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1、爱华英语学校新概念(二)测试A卷班级:_ 姓名:_一、选出与划线部分读音不同的一项。(10分)1.( )A.grade B.thank C.name D.cake2. ( ) A.think B.bike C.this D.his 3. ( ) A.great B.head C.bread D.already4. ( ) A.wanted B.needed C.smiled D.planted5. ( ) A.home B.box C.not D.dog6. ( ) A.punish B.hurriedly C.conductor D.reputation7. ( ) A.church B.l

2、atch C.butcher D.school8. ( ) A.ought B.bright C.laugh D.weigh9. ( ) A.criticism B.obseroatory C.suppose D.instruct10.( )A.precaution B.question C.action D.reputation二英汉互译。(10分)1.fall to pieces 2怂勇某人做某事 3.fly off course 4.使某人蒙羞 5.be responsible for 6.没有意识到 plain of 8.拒绝做某事 9.seek out 10.攒钱 三选择题。(30分

3、)( )1. his carelessness, he didnt pass the exam. A.Because B.Because of C.As D.For( )2.He”s an expert computers.A.at B.on C with D.in ( )3.He” stayed in Bejing five days.A.at B.in C.for D.on( )4. She insisted going there herself.A.in B.of C.at D.on( )5.It was difficult because of the hard resin the

4、skin.A.covering B.covered C.which covered D.which covering( )6.As soon as I tool, Ill begin with the work.A.has B.had C.have D.will have( )7.The children enjoyed at the party.A.them B.they C.their D.themselves( )8.This film is worth .A.to see B.seeing C.see D.saw( )9.You should it, but you didnt.A.f

5、inish B.to finish C.have finished D.finishing( )10. He saved the baby the cost of his life.A.at B.on C.in Dof( )11.The boy blue T-shirt in my classmate.A.at B.on C.of D.in( )12. about the question for a moment ,I began to do my homework.A.Thought B.To think C.Thinking D.Thinks( )13. Be careful of th

6、e glass, or youll hurt you fingers.A.break B.breaking C.broke D.broken( )14.He go to bed I came back.A.not,until B.did,until C.didnt,until D.didnt,when( )15.I dont know how it.A.do B.to do C.doing D.does四用括号里所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1 (Tie) of cooking a meal, she often eats out.2.He came here three years ago

7、, now he is used to (live)here.3.I had my hair (cut) yesterday.4.Her great (faulty) is that she talks too much.5.I tried to (avoidance) meeting him because he always bored me.6.Lets walk along the (shade) side of the road.7.The policeman told the children (not play) in the street.8.Would you mind (

8、I, open) the window, please?9.I cant stop him from (tell) ties.10.Fancy (meet) you here.五用适当的介副词填空。(15分)1.Fish cant live water.2.The crash help the traffic in the city.3.We admire her his sense of language.4.The great fire was put at last.5.I forgot all the class because I was so tired.6.The drivers

9、 spent more time the cars than in them.7.This boy played traunt school.8.The little girl is good singing songs.9.He didnt agree you.10. our surprise, he failed the exam.六选词填空。(10分)1.Tom sat Jill and Jennifer(between/among).2. The murder was (hanged/hung).3.Please (say/tell) us a story.4.The governme

10、nt (have/has) taken strong measures against information.5.What does this blouse _(price/value/cost), please?6.When I _(grow/increase) up, I want to be a teacher.7.I couldnt stand the noise at first but I (am used to/used to) it now.8.Be (quiet/quite), Ill begin my class.9.It is raining (hardly/hard)

11、10.It”s nice to up in the morning ,but its nicer to (lie/lay)in bad.七句型转换。(10分)1.They didnt finish their work until the manager came back(同义句)They _ their work _ the manager came back .2.The little girl looks very lovely .she is in red dress (定语从句)The little girl _ is in look very lovely.3.James repaired the broken bike just now (被动语态)The broken bike by James just now .4.It he works hard . he catches up with others .(用if连接成语意通顺的句子) _5“Are you clear?” My teacher asked me(间接引语)My teacher asked me I clear.八.翻译句子(5分)1.我不但对语文感兴趣,也对英语感兴趣。_2.他们不如呆在家里好。_3.王刚经常逃学。_4.明天,我要去拜访我的爷爷奶奶。_5.每天,爸爸接送我上学。_


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