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1、Unit 2 Working the landGrammar,乔蝎卓哪责蕉宣贞县宝完休陋就惟拿戎阵斥呜摆沧选兄捞阉御岔炔鼠驻软动名词用法归纳,Teaching aims:,1. Help Ss discover useful structures. 2. Enable Ss to learn about the ving form as the Subject to bring B. to borrow; bring C. borrowed; bringing D. borrowing; bringing 3. The classroom wants _. A. clean B. cleane

2、d C. to clean D. cleaning 4. Jack said that he wouldnt mind _ for us. A. to wait B. wait C. waiting D. waited 6. We should often practise _ English with each other. A. to speak B. spoke C. speak D. speaking,Excersice,晤筐饲申铃滤饰伤蛮亥耀裂油息婿供腥梅骋起份酮饵乍诚讽此巨矿值溶盅动名词用法归纳,1.(2011天津卷)Passeagers are permitted _only o

3、ne piece of hand luggage onto the plane.A.to carry B. carrying C. to be carried D. being carried2.(2011四川卷)Ladex doest feel like _ abroad. Her parents are old. A. study B. studying C. studied D.to study3.(2011四川卷)Simon made a big bamboo box _the little sick bird till it could fly. A.keep B.kept C.ke

4、eping D.to keep4.(2011陕西卷) More highways have been built in China,_it much easier for people to travel from one place to another. A. making B. made C. to make D. having made5.(2011陕西卷)Claire had her luggage _ an hour before her plane left. A.check B.checking C.to check D.checked,1-5ABDAD,高考链接,媚矢芭绝厩叶

5、纠绝佩站倘桌差汛坡乖识入坚册倒菱黔户牛梭诉楔考繁瓢劲动名词用法归纳,课堂小结: 1.v-ing做主语往往表示 经常性习惯性的动作。 2.v-ing做主语谓语动词用单数。 3.It is no use/no good/ useless/a waste of time.doing sth. 4There is no point doing sth. 5.need, want, require +doing(= to be done)。,毒骗驼瑞矢匪谆嚣砰嗽事摇烈溃聂蝶匀墓飘禁鲤甘铝畅母申渺卷抡檀蹲疥动名词用法归纳,Homework,1. Finish off the exercises in th

6、e paper. 2. Recite the words in Unit2. 3. Prepare for the next passage.,吹耪涎酒龄淀肚浓辆墓郝毛层孝镰蓄纳礁杏肌臃介视圣臂橡波盆蜕莽搪纸动名词用法归纳,教学反思,这节课是语法课,学习了动名词作主语和宾语的用法。通过课文中例句的展示,帮助学生发现规律,并在文章中找出相关的句子,从而从宏观上了解句子结构特点。接着就逐一分析一些用法,并配上练习进行巩固,学生对熟悉的动词很容易理解,如enjoy,like等,但对want,avoid,hope等词却在用法上有点混乱,所以有必要进行一些分类,加强在练习中的运用。,跃煎澈霍孜竣颁烈茶组军紊又哪哺谎互衣锅昼紧颜搜危做苞井狰企研熙宴动名词用法归纳,


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