Step by Step2000听力教程-4-答案Unit-12.pdf

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1、UnitUnitUnitUnit 12121212 ExtendingExtendingExtendingExtending LifeLifeLifeLifethroughthroughthroughthrough FunFunFunFun (II)(II)(II)(II) PartPartPartPartI I I IWarmingWarmingWarmingWarming upupupup A.A.A.A. A1.A1.A1.A1. First:First:First:First: kittens/cats Second:Second:Second:Second:snakes A2.A2.

2、A2.A2. First:First:First:First: sweet/playful/affectionate/toy mouse/curl up/sleep/ clean SecondSecondSecondSecond:unusual/revolting/slimy/dry/poisonous/move/fascinating /colors/patterns/beautiful Tapescript:Tapescript:Tapescript:Tapescript: 1.Well,they were really sweet little things-very playful a

3、nd affectionate. Ididnt mind looking after thematall. They used to play for hours with their toy mouse or just curl up and go to sleep in their basket. They were no trouble, no, and theyre very clean animals too. 2.Iknow itsabit unusual, butIreally like them.Ihave done ever sinceI saw them in the zo

4、o, asachild.Idont know why. Most people think theyre revolting. They imagine that theyre slimy to touch or something but thats not tree-theyre quitedry.Im not saying theyd makeagood pet or anything, andIwouldnt want to get too close to one of the poisonous ones, butIthink the way they moveisfascinat

5、ing. Some of them have colors and patterns which are really beautiful. 课后答案网 B.B.B.B.NowNowNowNow youyouyouyouarearearearegoinggoinggoinggoing toto toto hearhearhearhear fivefivefivefive peoplepeoplepeoplepeople talkingtalkingtalkingtalking aboutaboutaboutabout theirtheirtheirtheir hobbies.hobbies.h

6、obbies.hobbies. B1.B1.B1.B1. First:First:First:First: photography Secondecondecondecond:skiing Third:Third:Third:Third: horse riding FourthFourthFourthFourth:bird watching Fifth:Fifth:Fifth:Fifth: sailing B2B2B2B2. First: photograph/ stilllife/moving object/feelofequipment Second:amazing/equipment/s

7、afer/scenery/air/speed/exhilaration Third: powerful animal/relationship oftrust/skill/walk/gallop Fourth. 6,500 species/lookingatbirds Fifth: force ofwind/complicated/boats/navigation/essential skills TapescriptTapescriptTapescriptTapescript 1. The first partisto go out of your house and chooseasubj

8、ect matter to photograph, and that could range froma stilllife of some kind toa moving object such asaracing carorariot orsome street scene.Ilikethe feel oftheequipment whilst Im takingthephotograph. 2.WellIthink itsthemost amazing sport becauseI.I.Ifirst hadago about twenty-five years ago, and obvi

9、ously theequipment has changed quitealot inthetime since and its becomealot safer. Urn,thescenerys 课后答案网 absolutely superb andthe.theairis.iswonderful, andthespeed and theexhilaration.Yousleep well afteritAnd its . formeits justthebest sport 3.Ithink theres something rather special aboutitasahobby,

10、orasport, because with most hobbiesyoujust rely on yourself and maybe some equipment. Um, but here, youre depending on an animal and quitea powerful animalatthat. Soyouhave to build upaspecial relationship of trust between you. Andifyou.,if youdo build up that relationship of trust, andif youdevelop

11、 some skill, then theres enormous satisfaction and pleasurein whatyoucan dotogether, whether its walking quietly alonga lane or galloping over open countryside. 4. One ofthethingsIfind most interestingistherearesomething like six andahalf thousand different types of birds intheworld, thats six anda

12、half thousand species of birds, and its only inthelast fifty toahundred years, perhaps, that peoplehave started lookingatbirds as something beautiful to admire in their own setting. Prior to that,we atebirds.Westill do. Birds were shot and killedfortheir feathers, to put in hats, to decorate clothes

13、. Birds were used. Whereasnow,alot ofpeople who enjoy looking atbirds, simply dothat. 5.Youreusingtheforce ofthewind to get aroundovertheearths surface, aspeopledidtwo thousand years ago. Andithas been complicated- boats have become more complicated, and navigation equipment has 课后答案网 become electro

14、nic and complicated. But theseareluxuries. The essential skillsareexactlythesameasthey were two thousand years ago. AndI think thatsthe.thefun. C.C.C.C.ReadReadReadReadthethethethefollowingfollowingfollowingfollowing difficultdifficultdifficultdifficultsentencessentencessentencessentences andandanda

15、ndlistenlistenlistenlisten. 1.Ithinktheunique thing aboutabarbecueisthat no matter whereyougo in America, theyll haveadifferent recipe, so in some parts, theyll have tomatoes inthesauce, and in some parts, they wouldnt dream of having tomatoes inthesauce. 2. Whenyouworktheclay,ifboth hands usethesam

16、e strength,theclay willlook likeabulls head;ifboth hands use different strength,theclay willlook likeachrysanthemum. 3.Hehammersthepiton intotherock, loopshisequipment and slings aroundhisbody,and begins to climb;agraceful exercise wherehemoves freely up and alongtherock. 4.Youhave to think why your

17、e afraid.Imean,youhavea fearthats coming up, andthenice thing about this sportislearning to control fear, like, learning to . to just useitrather than haveitconsume you. PartPartPartPartII II II IINewNewNewNewfashionsfashionsfashionsfashions A.A.A.A. 1. Why domenin the Westlike barbecue? cavemen 2.

18、Whatis theunique thing about barbecue? 课后答案网 different recipe 3. Whatispotluck? party/everyone brings food 3. WhatsitlikeinBritain when people haveabarbecue? sky/rain Tapescript:Tapescript:Tapescript:Tapescript: R R R R - - - -RebeccaRebeccaRebeccaRebeccaE E E E ElynElynElynElynG G G G- - - -GuestGu

19、estGuestGuest E:Hi! Rememberwespentalldaypreparing that barbecue?Well,thetime iscome. Itsevening? R:Yeah.Andourguestsarecoming soon. E.Ihope yourehungry. R.Itremindsmeof growing upinTexas.InTexas, theyre very famousfor barbecue. Theyarevery serious about barbecue. And one thing thats interesting abo

20、ut grilling and barbecueisthat its oneform of cooking that men like to do.In theWest,in theU.S.inparticular,a lotof men dont cookatall. But oh,in thesummer, theyll go out and cookon thegrill. Theyll lightthecharcoal with fire and theyll putthemeat out there, just like they were cavemen. And of cours

21、ethewomenareusuallysettingthe table and makingthesalads and helpingalot, butthemen like tosay,I madethebarbecue. And they have special recipes; they have certain spicy chileorvery special sauce. Elyn, what doyouthink aboutall the different kinds ofsauces there are? 课后答案网 E.Ithinktheunique thing abou

22、tabarbecueisthat no matter whereyou goinAmerica, theyll haveadifferent recipe, soinsome parts, theyll have tomatoesin thesauce, andinsome parts, they wouldnt dream of having tomatoesin thesauce. (Itstrue.)Maybe they just have vinegar and spice Andinother places, they like to use wood., they like to

23、use wood to grillthemeat with. Andinother places, they like to usecharcoal. Charcoaliswood thats beencookeduntiltheres no moresmoke. R:Almost every cookbook, like thisAmerican cookbook, hasasectionon just preparing your vegetables and meats to goontothegrill, and how youshould doitcarefully so thati

24、tdoesnt burnyour food. E:This book has., this book has several pages of recipes, and one ofthe famous ones that they haveisribs,theribs ofthecow,and they especially like to cook ribsat abarbecue. Sometimes they likeawhole pig, dont they? R.If youhave enough people,say,forty people,youcould roastahug

25、e lamb,or awhole pigorsome large piece of meat, and that would servea big crowd. Some barbecues dont even useatable. Everyone goes toa park,say,onAmerican IndependenceDay,andyoumight have hundreds of people come, and everyone brings food. Its potluck. Remember that expression? And maybe someonewillm

26、akeahuge piece of meat, and peoplewill all sit on theground,and thats picnic style barbecue. E.And then maybeafterdinner,ifthey like it, they might haveasquare 课后答案网 dance. R.Yeah,musicordancing, singing perhaps, dependson ifyoure sitting on thegroundin aparkor at atableinsomeones backyard. Whatever

27、,a barbecueissupposed tobefun.Ihopeit istonight. E.Wellso youllget achance toseethis evening.Wegotaman to dothe barbecue. Soyouneed to knowtheright wordsifyoure coming toa barbecue.If youcome toabarbecue andyou seethe.,theguy there grillingthemeatyoucansay,Oh, macho! E:Whatdoyoulike bestaboutthebarb

28、ecue? G.Oh,Ilike salads, theyaregoodfor youandyoudont have to cook them. E:OK. E.Now,you arefrom Britain, whatsitlikeinBritain whenyouhavea barbecue? G:Well,inBritain, whenwehaveabarbecue,wealways have to watch theskytoseeifits going to rain. E:How about you?You.Iknowyoulike salads.Tonysaidyoudid (Y

29、eah) What doyoulikethebestaboutthebarbecue? G.Well,Ilikethebarbecue, because someone else always doesthe cooking. E.Well,ourbarbecueisdone, andwe are allvery full.Weveeatenalot, haventwe? 课后答案网 G.Yes,wehave. Itsbeenreally great. Thanks. G.Thankyoufor alovely barbecue. R.Itwasourpleasure,wehadagreat

30、time, but now its really starting to rain. Imafraidwehave to clean up. B.B.B.B. Tapescript:Tapescript:Tapescript:Tapescript: B1B1B1B1. As therhythm of urban life grows faster and faster,therearelots of new andfun things to do.Ourrecreationallifeisbecoming moreand more rich. Afteradays busy workorstu

31、dy, urban young people have different ideas about how to relax and enjoy their free time.Bars and disco hallsare notaspopularasthey were and another recreational activity-making pottery-has quietly appeared. Making pottery,anancient Chinese art,isno longer justforartists and craftsmen,but somethingf

32、or thecommon people.In thepottery studio,youcan makeanartistic work of your own withthehelp ofa pottery teacher,while listening to music.Youwillhavethejoy ofplaying with mud likeyou didwhenyouwereachild.Alsoyoucantalk withthe otherpotters, talk about yourcreationsorjust talk abouttheweather. Whenyou

33、 see theclay turning and forminginyour hands,you will feelcalm and forgetthetroublesyouhad thatday. 课后答案网 B2B2B2B2 ListenListenListenListen toto toto thethethethe secondsecondsecondsecondpartpartpartpartofofofof thethethethereportreportreportreport PutPutPutPutthethethethe potterypotterypotterypotte

34、ry- - - -makingmakingmakingmaking stepsstepsstepsstepsin in in inthethethetherightrightrightrightorderorderorderorder. ( 2 )Puttingtheclayon theturntable ( 9 )Goingto thekilntofiretheclay ( 8 )Coolingfor 3 or4days ( 1 )Mixingtheclay ( 4 )Dryingforafew days ( 7)Sculpting ( 5 )Smoothingorroundingtheed

35、ges (10)Painting with glaze ( 6)Polishing ( 3 )Throwing ( 11 )Firing again Tapescript:Tapescript:Tapescript:Tapescript: Wediscovered thattheproceduretomake potteryisnot simply playing with mud. Therearemany thingsto dolike mixingtheclay, polishingthepot,and sculpting. Mixingtheclayis afundamental st

36、epinmakingapot. The clay usedforpottery combines white kaolin and Beijing yellow clay together. Whenyouworktheclay,ifboth hands usethesame strength,the 课后答案网 claywilllook likeabulls head;ifboth hands use different strength,the claywilllook likeachrysanthemum. Whentheclayismixed well,itcan beputon th

37、ewheel. Thewheelis aroundturntable. Usingthewheeltomakeapot, called throwingapot,is themost important step duringthepottery making procedure. The form ofthepot dependsonhowyouuse your strength andthecoordination of your two hands. After dryingit afew days,youmaystillneedtosmooththepotor rounditsedge

38、. When its halfdry,youcan use toolstopolishit.Thenyou can use something hard, likeafilm canisteror aspoon,topolishthe surface ofthebodyinordertomake itsmooth andshiny.The moreyou polish yourbody,thesmootherit willbe. Whenyoufinish polishing,youcango tosculpting.Youneedto be patient and careful wheny

39、ou dothis.The half-done work shouldbeputin acool placefor 3 or 4days. Thenitcango to thekilnto befired.If you likeamore finished look,you canpaintitagain with some chemicals, called glaze, andfireitagain. Isntitpretty? Nowyouknow more about making pottery.Wouldntyouliketo try ityourself? PartPartPar

40、tPartIIIIIIIIIIIIRockRockRockRock climbingclimbingclimbingclimbing A.A.A.A. 1.Haveyou evertried rock climbing?Would you beinterestedin 课后答案网 practicing this sport? Whyorwhy not? 2.Whatsportsdo youconsiderphysically challenging? 3.When practicingadifficultordangerous sport, what mentalor emotional ch

41、allengesdoyouhaveto beprepared for? 4.Whenapersonisdevotedto asport, howdoesitaffecthislife? 5.Would youconsider rock climbingadangerous sport? Whatisrequired to be agoodrock climber? B.B.B.B. 1. Why hastheProvince of Alberta become hometosome ofthebest rockclimbersin theworld? theRockies/ over12,00

42、0 feet 2.whyare theCanadian Rockies very special? alotofwilderness/grizzly bear 3.How highisFirst Rock? How doesitcompare with other climbs Blanchard often does? First Rock: 25 meters/others:50 timesashigh 4.Whatis thepurpose oftheclimbing equipment? attach rocktorope/ropetobody 5.HowdidBlanchard fi

43、rst learntoclimb? Wheredid he do hisfirst climbing? reading/aroundhouse,i.e.,basement rafters, walls 6.How importantisrockclimbinginBlanchards life? 课后答案网 anintegralpart ofhislife/challenges/opportunities Tapescript:Tapescript:Tapescript:Tapescript: If youfollowtherugged spine oftheRockies north fro

44、m Colorado, themountains takeyouinto Canada. And there they rise out ofthe Canadian prairie likeahuge craggy wall.In theprovince of Alberta,the Rockies reach heights ofover12,000 feet. Its not surprising that thisarea has become hometosomeofthebestrockclimbersin theworld. Hereat thehead ofHeart Cree

45、k, Barry Blanchardismakinghisway throughanevergreen forest alongsidearushing creek. Heson hiswayto First Rock,afavorite practice spotforaccomplished rock climbers. Bianchard has climbedall over theworld,but findstheCanadian Rockies very special. Iguessthesituation hereisalotdifferent thanalotofother

46、 places. Forinstance,theItalian Dolomitesarevery similar geologicallyto the Rockies-sedimentary limestone, but,youknow,theculture aroundthe bottomisalotdifferent. Here,wehavealotof wilderness, andinItaly theres.theres none.IliveinAlberta largely because many oftheother mountain placesyoucan livein t

47、heworld, there just isntalotof wilderness.Imean, here,inthis valley,wecanseeagrizzly.InEurope, there hasntbeenabearthat sizeinalong, long time. First Rock, where Blanchard stopstobegin climbing,isabout 25 meters high. Itsanafternoons workoutforaman who often climbs rock 课后答案网 faces 50 times that hei

48、ght.As heunloadshisbackpack,heexplains that thepurpose ofclimbing equipmentis toattachtherockto therope, andthe ropeto hisbody. Okay, theresapiton hammer.Weuse thattodrivethespikes into therook. Youhadtotrustthose little things, pretty., pretty much, eh?Yeah,yeah, but,Imean, with.with experience, pu

49、tting eminand taking em out, you.learntojudge empretty well. Learningtojudge them.Inasportasdangerousasrock climbing,a climbing course would seemto be theonly waytobegin. Blanchard explains howhelearnedhiscraft. Well,forme,itwasalotof reading, actually and, got some equipment and basically practiced aroundthehouseinthe neighborhoodonbuildings and stuff. Aroundthehouse? Yeah,aroundthehouse.Iusedto. Literally climbingthewalls? Ah yeah, yeah.Yeah,climbingthebasement rafters. And, usedto have my brothersit onmy bedsothere was eno


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