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1、名词解释1. Prescriptive and Descriptive规定性的和描述性的Prescriptive and descriptive represent two kind of different types of linguistic study. If a linguistic study aims to describe and analyze the language people actually use, it is said to be descriptive; If the linguistic study aims to lay down rules for “c

2、orrect and standard” behavior in using language, it is said to be prescriptive.描述性的研究主要以观察和描述人们实际所使用的语言为目的。规定性的研究以制定语言使用的规范和标准为主要目的,即为使用者指出语言的标准用法,什么是正确的用法,什么是错误的用法,为语言使用者提供典范。2. Langue and Parole 语言和言语Langue refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community.La

3、ngue is the set of conventions and rules which language users all have to abide by. Parole refers to the realization of langue in actual use. Parole is the concrete use of the convention and the application of rules.语言是一种社会机制、是一种语言的理想形式、是为一个团体所有成员所接受的社会惯例的抽象的语言系统。言语是指语言体系在实际使用过程中的体现或者说具体化,具有个人特点并受语境

4、的约束。3. Competence and Performance 语言能力和语言运用Chomsky defines competence as the ideal users knowledge of the rules of his language, and performance the actual realization of this knowledge in linguistic communication.乔姆斯基将语言能力定义为理想的用户对自己语言的规则的认识,并在语言交际中体现了这方面的知识。语言运用是指一个人在自己的语言生成和理解过程中对语言知识的运用。4. Langu

5、age 语言Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.语言是人类交际中使用的任意性的语音符号系统。arbitrary a:rbtreri 随意的 vocal vokl 有声音的5. Phonetics fntks 语音学Phonetics refers to the study of the phonic medium of language; it is concerned with all the sounds that occur in the worlds language.

6、语音学:它是研究语言的声音媒介的学科,即研究人类语言中所使用的全部语音的学科。语音学研究的不是某一种特定的语言,而是用于所有人类的语音。phonic fa:nk 声学的,声音的,有声的 medium midim 媒介物,媒质6. International Phonetic Alphabet(IPA)国际英标IPA refers to a standardized and internationally accepted system of symbols used to represent the speech sounds used in communication; the princi

7、ple of IPA is to use one letter(taken from the major European language) to represent one sound.IPA是一种规范和国际公认的用来表示语音通信中使用的符号系统;IPA的原理是用一个字母(从欧洲主要语言)来代表一个声音。Standardized stnddazd 标准的,定型的Alphabet lfbt 字母表;字母系统;入门,初步7. Suprasegmental Features 超切分特征 Suprasegmental features refer to those phonological fea

8、tures occurring above the sound segment level. (The major suprasegmental features in English are stress and intonation.)超音切分特征指的是语音特征出现以上的音段层面。(英语中主要的超音段特征是重音和语调。)suprasegmental su:prsegmentl 超音段的segment sgmnt 环节;部分,段落phonological fnldkl 音系学的;(一种语言的)语音(或音位)体系的8. Derivation 派生词Derivation is an affixa

9、tional process that forms a word with a meaning and/or category distinct from that of its base. Once formed, derivation words become independent lexical items and receive their own entry in a speakers mental dictionary.派生词是一种词缀转化的过程,将一个词缀-前缀或后缀-附在一个基本词(base word)后,形成一个新的词,其词性可以改变,也可以不变。一旦形成,派生词成为独立的

10、词汇项目,并在一个演讲者的心理词典中获得自己的条目。affixational 词缀category ktg:ri 种类,类别distinct dstkt 明显的,清楚的lexical lkskl 词汇的9. Syntax sntks 语法;句法;句法规则分析A branch of linguistics that studies the system of rules and categories underlying sentence formation in human language, i.e. the study of how words combine to form senten

11、ces and the rules which govern the formation of sentences.研究人类语言句子构成规则和范畴系统的语言学分支,即研究词如何组成短语和句子以及构成的规则。 10. Surface structure表层结构The structure that results from applying transformational rules to a deep structure.通过对深层结构进行转换而得到的结构。11. Deep structure深层结构 Any structure generated by the phrase structur

12、e rules of a transformational grammar.由转换语法短语结构规则生成的结构。Generated 生成 phrase frez 短语12. Reference 所指Reference means what a linguistic form(语言形态) refers to in the real, physical world; it deals with the relationship between the linguistic element(语言要素) and the non-linguistic world(非语言世界) of experience.

13、“所指”是某一语言形式对现实世界中某一实体的指称。它涉及的语言要素和非语言世界的经验之间的关系。13. Conventional implicature 规约含义Conventional implicature is based on the conventional meaning of certain words in the language; or to put it in another way, conventional implicature is the implied meaning that can be inferred from the conventional mea

14、ning of certain words in the language.“规约含义”是指某些单词本身固有的、约定俗成的意义,不受语言外语境因素的影响。(书上的)“规约含义”是基于语言的某些词的传统意义或者把它以另一种方式表达出来。规约含义是隐含的意义,可以从语言中的某些词的传统意义推断。Implicature mplkt(r) 含义14. Standard dialect 标准语The standard variety is a superimposed, socially prestigious dialect of language. It is the language employ

15、ed by the government and judiciary system, used by the mass media, and taught in educational institution, including school setting where the language is taught as a foreign or second language.标准品语是一种叠加的、具有社会声望的方言。它是由政府和司法系统所使用的语言,由大众媒体使用,并在教育机构,包括由学校设置被教导作为外语或第二语言。Superimposed使叠加Prestigious prestds

16、受尊敬的,有声望的Judiciary dudieri 司法的15. Culture 文化Culture, in a broad sense, means integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior that is both a result of and integral to the human capacity for learning and transmitting knowledge to succeeding generation.In a narrow sense, culture may refer t

17、o local or specific practice, beliefs or customs, which can be manifested in folk culture, enterprise culture or food culture, etc.文化,广义地说,是人类知识、信仰和行为的总称,是人类学习和传承知识的结果,同时也有助于人类知识的代代相传。文化,狭义上说,是指一个地方性的或一种特别的做法。信仰或习俗,常见于民俗文化、企业文化或饮食文化。Integrated ntgretd 完整的;整体的;结合的Integral ntgrl 完整的;积分的;必须的Capacity kp

18、sti n.容量;才能;性能;生产能力adj.充其量的,最大限度的Manifest mnfst 显示16. Amalgamation 文化混合 mlgmenAmalgamation (or hybridization habrdazen ) occurs when a society becomes ethnically mixed in a way that represents a synthesis rather than the elimination or absorption of one group by another.文化混合是指不同种族的群体生活在一起,形成一种综合的文化,

19、既不是各种族的习俗被取消,也不是另一种族的习俗被接受,而是一种文化的混合。Ethnically enkl adv.人种上,民族上Synthesis snss n.综合Absorption bs:rpn n.吸收;专注;合并17. Language acquisition kwzn 母语习得Language acquisition refers to a childs acquisition of his mother tongue, i.e. how the child comes to understand and speak the language of his community. M

20、ost children acquire language quickly and effortlessly. It seems that their acquisition process is simple and straightforward and process at similar rate.母语习得是指孩子们如何习得他们的母语,他们如何理解并会说自己的母语。大多数儿童,不论其母语为何种语言,都可以很快地、毫不费力地学会自己的母语,而且他们语言发展的速度几乎同步。Tongue t 语言Community kmjunti 社区;社会团体;共同体Straightforward str

21、etf:rwrd 直截了当地;坦率地18. Critical Period Hypothesis hapa:ss(CHP)语言习得关键时期Eric Lenneberg, a biologist, on the basis of his observation of childrens ability to develop behaviors and knowledge in environments, argued that the Language Acquisition Device (LAD), like other biological functions, works success

22、fully only when it is stimulated at the right time a specific and limited time period for language acquisition which is referred to as the Critical Period Hypothesis (CHP).生理学家Eric Lenneber在对正常儿童语言行为和知识发展观察的基础上,提出语言习得机制(LAD)作为一种生理机能在合适的或特定的时期内才能正常发挥作用,这个时期称之为语言习得关键时期(CHP)。Stimulated stmjletd 起刺激作用,起

23、促进作用19. Interlanguage(IL), or learner language 中介语或学习者语言According to Selinkers definition(1972), interlanguage is defined as an abstract system of learners target language system. It has now been widely used to refer to the linguistic expressions(语言表达)learners produce, especially the wrong or not id

24、iomatic ones.中介语或学习者语言,根据Selinker(1972)的定义,是指学习者产出的第二语言或外语。现在它已经被广泛地用来指学习者产出的、与目标语标准形式有差异的语言。Idiomatic dimtk 符合语言习惯的,成语的;含有习语的20. Lateralization ltrlzen 偏侧优势Lateralization refers to the unilateral control over cognitive functions by either the left or the right side of the brain. For example, langua

25、ge is usually regarded to be controlled by the left hemisphere.大脑左半球对认知功能的单边控制称作偏侧优势。如:语言通常被认为由左脑控制。Unilateral junltrl 单边的,一方的;单方有义务的;片面的;仅由一方实行或承担的Cognitive ka:gntv 认知的;认识的Hemisphere hemsfr 半球;地球的半球;解大脑半球21. Pragmatic 语用学Language communication does not occur in a vacuum; it always occurs in a context. When the study of meaning is conducted, not in isolation, but in the context of language use, it becomes another branch of linguistic study called pragmatics.语言交流不会发生在真空中,它总是发生在一个上下文中。当意义的研究不是孤立的进行,而是在语言运用的语境中,它就成为语言学的另一个分支。Vacuum vkjum n.真空;空白;空虚;清洁Conducted kndktd 控制


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