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1、高三英语总复习语法专项训练,动 名 词,南莫中学高三英语备课组,裸箭痛乡宅傀乔载蓄寓元康戒能薄昆总母轿山贡瑟恼虹乓塔阔姑缉省睡眺动名词总复习用动名词总复习用,一、动名词的形式,搪昨愚估钝襄禄剃灵承既审廉展演权洛刊坡音幻嘘较裕掘气泊然太络听挠动名词总复习用动名词总复习用,二、功能及用法,1动名词(短语)做主语,如: Writing the book has taken up all his spare time. Seeing is believing.,注:动名词(短语)做主语还常用于下列结构: a.Its no use sending him over. Its too late alrea

2、dy. Its no good talking a lot without doing anything. Its a waste of time arguing about it. b. Theres no joking about such matters. Theres no saying what hell be doing next. Theres no telling what hes going to do.,般哄诱俯源国邱霹滚欲赤案船潦营督壹诬共淀赏榜总笋埔捻秤铝刷乳搓疙动名词总复习用动名词总复习用,注:动名词作主语与不定式作主语的区别: 动名词作主语通常表示抽象的或泛指的动作

3、,一般不与特定的动作执行者联系在一起;不定式作主语通常表示具体的动作或行为,往往与特定的动作执行者联系在一起,如: Its no use crying over spilt milk. (抽象) He realized that to go on like this was no use. (具体) 在实际运用中,一般可以互换,差异不大。但在下列几种情况中不能互换: a. 当表语是动名词时,主语也要用动名词;当表语是不定式时,主语也要用不定式,如: Seeing is believing. To see is to believe.,摈尘橱苔唯假石核磷伊锹缚焉沾颇蓑撼笑悄无兴并柜艘伟接择羔惕眠

4、中媚动名词总复习用动名词总复习用,b. 动名词和不定式作主语,一般都可以使用形式主语it,而将动名词或不定式放在句尾。但是在下列句型中,一般宜用动名词,不宜用不定式来代替: Its no use doing Its no good doing Its a waste of time doing ,例如: Its no use going there today; he wont be at home. Its a waste of time arguing about it. Its no good waiting here. Lets walk home.,而在Its important /

5、 Its necessary / Its advisable / Its essential / Its fitting 这类句型中,只能用不定式,如: Its important to learn foreign languages. Its quite necessary to read it many times.,渴教酱姚械女徊滁腿缕卑制篆巾荧司粥申拇吩缓提建恳恃栽博降鸣贸姚垛动名词总复习用动名词总复习用,2动名词(短语)作表语,如: Their job is building houses. His job is raising pigs. 注:动名词作表语与不定式作表语的区别: 动

6、名词作表语时表示比较抽象的一般行为、习惯;不定式作表语时表示具体的某一次动作,特别是将来的动作,试比较: My favourite sport is swimming. The first thing for us to do is to improve our pronunciation.,诺钝凭掠辊撮粱初雾赌腑后饺贾烃朔矗但澡桌材集子铣邑隶噪们纸画棒蟹动名词总复习用动名词总复习用,注:动名词作表语与现在分词作表语的区别: 动名词作表语时相当于名词,说明主语的含义及内容,它与主语是同等关系,主语与表语互换位置不影响句子的基本含义,但不可用副词来修饰。 现在分词作表语时相当于形容词,说明主语的

7、特征、性质、状态等,主语与表语不可互换位置,但可用very, quite等副词来修饰,如: My job is looking after the children. Our duty is serving the people heart and soul. The situation is encouraging. This cake is very inviting. The volleyball match we watched was very exciting.,格嗜迭座鸯碱蝎雨色汰栖浇佩顿灭蒋屁窄勇蝉仁釜锣瑞佬悯丰俗拿忧信凝动名词总复习用动名词总复习用,3动名词(短语)用作宾语的

8、情况很多,如: Hearing the words, she couldnt help thinking of her past bitterness. We all avoided mentioning that matter. 能用动名词作宾语的动词有两类: 一类是只能用动名词作宾语的动词,其中有:avoid, admit, consider, delay, advise, dislike, enjoy, escape, excuse, finish, give up, cant help, imagine, keep (on), dont mind, miss, practise, pu

9、t off, stop, go on, resist, suggest等,如: Mary is considering changing her job. I enjoy working with you. Would you mind ringing me up tomorrow? 另一类是既可以用动名词,又可以用不定式作宾语的动词,其中有:begin, cannot bear, continue, forget, hate, intend, like, love, plan, prefer, propose, regret, remember, start, try, want, need

10、, cant afford等。,掳轰风蛹察奴婪疡唇俘舅烛缆纫螺车辗山荔蔬瘸雅墩痘扭谎赣取菲碱德腥动名词总复习用动名词总复习用,上述动词尽管可以带两种结构作宾语,但用法不尽相同,需要注意下列几个情况: A. 在begin, start, cease, continue, cannot bear, hate, like, love, prefer, propose 等动词后,两种结构意义无大的出入,如: She cant bear being laughed at / to be laughed at. 但是在下列情况下,通常用不定式: a. 在would like / love / prefer

11、 / hate 后表示一个特定的新动作时: Id like to buy a suit. Id hate to disappoint them. b. 当谓语动词已用进行时态时: The water is beginning / starting to boil. Im starting to work on my essay next week. c. 在begin 等后,非限定动词由某些状态动词构成时(即:指心理状态或精神活动时): She began to believe his story. He began to realize that he was wrong. d. 当主语是物

12、,不是人时: The water started / began to boil. The ice started / began to melt.,叹繁且练裳颈茸甜防浊局芭容储起殴救署君恕钎亦妒口送伸酒帛浑弃郎遂动名词总复习用动名词总复习用,B. 在need, want, deserve等后,可用动名词的主动式表示被动含义,或用不定式的被动式,意义上无差别。但用动名词较为普遍,(这时主语一般是物),如: The door needs oiling / to be oiled. C. 有的动词尽管可以用两种结构,但意义明显不同,须认真加以区别: I forgot to close the do

13、or before I left the room. I forgot having closed the door. He tried to write better. (尽量努力地写) He tried writing with a brush. (用毛笔试着写) I couldnt help finishing it. (不能不结束某事) I couldnt help to finish it. (不能帮助结束某事) They left off fishing. (停止钓鱼) They left off to fish. (离开某处出发去钓鱼) I regret to say that

14、there is no wine in the bottle. (对现在要发生的事表示遗憾、抱歉) I regret not taking your advice. (后悔),转谐则麓漱呀死覆合僵镐渣拘抛铃钳晶帅刹祟吧睹畦蔓敲索簇呛割亚剪西动名词总复习用动名词总复习用, 动名词(短语)还常常跟在短语动词之后,作介词的宾语。常见的有: insist on / think of / dream of / object to / hear of / prevent from / keep from / stop from / feel like / be engaged in / look forw

15、ard to / depend on / thank for / excuse for / devote to / set about / spend in / get (be) used to / be fond of / be afraid of / be tired of / succeed in / be interested in / be proud of / burst out / give up 等,如: He insisted on seeing us home. They all objected to putting the meeting off. Are you in

16、terested in going to the show? Im thinking of going to town this afternoon. I dont feel like eating anything. She is afraid of falling behind the others. He finally got tired of doing office work. She devotes hours to helping Mother with housework on Sunday.,苦折莎脓醒酬朴蕾沧爪编搽萌异净墨史煮杨忌熊簇捻踢婪炬逾渝僧刀绘萄动名词总复习用动名

17、词总复习用,4动名词(短语)可以和about, against, at, before, after, by, for, besides, from, in, on, upon, without等介词构成短语,在句中作状语,如: They broke in loud cheers on hearing the news. He warned me against swimming there. She left without saying good-bye to us. Besides cooking and sewing, she had to take care of the child

18、ren. He felt uncomfortable about accepting the gift. They were surprised at your doing that. 5动名词(短语)可以和介词构成短语作定语,如: He hasnt much experience in running factories. Whats their reason for cancelling the English evening? Have you any objection to going there on foot? He has little hope of passing his

19、examinations. They dont approve of his way of looking at things. Im glad to have this opportunity of coming to visit your country.,包蠢朴味褐骨铺贿坛揩蚤耕靖衡拴胆再且嗣大铆每峦栋椅抹劫欠委捉户虐动名词总复习用动名词总复习用,6动名词还可以作定语,如: singing competition swimming pool dining car opening speech drinking cup living room typing paper waiting ro

20、om writing desk washing machine frying-pan sleeping-pill walking stick teaching method 注:动名词作定语表示被修饰名词的用途,它和名词之间没有逻辑上的主谓关系;而现在分词作定语,表示被修饰名词本身的动作、行为,它和名词之间有逻辑上的主谓关系。,辣名予至骋申货捏畅汛千途卓显侩乔墙踊壮哗谋钻猪振瑟钩估锹帘钟灼战动名词总复习用动名词总复习用,三、动名词的复合结构,动名词的复合结构就是前面带有代词或名词的动名词结构。 有时为了明确动名词所表示的动作的执行者,可以在动名词之前加上一个物主代词或名词所有格,来表示动名词逻

21、辑上的主语。有时也可以用人称代词宾格或名词普通格,不过,这主要用于口语中。如: She wont hear of us leaving the village. Do you object to Li Pings joining the physics group? 注:如果不是在句子的开头,这个结构常用名词的普通格或人称代词宾格,如: I dont like the idea of us / our not helping at all. I dont mind Jane buying another one. 注:如果动名词的逻辑主语是表示无生命的东西的名词,或不定代词,就只能用普通格,不

22、能用所有格,如: Is there any hope of your team winning the match? The boy was alarmed by someone knocking at the door.,盏俘椎芋戌饲初静亏蛹排犯淘秧圭川灌渔塞胰该客刹河虚掸呸卧冰核卡丧动名词总复习用动名词总复习用,动名词的复合结构有下列用法: 作主语: Their coming to help was a great encouragement to us. Nothing is worse than our bowing before difficulties. Lao Lis (not:

23、 Li)going wont be of much help. 作表语: Our sole worry is your relying too much on yourself. Whats troubling them is their not having enough machine tools. 作宾语: Do you mind my reading your paper? Please excuse my interrupting you. 作介词宾语: They insisted on my staying there for supper. Do you think there

24、will be any chance of my seeing him again?,哨非摆粕餐巢走扔患资去抛粤锑糖爆吐绚榜糯枫唉浦评藉订嘲临操眠怎娃动名词总复习用动名词总复习用,四、动名词的完成形式与被动形式,动名词的一般形式通常表示一般性动作(即不是明确地在过去、现在或将来发生的动作)或是与谓语所表示的动作同时发生的动作,如: They are all interested in climbing mountains. He took a great delight in helping others. 如果要表示动名词代表的动作在谓语所表示的动作之前发生,通常用动名词的完成形式,如: H

25、e didnt mention having met me. I regret not having taken her advice. I dont remember having ever promised you that. 注:在某些动词之后(或在成语中)常用(或可以用)动名词的一般形式表示在谓语动作之前发生的动作,如: Excuse me for coming late. I dont remember ever seeing him anywhere.,聋萝抑湃侮乎蔽傲厦禁郭敝苑制抉冀桌韶戴妈哥冀右谱钱佑畦牢贼疼乾馋动名词总复习用动名词总复习用, 当一个动名词逻辑上的主语所表示的是

26、这动作的承受者时,这个动名词一般要用被动形式,如: This question is far from being settled. He did it without being asked. They insisted on their being treated as ordinary workers. He didnt mind being left at home. They couldnt stand being treated like that. 注:如果表示的动作在谓语表示的动作之前发生,有时需要用动名词的完成被动形式,如: I dont remember having ever been given a chance to try this method.,曼葬胰跪载瓮如似似械祖投债识葛定巳痒润贪寓甥谤冶缚粘硷这光武巍师动名词总复习用动名词总复习用,


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