21 CFR 801 翻译稿中英文对照.pdf

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《21 CFR 801 翻译稿中英文对照.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《21 CFR 801 翻译稿中英文对照.pdf(17页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、801.1Medical devices; name and place of business of manufacturer, packer or distributor. 医疗器械,制造商、包装商或分销商的经营名称和地址医疗器械,制造商、包装商或分销商的经营名称和地址 (a)The label of a device in package form shall specify conspicuously the name and place of business of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor. 器械包装的标标识上应醒目地标明制造

2、商、包装商或分销商的经营名称和地址。 (b)(b) The requirement for declaration of the name of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor shall be deemed to be satisfied, in the case of a corporation, only by the actual corporate name which may be preceded or followed by the name of the particular division of the corporati

3、on. Abbreviations for Company, Incorporated, etc., may be used and The may be omitted. In the case of an individual, partnership, or association, the name under which the business is conducted shall be used. 对于制造商、包装商或分销商的名称,要提供公司的真实名称,在公司名称的前 后可列出该公司特定部门的名称。公司名称可以使用Company,Incorporated 等的缩写,其中的The可

4、以省略。对于个体企业、合伙企业、或社团法人来说, 应当给出开展经营活动时使用的名称。 (c)(c) Where a device is not manufactured by the person whose name appears on the label, the name shall be qualified by a phrase that reveals the connection such person has with such device; such as, Manufactured for _, Distributed by _, or any other wordin

5、g that expresses the facts. 如果包装标识的单位名称不是制造单位, 则应当对此名称加以限制, 以表明与此 标识上的单位与该产品的关系,可使用Manufactured for _,或 Distributed by _说明。 (d)(d) The statement of the place of business shall include the street address, city, State, and Zip Code; however, the street address may be omitted if it is shown in a curren

6、t city directory or telephone directory. The requirement for inclusion of the ZIP Code shall apply only to consumer commodity labels developed or revised after the effective date of this section. In the case of nonconsumer packages, the ZIP Code shall appear on either the label or the labeling (incl

7、uding the invoice). 经营地址的陈述应该包括州、市、街道和邮编, (如果该地址在当前的城市或电 话名录里可以查到,则可以省略) 。对于在本节内容生效之后开发或修改的消费 品,标签上要印有邮编,对于非消费品的包装来说,邮编可以印在外包装上, 也 可以印在其他地方,如发票上。 (e)(e) If a person manufactures, packs, or distributes a device at a place other than his principal place of business, the label may state the principal p

8、lace of business in lieu of the actual place where such device was manufactured or packed or is to be distributed, unless such statement would be misleading 如果某人不在经营地址生产、包装或分销器械,为了不引起误解,外包装上要陈 述主要的经营地址,而不是实际生产、包装及分销地址。 801.4Meaning of intended uses. 预期用途的含义预期用途的含义 The wordsintended usesor words of s

9、imilar import in 801.5, 801.119, and 801.122 refer to the objective intent of the persons legally responsible for the labeling of devices. The intent is determined by such persons expressions or may be shown by the circumstances surrounding the distribution of the article. This objective intent may,

10、 for example, be shown by labeling claims, advertising matter, or oral or written statements by such persons or their representatives. It may be shown by the circumstances that the article is, with the knowledge of such persons or their representatives, offered and used for a purpose for which it is

11、 neither labeled nor advertised. The intended uses of an article may change after it has been introduced into interstate commerce by its manufacturer. If, for example, a packer, distributor, or seller intends an article for different uses than those intended by the person from whom he received the d

12、evices, such packer, distributor, or seller is required to supply adequate labeling in accordance with the new intended uses. But if a manufacturer knows, or has knowledge of facts that would give him notice that a device introduced into interstate commerce by him is to be used for conditions, purpo

13、ses, or uses other than the ones for which he offers it, he is required to provide adequate labeling for such a device which accords with such other uses to which the article is to be put。 预期用途一词或者 801.8, 801.119 和 801.122 中类似的表述, 是指对器械 labeling 负法律责任的人的客观意图。 此意图由此法律负责人的表述或者由销售环境来决 定。此客户意图可能由 labeli

14、ng 上的声明,广告媒体,负责人或其口头或书面陈 述。 根据法律负责人及其代表的知识, 即使一些使用目的并没有在包装和广告上 提到, 这些目的也可以由产品所处使用环境显示。 产品被生产商引入到跨州的商 业区后预期用途可能会改变。例如,如果包装商、分销商或零售商希望改变产品 的预期用途时,他们需要提供新预期用途的充分的 labeling。但是如果制造商知 道,或者有知识了解到,跨州销售后会改变预期用途,则要提供充分的其他用途 的 labeling 的信息。 801.5Medical devices; adequate directions for use医疗器械;充分的使用说明医疗器械;充分的使

15、用说明 Adequate directions for usemeans directions under which the layman can use a device safely and for the purposes for which it is intended. Section 801.4 definesintended use.Directions for use may be inadequate because, among other reasons, of omission, in whole or in part, or incorrect specificat

16、ion of: 充分的使用说明是指,外行人可以参照此说明按照预期目的安全的使用器械 (801.4 部分定义了预期用途) 。 使用说明可能在以下原因产生的遗漏, 或不正确 导致使用说明不充分: (a)Statements of all conditions, purposes, or uses for which such device is intended, including conditions, purposes, or uses for which it is prescribed, recommended, or suggested in its oral, written, pr

17、inted, or graphic advertising, and conditions, purposes, or uses for which the device is commonly used; except that such statements shall not refer to conditions, uses, or purposes for which the device can be safely used only under the supervision of a practitioner licensed by law and for which it i

18、s advertised solely to such practitioner. 关于此器械所预期的所有条件、目的或者用途条件、目的或者用途的陈述,包括以口头、书面、印刷 或图表广告的方式来规定、推荐或者建议的器械条件、目的或用途条件、目的或用途,以及器械一 般的条件、 目的或用途条件、 目的或用途; 但不包括那些只在法律许可的专业人员监督指导下才能 安全使用的条件、用途、目的条件、用途、目的的陈述,也不包括在广告中仅对这类专业人员宣传 的器械的条件、用途或目的条件、用途或目的。 (b)Quantity of dose, including usual quantities for each

19、 of the uses for which it is intended and usual quantities for persons of different ages and different physical conditions. 使用剂量, 包括每次预期用途的一般剂量, 和不同年龄及不同身体条件的人的剂 量 (c)Frequency of administration or application. 使用或敷用频率 (d)Duration of administration or application. 使用或敷用时间长度 (e)Time of administration

20、 or application, in relation to time of meals, time of onset of symptoms, or other time factors. 使用或敷用时间,与用餐、症状发作或其他时间 因素的关系。 (f)Route or method of administration or application. 使用或敷用的途径和方法 (g)Preparation for use, i.e., adjustment of temperature, or other manipulation or process 使用准备,如温度调节,或其他操作或处理

21、 801.6Medical devices; misleading statements. 医疗器械;误导的陈述医疗器械;误导的陈述 Among representations in the labeling of a device which render such device misbranded is a false or misleading representation with respect to another device or a drug or food or cosmetic. 医疗器械的 Labeling 中,有些误导的陈述,他们有意指向另外一种器械或者药 品及食品

22、,使之混淆以引起误导。 801.15Medical devices; prominence of required label statements. 医疗器械;外包装上的突出陈述医疗器械;外包装上的突出陈述 (a)A word, statement, or other information required by or under authority of the act to appear on the label may lack that prominence and conspicuousness required by section 502(c) of the act by r

23、eason, among other reasons, of: 法规中要求在外包装上出现的词句,陈述或者其他信息有可能因为以下原因, 不 能按*502(C)条款的要求突出的显示出来: (1)The failure of such word, statement, or information to appear on the part or panel of the label which is presented or displayed under customary conditions of purchase; 这些词句、 陈述或信息出现的部位不明显, 在用户通常购买的条件下不容易暴露

24、 给用户; (2)The failure of such word, statement, or information to appear on two or more parts or panels of the label, each of which has sufficient space therefor, and each of which is so designed as to render it likely to be, under customary conditions of purchase, the part or panel displayed; 这些词句, 陈

25、述或信息出现的部位达不到两处或两处以上, 或者所显现的位置所 在的空间不够大, 以致他们不明显, 而以上这两种不足都是因为设计时故意如此 造成的;(举例显示空间太小不是由于像包装盒本身小这种客观原因造成的) (3)The failure of the label to extend over the area of the container or package available for such extension, so as to provide sufficient label space for the prominent placing of such word, statem

26、ent, or information; 外包装的标识部分没有充分占用包装盒上的空间, 导致没有突出显示法规要求的 词句,陈述或信息; (包装盒上有空间,但包装标识未占用,导致标识空间不足) (4)Insufficiency of label space for the prominent placing of such word, statement, or information, resulting from the use of label space for any word, statement, design, or device which is not required by

27、 or under authority of the act to appear on the label; 由于包装空间被其他法规不要求的信息占用, 从而导致法规要求的信息空间不足 未突出显示; (5)Insufficiency of label space for the placing of such word, statement, or information, resulting from the use of label space to give materially greater conspicuousness to any other word, statement, o

28、r information, or to any design or device; or 由于包装空间用于过度强调了其他的信息, 导致空间不足, 法规要求的信息未突 出显示; (6)Smallness or style of type in which such word, statement, or information appears, insufficient background contrast, obscuring designs or vignettes, or crowding with other written, printed, or graphic matter.

29、法规要求的这些词句、 陈述或信息字体太小, 风格不好, 或者与背景对比不明显, 设计模糊,或者与其他文字图案等混杂导致不显示不突出。 (b)No exemption depending on insufficiency of label space, as prescribed in regulations promulgated under section 502(b) of the act, shall apply if such insufficiency is caused by: 如 502(b)法案中规定,不能因为以下原因省略包装上的标识: (1)The use of label

30、space for any word, statement, design, or device which is not required by or under authority of the act to appear on the label; 在包装标识空间上填充了法规未要求的词句、陈述、设计或图样; (2)The use of label space to give greater conspicuousness to any word, statement, or other information than is required by section 502(c) of t

31、he act; or 包装标识空间上过分突出显示了 502(c)中不要求的信息; (3)The use of label space for any representation in a foreign language. 包装标识的空间被用作了外文的表述 (c) (1)All words, statements, and other information required by or under authority of the act to appear on the label or labeling shall appear thereon in the English langu

32、age: Provided,however,Thatinthecaseofarticlesdistributedsolelyinthe Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or in a Territory where the predominant language is one other than English, the predominant language may be substituted for English. 法规要求的所有的词句、陈述和其他信息都要用英文表述。但是,如果产品只卖 向波多黎各共和国或者其他非英语的美国边境国家,可以用当地的语言代替英

33、语。 (2)If the label contains any representation in a foreign language, all words, statements, and other information required by or under authority of the act to appear on the label shall appear thereon in the foreign language. 如果包装上的标识包含非英语的描述, 那么所有的法规要求的词句、 陈述和其他 的信息都要用这种语言表达。 (3)If the labeling con

34、tains any representation in a foreign language, all words, statements, and other information required by or under authority of the act to appear on the label or labeling shall appear on the labeling in the foreign language 如果 labeling 中含有非英文的表述,那么所有的法规要求的词句、陈述和其他的 信息都要在 labeling 中用这种语言表达。 801.16 Med

35、ical devices; Spanish-language version of certain required statements 医疗器械;特别要求陈述的西班牙语版本医疗器械;特别要求陈述的西班牙语版本 If devices restricted to prescription use only are labeled solely in Spanish for distribution in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico where Spanish is the predominant language, such labeling is auth

36、orized under 801.15(c). 如果医疗器械只限于处方器械, 且只用西班牙语在波多黎各共和国销售, labeling 遵从 801.15。 801.60Principal display panel. 主显示区域Principal display panel. 主显示区域 The termprincipal display panel, as it applies to over-the-counter devices in package form and as used in this part, means the part of a label that is most

37、 likely to be displayed, presented, shown, or examined under customary conditions of display for retail sale. The principal display panel shall be large enough to accommodate all the mandatory label information required to be placed thereon by this part with clarity and conspicuousness and without o

38、bscuring designs, vignettes, or crowding. Where packages bear alternate principal display panels, information required to be placed on the principal display panel shall be duplicated on each principal display panel. For the purpose of obtaining uniform type size in declaring the quantity of contents

39、 for all packages of substantially the same size, the termarea of the principal display panel means the area of the side or surface that bears the principal display panel, which area shall be:术语主要显示区域,是指在零售条件下,包装标识中最需要展示,显现, 显示或检查的部分, 如非处方器械的包装形式。 主要显示区域一定要有足够的空 间容纳 801 中所有强制的标识信息, 并且这些信息要突出, 不能有模糊的

40、图案花 样,亦不能杂乱无章。如果包装上有两个以上主要显示区域,则这些在主要显示 区域上的信息要复制到其他的区域内。 为了统一包装上主要显示区域上内容的格 式和尺寸, 主要显示区域的面积规定为主要显示区域的侧面或表面面积, 这个面 积应当: (a) In the case of a rectangular package where one entire side properly can be considered to be the principal display panel side, the product of the height times the width of that

41、side; 对于矩形包装, 一个完整的侧面可以被看作主显示区域, 侧面的高度乘以宽度是 面积; (b) In the case of a cylindrical or nearly cylindrical container, 40 percent of the product of the height of the container times the circumference; and 对于圆柱形或近似圆柱形的包装,包装的高乘上圆周再乘 40%为主显示区域的 面积; (c) In the case of any other shape of container, 40 percent

42、 of the total surface of the container: Provided, however, That where such container presents an obvious principal display panel such as the top of a triangular or circular package, the area shall consist of the entire top surface. In determining the area of the principal display panel, exclude tops

43、, bottoms, flanges at the tops and bottoms of cans, and shoulders and necks of bottles or jars. In the case of cylindrical or nearly cylindrical containers, information required by this part to appear on the principal display panel shall appear within that 40 percent of the circumference which is mo

44、st likely to be displayed, presented, shown, or examined under customary conditions of display for retail sale. 对于其他形状的包装,整个包装表面积的 40%为主显示区域的面积。但是如果 包装有一个明显的“主要显示区域” ,如三角形或圆形包装的顶部,整个上部表 面积都认为是主要显示区域。 在决定主要显示区域的面积时,要排除顶部、底部、边缘、以及罐子的顶部和底 部,瓶子的颈部和肩部。如果是圆柱形或者近似圆柱形的包装,这些信息要显示 在零售条件下最显著的 40%的主要显示区域内。 801.

45、61 Statement of identity. 身份陈述(识别陈述)身份陈述(识别陈述) (a) The principal display panel of an over-the-counter device in package form shall bear as one of its principal features a statement of the identity of the commodity. 以包装形式销售的非处方器械, 包装的主要显示区域内要有器械主要特征的身份 陈述。 (b) Such statement of identity shall be in t

46、erms of the common name of the device followed by an accurate statement of the principal intended action(s) of the device. Such statement shall be placed in direct conjunction with the most prominent display of the name and shall employ terms descriptive of the principal intended action(s). The indi

47、cations for use shall be included in the directions for use of the device, as required by section 502(f)(1) of the act and by the regulations in this part. 此身份陈述应该用产品通用名称表述, 通用名称后面跟上主要预期功能的精确描 述。身份陈述应该紧跟在器械名称后面,放在最显著的位置,并且要用描述性术 语描述主要预期用途。根据 502(f)(1)和本部分法规的要求,适应症也要包含在器 械的使用指导中。 (c) The statement of

48、 identity shall be presented in bold face type on the principal display panel, shall be in a size reasonably related to the most prominent printed matter on such panel, and shall be in lines generally parallel to the base on which the package rests as it is designed to be displayed. 身份陈述要用粗体字在主要显示区域

49、中陈述, 字体大小要合理且醒目, 成行排列, 且与设计包装盒时展示面的基底平行。 801.62 (a) The label of an over-the-counter device in package form shall bear a declaration of the net quantity of contents. This shall be expressed in the terms of weight, measure, numerical count, or a combination of numerical count and weight, measure, or size: Provided, That: 非处方器械的包装标识中要包含内容物净量的表达。并且用重量、尺寸、数量或 者他们的组合来表示。即: (1) In the case of a firmly established general consumer usage and trade custom of declaring the quantity of a device in terms of linear measure or measure of area, such respective term may be used. Such term s


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