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1、感觉到惬意和愉悦,家所构成的空间原本目的是简单的,阅读和休憩,简单而和谐的共存,The feeling of cozy and happiness come to you. The aim to construct the space of home is originally simple, that is, to allow you read and rest.完美的产品贵在创意的巧妙,收放自如的靠背使沙发共享了床的功能,让雅致的生活在殷实的基础上有了更深意味。The value of perfect product lies on the ingenious originality. T

2、he freely-folded backrest endow sofa with function of bed. Elegant life shows profound connotation on the basis of wealthy life. 她,没有充满设计的高高在上,也没有富贵逼人的傲慢,有的就是那一份热情、绚烂与平易,给每位来客一个无拘无束的空间。She, without the out-of-reach design, without the proud nobility, but with the warmth, the brilliance and the appro

3、achability, offers every visitor unrestrained space.拥一份懒懒的心情,梦想于精美典雅的浪漫居庭,或躺,或坐,在宁静祥和的午后,或聊,或笑,悠悠然享一份无尚尊贵与优雅。With a lazy feeling to dream about the elegant and romantic house, lying or sitting. In such a quiet and peaceful afternoon, chat or laugh, to enjoy the ultimate nobility and grace leisurely.

4、 每个家都有自己的故事,于阳光下,绿野中,建设一个能承载自己梦想的家,坐看一室沙发。生活可能平淡、可能简单,但自有真意。Each family has its own story. Under the sunshine, in the green field, build a home which can carry your own dream with a house sofa to look at. Life can be plain, can be simple, but has its true meaning. 传统设计的家具,没有充满设计的高高在上,也没有富贵逼人的傲慢,有的就是

5、那一份热情、绚烂与平易,给每位来客一个无拘无束的空间。The design of traditional furniture, without the out-of-reach design, without the proud nobility, but with the warmth, the brilliance and approachability, offers every visitor unrestrained space. 拥一份懒懒的心情漫步于精美典雅的客厅,或躺、或坐,在桌子旁在沙发上,削个苹果或看几页时尚杂志,悠悠然享一份无尚的尊贵与优雅。With a lazy fee

6、ling to dream about the elegant and romantic house, lying or sitting. In such a quiet and peaceful afternoon, chat or laugh, to enjoy the ultimate nobility and grace leisurely.完美的产品贵在创意之巧妙,折叠自如的沙发设计,款款皆有不同的功能组合,既充分节省有限的客厅空间,又体现现代化的家居经营理念。The value of perfect product lies on the ingenious originality

7、. The freely-folded sofa has different function combination on each style, which can save limited living room space and embody modern household management concept. 把玩着直线与曲线的美感,却又不致突兀抽离,外围的线条刚实有力,内里的曲线却是柔和舒适,体贴着身体的需要,达至外刚内柔的优美视觉效果。Play with the beauty of straight and curved lines that are not strange

8、 or abrupt. Outer lines are strong and powerful while inner curves are soft and comfortable, satisfying the needs of the body, achieving the elegant visual effect of strong outside and tender inside.下午慵懒的阳光照进窗前,也许会些倦意涌上心头,但又不愿睡去,坐在宽大的沙发上左右张望的你此刻正需要这样一种气氛:时尚、精致、动感而唯美,没有丝毫的压力。The afternoon sunlight la

9、zily shines out from window. A kind of tiredness emerges, but you are not willing to go to sleep. Sitting on the big sofa and looking around, this moment you need this atmosphere: fashionable and exquisite, vivid and pretty, without a least of pressure. 对艺术有不凡的了解的主人,如白鹤般偏安于都市一隅,享受着一份悠然的自得,而角落里的一张沙发静

10、静的立在那儿,默默散发自然的气息,那也是都市中一道永恒的典雅风景。The owner who has excellent understanding of art is living in a corner of city like a white crane, enjoying a kind of leisure. A sofa standing quietly in a corner of the house and quietly sending out the breath of nature is an eternal elegant view in the city.阳光和绿意带来

11、的生命感,拓展出客厅的大气派,触碰着穿越五千年时空的文明因子,安坐在最舒适的沙发上,享受午后的恬静,不亦悦乎?享受最有文化气息的厅堂,原来可以这样。The sense of life brought by sunshine and greenness expand the grandeur of the living room. Isnt it a pleasure to touch the cultural elements having traversed 5000 years space and time, to sit easily on most comfortable sofa,

12、to enjoy the quietness of afternoon? As a matter of fact, enjoying in a hall with the dense cultural flavor can be in this way. 灵感的触动总是在无意的刹那间发生,没有任何的修饰和附加成分,就像古人将沙发的靠背放下变成床的一刹那,显得那么自然随意,用世界上最奇妙最朴素的构思,创下最永恒的价值。The burst of inspiration happens at the involuntary moment, absent of any decorative and a

13、dditional parts. Just as the moment when the backrest of sofa is changed to bed by ancient people, all look so natural and random. With the most ingenious and simple conception to create the eternal value.以简约、明快赋予现代沙发新的定义。她聚集流畅的线条,细腻的质感,完全适合人体工程学的精致造型于一体,用时尚元素淡化空间的冷漠,并注入现代家具之经典设计,力求构造一个雅韵闲适的灵性空间。End

14、ow modern sofa with new definition by conciseness and brightness. The smooth line, delicate quality sense combines with the ergonomics. The inhospitality of the space is weakened by fashion elements. Classical design of modern furniture is also infused to create an elegant, leisure and spiritual spa

15、ce. 折叠是沙发,展开是床。我们在佩服古人创造了伟大的家具艺术的同时,更佩服古人在应用科技上的智慧,如今我们将这种智慧与美精心提练后重新展现在世人眼前,让古典的神蕴在现代的环境里有了更深的韵味。It is a sofa when being folded, a bed when being unfolded. While we admire the great furniture art created by ancient people, we admire their intelligence on application of science. Now we present this

16、kind of intelligence and beauty being refined before the people. The classical charm assumes profound charm in the modern environment. 精致自然品位硬朗的线条和精准的比例结构,给人以均衡美感,排除浮华的装饰,显露木材本身的纹路,并以天然纺织品搭配,呈现一种粗犷奔放的自然美,朴素中凸显不凡品质,让紧张的心情在和谐自然的空间中得以放松。Elegant natural tasteRigid lines and exquisite proportion structur

17、e give people even beauty. Discard buckish decoration to display the original grain of the timber. Match it with natural textile to display a kind of unrestraint, bold and natural beauty. Extraordinary quality outstands from the plainness, allowing the strained mood relax in the harmonious and natur

18、al space. 厌倦了现代家具直来直去的简单,开始对厚重的传统家具产生怀想,吸引人的不仅是那股亲切的原木清香,还有远古老艺人所创造的一刀一斧里凝聚的深厚人文精神,三采从传统的坐具中挖掘出长椅、方几、脚凳的组合,为现代品味之家增添几分典雅的韵味。Be bored of the straight simplenss of the modern furniture, become yean for the traditional big furniture. What attractive is not only the genial fragrance, but also the dense

19、and profound humanity spirit created by the ancient veteran craftsman. Sancai furniture excavates the combination of davenport, coffee table, footstool from traditional furniture, add some elegant charm to the modern tasteful home. 沙发是客厅中的灵魂,因为人们在日常生活中坐在沙发上的时间相对较多,,裕丰沙发是根据人体工程学设计的,坐感特别舒适。裕丰沙发注重整体设计,

20、产品采用优质的德国榉木制作而成,又选用高弹性海绵作垫面,令沙发具有自然的气息与深厚的文化品位。Sofa is the soul of living room, for people spends relatively more time sitting on sofa in their daily life. Yufeng sofa, designed in accordance with ergonomics, sits unusually comfortably. Yufeng sofa stresses on integral design. The product adopts hig

21、h quality Germany Zelkova to produce, and selects high resilience sponge to make cushion, thus make sofa possess natural flavor and profound cultural taste. 木艺沙发源自天然的魅力自然与艺术在这里同行淡淡的色彩、醇醇的木香在追逐自然的过程里体验到期盼已久的身心舒泰没有了奢华和纷繁没有了浮华和躁动Wood-craft sofaOriginates from natural charmNature and art accompany hand in hand here.Light color and fragrant woodIn the process of pursuing nature,Taste the long-expecting comfort on mind and body,With no luxury and complexity, No vanity and uneasiness.


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