pep六年级英语下Unit 2 Last weekend导学案.doc

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1、Unit 2 Last weekend单元导读 一、单元教材分析 本单元是义务教育PEP小学英语教科书六年级下册教材第二单元,中心话题是询问别人周末的活动安排,话题的选择符合教师教学和学生学习的实际。主要语言功能是能够运用过去式询问别人周末的活动安排以及对别人的询问做出回答。内容涉及电话、去 书店、书信等询问及描述自己过去的事情。本单元通过和别人分享过去的经历,培养学生合理安排周末的学习、娱乐和运动时间,使学生以愉快的心情来面对学习和生活。二、单元导学目标新 课 标 第 一 网 1、掌握重点单词短语和句型,通过掌握一般过去时,能对学生的上周的活动安排进行询问及做出回答,提高学生的语言能力。 2

2、、能在图片、手势、情景等提示的帮助下,听懂录音材料,并尝试复述课文。 3、掌握一般过去时的定义,构成及动词过去式的变化规律。 4、能询问对方过去所做的事情,并能用一般过去时表达自己所做过 的事。 5、通过与别人分享过去的经历增进人人之间的了解。 6、培养学生合理安排周末的学习,运动,娱乐等时间,使学生以愉快的心情来面对学习和生活。三、单元教学重点1、掌握“Lets learn”和“Lets talk”部分的“四会”单词和句子。2、能用句型“How was your weekend? It was good.”的句式谈论交通出行的用语,并准确熟练地运用于实际交流当中。3、能听懂、理解“Lets

3、talk”部分的对话,提升运用语言进行交际的能力。4、能读懂“Read and write”部分的短文,培养阅读技巧和阅读兴趣。 四、单元教学难点1、 重点的单词和短语。 2、学会运用一般过去时,掌握动词过去时态的变化规律。 五、单元课时划分本单元分六个课时进行教学第一课时:A部分 Lets learn Do a survey and report第二课时:A部分 Let,s try A Lets talk第三课时:B部分 Lets learn Look and talk第四课时:B部分 Lets try Lets talk 第五课时:B部分 Read and write第六课时:B部分 Le

4、ts check Lets wrap it up C部分Story time第七课时:Revision府一学区六年级英语下册Unit 2 Last weekend导学案周次第三周授课时间授课班级课型单词教学课 题 A Lets learn Do a survey and report课时The first period主备人杨虹执教者编号8学习目标1.四会单词或词组:cleaned ,washed ,watched ,stayed ,cleaned my room ,washed my clothes ,stayed at home ,watched TV.2.理解句子:How was you

5、r weekend ? It was fine ,thanks .What did you do ? I stayed at home and watched TV.3.学唱歌曲Last weekend.重点、难点1.重点:学习单词或词组以及句子。2.难点:掌握动词过去式的读音。步骤导学过程点拨、展讲要点自主学习 一、Revision: 1、Go over the words:young-younger,old-older,tall-taller,short-shorter,long-longer,small-smaller,big-bigger,stronger. 2、Free talk :

6、 T: Im 28. How old are you ? S: I m 12years old.Im younger than you . T: Im 1.65meters. How tall are you ? S: I m 1.61 metres. Im shorter than you .交流展示Step1 Presentation Lets learn1、 New phrases:cleaned ,washed ,watched ,stayed ,cleaned my room ,washed my clothes ,stayed at home ,watched TV.(1)T 板书

7、下列单词的原形clean ,wash ,watch,stay,并用I often clean my room /造句。(2)T 板书以上单词原形并且加ed后,用I cleaned my room /last weekend 造句。 ( 3 )学生观察两个词组的不同之处.T:eg:cleaned 是clean的过去式,当我们要表达过去发生的事情时,就要用动词的过去式,规则动词的过去式一般在原型后面加ed.cleaned的ed 发/d/. 师带读. ( 4 )用同样的方式教“stay/stayed at room,wash/washed my clothes,watch/watched TV.”.

8、 注意:washed,watched的ed 发/t/.2、T: How was your weekend ? S:It was fine ,thanks. T:What did you do ? S:I I stayed at home and watched TV.3、 Listen to the tape of Lets learn and follow it.Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建1.领读Lets learn 中的短语及句子,并纠正读音。2.自编chant,边做动作边chant :What did you do ? I cleaned my room. What did yo

9、u do ? I washed my clothes. What did you do ? I stayed at home. What did you do ? I watched TV. (注意:do 的过去式did ).3.教学Do survey and report :学生利用表格,进行问卷调查。4.学唱歌曲Last weekend检测评价1、 看图片,选词组。1_ 2._ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ Awatched TV B.stayed at home C.cleaned my room D. washed my clothes E. played football 二、写出下

10、列动词的过去式。1. wash_ 2.stay_ 3.watch_ 4.clean_ _三、读一读,选一选。( )1.你想问同学周末过得怎样,可以说:_.A. How was your weekend ? B. How old are you ? ( ) 2.你想问同学有多高,可以说:_. A.How heavy are you ? B.How old are you ? ( )3.你想告诉同学:你周末过得很好,可以说:_. A. Im taller than you . B. It was fine.( ) 4.你想问同学上周末做了什么?可以说_.A . What did you

11、do last weekend ?B.What are you going to do next weekend ?( )5.你想说:它比我们俩加起来还高,可以说:_.A.Its taller than both of us together. B.Its taller than the elephant. 课堂小结请同学们小组活动,回顾本节课所学到的知识,互相说一说你都知道哪些建筑物名称。课后反思府一学区六年级英语下册Unit 2 Last weekend导学案周次第三周授课时间授课班级课型对话教学课 题 A .Let,s try A Lets talk课时The second period

12、主备人杨虹执教者编号9学习目标1.复习单词或词组cleaned, washed, watched, stayed, cleaned my room, washed my clothes, stayed at home, watched TV。2.四会句子:How was your weekend ?It was good ,thank you .What did you do ?I stayed at home with your grandma .Did you do anything else? 3.三会单词:drank 、show .重点难点1.重点:掌握四会句子。2.难点:掌握一般过去

13、时的句式特点并能正确运用。步骤导学过程点拨、展讲要点自主学习预习温故1. Go over the old words and phrases : T : clean S:cleaned /cleaned my room T: watch S: watched/watch TV T: stay S: stayed/stayed at home T:wash S: washed/washed my clothes2.Free talk :T: What do you do on the weekend ? S: I often clean my room/T: What did you do? S

14、: I watched TV/.3.Chant together. X k B 1 . c o m交流展示Step1、warm-up1、T:How are you today ? Ss:Im fine,thanks.板书: T:How was your weekend ? Ss:It was good,thank you. (is 的过去式was,师生互答)2、T:What do you often do on the weekend ? Ss:I often watch TV.板书:T:What did you do last weekend?S: I stayed at home with

15、 your grandma.(教读)3、(1)单词:drink drank, drank是过去式,师带读,生跟读。引出喝茶 drink teadrank tea . I drank tea last weekend .(2)句子: T:出示Mikes爷爷奶奶喝茶、看电视的图片,What did they do ?引导学生答:They drank tea and watched TV,师板书并教读: We drank tea in the afternoon and watched TV。Step 2、Lets try先带领学生读题,解读题意,知道任务内容。然后播放录音,完成练习。再次播放录音,

16、生跟读录音对话。Step 3、Lets talk(1) 引导学生浏览对话,回答下列问题: What did mikes grandpa do lastweekend ? What did mike do ?X k B 1 . c o m(2) 分小组展示答案,并尝试翻译对话。(3)听录音,跟读Lets talk内容,注意纠正学生的发音(4)教读对话,分角色朗读。(5)学生灵活运用本课时单词、词组编对话。Eg:I washed my colthes/.(6)Listen to the tape of Lets talk and follow it. 检测评价一、读一读,选一选。( )1.How

17、was your weekend ? ( )2. How are you ? ( )3.I stayed at home with your grandma. ( )4.We drank tea in the afternoon and watched TV. ( )5.Did you do anything else ? A. 我们喝了下午茶还看了电视。B.你还做了其他什么事吗? C.你周末过得怎么样? D. 你好吗 E.我和你奶奶在家里。二、填一填,读一读,译一译。1.What _(do/did)you do last weekend ?2.I _ (stay/stayed)at home

18、 with my mother yesterday.3.How _ (is/was) your weekend ?4.Did you do _(anything/any)else ?5.We _(drink/drank)tea last Sunday.三看图片,选句子。 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5. _ A Mike cleaned his room last Sunday. B.Yao Ming is taller and stronger the man. C.This egg is bigger than that one. D.I drank tea in the aftern

19、oon. E.Chen Jie stayed at home yesterday . 课堂小结 请同学们自己回顾并汇报本节课学到了什么知识课后反思府一学区六年级英语下册Unit 2 Last weekend导学案周次第四周授课时间授课班级课型单词教学课 题 B Lets learn and Look and talk 课时The third period主备人杨虹执教者编号10学习目标1掌握四会单词、词组:had , slept, read, saw, last, yesterday, before, read a book, saw a film, had a cold.2理解认读句子:“

20、What did you do last weekend ? I saw a film. Did you like it ? Yes, I did .I t was great.”重点难点1重点:听、说、读、写四会单词和短语。 2难点:掌握不规则动词的过去式。步骤导学过程点拨、展讲要点自主学习1.Go over the words : cleaned, washed, watched, stayed, cleaned my room, washed my clothes, stayed at home, watched TV2.Free talk: T:How was your weekend

21、 ?S: It was good, thank you .T: What did you do ? S: I stayed at home and drank tea.T: Did you do anything else ? S: Yes, I cleaned my room and washed my clothes.交流展示Step 1. 新课内容展示Lets learn 1、教学单词have-had ,sleep- slept ,read-read ,see-saw和相关词组. 出示John感冒的图片T: John had a cold yesterday .So he didnt g

22、o to school .He slept all day .板书并教读:had a cold ,slept ,造句:I had a cold/read a book/saw a film/ last weekend. 同样方法教“read a book, saw a film”.2、板书呈现短语:last weekend/last night/last Monday/yesterday/the day before yesterday ,并告知学生所有与last相关的时间短语都是指过去的时间。T:What did you do last Monday ? S:What did you do

23、last Tuesday ? (用过去时间短语造句,可用开火车方式操练,)3、 师生共同操练句子T: What did you do last weekend ? S:I saw a film. T: Did you like it ? S:Yes ,I did .It was great.Step 2. 合作交流,师生共建1.领读Lets learn 中的短语及句子,并纠正读音。2.学生灵活运用本课时词组造句。3.Look and talk. T:What did John do yesterday ? S:He slept. T:Did he sleep yesterday ? S:Yes

24、,he did.检测评价一、写出下列动词的过去式。1. sleep_ 2. have _ 3. do _ 5 is_ 6.see_二、看图片,选词组。 1._ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._A stayed at home B. had a cold C. slept D. saw a film a book三根据中文提示,选短语完成句子。A. had a cold B. yesterday C. saw a film D. draw some pictures E. slept all day 1.My parents _(看电影)last night.2.S

25、ome children _(感冒)last month.3.Where did you go _ (昨天)? 4.Tom was very tired .So he _(睡了一整天).5.Im going to _(画画)in the park.课堂小结本节课你最大的收获是什么课后反思府一学区六年级英语下册Unit 2 Last weekend导学案周次第四周授课时间授课班级课型对话教学课 题B Lets try Lets talk课时The fourth period主备人杨虹执教者编号11学习目标1.掌握四会句子:I want to buy the new film magazine .

26、What did you do last weekend ? Did you see a film ? No, I had a cold .I stayed at home all weekend and slept.并能在实际情境中运用。2.能听说认读单词:magazine、better、faster.3.能够完成Lets try部分听录音选出正确答案。重点、难点1.重点:掌握四会句型, 流利朗读Lets talk 部分中对话.2.难点:magazine的发音。步骤导学过程点拨、展讲要点自主学习 1.Go over the old words: had ,slept, read, saw,

27、last, yesterday, before, read a book, saw a film, had a cold. Eg:T:have S:had ,had a cold,I had a cold. 2.Free talk T: How was your weekend ?S: It was good. T: What did you do last weekend ? S: I saw a film /. (替换练习)交流展示Step1、warm-up1. 教学单词magazine. fastfaster,goodbetter .T 出示杂志,Whats this ? Its a m

28、agazine. T:I want to go to the bookstore, I want to buy the new magazine.Im happy you feel better now. Its faster than walking .板书句子:Did you see a film ?-No, I had a cold. I stayed at home all weekend and slept.教读,帮助学生理解意思。Step 2、Lets try先带领学生读题,解读题意,知道任务内容。然后播放录音,完成练习。再次播放录音,生跟读录音对话。Step 3、Lets tal

29、k1、引导学生浏览对话,回答下列问题:(1) Did John see a film last weekend ? (2)What did he do ?2、分小组展示答案,并尝试翻译对话。3、听录音,跟读Lets talk内容,注意纠正学生的发音4、教读对话,分角色朗读。5、学生灵活运用本课时单词、词组编对话。6.、Read the dialogue together.Step 4. 合作交流,师生共建1.Role play.2.灵活运用本课时单词、词组及句子编对话。Eg:Lets . What did you do?3. Listen to the tape and finish Lets

30、 try. 检测评价一、看图片,选句子。A.They saw a film last night. B. John had a cold. C.He slept all day .D.She stayed at home last weekend . E.She read a book 1 ._ 2._ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _ 二、选择填空。 ( )1.-_you sing English songs yesterday ? -No,I didnt. A Do B Did C Will ( )2.They _ a flower show last weekend . A saw B se

31、eing C see ( )3.My father usually _ to work by car . A go B goes C going ( )4.I played the pipa _ . A tomorrow B every day C yesterday ( )5.We want to _the Great Wall . A visit B visits C visited ( )6.His schoolbag is _than mine . A cute B bigger C small 三、根据Lets talk 判断正(A)误(B)。 ( )1.Amy wants to b

32、uy the new magazine.( )2.John saw a film last weekend .( )3.John had a cold .( )4.They will go to the bookstore on foot.( )5.John stayed at home and slept all weekend.课堂小结请同学们小组活动,回顾本节课所学到的知识,互相说一说你都知道哪些建筑物名称。课后反思府一学区六年级英语下册Unit 2 Last weekend导学案周次第四周授课时间授课班级课型阅读教学课 题Read and write课时The fifth period

33、主备人杨虹执教者编号12学习目标1.三会单词:hotel, fixed ,broken, lamp ,loud ,enjoy, stay. 2. 能完成Read and write 的理解和练习题。重点难点1. 重点:理解Read and write。2. 难点:找出文章中所有的动词,并写出它们的原形。步骤导学过程点拨、展讲要点 自主学习Step 1.预习温故1.Go over the old words:全班抽读单词或词组had,slept,read,saw,last,yesterday,before,had a cold. 2.Make sentences :S1:I had a cold

34、 / last weekend .交流展示Step 2. 新课内容展示1.教学单词:hotel, lamp, broken, loud, enjoy, stay ,fixed .2.学生独立阅读课文,播放磁带,学生跟读,理解课文内容。3.全班共同理解以下句子:1)Our friend Robin cleaned our room and fixed a broken chair.2) My dad got some hamburgers from the hotel kitchen , but they were cold and bad.3) Im sorry, but we didnt e

35、njoy our stay very much.4. T play the tape again and Ss follow it .Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建 1. Finish the sentences that describe Pictures 13k ( 可选上 ).2. Circle all the verbs in the text and complete the table .3. Read and finish the letter.检测评价一、选出与正文意思相符的单词。( )1.旅馆 A hotel B home ( )2.更好的 A good B better

36、 ( )3.演出 A film B show( )4.台灯 A light B lamp ( )5. 更快的 A faster B lower ( )6. 喧闹的 A loud B broken 二、给下列问句找出正确的答句。( ) 1. How old are you ? A No ,I had a cold.( ) 2. What did you do yesterday ? B. It was fine , thanks.( ) 3. How was your weekend ? C. Im 12 years old.( ) 4. How tall are you ? D.I washe

37、d my clothes.( ) 5.Did you see a film ? E. Im 1.62 meters.三根据P18Read andwrite判断正(A)误(B).( ) 1.Wu Yifan and his family had a happy time at the Holiday Hotel.( ) 2.His father wanted to read a book but the lamp was small.( ) 3.The hamburgers were cold and tasted bad.( ) 4.Wu Yifan could watch TV at the

38、 hotel.( ) 5. Wu Yifan didnt sleep all night. 课堂小结请同学们自己回顾并汇报本节课学到了什么知识课后反思府一学区六年级英语下册Unit 2 Last weekend导学案周次第五周授课时间授课班级课型复习课课 题 Lets check Lets wrap it up Story time课时The sixth period主备人杨虹执教者编号13学习目标1.复习本单元的四会单词、词组及句子。2.能够独立完成Lets check/Lets wrap it up部分内容。3.理解Story time 中的故事。重点难点1.掌握本单元单词和句子。2.完成

39、相关练习并理解故事。X k B 1 . c o m步骤导学过程点拨、展讲要点自主学习Step1 : 预习温故读课本二单元单词和句子,师生互译交流展示Step 2. 新课内容展示1.Main scene(多操练)T: Do you play Weibo ? S :Yes.T:Lets look at Mikes and Johns Weibo .T: What did Mike/John do last weekend ? S:看微博回答问题。2.Listen to the tape of Main scene twice, repeat and translate .4. Listen to

40、the tape and finish Lets check.5. Finish Lets wrap it up .Step 3. 合作交流,师生共建Story time. 1)T: Zoom was very busy last weekend ? What did you he ? Lets see.2)观察主图,让学生阅读故事,了解故事大概,学生四人一组填写以下表格。 Zooms weekend Saturday morningSaturday afternoonSunday morninghttp:/ww w.xk Sunday afternoon检测评价一、选择填空。( )1. Di

41、d he _ the library on Tuesday ? A .clean B. cleaned C .cleaning ( )2.Tom visited his uncle _. A. now B .next week C .last weekend ( )3.My father _dinner at six oclock. A .washed B .cooked C. lived ( )4.It _good ,thank you . A .did B. are C .was( )5.-_did you go yesterday morning ? - I went to the library .A . Where B. What C .When 二、选择填空A .cleaned B. visited C. had D. last weekend E .saw新-课 -标- 第-一-网Mike was very busy _. He_ breakfast at seven oclock .He_ his bedroom at eight oclock. Then he _the zoo with his parents. He _many animals there. On the way home , they


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