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1、大学英语4 一、单项选择题(共15小题,每题3分,共45分) 1.The color of my umbrella is different from _ of yours.( )A.this B.that C.it D.one2.The old couple decided to _ a boy and a girl thoughthey had three children of their own. ( )A.adapt B.accept C.receive D.adopt3.She didnt see Smith, _.( )A.neither did I B.nor didnt I

2、C.neither I did D.so didnt I4.The problem _ at tomorrows meeting is a verydifficult one. ( )A.being discussed B.discussed C.to be discussed D.to discuss5.He doesnt know _ to stay or not. ( )A.whether B.if C.either D.if he will6.People appreciate_ with him because he has a goodsense of humor. ( )A.to

3、 work B.to have worked C.working D.have working7.We had some trouble _ the house and nobody seemed_ where it was. ( )A.in finding; knowing B.finding; to know C.to find; knowing D.to find; to know8.The meeting _ over, we all left the room. ( )A.is B.to be C.being D.would be9.I used to sleep with the

4、window _.( )A.opened B.open C.opening D.to open10. _ by the police, the kidnappers had no choicebut to surrender. ( )A.surrounded B.surrounding C.having surrounded D.to be surrounded11._ her mother had come, her face lit up. ( )A.Hearing B.Having heard C.When hearing D.When she heard12.It was _ he s

5、aid _ disappointed me. ( )A.what; that B.that; what C.that; when D.it; when13.I didnt go to t he concert. But I do wish I _ there. ( )A.was B.had been C.were D.went14._ no problems arise in those two bodies, thiscountry will be as stable as Mount Tai. ( )A.So that B.So long as C.As soon as D.So as t

6、o15.If she had worked harder, she _ the examinationyesterday. ( )A.would pass B.had passed C.pass D.would have passed二、阅读理解(共5小题,每题6分,共计30分)Welcome to the Franklin Business Institute E244 Conversational English class. The object of this course is to learn how to converse fluently and effectively in

7、English. For the next 10 weeks we will finely tune your skills in the art of debating and role-playing. We will also practice speech rhythm and diction with an emphasis on enunciation(清晰的发音) and specific speech problems faced by those who are studying English as a foreign language.Numerous discussio

8、ns on a wide variety of subjects will be held, including topics in business, fiction, travel, differences between Western and Chinese Culture, education and life experience.You will have many opportunities to give oral presentations and voice your opinions on the various topics that we plan to cover

9、. It is very important that you talk as much as you can. Dont wait for your instructor to ask you to speak. If you have a question, ask it. Additionally, if you have any questions about anything your fellow students say, please feel free to ask.1. What kind of the course is E244? ( )A. Its a composi

10、tion one. B. Its a conversational one. C. Its for listening skill. D. Its a grammar one.2. The purpose of this course is to make the students _.( )A. remember those unknown words B. know various rules of English grammarC. learn how to write their term papers D. express themselves fluently and effect

11、ively in English3. How long will the course take? ( )A. 5 weeks. B. 10 weeks. C. One month. D. Two months.4. Which topic will not be held during the study? ( )A. Education. B. Politics. C. Culture. D. Business.5. Its very important for those who take E244 to _.( )A. talk as much as they can B. prepa

12、re the course before the clasC. look up every unknown word and phrase D. recite each lesson三、英译汉(共5小题,每题5分,共计25分)1. To my amazement, there was a small piece of whiteness, shining softly like the mercury, even without moonshine. 2. For colleagues in the East, the pain is more likely to come through a

13、 pay cut. 3. In the Confucian societies of East Asia, individual differences in endowment are assumed to be modest, and differences in achievement are thought to be due largely to effort. 4. Researchers reported women who suppressed their anger felt more like swearing than men.5. It hadnt occurred t

14、o me that others hadnt figured it out. 大学英语4试卷答案一、单选1.B 2.D 3.A 4.C 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.C 9.B 10.A11.D 12.A 13.B 14.B 15.D 二、阅读理解1.B 2.D 3.B 4.B 5.A 三、英译汉1. 我甚是奇怪,没有月光,却有一块小小的白色,水银般柔和地亮着。 2. 对于东方同仁们来说,很可能是减薪带来的不快。 3. 在东亚的儒家社会中,人们认为天资方面的差别是不大的,一个人的成就的 大小很大程度上取决于自身的努力。 4. 调查者们报告说,那些抑制愤怒情绪的女性比男性更想破口大骂。 5. 当时我并不知道其他人没有意识到这一点。


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