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1、 北师大版五年级英语下词组总汇 班级_ 姓名_ Unit71 womens clothes 女人的衣服2 come back 回来3 meet him 迎接他4 with us 和我们一起5 go away 走开6 this time 这时7 have a look 看一看8 I think 我想9 look at 看10 go home 回家11 get the bag 拿书包12 see a movie 看电影13 read a book 读书14 take care of 照看15 ride horses 骑马16 go fishing 钓鱼17 every day 每天18 work

2、hard 努力学习,辛勤工作19 read books 读书20 next to 在旁边21 on the ground 在广场上22 that night 那晚23 in my dream 在我的梦里 Unit81. have a concert 举办音乐会2. on Childrens 在儿童节3. at the concert 在音乐会上4. play the piano 弹钢琴5. play the guitar 弹吉它6. play the drums 敲鼓7. have a big school concert 举行一个大型校音乐会8. for me 给我9. at the bea

3、ch 在海滩10. very well 非常棒11. go to the concert 去乐会12. have fun 很高兴13. visit Uncle Booky 拜访Book大叔14. go on vacation 去度假15. see a movie 看电影16. next week 下周17. go to the Beijing zoo 去北京动物园18. watch a football game 看足球赛19. go to a concert 去音乐会20. go to the science museum 去科技馆21. visit a friend 拜访朋友22. go

4、to see a movie 去看电影23. Monday to Friday 周一24. go to school 去学校25. drive cars 开车26. live on earth 住在地球27. live on mars 住在火星28. one day 一天29. make some money 挣钱30. make magic cloth 做神奇的衣服31. make a suit 做衣服32. make new friends 交朋友33. make a cake 做蛋糕 34. Christmas day 圣诞节35. new years day 新年36. eat lun

5、ch in a restaurant 在饭店吃午饭37. go to the movie 去影院38. play the piano 弹钢琴39. get up late on Sunday 周日晚起床40. write a letter 写信41. visit a friend 拜访 朋友42. make some cookies 做一些饼干43. go to a party 去 party 44. see a movie 看电影45. watch TV 看电视46. do homework 写作业47. go swimming 去游泳48. go to the library 去图书馆 U

6、nit 91: a big football game 一场大型的足球比赛2: between our school and the Bell School我们学校和Bell学校之间3: cheer for 为加油4: up and down 上上下下5: play very well 打得很好6: the first goal 进第一个球7: at the same time 在同时 8: run into the field 跑进球场9: did a beautiful head 打了一个很漂亮的头球10: at last 最后11: a big day 很棒的一天12: for us 为

7、/给我们13: play badminton 打羽毛球14: at our Sports Center 在我们的体育中心15: next to 在旁边16: last week 上周17: years old .岁18: on Saturday 在星期六19: at my school 在我的学校20: how often 多长时间一次21: favorite player 最喜欢的球员22: no problem 没问题23: the next day 第二天24: make the magic cloth 做神奇的布25: in the palace 在皇宫26: expensive si

8、lk 昂贵的丝绸27: stay in the room 待在屋里28: all day 整天29: very hard 非常努力30: one day 有一天31: to his surprise 令他惊讶的32: afraid 恐惧的33: ask for 要求34: a lot of 许多35: this morning 今天早上36: of course 当然37: how beautiful 多么漂亮38: couldnt see 看不见39: every day 每天40: after school 放学后41: between schools 在学校中间42: won the f

9、irst prize 赢得一等奖43: last year 去年 Unit 101 buy a book for him 为他买本书2 an animal storybook 一本动物故事书3 a comic book 一本连环画书4 a science book 一本科学书5 many colorful pictures 许多彩色的图片6 couldnt buy 不能买7 the most expensive book 最贵的书8 in the store 在书店9 finally 最终10 come back 回来11 decide to buy it 决定买它12 excited 兴奋1

10、3 reed the story 读故事14 I agree 我同意15 the most interesting story 最有趣的故事16 in the morning 在早上/在上午17 a funny dream 一个有趣的梦18 the biggest person 最大的人19 the smallest person 最小的人20 be sick 生病21 stay 停留22 at home 在家23 all weekend 所有在周末24 the most difficult 最难25 the most interesting 最有趣26 the most boring 最无聊

11、27 the most exciting 最令人兴奋28 worried 担心29 clever 聪明的30 enough 足够31 get(got) an idea 有一个主意32 into the room 进入房间33 be afraid 害怕的34 the most beautiful cloth 最漂亮的衣服35 be pleased 高兴的36 in the world 世界上37 best friends 最好的朋友38 like reading books 喜欢读书39 best wishes 最好的祝福40 favorite books 最喜欢的书41 subjects at

12、 school 学校的课程42 favorite class 最喜欢的课43 the most difficult class 最难的课44 the most interesting class 最有趣的课 Unit11 1 for Dad 为爸爸 2 a lot 许多 3 after that 最后 4 the first step 第1个步骤 5 add 1 cup of sugar 放一勺糖 6 want to 想要做某事 7 decide to 决定做某事 8 a liter of milk 一升牛奶 9 give we eggs 给我们鸡蛋 10 bake your cake 烘烤你

13、的蛋糕11 mix together 搅拌在一起12 go to bed 去睡觉 13 a cup of yogurt 一杯酸奶14 with a knife 用刀子15 a big bowl 一个大碗16 be happy 很高兴17 be puzzled 很惊讶18 more puzzled 更惊讶19 make cake 做蛋糕20 some butter 一些黄油21 Fathers Day 父亲节22 1kg of flour 1公斤面粉23 break two eggs 打2个鸡蛋24 1 cup of milk 1杯牛奶 Unit121 in town 在镇上2 get to 到达 3 eat out 外出吃饭 4 try out 尝试 5 take a boat 乘船 6 walk through 走过 7 sounds great 听起来很棒 8 all of the people 所有人9 at that time 在这时 10 there be 有11 begin to do something 开始做某事 12 become friends 成为朋友13 take a shower 淋浴14 take photos 照相


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