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1、系动词亦称连系动词。系动词本身有一定的词义,但不能单独作谓语,必须与表语一起构成系表结构,说明主语的状况、性质或特征等情况。一、 系动词的分类1. 状态类系动词用来表示主语的性质或状态,只有be一词。He is a teacher. My dream is to be a scientist.To know everything is to know nothing.2. 感官类系动词主要指与五种感官相关的动词:look,sound,smell,taste,feel。She looks nervous.The story sounds true.The flowers smell very s

2、weet.Although the meal is cold, it tastes delicious.The table feels like plastic, not wood.3. 持续类系动词表示主语持续或保持一种状态或态度。常见的有:remain,keep,stay等。Its already ten in the morning. The store remains closed.The meat will stay fresh for several days. keep,remain和stay的用法辨析(1) keep“保持状态”,后接形容词和介词短语。其后常搭配的形容词有:qu

3、iet,silent,calm,fit,cool,warm,safe,dry,awake等。I hope you can keep fit.(2) remain“继续处于状态”,后接形容词、过去分词、现在分词、名词或介词短语,强调某种状态前后无变化。When I arrived there, the door remained closed.(3) stay 这个词只在少数情况下用作系动词,表示“保持(某种状态)”,后面主要跟形容词。He stayed single for many years.4. 表象类系动词用来表示“看起来像,似乎”这一概念。主要有seem, appear, look等

4、。She seems happy to me.He didnt want to appear a fool.She looked very concerned and troubled. appear, look和seem的用法辨析(1) appear和seem后均可接不定式。He seems/appears to have traveled a lot.(2) look和seem之后可以接介词like,但appear之后一般不能。He just looks/seems like his brother.(3) 三者均可用于it开头的句子中,且三者之后均可接as if或as though引导的

5、从句,另外appear和seem之后还可接that引导的从句。It appears/looks/seems as if he has lost interest in his job. It appears/seems that he is very tired of his work.5. 变化类系动词这类动词表示由一种情况或状态变成另一种情况或状态,强调“变化”后的情况或状态。常见的有:turn,get,become,go,run,grow,come,fall等。The weather is getting quite warm.His complaints went unnoticed.

6、My blood ran cold with fear.The noise grew louder. become,get和go的用法辨析become和go主要指一个人暂时性的身心变化或永久性的自然变化。另外,become和get还可以用于指天气的变化或趋势。It is becoming/getting cold.Divorce is becoming/getting more common. go和come的用法辨析go 和come表示变化时,go主要指一种由强到弱或由好到坏的变化,如go deaf (变聋),go blind (变瞎),go hungry (挨饿)。而come主要指向好的方

7、面变化。如:Her wish came true. Everything came right. go,turn,grow,become和fall的用法辨析(1) go和turn可用于人或事物颜色的变化。 She went/turned blue with cold. (2) grow指“渐渐变得起来,长得”,主要表示逐渐变化,强调变化的过程。 The pollution problem is growing serious. (3) turn可指到达或超过某一年龄或时间。So next year you will turn 16. (4) become与turn后都可以接名词,become后

8、的单数名词前有冠词,turn后的单数名词前不加冠词。 He turned writer/became a writer after he graduated from a medical college. (5) fall指“进入(某种状态)”,后常接asleep,silent,ill,sick等。 The old men, unable to express himself, fell silent. make和run的用法辨析(1) make指“合计为;成为”,可表示某人或某物发生了某些变化。后接名词时,名词前通常加限定词。Two and two make four. Penny will

9、 make a very good teacher. (2) run表示“变成,进入状态”,后面接short,dry,low,high等词,主语多为能流动、能消耗掉的事物。The rivers were beginning to run dry.6. 终止性系动词常见的这类系动词是prove,来表达“证实”、“变成”之意。My advice proved wrong. The search proved difficult. 二、 使用系动词注意事项1. 有些动词既可以作系动词,又可作实义动词。遇到这种情况时,只能先根据其意思判断到底是前者还是后者,然后再对后面的词性和词义做出判断。以feel

10、一词为例:I felt it my duty to help others. I felt very hungry after a long walk. 2. 系动词无被动语态,且一般不用于进行时态中(变化类动词和feel除外)。 prove及感官类动词用主动语态表被动意义。As time went on, his theory proved true. 注意:有些从形式上看像进行时,实际上并不表示动作正在进行,而是表示“渐渐”的意思或一种感情色彩。Its getting dark. 3. 系动词后可接过去分词作表语,相当于被动语态。The beautiful girl got killed

11、last night.The room soon became crowded. 4. 系动词有延续性和非延续性的区别。 表示非延续性的系动词主要有turn,fall,become。He fell asleep two hours ago. 他两小时前睡着了。(两小时前的一个动作)He has been sleeping for two hours. 他已经睡了两个小时了。(维持了两小时的动作)5. 为了强调表语,同时保持句子平衡,当主语是名词时,可把表语提前,引起倒装。 So honest was the boy that everyone believed in him.Great hav

12、e been our achievements since we cooperated last year.根据上下文选择适当的系动词。A group of friends wanted to get together regularly to socialize and play games. The lady of the house (1) to prepare the meal. When it was time for Joe and Mary to be the hosts, Mary wanted to cook mushroom-covered steak. But it (2

13、) that mushrooms were too expensive. Then her husband Joe suggested picking up some mushrooms in the forest because he thought they would (3) good, too. But in response to the suggestion, Mary (4) silent. After a serious thought, she decided to have a try. She (5) dressed and went to pick some befor

14、e it (6) dark. Having washed them, she gave her dog a handful. All the evening she watched her dog and the wild mushrooms didnt (7) to affect it, so she decided to use them, believing that she would (8) a good cook.1. A. turned B. went C. was D. stayed2. A. looked B. thought C. appeared D. stayed 3. A. feel B. taste C. go D. seem4. A. proved B. looked C. remained D. felt5. A. turned B. stayed C. kept D. got6. A. came B. grew C. ran D. proved7. A. seem B. look C. taste D. feel8. A. turn B. stay C. make D. runKey:1-4 CCBC 5-8 DBAC


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