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1、Join in三年级英语阶段能力测试 1、 按要求写出26个英语字母的大小写(25) 2、 算一算,写结果。(10) 18eight_ two+seven=_ ten-four=_ fivefive=_ 21seven=_ 32four=_ two4=_ tenfive=_threethree=_ zeronine=_ 3、 选出不同类的单词。(10) ( )1 A.book B.two C.pencil ( )2 A.six B.apple C.zero ( )3 A.dog B.cat C.skateboard ( )4 A.think B. brown C.grey ( )5 A.sit

2、 B.stand C.name ( )6 A.read B.red C.black ( )7 A.and B.arm C.hand ( )8 A.purple B.this C.green ( )9 A.blue B.sing C.guess ( )10 A.look B.horse C.jump 4、 根据句意,选择适合的答案(8) 1.英语老师来上课,他想让同学们都站起来,他应该说_ A. Good morning. B.Sit down. C. Stand up! 2.班里来了新同学,你想知道他的名字,应该怎么问_ A. Whats your name? B. Are you OK? C

3、.How are you? 3. 小明问“How are you?”你应该回答说_ A. Im ten. B. Im fine. C.Goodbye. 4.早上,你在校门口碰到老师时,你应该说_ A.Im OK. B.Good morning. C.Good afternoon. 5.“我的名字是John.”这句话,用英语怎么说_ A.Im OK. B. My is John. C.Im John. 6.当别人说“Nice to meet you”时,你应该说_ A.How are you? B.Nice to meet you,too. C.Im OK. 7.别人想知道你同桌的名字,应该怎么

4、问_ A. Whats his name? B.How is he? C.Are you John? 8.小明想告诉老师英语很简单,他应该怎么说_ A.Good morning. B.How are you today? C.English is easy.5、 根据句意,选择适合的答案(10) 1.-Hi,Im Toby! -_ A. Hello. B.Thank you. C. Good morning! D.Goodbye. 2.-What is your _? -Im Alice. A. colour B. number C. name D. today 3. -_ - My pen.

5、 A. Whats in the box? B. How are you today? C. How old are you? D.Are you ready? 4.-_ - 29825452. A.What s this? B.Whats your name? C.Whats your phone number? D.How many? 5.-_ -Im fine,thank you. A.Whats your name? B.How are you today? C.Whats this? D.Whats your phone number? 6-What _ is your house?

6、 -It is black. A.name B.number C.colour D. many 7-Goodbye,children. -_. A.No B. Goodbye C. Thank you D.My name is John 8-What colour is the egg? -_. A.Pink B.Red C.White D.Blue 9-What one and eight? -It is_. A.ten B.nine C.six D.five 10.我喜欢绿色和蓝色,用英语怎么说_ A.I like blue and yellow. B.I like black and g

7、reen. C.I like green and blue. D.I like green and brown. 6、 连词成句。(10)(句子开头单词的首字母要大写,注意横线后的标点。) 1. easy English is _. 2. join on and in come _.3. number whats phone your _? 4. the crayons box many in how _? 5. butterfly at look the _. 7、 读短文,完成题目。(10) (A) Oh! So many animals. One orange cat is on the

8、 bed. Two yellow cats are on the chair(椅子). Four birds (鸟)are in the box. One black cat is under(在下面) the desk(桌子). Three dogs are on the desk. 判断正误,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F” 1.There is one orange cat. ( ) 2.There are two yellow cats. ( ) 3.There are five birds. ( ) 4.There are two dogs. ( ) 5.Two orange cats

9、 are on the chair. ( ) (B) The clouds(云)are white. The trees(树) are green. The flowers(花) are yellow. The big(大) lake(湖) is blue. There is a purple bike(自行车) under a tree. Some children are rowing a boat(划船) on the lake. 根据短文填词 1. The clouds are_. 2. The trees are _. 3. The _ is blue. 4. There is a

10、purple_ under a tree. 5. Some children are _a boat on the lake. 8、 读出下列句子,并写出汉语意思。(17) 1. Im Miss Williams. _ 2. Whats your name? _ 3. Stand up. _ 4. Sit down. _5. Say hello. _ 6. Im Alice. _7. Come on and join in. _8. Are you ready? _9. Lets begin. _ 10. Im Toby. _11. Good morning._ 12. How are you today? _


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