仁爱版英语导学方案 U5T2SA.doc

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1、东明中学八年级英语导学预案课 题Unit 5 Topic 2Section A任课教师李玉凤总课时6第 2 周第 2 课时课型综合解决课日期2011.3.6教 学目 标1. Learn some new words and phrases.2. Master adverbial clauses of reason.3. Review the sentences about personal feelings and characters further.重 点The same to the learning goals.难 点1. Learn some new words and phrase

2、s.2. Master adverbial clauses of reason.关 键Master adverbial clauses of reason.教学 方法Reading; Speaking; Cooperation; Practice.教学准备Tape recorder 导学过程设计结构程序与时间教师行为预设期望学生行为二次设计Warming up 6Lead-in 3Pre-learning check 31.T: Whats your favorite movie, S1?T: Are the people in it happy or sad? Why?T: What hap

3、pened in the end?T: Why do you like it best?T:Can you tell us something about Beijing Opera?S2:Yes, 2. Recite the composition.2. Read the words and phrases for Ss1. Answer the questions.S1: My favorite movie is Love Me Once More, Mom.S1: They are sad because the mother lost her son.S1: The mother we

4、nt mad at last!S1: Because its very moving.2. Have a new words dictation.Presentation 12Show the learning goals 1Work alone 5Work in groups and Report 61. Present the learning goals in this class.2. Play the tape of 1a twice, one is for answering the question and the other is for practicing reading.

5、3. Join the students while they are reading and listen carefully, especially pay more attention to the weak students.4. Listen to the reporting carefully.1. Listen to 1 and answering the question: 1) Does Helen seem worried?2) Is Li Hong strict with herself?2. Listen to 1 again and follow, pay atten

6、tion to the pronunciation.3. Read 1a in roles in groups.Practice 16dationReport 5Work in groups 3Work alone81. Listen to the reporting carefully and give some cue, advice or explanation when it is necessary or discuss with the students together. Request the students to do some note if it is necessar

7、y and request them to get a habit of doing notes while others reporting gradually.2. Correct their answers in 2.3. Make an example to teach the adverbial clauses of reason.4. Check their answers in 2.1. Discuss the key points and difficulty or exchange the results from their own pre-learning in grou

8、ps.2. Listen carefully and write down the key points.3. Check their answers in 2 in groups.4. Make sentences according to 2.Consolid-ation 1116Work alone 5Summary 1Work alone 51. Play the tape of 3 for students.2. Check their answers in 3.3. Make a summary.4. Check their answers in the training list.1. Listen to 3 and fill in the blanks.2. Finish the training list alone.板书设计Unit 5 Feeling HappyTopic 2 I feel better now.Section AUseful expressions:Anything wrong? What seems to be the problem?do badly in be strict with sb in/about sthhave a talk with sb be worried about教学反思


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