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1、_年级_班 姓名_ 考号:_密封线内不准答题注意:答卷书写要清晰、工整,卷面要干净;密封线内不准答题,否则按作废试卷处理。红 沙 河 小 学 期 终 试 卷五 年 级 英 语 拟卷人:许万梓题号一二三 四五六七八九十总分得分 一、 按要求写单词。(10分)1、woman(复数形式) 2、know(同音词) 3、fall(现在分词) 4、man(单数) 5、top(对应词) 6、easy(反义词) 7、twelve(序数词) 8、 left(对应词) 9、sun(形容词) 10、smile(近义词) 二、选择合适的字母组成单词。(10分)( ) 首都 capit A. al B. ey C. /

2、( ) 说 sp k A.ea B.ei C. ey ( ) 关于 ab t A. oa B.ou C.o( ) 来 c me A.a B.o C.u( ) 跳 j mp A.a B.e C.u三、选择题。(10分)( )1.1752翻译为英语为 .( )A.one seven five two B.one thousand seven hundred fifteen two C. one thousand eight hundred fifteen two( )2.LiMing need a tickt Shijiazhuang Beijing.Leave arrive B.arrive l

3、eaveC. from to ( )3.Is an airplane than a train. A. fast B.slow C. /( )4.I need a ticket Edmonton Calgary. A.from to B. to from C.go to ( )5. They are _than my father .A. old B. older C. younger( )6. _do you go to school ? By bike .A. How B. How old C. How many( )7. Is your father a teacher _a worke

4、r ?A. but B. or C. and( )8. This is _family . _like it .A. me , I B. my , I C. I , my( )9. _is he ? -He is eleven years old .A. How many B. How old C. What( )10. Look _this map .A. at B. in C. on四、英汉互译(10分) 1、arrive in Beijing 2、 in the train station 3、 take a picture 4、在邮局 5、指向 6、a cup of tea 7、the

5、 bottom of the enevlope 8、去散步 9、fly a kite 10、Be careful 五、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1、Li Ming , here is (a) apple for you.2、I want (have )some fruit.3、Li Ming and Danny (be) very hungry.4、I ( not) know where to go .5、Danny would like some (soup)6、Lets (drive) to the train station.7、Danny walks (slow) to s

6、chool.8、These are (woman). They are singing.9、“Who is hungry? (ask) Li Ming. 10、Jenny and Li Ming (be) slow.六、用下列所给的词填空。(8分) under, by, up, for, to , down , at, in1、 They live Shijiazhuang.2、May I talk Dannys mother?3、 I go to school bike.4、 Please stand , Tom.5、Look the photo.6、Sit ,please.7、Where

7、are your pens? Theyre my pencilbox.注意:答卷书写要清晰、工整,卷面要干净;密封线内不准答题,否则按作废试卷处理。密封线内不准答题注意:答卷书写要清晰、工整,卷面要干净;密封线内不准答题,否则按作废试卷处理。8、They are leaving Beijing on Monday morning.七、句型转换。(10分)1、Li Pings mother wants to go shopping.(对画线部分提问)。 wants to go shopping?2、 walk slowly, please.(改为否定句) slowly.3、Danny has a

8、 big panda.(对画线部分提问) Does Danny ?4、Its 5:00 now.(对画线部分提问) Is it now?5、这张明信片上有一张小猴子This postcard a little monkey it.6、Lucy can sing many songs,(改为一般疑问句) Lucy many songs?7、The park has many children.(改为同义句)。 many children the park.8、我可以帮你写明信片吗? I help you the postcard.9、I can fly a kite.(变为一般疑问句) fly

9、a kite?10、这本书多少钱? How much this ?八、口语运用。(10)()1.晚上睡觉前和父母晚安,说:A.Goodbye,MumandDad.B.Goodevening,MumandDad.C.Goodnight,MumandDad.()2.你想知道对方能否拼某个单词,你问:A.Whatsthis?B.Whatsit?C.Canyouspellit?()3.要值日生把教室打扫干净,你说:A.Cleantheclassroom,please.B.Cleanthechair,please.C.Comeandcleanit,please.()4.你想知道对方身体怎么样,说:A.H

10、aveaseat.B.Howareyou?C.Hownice!()5.想证实这是否是对方的猫,你问:A.Isthisyourcat?B.Whatsthis?C.Isthatacat? 九、匹配:在第二栏中选出第一栏的应答语。(12%)()1.Nicetomeetyou. A.No,itisnt.()2.Lookatthissharpener. B.Itsbrown.()3.WhatsthatinEnglish?C.Oh,hownice.()4.Isthisyourtoycar? D.Nicetomeetyou,too.()5.Whatcolourisyourbag?E.Itsapen.()6.Goodmorning,class. F Goodmorning,MissDing.十、连词成句。(10分)1、is, the, ten, stamp, yuan. 2 、I , may, picture, take, your. 3、 Danny, for, snack, a, buy, me. 4、needs, a , he, letter, his , for , stamp. 5、walk, Li Ming , down , and, the, Jenny, street.


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