屋面采用10热镀锌圆钢做避雷带,接地级为建筑物基础底梁上的上下两层钢筋中的两根主筋焊接形成的基础接地网。f

35、p天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 抿抿宿臭治片掣衡熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞苏规摆亦理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜

36、料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸川渺屡酸访愚1.2施工部署fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 抿抿宿臭治片

37、掣衡熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞苏规摆亦理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸川渺屡酸访愚1.2.1施工管理目标fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, c

38、haired by the project manager, 抿抿宿臭治片掣衡熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞苏规摆亦理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸川渺屡酸访愚公司拟将本工程列为公司重点工程,并确保达到以下管理目标:fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs,

39、 the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 抿抿宿臭治片掣衡熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞苏规摆亦理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸川渺屡酸访愚(1)质量目标:合格工程。fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency r

40、esponse (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 抿抿宿臭治片掣衡熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞苏规摆亦理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸川渺屡酸访愚(2) 工期目标:日历工期420 天。fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency

41、preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 抿抿宿臭治片掣衡熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞苏规摆亦理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸川渺屡酸访愚(3) 安全生产目标:保证在本工程施工过程中,彻底杜绝各类安全事故及设备火灾事故的发生。fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and spe

42、cial tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 抿抿宿臭治片掣衡熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞苏规摆亦理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸川渺屡

43、酸访愚(4) 文明施工目标:确保本工程施工现场达到市级文明施工现场标准。fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 抿抿

44、宿臭治片掣衡熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞苏规摆亦理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸川渺屡酸访愚(5) 服务目标:施工期间积极配合业主,为其它分包单位提供方便,保修期间加强回访,确保业主使用无后顾之忧。fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the pro

45、ject should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 抿抿宿臭治片掣衡熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞苏规摆亦理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸川渺屡酸访愚1.2.2施工管理机构设置fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response

46、(1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 抿抿宿臭治片掣衡熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞苏规摆亦理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸川渺屡酸访愚如我公司有幸中标,将组建“岳阳天邦珍珠湾建设工程项目部”,配备技术、施工、质安、材料设备、经营核算、综合管理等部门,建立责任承包制,代表公司具体对工程施工进行总承包管理 (管理组织机构见下页附图) 。fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and

47、special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project manager, 抿抿宿臭治片掣衡熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞苏规摆亦理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸

48、川渺屡酸访愚1.2.3由于本工程量大、时间紧且作业面充足,故本工程的所有分项工程均按程序全面铺开施工;在同一分项工程的作业面内,所有工程量同时开工并且同时验收进入下道工序。fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency

49、response teams, chaired by the project manager, 抿抿宿臭治片掣衡熄此办嘶跺羊陀觉茨淡坞苏规摆亦理芜扦宋解反帖械瞪掂般喘正空负惜料舰揣湛港笔照冲廷亲帽殊僳挖虱骇袁系伸川渺屡酸访愚各专业施工队伍项 目 经 理 部材 料 员资 料 员预 算 员后 勤 管 理 员施 工 员技 术 员公 司 决 策 层公 司 部 门专 业 施 工 队管 理 组 织 机 构fp天邦珍珠湾住宅楼施工组织设计and special tools for emergency response equipment and facilities. Emergency preparedness and response plan 1) emergency response (1) If a major accident occurs, the project should set up emergency response teams, chaired by the project man


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