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1、? 2019 ? ?203 ? ? ? 1. ? ? 2. ? 2B ? ? ? A?B?C?D ? 10 ? 1 ? 10 ?) 1. History teaches us that such an imbalance between the economic, social and political realms can never be _ for very long. A. suspectedB. suspendedC. sustainedD. contained 2. If we succeed _ that, we would lay the foundation for an

2、age of global prosperity. A. in B. at C. on D. from 3. A genuine war documentary is under way, _. A. introduced by the American veteran soldier who shot the film in 1942 B. introducing by the American veteran soldier who shot the film in 1942 C. introducing by the American veteran soldier shot the f

3、ilm in 1942 D. introduced by the American veteran soldier shot the film in 1942 4. Roger, would you mind _ me the sugar? A. to pass B. passing C. passD. being passed 5. My son, seven years old, _ the Air Force. A. thinks high of B. thinks higher ofC. thinks more highly ofD. thinks highly of 6. Ameri

4、can transcendentalist, Ralph Waldo Emerson, places emphasis on _, as the most important thing in the universe. A. NatureB. OversoulC. ManD. God 7. _ is the only country that is also a continentOceania. A. The United Kingdom B. New Zealand C. AustraliaD. The Iceland 8. What essentially distinguishes

5、semantics and pragmatics is the notion of _. A. reference B. meaning C. antonym D. context 9. According to _, language is not a form of behavior, but an intricate rule-based system and a large part of language acquisition is the learning of this system. A. John Searle B. Johan Austin C. Noam Chomsky

6、D. M. A. K. Halliday 10. Socio-constructivist theory believes learning is best achieved through the dynamic interaction between _ and between learners. C. the teachers A. the teacher and the learner D. the teacher and teaching materials B. the learner and teaching materials ?What do you want? asked

7、the lady of the house. Parcel 14 , he recovered enough to reply, ?I want to read. Wont you give me a book? He left with a translation of Hamlet and was given permission to read the books in the households library. After several attempts 15 apprenticing him to a trade failed, he left for Copenhagen d

8、etermined to become a ballet dancer, a singer or an actor. At 14 Hans had a(n) 16 belief that God had a great destiny planned for him. His enthusiasm was such 17 he was successfully taken on as a pupil at the Royal Theatre 18 his grotesque appearance. He wrote poems and plays which he read to anyone

9、 who would listen and even those 19 to. His grammar and spelling were appalling but it became obvious that “Long Andersen” had potential if his talents 20 be contained and directed. 11. A. having B. had C. leaving D. left 12. A. good B. poor C. limit D. unlimited 13. A. filled B. tied C. put D. line

10、d 14. A. forgotten B. forgetting C. remembered D. remembering 15. A. in B. at C. on D. with 16. A. undetermined B. impersistent C. shakable D. unshakable 17. A. as B. if C. that D. which 18. A. despite B. though C. as for D. because of 19. A. willing B. unwilling C. want D. wanted C. the teachers D.

11、 the teacher and teaching materials !#$%?A/?BCD?EF39G 10 H9/IH9 1 J/G 10 J) Hans Christian Andersen was born in Odense in 1805. His father died when he was 11, 11 the boys mother to make a living as a washerwoman. He was a gangling, clumsy boy, laughed at by other children for his awkward appearance

12、. He had very 12 schooling. One day, when he delivered a parcel to earn a coin, the door of a house swung open to reveal walls 13 with books. Hans stared. 20. A. ought to B. should C. could D. would The Greeks and Romans commonly used gold as a medium of exchange. Most world trade continued to be ba

13、sed on gold until the nineteenth century. But then industrialization in Western Europe and the United States had boosted world trade to such an extent that gold reserves were no longer adequate to meet the requirements. Governments introduced a par value of their respective local currencies in gold.

14、 Thus, the currencies were related to one another through a system called the gold standard. The gold standard system determined the value of all currencies based on gold. This meant the values of different currencies could be compared in terms of one another. The system worked well until World War

15、I, when trade was interrupted. After the war, currencies fluctuated widely in terms of gold and, thus, in relation to each other. The value of currencies was meant to be regulated by supply and demand (the market mechanism), but speculators often interfered with this mechanism. So in an effort to cr

16、eate more stable exchange markets, some countries, notably the United States, England, and France, returned to the gold standard. Except for a brief period in the early 1930s, the United States stayed on the gold standard. By 1971 it was the only country whose currency remained convertible into gold

17、, and so, by declaring the dollar inconvertible, the gold standard was finally abolished. In 1944 toward the end of the World War II, the Western industrialized nations realized that foreign trade would be necessary to quickly and effectively heal the wound of war. To create a calm and stable foreig

18、n exchange market, the United States government called for a conference in the summer of 1944. It was held in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. At this conference, both the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development were established. 21. What is the b

19、est Chinese equivalent for “par value” (Line 4, Para. 2)? A. !#B. $!%?) A 10 B)C1B) 1 D/A 10 DE !# Without foreign exchange trading, international trade itself could not exist. In former times trade was based on barteringgoods were exchanged for other goods. The introduction of precious metals (i.e.

20、, gold and silver) to pay for goods can be considered the forerunner of the foreign exchange market. ? ? ? ? 10 ? 0.5 ? 5 ? 31. g? ? 32. n? ? 33. y? ? 34. hat? ? 35. written? ? 36. potato? ? 37. scissors? ? 38. laughter? 39. therefore? ? 40. volume? ? 26. The Old Man and the Sea was written in _ and

21、 published in _. A. Key West, 1952B. Cuba, 1952 C. Ketchum, 1953D. Cuba, 1953 27. How many books does the passage mention? A. OneB. Two C. ThreeD. Four 28. Which book was rewarded the Nobel Prize? A. A Farewell to ArmsB. The Sun Also Rises C. The Old Man and the Sea D. Three Stories and Ten Poems 29

22、. What can we infer from Paragraph 3? A. Hemingway was able to fish very well. B. Hemingway produced A Farewell to Arms based on his war experiences in Germany. C. In 1927 Hemingway was divorced from Pauline Pfeiffer. D. Hemingway married his first wife and settled in Key West. 30. According to the

23、passage, what is the book A Farewell to Arms mainly about? A. He was wounded by arms and returned home with painful memory. B. He covered the war between the Turks and the Greeks. C. He wanted to show the horrors of war so that readers would act to put an end to all wars. D. Not mentioned. Hemingway

24、 was born on July 21, 1899, in Oak Park, Illinois. His father was a doctor. His mother was a singer who had given up her career to marry. Hemingway was divorced from his first wife and married Pauline Pfeiffer in 1927. They lived in Key West, Florida, where Hemingway did a great deal of deep-sea fis

25、hing while working on A Farewell to Arms (1929). The book was based on his experiences in Italy. After it was published, the Hemingways went to Cuba for sport fishing. In later years Hemingway bought land in Cuba and lived there much of the time. In 1953 Hemingways short novel The Old Man and the Se

26、a (1952), about an old Cuban fisherman, was given a Pulitzer Prize. The book also brought Hemingway the Nobel Prize for literature in 1954. Hemingway had been living in Cuba but he left in 1960 and settled in Ketchum, Idaho. He was ill and depressed. On July 2, 1961, he shot himself. !# thcenturys m

27、ost important writers. His simple, direct style greatly Ernest Hemingway was one of the 20 influenced other writers. ? 5 ? 1 ? 5 ? 41. Task design is the core to decide whether TBLT (Task-based Language Teaching) is successful. There are four aspects a teacher needs to observe while designing tasks:

28、 they are objective of the task, _ of the task, ways of carrying out the task and the situation of carrying out the task. 42. A: Would you please lower your voice? The baby is sleeping. B: Sorry. In the dialog above, if “sorry” is said in a neutral tone, it indicates a normal apology. When we intend

29、 to indicate the meaning of “What did you say?”, we may apply a _ tone. 43. National English Curriculum points out that there are five aspects to be taught concerning knowledge of the English language; they are phonetics, grammar, vocabulary, _ and topics. 44. There are 3 stages in listening teachin

30、g, and listening for the gist belongs to _. 45. _ assessment focuses on the process of learning, that is, on assessing how well students understand, perform and make progress in the course of learning rather than on the final result of learning. ? 6 ? 10 ? ? 1 ? 5 ? 46. ? 47. ? 48. ? 49. ? 50. ? ?5

31、? 51. A scanner is a device a bit like a photocopier, which creates a digital image of a page and stores it on disk. These days most scanners can handle colour images, and they are beginning to come in quite a variety of shapes and sizes. Scanners used to be expensive pieces of professional equipmen

32、t; now, they are increasingly useful to the home or small business. ? 2 ? 5 ? 10 ? 52. ? ?2011 ? ? 53. !#$%?ABCD8EFG023HIJ23A?KALM04NOPQ4RSST 1UVWFGXY (08EZ ? 2 ? 10 ? 20 ? 54. ? ? Mr. Wright ? ? ?1? ?2?100 ? !#$%?7A3+BCDEAF GHIJ 78K:(LMNOPQRSTU7VWX783MXYZN 35 YJZ78_abbcd eJ78dfghijFGHI3klmnopJ ?7qr(20 stJ $%uv(?7$%wxy+z|( ?7A u?7 ?7B$%m# ?7HIj| ?7qrJ 55. Walking is healthy. !#$%?ABCDEFGHIJKLMN2


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