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1、 Gullivers TravelsWhen writing the experience in the country of Houyhnhnms, Jonathan Swift satirizes a lot of hideous phenomena and social figureslawyers, doctors, chief ministers and noble persons in chapter VI.I. LawyersAt the beginning of this chapter, the author mentions lawyers by using such wo

2、rds- perplex, disquiet, weary and injustice, totally the opposite what a lawyer should be like. When Gulliver tries to describe the reason why they do so many evil things, the horses just cant understand. Of course, for those civil horses who do things in a manner of justice and law, how can they un

3、derstand these indecent deeds. The sharp contrast between horses and yahoos strongly satirizes the degenerate society in England at that time, where there was no justice and equality at all. Money was the only thing those people chased throughout their life.Then the author talks about the money, the

4、 lust and the exploitation. By using hyperbole that “This whole globe of earth must be at least three times gone around, before one of our better female Yahoos could get her breakfast, or a cup to put it in” to satire the luxurious rich peoples ruthless persecution on the poor. Here Swift makes a lo

5、ng list of crimessuch as begging, robbing, stealing, by doing which poor people can seek their livelihood, making the life of lower class much more miserable.II. Doctors In the following paragraphs, Swift talks about diseases which have killed a large number of people, some even propagating to later

6、 generations. To cure these diseases, a magic tribe emerged. Just as the so-called lawyers Swift mentions at the very beginning, the doctors and their “miraculous” diagnostics follows to be satirized. In the authors description, doctors here never fail to predict their patients diseases, or they wou

7、ld make their predictions seemingly accurate by all meansdeadly poison or something like that. All in all, anyone who has been unluckily sentenced death by those doctors will soon die. “They are likewise of special use to husbands and wives who are grown weary of their mates, to eldest sons, to grea

8、t ministers of state, and often to princes.” In this sentence, here “they” refer to those death-like doctors. With the special help of them, people with some evil thoughts can achieve what they desperately expect. Very cleverly, by criticizing the doctors immorality, Swift also satirizes the social

9、ills like disloyalty between couples, betrayals among brothers and offices.III. Chief MinistersIn the next paragraph, Swift turns his sharp nib to the chief ministers. Those people are so hypocritical and deceptive that they discard all their human feelings, but to chase power, wealth and titlesas S

10、wift directly points out. No one can guess their true feelings. Here Swift uses several antitheses to show their hypocrisy. Truth for lie; lie as truth. Both praise and deformation are bad omens. Whats more, their promise resembles the curse.Then the author jokingly offers three methods about how to

11、 become a chief minister. Thats where the highlight is. “First, by knowing how with prudence to dispose of a wife, a daughter, or a sister; the second, by betraying or undermining his predecessor; and the third is, by a furious zeal in public assemblies against the corruptions of the court.” shows t

12、hat only by betrayal, conspiracy and something immoral can one become a chief minister. “The palace of a chief minister is a seminary to breed up others in his own trade.” By using metaphor, the author ironically criticizes the English chief ministers, who are dirty and corrupted.IV. Noble PersonsLa

13、st but not least, Jonathan Swift reveals the true figures of the nobility. The author takes Gulliver himselfwho is much healthier and cleaner than those Yahoos but born the lower class as an example to satire the noble persons. With odious diseases derived from lewd females and terrible personality

14、caused by being spoiled, they regard their unhealthy complexion as grace, and mock those robust persons instead. Their twist and reverse values actually reflect the deformed social value system at that time. Money worship leads them to marry those they dont love, even to give birth to malformed chil

15、dren. How ridiculous! “Without the consent of this illustrious body no law can be made, repealed, or altered, and these have the decision of our possessions without appeal.” At the end of the this part, the author again uses irony to mention that all the society is under the control of those both physically and psychologically ill persons, as implicates that the whole society is in the darkness of sickness.V. ConclusionJonathan Swift is a genius in sarcasm. Reading his novelGullivers Travels, one can find that every page is filled with his sharp sarcasm and irony.


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