新职业英语 视听说1 Unit 2.pdf

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1、Unit Two Unit Two Office Office Teaching Plan In ClassIn Class Period 1: Period 1: Listening 2 (Task 1) Listening 1 (Task 1) Listening 2 (Task 1) Listening 1 (Task 1) Period 2: Period 2: Watching 1 Speaking 1 Listening 1 (Task 2) Watching 1 Speaking 1 Listening 1 (Task 2) Period 3: Period 3: Listeni

2、ng 2 (Task 2) Speaking 2Listening 2 (Task 2) Speaking 2 Period 4: Period 4: Watching 2 ProjectWatching 2 Project After ClassAfter Class Unit File + Supplementary ListeningUnit File + Supplementary Listening Learning Focus Knowledge:Knowledge: To build up the vocabulary about office work To get a gen

3、eral idea of the situations typically encountered in an office Skills:Skills: To grasp the vocational skills on handling office work make appointments handle files give instructions for operating office equipment make and answer phone calls talk about office routines know basic meeting procedures Ou

4、tline ListeningListening WatchingWatching SpeakingSpeaking Further Listening Further Listening Fun TimeFun Time 12 1 12 2 1 Listening 1-Task 1 WarmingWarming- -up up DiscussDiscuss withwith youryour partnerpartner andand listlist atat leastleast fourfour occasionsoccasions whenwhen youyou needneed t

5、oto makemake anan appointmentappointment. . Going to see a doctor Going to see a lawyer Going to see a business partner Going to visit a professor Going to have a physical examination Listening 1- Task 1 NewNew WordsWords (作为对于建议等的回答)好的/我同意(= all right) Its alrightalright here as long as you keep yo

6、ur nose clean. 只要你安分守己,这里就太平。 feeder n.进纸槽;送料器 The feederfeeder is out of paper. 送纸器没有纸了。 automatically ad.自动地 The supermarket doors shut automaticallyautomatically. 超市的门是自动关的。 Watching 1-Task 1 New Words thats why we make plans. A:A:In the business world, things are changing so fast. Time is money.

7、 Time is profit. If we dont take an opportunity, we might lose it forever. B:B:OK, I agree with you that we should take opportunities. When there is an emergency, we can work overtime, but we should not make it a routine. As the saying goes, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy”. If we work o

8、vertime every day, how can we enjoy our lives? A: A: Speaking 2 Work in groups. Form a group of 3-4 students. Each member chooses one topic/matter from the following agenda and makes one or several sentences orally. SunkissSunkiss BeveragesBeverages Sales Meeting Agenda Conference Room 9:00 a.m.11:3

9、0 a.m. November 2, 2011 1. Opening 2. Roll call (点名) 3. Introduction of a promotion plan 4. Date of the next meeting 5. Closing Speaking 2-III Sample 1.1. Opening:Opening: Since everyone is here, lets begin the meeting. / I call this meeting to order. / It seems everyone is here; lets get started. 2

10、. Roll call:2. Roll call: Susan, would you please call the roll? / Everyone is here except Lucy. 3. Introduction of a promotion plan:3. Introduction of a promotion plan: Lets start with reviewing our sales performance. / First, Id like to report on our promotion plan. 4. Date of the next meeting:4.

11、Date of the next meeting: Lets set a time for the next meeting. / The next meeting will be held next Monday. 5. Closing:5. Closing: Before we close, let me summarize the main points. / To summarize the result of our proposal, we see that two proposals have to be reconsidered. / So much for the meeti

12、ng today; lets call it a day. Speaking 2 Work in groups. Suppose one of your friends has just won an important award. Form a group of 3-4 students and plan a surprise party to celebrate it. Then choose one member to report your plan to the whole class. Your report should cover all or most of the fol

13、lowing aspects. Time: _ Place: _ People to invite: _ Things to buy/prepare: _ Budget: _ How to “surprise”: _ Speaking 2-IV Sample Edison, one of our friends, has won the first prize in a talent show. We plan to throw him a surprise party. The party will be held on Saturday night in our dormitory. So

14、me members of the guitar club who have helped Edison will be invited to the party. They will bring their guitars to the party. We will borrow an overhead projector. When Edison comes back to the dormitory, we will turn off the lights and play the video of the talent show and shout “Congratulations”.

15、 We will ask him to sing a song. Then members of the guitar club will take turns to perform. At the party, people will play guitar, sing songs, drink beer and chat. The budget for the party will be about 200 yuan. We are sure we will have a wonderful night and Edison will be very happy. Fun Time The

16、 Office. UKSeason 2 Episode1 Script Listening 1-Task 1 (After expressing their willingness to enter into business relations at a trade fair, Jack Black and Bruce Anderson want to set a time to discuss the details.) Jack:Jack:Well, Mr. Anderson, I was wondering if I could come and meet you at 3 p.m.

17、next Monday. Bruce:Bruce:Sorry, Mr. Black. I am afraid I have another appointment at that time. Jack: Jack: Then how about next Tuesday? Bruce:Bruce:I am afraid I might be attending an opening ceremony in the morning and going to a conference in the afternoon. Jack:Jack:Is Wednesday OK for you? Bruc

18、e:Bruce:Ill be leaving for Shanghai next Wednesday and probably wont be back until Friday afternoon. Look, why dont I call you back and set the time later? Jack:Jack:OK, let me tell you my telephone number. Bruce: Bruce: Oh, I have already got your number. Jack: Jack: Good, when can I expect your ca

19、ll then? Bruce:Bruce:Maybe in a week or so. Jack:Jack:Ill look forward to your call. Back Listening 1-Task 2 (With Bills help, Alice finally finds the files she was asked to look for.) Bill: Bill: Alice, have you found the files I asked for? Mr. Anderson needs those files before his meeting with Jac

20、k Black. Alice: Alice: Sorry, Bill. I couldnt find any information on Jack Black. Maybe we dont have the files in our department. Bill: Bill: I am quite sure that the information was filed. Do you know we use the alphabetical filing system? Alice: Alice: Yes. I have checked all the folders, but ther

21、e is no file on Jack Black. Bill: Bill: Have you tried Nova? Mr. Black is the CEO of that company. Sometimes, we file documents by company names. Alice: Alice: Oh, I didnt know that. Then I should look for the files under the heading “N”. Bill: Bill: Thats right! Alice: Alice: Oh, here they are! Are

22、 you looking for these? Bill: Bill: Let me have a look. Yes, thanks, Alice! Alice: Alice: You are welcome! Back Watching 1-Task 1 (Alice is asking Eric, a staff member from the Administration Department, to show her how to use the fax machine.) Alice: Alice: I need to fax this document to Nova. But

23、I have never used this type of fax machine before. Could you show me how to use it? Eric: Eric: Of course. Where is the document? Alice: Alice: Here it is. Two pages. Eric: Eric: Alright. First, you turn the document face up; put it into the feeder here. The machine will take the paper in automatica

24、lly. Alice: Alice: OK. Eric: Eric: Then you dial the number of the receiver on the keypad. Whats the number? Alice: Alice: Oh, its on this page, right here. Eric: Eric: Good, you dial the number, and wait for the signals. (Alice dials the number.) Eric: Eric: When you hear the signals, press the “Se

25、nd” button. It will automatically send the first page. Back Watching 1-Task 1 Alice: Alice: Do you mean the green button here? The “Start” button? Eric: Eric: Yes, thats right. When the first page is finished, theres a “beep”. You just need to feed in the second page. Alice: Alice: Do I need to pres

26、s the “Start” button again to send the second page? Eric: Eric: Oh no, thats not necessary. When the last page is sent, theres another beep, and youll see the display: FAX DONE. Thats it. Alice: Alice: I see. I think I can manage it now. Thanks a lot, Eric. Eric: Eric: You are welcome. Back Watching

27、 1-Task 2 (Alice is talking to Eric about purchasing some office suppliers.) Alice: Alice: Hi, Eric, we are running out of printer paper. Can we get some? Eric: Eric: Sure. Wait a moment, please. Ill get you some. Alice: Alice: Thanks. Oh, I think we also need some ballpoint pens. Eric: Eric: No pro

28、blem. This way, please! (They walk to the cabinet where the office supplies are stored.) Eric: Eric: We are planning to purchase some office supplies soon. Is there anything that your department wants to order? Alice: Alice: Yes, we also need some small articles, such as pins, clips, staples, eraser

29、s and sticky notes. Eric: Eric: Alice, would you please make a list of all the articles that your department needs? Alice: Alice: Thats a good idea. Ill talk to Bill and other colleagues in my department and give you the list tomorrow. Is that OK? Back Watching 1-Task 2 Eric: Eric: Sure! By the way,

30、 do you have any special requests? Alice: Alice: Oh, yes! Youve reminded me of something. I dont really like the pens we are using now. Theyre poor in quality and dont write smoothly. Can we change to another brand? Eric: Eric: Of course. Ill try to find some good quality pens. Maybe we should go to

31、 some other suppliers. Dont worry! Alice: Alice: Thats great! Ill give you the list tomorrow. Back Listening 2-Task 1 (Bill is calling Nova for a visit. Daphne is answering the phone.) Daphne:Daphne:This is Nova. Can I help you? Bill: Bill: Hello, this is Bill Smith from TAF. Can I speak to Mr. Blac

32、k? Daphne:Daphne:Oh, yes. Hold on, please! Bill: Bill: Thanks! Daphne: Daphne: Mr. Black, there is a Bill Smith on the phone. Jack:Jack:Put him through, please! (Daphne puts Bill through.) Jack: Jack: Hello, Mr. Smith! Bill:Bill:Hi, Mr. Black! I am calling to ask if you would like to see some sample

33、s of our products before your meeting with Mr. Anderson. Jack: Jack: Sure, of course. Id be very glad to see the samples. Back Listening 2-Task 1 Bill: Bill: Thats great! I am going to your city on a business trip tomorrow. Is it OK if I come to your office and show you the samples during my visit?

34、Jack: Jack: Yes, of course. What about the day after tomorrow? Say 10 oclock in the morning? Bill: Bill: Thanks. I look forward to seeing you then. Goodbye! Jack:Jack:Goodbye, Mr. Smith. Back Listening 2-Task 2 (As he is about to leave the office, Eric notices that Alice is going to work after-hours

35、 again.) Eric:Eric:Hi, Alice, are you going to work overtime again? Alice: Alice: Yes, I need to prepare some documents for tomorrows meeting. Eric: Eric: You seem to be very busy these days. How many hours do you work each day now? Alice:Alice:11 hours, 3 hours overtime each day. We are working on

36、the Nova project, you know. I believe things will be easier when its done. Eric: Eric: Goodness! Thats pretty tough! Be careful that you dont make yourself ill! Back Listening 2-Task 2 Alice: Alice: Well, its no problem for the moment. I am a newcomer, so this project is a good opportunity for me to

37、 get to know the company and our clients. Whats more, I can avoid traffic jams during the rush hours. Eric: Eric: You are so optimistic! I am jealous of youyoung, energetic, never becoming tired. How I miss my time of your age! Alice:Alice:I am jealous of you tooexperienced, wealthy, never becoming

38、worried! Eric: Eric: Ha-ha! The grass is always greener, so they say. Anyhow, take care! See you tomorrow. Alice:Alice:See you. Have a good time! Back Watching 2-Task 1 (Alice, Bill, Dave and Bruce are having a brief meeting, discussing issues concerning the Nova project.) Bruce: Bruce: OK. Everybod

39、y is here. Lets start. Our focus today is the Nova project. As you know, the CEO of Nova, Mr. Black, will come to our company next week. Hopefully, we can sign a contract during his visit. So, all the paperwork must be done before he comes. Bill, how is your proposal going? Bill: Bill: Its going qui

40、te well. I think I can finish it before this weekend. Bruce: Bruce: Good! We will discuss and finalize the proposal next Monday. Hows your meeting with Mr. Black? Does he like our products? Bill: Bill: Yes, he is quite satisfied with our products, but he doesnt really like the packing. Dave: Dave: O

41、h, yes. The packing is a problem. We are trying to improve it. The design is already finished. I am sure the new packing will be ready before Mr. Blacks visit next week. Back Watching 2-Task 1 Bruce:Bruce:Dave, please show me your design in my office after the meeting. Dave:Dave:OK. Bruce:Bruce:Alic

42、e, have you sent the necessary documents to Nova? Alice: Alice: Yes, Mr. Anderson. I have sent the materials about our company and our products to Nova. I have received feedback from them too. Do you want to take a look? Bruce: Bruce: Sure, thanks! (Alice passes the materials to Mr. Anderson.) Ill k

43、eep these. Have you made photocopies? Alice: Alice: Yes, I have. Bruce:Bruce:All right. It seems that everything is going well. Now, lets move on to the next issue: our client strategy for Nova Back Watching 2-Task 2 (At Bruces office.) Alice: Alice: May I come in? Bruce:Bruce:Sure, come in. Hi, Ali

44、ce, take a seat, please. Alice:Alice:Thanks! Mr. Anderson, Bill said you wanted to talk to me? Bruce:Bruce:Yes, about your work. Youve been doing quite an excellent job since you came to our company last month. Alice: Alice: Thanks! I think I still have a lot to learn. Bruce:Bruce:Well, thats true.

45、We have noticed you are working very hard and learning pretty fast. Alice:Alice:Thats because I got a lot of help from Bill and other colleagues. Bruce:Bruce:Alice, you know Bills assistant has left our company recently. So I am looking for someone to take her place. Are you interested in this posit

46、ion? Alice:Alice:Really? I would be honored to take this position. Ill try my best to do my job well. Back Watching 2-Task 2 Bruce: Bruce: Then, congratulations! You can start to work as his assistant tomorrow. Alice:Alice:Thank you! Mr. Anderson. (Alice walks out of Bruces office.) Eric:Eric:Alice,

47、 you look so excited. Any good news? AliceAlice: Yes. Mr. Anderson wants me to be Bills assistant. Eric:Eric:Congratulations! Alice, I think we need to throw you a party to celebrate your promotion. Alice:Alice:Thanks, Eric. Youre always so kind! Back Further Listening 1 A:A:WereWere havinghaving a

48、a departmentdepartment meetingmeeting atat 1010 oclock,oclock, OK?OK? B:B:ThatsThats finefine I I needneed toto pickpick upup somesome stationarystationary youyou know,know, a a stapler,stapler, scissors,scissors, files. Whofiles. Who shouldshould I seeI see aboutabout that?that? A:A:SeeSee Julie,Ju

49、lie, thethe receptionist.receptionist. SheShe knowsknows wherewhere allall thatthat stuffstuff is is kept.kept. YouYou mightmight likelike a a calendarcalendar for yourfor your desk.desk. SheShe cancan givegive youyou oneone ofof thosethose too.too. B:B:Thanks.Thanks. I I needneed toto makemake a a fewfew photocopies.photocopies. A:A:TheThe photocopierph


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