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1、新概念英语第一册测试题(Ll60)一、 填入下列单词中所缺的字母01.b_t_ _er 02.m_ _t 03.lam_ 04.h_sband 05.tr_th 06.b_ _f 07.tom_t_ 08.lett_ce 09.p_tato 10.p_ _r 11.p_ _ch 12.a_t_mn 13.Aug_st 14.cl_mate 15.w_ _m 16.J_ly 17.s_ _th 18.seas_n 19.s_bject 20.n_ght 二、根据句子的含义填入正确的单词,第一个字母已给出01.The Smiths l_ at 30 Heibei Road. 02.Mr.White

2、 g_ to work every day. 03.He a_ home early today. 04.He u_ reads newspaper in the evening. 05.They goes to s_ on foot every day. 06.At the m_,they are watching TV in the room. 07.Ann usually d_milk in the morning. 08.I want a l_ bottle of water. 09.Bob and Jack often play t_. 10. Sometimes,we have o

3、ur l_ at home.三、选出划线部分的读音与其他三个不同的选项( )01.A.butcher B.husband C.butter D.summer( )02.A.meat B.pea C.steak D.bean( )03.A.lamb B.cabbage C.January D.may( )04.A.climate B.windy C.winter D.Brazil( )05.A.truth B.either C.north D.south( )06.A.butcher B.chicken C.peach D.school( )07.A.cabbage B.egg C.August

4、 D.grape( )08.A.country B.house C.blouse D.hour( )09.A.snow B.brown C.flower D.how( )10.A.warm B.March C.car D.are四、用所给动词的适当形式填空01.The boy_(sit)under the tree now.02.Do you want_(some)meat today?03.What are you going to do?I_(paint)the bookcase.04.He_(like)spring best.05.It often_(rain)in summer.06.

5、Where_the girl _ (come) from? She_from Beijing.07.We are_.We come from_(Chinese,China).08.There are some_(policeman)in the park.09.Jim_(not like)coffee,but he_(like)tea.10.Look,the dog_(run)aftera cat.11.The dog_(run)after a cat now 12.Mr.Black goes to work on_(foot)every day.13.The children always

6、do_(they) homework at night.14.The boys_(play)in the gaarden now.15.She often_(watch)TV in the evening,but now,she_(read)the newspaper.16.Tim_(go)to school by bus every day.17.He usually_(arrive)at home at six oclock.18.I only have some small_(box).19.What_you_(go)to do? I_(go)to water the flowers.2

7、0. Give you your_(change).五、填入下列句子中所缺的单词01.Do you want apples_oranges?02._ _you come from? I_from Italy.03._ _the boy from? The boy_from Shanghai.04.She_peaches,but she doesnt like pears.05.Its always hot in summer,the sun_every day.06._ _the weather like in winter in Beijing?07._you like steak? Yes

8、,I_.08._seasons do you like best?09.The weather there_often hot in summer and it_sometimes.10. What is the climate_in that country?六、连成句子01.she,does,like,steak,not,either02.weather,like,the,what,today,is03.weather,the,is,often,in,warm,the,of,south,country,this04.it,always,hot,is,summer,and,in,someti

9、mes,rains,it05.Jim,is,comes,from,and,French,France,he06.every,she,drinks,coffee,morning07.at,moment,he,the,drinking,in,garden,tea,the,is,the08.the,boy,school,by,to,bus,goes,day,every09.Bill,usually,does,newpaper,night,at,read10.Tom,eat,and,Jack,their,together,lunch,often七、选出恰当的选项完成对话 (A)A.Does it of

10、ten snow in winter B.Whats your name C.Im ChineseD.Which season do you like best E.Where are you fromLi Ming:Hello,my name is Li Ming._1_?Jack: My name is Jack.Li Ming:How do you do?Jack: How do you do?Li Ming:_2_?Jack: Im from England.And you?Li Ming:_3_.I come from China.Jack: Whats the climate li

11、ke in your country?Li Ming:Its often cold in winter and hot in summer.Jack: _4_?Li Ming:No.In winter it often snows in North China,but it seldom(难得)snows in South China.Jack: _5_?Li Ming:I like summer best.I can swim in the river.Jack: Summer is my favourite season,too. (B)A.Do you want one B.I like

12、 blue best C.Give you the changeD.I want some pencils,please E.And I want a bottle of blue ink,tooAssistant:Can I help you?Man: _1_.Assistant:What colour do you like?Man: _2_.Assistant:Here you are.Man: _3_.Assistant:Sorry.I only have black ink._4_?Man: Yes,please.Assistant:Is that all?Man: Thats al

13、l.Assistant:Wait a moment._5_.Man: Thank you very much.八、判断下列句子是否正确,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”,并改正01.His mother clean the room every morning.02.They go to the school on foot every day.03.He usually reads newspaper after lunch.04.They dont doing their homework now.05.Mr.Black goes to work by a car every day.06.

14、She and her friend often drinks tea together.07.I want a envelope,please.08.I not have any writing papers.09.What else do you want?10.The boy playing in the garden.九、单词辨音( )01.A.kitchen B.right C.electric D.middle( )02.A.room B.cooker C.bedroom D.book( )03.A.untidy B.must C.put D.dust( )04.A.clothes

15、 B.thin C.thirsty D.thamk( )05.A.what B.where C.whose D.which( )06.A.yellow B.window C.how D.know( )07.A.grass B.after C.cat D.ask( )08.A.under B.run C.sun D.building( )09.A.blouse B.cloud C.young D.house( )10.A.type B.cry C.family D.sky十、用正确的介词填空01.The women are going the shop.(on/into)02.Our house

16、 is two village.(between/beside)03.The boats are going the bridge.(over/under)04.The children are jumping the wall.(out of/off)05.The cat is jumping the tree.(along/out of)十一、用正确的疑问词填空01.- is that young man?-Hes my brother.02.- is this cup?-Its my cup.Look,theres my name on it!03.- pens are on the d

17、esk?-The new ones.04.- is your new coat?-Its green.05.- is my pencil?-Its in your bag.06.- is her job?-Shes a keyboard operator.07.- are you today?-Im very well,thank you.08.- is your car?-Its a Ford.十二、英汉互译01.There is a table in the middle of the room.02.The armchairs are near the table.03.The pict

18、ures are on the wall.04.What about the dog?05.Sally is making the bed in the bedroom.06.桌子上有几本杂志07.打开房门,给房间通通风08.那只狗正在追赶一只猫09.飞机正在从河上飞过10.一些孩子正走出公园。十三、用单词的适当形式填空01.Excuse me!Is this (you) pencil?02.This is not (I) bike.03.Mary is a new student.She is (France).04.Here is (David) shirt.05.Paul is here

19、.That is (he) coat.06.Zhang Bin and Li Gang are (China).07.He is my (teacher) friend.08.I cant find (she) dress.09.Cindy has a lot of (orange).10.Peter is a good student.He always help (he) classmates.十四、改错01.I beg your parden.02.Thanks you very much.03.Alice is a new students.04.Whose shirt are tha

20、t?05.Is this you newspaper?十五、句型转换1.There are some watches on the table.(改为否定句)_2.There is a knife in the box.(改为复句)_3.There is an apple in the fridge.(对划线部分提问)_4.The boys are playing football in the park.(改为一般疑问句) _5.Mr. Zhang is my teacher.(改为一般疑问句) _6.This is your schoolbag.(变一般疑问句) _7.May I have

21、 your name please?(变同义句) _8.It is my new car.(变一般疑问句) _9. Im Chinese.(就划线部分提问) _10. This cup is Sandys.(就划线部分提问) _十六、英汉互译01.请把我的铅笔和橡皮拿给我。02.Here is your umbrella and your coat.03.这位是Wendy小姐,她是意大利人。04.Sophie is a new student.She is French.05.你是做什么工作的?我是工程师。06.What nationality are you?Im German.07.你今天

22、好吗?很好,谢谢你!08.Hows Tony?Hes very well,thank you!09.这是我的裙子,我的裙子是红色的。10.Perhaps it is.Bobs coats white.十七、用me,him,her,us或them填空01.Give the boy these pens.And give these pencils.02.Give Anna and me some magazines.And give some newspapers.03.Give the men these cigarettes.And give some glasses.04.Give her

23、 this blue book.And give that black one.05.Those are my books.Give my books,please.十八、单词辨音( )01.A.work B.short C.floor D.door( )02.A.cheese B.tree C.coffee D.tea( )03.A.garden B.park C.sharp D.sugar( )04.A.hammer B.make C.take D.favourite( )05.A.drop B.coffee C.chocolate D.tobacco( )06.A.brown B.how

24、 C.flower D.yellow( )07.A.vase B.father C.tobacco D.glass( )08.A.tie B.favourite C.dish D.listen( )09.A.front B.some C.drop D.another( )10.A.listen B.vase C.some D.send( )11.A.course B.your C.floor D.colour( )12.A.behind B.find C.lift D.like( )13.A.teapot B.hot C.boss D.honey( )14.A.minute B.jump C.

25、butter D.much( )15.A.want B.jam C.bag D.handwriting( )16.A.terrible B.egg C.kettle D.behind( )17.A.cheese B.employee C.sweet D.coffee( )18.A.ripe B.wine C.like D.terrible( )19.A.which B.school C.choice D.cheese( )20.A.brown B.now C.how D.know十九、用所给的词语组成句子01.George,hard,is,working .02.are,what,you,do

26、,going,to,now ?03.he,going,is,to,paint,white,the,bookcase .04.with,what,are,you,to,going,do,it ?05.put,not,it,here,do .06.that,milk,of,not,bottle,is,me,for .07.Mary,her,and,mother,washing,the,in,plates,the,are,kitchen 08.teapot,you,can,in,put,the,cupboard,the .09.boy,the,is,in,house,standing,front,o

27、f,the ?10. there,any,books,are,the,on,shelf ?二十、就划线部分提问01.He is my father.02.They are under the tree.03.I often watch TV after dinner.(晚饭后) 04.Lily swims in the swimming pool.(游泳池)05.Superman flies in the sky.06.I often brush my teeth in the evening.07.Alan likes to play with Bill.08.Joes father pla

28、ys badminton(羽毛球) every weekend.09.The supermarket is near the school.10. The laptop(笔记本电脑) is on the table.二一、判断正误。01.Tom is doing his homework.( )02.They are listening to radio.( )03.What are you going do now?( )04.Are your father going to paint the bookcase?( )05.There is not some milk in the bot

29、tle.( )06.Blue is I favourite colour.( )07.She is going to put the vase in front of window.( )08.This bottle of milk is for you.( )09.There is any water in the glass.( )10.She is waiting the bus.( )11.-Can the girl wash the dishes?-Yes,she does.( )12.Where is the newspapers?( )13.Are you want any bi

30、scuits?( )14.There is some bread on the table.( )15.I dont like sugar for my coffee.( )16.She is going to make the bed.( )17.Is there some water in the cup?( )18.The boy is sit beside his mother.( )19.I dont can type this letter.( )20.-Do you like tea?-Yes,I like.( )二二、英汉互译01.His grandfather is wate

31、ring the flower in the garden.02.Where are you going?03.Bill and his friend are listening to the radio.04.Are there any pencils on the desk?05.Can you read this letter for me?06.他们正在等公共汽车。07.我打算把这面墙漆成黄色。08.我不喜欢黑咖啡,我喜欢在咖啡里放奶。09.他能举起那只大箱子。10.你想要一个冰激凌吗?二三、用a、some.或any填空:1、I have _new bike. 2、There is _

32、milk in the glass. 3、Is there _bread in the kitchen. 4、I want _ _coffee. 5、There is _apple on the table.二四、用in、at、on、under填空:1、 Those books are _the shelf.2、 I have dinner _ the evening.3、 My father play basketball _Sunday.4、 They go fishing _ weekends.5、 There is a dog _ the table.二五、用恰当的词填空: 1. Th

33、ose girls arent Chinese. They come from Germany. Theyre _1_. 2. That is my English magazine. Give it to _2_, please. 3. - Is there _3_ milk on the table? - No, there isnt. 4. In our village all the shops arent _4_ at lunchtime. They are closed. 5. - Is that bag heavy? - No, it isnt. It is quite _5_.

34、 6. Helens computer is _6_ her closet. It doesnt work now. 7. - What are you _7_? - Im washing my clothes. 8. Ive got a bad cold. I think I must go and see a _8_. 9. The sun rises in the east and sets in the _9_. 10. My dad doesnt like bananas. I dont like bananas, _10_. 11. Are you going to the _11

35、_? We need some salt and a bottle of vinegar. 12. Mike is a sales rep, He _12_ bicycles at a big store. 13. As soon as the alarm clock rings every morning, I get up at _13_. 14. In the photograph we can see the little boy is standing _14_ her mother and her father. 15. I dont like milk in my coffee.

36、 I like _15_ coffee. 16. - Is that tin of tobacco _16_ me,? - Yes, but smoking is not good for our health. 17. I like sports very much. Swimming is my _17_ sport .I love it best. 18. In winter we often skate _18_ the river, because the ice there is very thick. 19. Look! The bedroom is dirty now. Let

37、s _19_ the floor. 20. Mr Smiths living room is very _20_. It can hold twenty people there. 二六为下列疑问句选择正确答语: ( ) 1. Whose shirt is this? ( ) 2. Come and see my new bedroom. ( ) 3. Who is this young man? ( ) 4. Whats the matter, children? ( ) 5. Where are my magazines? ( ) 6. What are the children doin

38、g? ( ) 7. Who are you going to see? ( ) 8. What are you going to do with those flowers? ( ) 9. Can you make the tea, Sam? ( ) 10.eres Pamela? ( ) 11 Do you want beef or lamb? ( ) 12 Is this your handbag, Alice? ( ) 13 How are you today? ( ) 14 Whats your job? ( ) 15 What colour are your new shoes? (

39、 ) 16 What are their jobs? ( ) 17 How do you do? ( ) 18 Wheres the teapot? I cant see it. ( ) 19 Whats the weather like here in winter? ( ) 20 What nationality are you? a. Its over there - behind the kettle. b. Were Chinese. c. No, my bag is blue. d. Yes, of course I can. e. Thank you, sir. f. Perhaps it is Tims. g. Its cold and it rains a lot. h. Theyre red. i. Neither, Mr


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