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1、CD 1Unit 1 Act 1Questions concerning the content:1. Who is the main character of the film?2. What does she do?3. Who is the man waiting outside?4. Is it a successful performance? Why/Why not?5. What does the piano player decide to do? Why does he make such a decision?Act 21. Is Rebecca angry with Ma

2、tt? Why is she unhappy?2. What is the couple arguing about?Act 31. When Rebecca gets home, what does she find?2. Why does she seem very excited at her finding?3. What does she plan to do?4. Can you guess how many members are in her family? Who is the boy waken up by the noise of the video?5. Can you

3、 guess what Rebecca is going to do next?Unit 2Act 11. What is Rebecca doing?2. What is her brother complaining about?3. Why does the boy dress in such a strange way?4. Why is Rebecca worrying about her brother?5. Does her father agree with her plan to go to a music school?Act 21. What is Rebeccas da

4、ytime job?2. Why is she late for work?3. Why does Rebecca apply for so many schools?4. What is the name of Rebeccas friend?5. Does Sandy support Rebeccas idea?6. What is Sandys own dream?Act 31. Why does Kevin come home early?2. What does the father ask Kevin about?3. Does Kevin worry about his fina

5、l exams?4. Does Rebecca like Sandys boyfriend?5. What do they do at the bank?6. Does Kevin share his fathers attitude towards Rebeccas dream?Unit 3Act 11. When is the fathers appointment with a doctor?2. Whose name is Rebeccas father spelling?3. What is wrong with the father? What does Rebecca sugge

6、st her father to do?4. How does the father react to Rebeccas suggestion?5. What is the mood of the father? What are the factors that cause him to be in such a mood?6. How does the father think of music school? Why does he think that way?7. What does the father want Rebecca to learn? Why does Rebecca

7、 disagree with him?8. According to Rebecca, what is the mutual character of her father and her?Act 21. What happened to the fathers leg? 2. What was the fathers occupation? What has he lived on since the accident? 3. What is the fathers physical condition? What will his present condition probably le

8、ad to? 4. What does the doctor require Mr. Casey to do?5. Why is the father unwilling to tell the truth to Rebecca?6. When they call a taxi, what does Rebecca ask her father?7. Can you guess the meaning of the word “buzzer”? Who is waiting outside?Act 31. What is the situation?2. What does Rebecca m

9、ention to her friend? What is her friends reaction? 3. Is the friend married or not?4. What does Jack say to Rebecca and Sandy separately?5. What does Rebecca really what to say when Sandy expresses her desire to have a daughter?6. Why is Jack in a bad mood?7. Before Sandy leaves, what does she tell

10、 Rebecca to do?VocabularyAct 1pile up-To accumulate*peanut-A very small amount of money; a trifling sum. e.g. I havent got all day for this peanut case.Its always the same old storyThings are always the same老故事,不是什么新鲜事Act 2mad-Angry; resentful.He cant take it anymore.-He cant bear it anymore. bang o

11、nes head against the wall-You are doing sth. that is rather hard and maybe impossible to achieve.自讨苦吃,自不量力*make it-To achieve, produce, or attain*tough-Demanding or troubling; difficult e.g. a tough jobAct 3faculty-The teachers and instructors within a division.Unit 2Act 1fill out-To supply with mat

12、erial, such as writing, an inscription, or an illustration e.g. fill out a form*be out of -In or into a condition of no longer having e.g. Were out of coffee.coupon-A detachable part, as of a ticket or advertisement, that entitles the bearer to certain benefits, such as a cash refund or a gift.礼券Two

13、 for the price of one-买一赠一junk food-垃圾食品You drive me insane.-You make me mad. I cant stand you.*Math is a breeze-Something, such as a task, that is easy to do.Act 2*make it-To reach in timebackup-Extra; standbymake something of myself-change my life, achieve, succeed hit song-热门歌曲you are all heart-Y

14、ou are so kind.Act 3*How come?- For what reason or purpose; why:Give me a break.-Let me rest for a while. 让我休息一下Ill pass them all with flying colors.- Ill pass them easily and successfully.飘扬的旗帜,胜利,成功Kiss that money goodbye-You will not get the money back.*Be hard on sb.-be oppressive or unjusttelle

15、r-A bank employee who receives and pays out money.deposit-To put (money) in a bank or financial account.You never know.-Maybe not. 那可说不定, 那可难说。Unit 3Act 1*Put someone on edge-Make someone highly tense or nervous; irritable. e.g. The noise of the machine put me on edge.You bet!- Of course; surely.*ta

16、ke after-be alike e.g. The girl takes after her mother.Act 2put it-To express; stateWhatever you say-Ill listen to whatever you say.Act 3cookout-A meal cooked and served outdoors.gig-a musicians job for a certain period of timecheck-To rebuke; rebuff.责备DiscussionCD 1Rebecca1. How do you think of Reb

17、eccas dream? 2. Do you think she is realistic or not?3. Do you think she will realize her dream? 4. If you are in Rebeccas situation, can you be such a responsible person?5. Do you have any good idea to ease the heavy duty for Rebecca?Differences6. Can you describe the different character of Rebecca

18、 and Kevin?7. What would you do if your parents disagree with your plans?8. What is the difference between Rebecca and Sandy? How do you judge their own life styles?9. Do you think Sandy should go on with the relationship with Jack?Personal views10. What is your own dream? Is it a simple one or a bi

19、g and exciting one?11. If you dislike your best friends boyfriend/girlfriend, would you persuade your friend to leave him/her?Home work1. make up sentences 2. role play: Rebecca, Jack, Kevin and father, arguing about Rebeccas plan to go to a music school. Functional Activities: Getting to know each

20、otherIntroductionsResponsesMy name isVery pleased/ happy to meet you.Let me introduce myself.Im pleased to meet youClosed (these questions elicit Yes / No answers, and may be not very effective)Did you see that film on television? Do you live near here? Have you been here long?Open (these questions

21、should elicit a fuller answer)What about the country? Where do you spend your holidays?Statement (expressed to encourage a reaction)I dont like working late.We work a flexible-time system here.Starting later in the morning suits, me.ReactionsYes, I agree. Really?Thats interesting. Me, too.Reflection

22、sSo you think. ? I suppose you are. ?Vocabulary about the Name of Each Department: College of Shipbuilding Engineering 船舶工程学院College of Civil Engineering 建筑工程学院College of Power and Energy Engineering 动力与能源工程学院IntroductionIntroduce yourself to your classmates and name ( English name if you have), hobbies, hometown and major, etc. should be mentioned.


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