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1、说明文与议论文写作指导项 目说 明 文议 论 文 素 材.请你围绕“如何帮助学习有困难的同学”这一话题展开思路谈谈你的感想。 .请你围绕“中学生该不该帮助学习有困难的同学”这一话题展开思路谈谈你的感想。 信息点如何,帮助,学习有困难的同学(中学生),该(不该)帮助,学习有困难的同学题 目HOW TO HELP THE STUDENTS WHO HAVE TROUBLE IN STUDYING WE SHOULD HELP THE STUDENTSWHO HAVE TROUBLE IN STUDYING人称、时态第一人称we;一般现在时或一般将来时首 段引出话题+说明文体句+过渡下文引出话题+提

2、出观点(+过渡下文) Help is the sunlight lightening the unknown world in front of us. Help is the step stones leading us to the goals we have already set up. No matter who will have difficulties at any time, help is so necessary for everyone. How can we do as much as we can to help the students who have trou

3、ble in studying.(文体句). Here are my suggestions.(启下句) Help is the sunlight lightening the unknown world in front of us. Help is the step stones leading us to the goals we have already set up. No matter who will have difficulties at any time, help is so necessary for everyone. In my opinion, we should

4、 do as much as we can to help the students who have trouble in studying as a student in Middle School.(文体句). Here are my reasons.(启下句) 中 段主题句句式统一,提出方法(避免用should,多用祈使句等);拓展句着重解释how,并体现益处(拓展句数量不少于两句,句式多样,说明方法多样)主题句句式统一,体现观点;拓展句着重解释why,并体现意义(拓展句数量不少于两句,句式多样,论证方法多样) First, help them set up the easier go

5、al that they can achieve. The goal too high and the progress in a hurry only come to the result of having trouble in studying.So in the daily lives and studying they should achieve the learning goal step by step. After they make a little progress, they will go nearer to their last goal.Second, help

6、them develop a good habit that is useful for their learning. Good habits can improve grades. Pre-class, they should prepare relevant learning tools,such as: markers, notebook, ruler, books etc. for the lesson. In the class, they should listen to the teacher carefully and write down the note when the

7、y cant understand the knowledge then ask the teacher or classmates immediately out of the class. As the saying goes, “Excellence isnt an action, but a habit.” Good habits are the first step to success for the students who have trouble in studying. Third ,help them overcome the inferiority (自卑)that i

8、s in their hearts .The students who have trouble in studying have strong inferiority more or less.So let them increase confidence and believe their abilities. Let them believe their own strength and function. They need to tell themselves: “I can, I can study well, as long as I work hard every class,

9、 every day, every week and every term, the success will belong to me!” The person with enough confidence will be the strongest one on the earth. First, helping them means helping them save their time. As the saying goes,Time and tide wait for no man. We are already the students in Grade Nine. Time i

10、s so important for us now. But for the ones who are short of ability of studying, they dont always use the limited time well to complete work left by teachers. Its a pity that time isnt always enough for them. So saving their time is helping them to get closer to their dreams. Second, helping them m

11、eans making our friendship deeper. Friendship is like flowers needed watering. As students in Grade Nine, we dont have enough time to communicate with each other.During the period of communication, something that doesnt need expressing will be understood by us and our friendship must get much deeper

12、 and deeper. I believe we cant forget such a beautiful memory even if we graduate from our school. Third, helping them means helping ourselves. Because we will be faced with the entrance exam to a senior high school, we have to go on studying all the time. But at this time, we find its terrible for

13、us to remember less and less.Teaching others teaches ourselves. Actually, we consolidate the knowledge and check ourselves by helping the students who meet problems. Its a good way to review for the students in Grade Nine. 尾 段 总结全文+深化主题+提出号召重申论点+升华主题+提出号召 These are my suggestions about how to help t

14、he students who have trouble in studying. Without the beach, we dont enjoy the sea. Without the sun, the moon isnt beautiful, either. Without the help from each other , we also lose warmth. Helping others is the virtue of the Chinese nation. Especially for the ones who meet difficulties in studying

15、, help is far more important. Lets give others help who need help! In a word, helping the students who have difficulty in studying can bring us a lot of benefits. Without the beach, we dont enjoy the sea. Without the sun, the moon isnt beautiful, either. Without the help from each other , we also lo

16、se warmth. Helping others is the virtue of the Chinese nation. Especially for the ones who meet difficulties in studying , help is far more important. Lets give others help who need help!说明文与议论文评分标准项 目说 明 文议 论 文原题再现 请你围绕中学生如何阅读英语文章(article)这一话题展开思路谈谈你的感想。 请你围绕中学生该不该写作业时听音乐这一话题展开思路谈谈你的感想。评分标准一等文:(12-

17、 15分)文章结构合理,说明/论证条理清晰。语言丰富优美、语法准确、信息完整、可读性强。 二等文:(911分)注意文章结构,但说明/论证条理不够清晰。语言较流畅、能用完整的句式,有些语法错误,但不影响意思表达,可读性较好。三等文:(68分)文章结构不合理,语言表达不够清楚。能用一些词勉强表达情感,语法、句式达不到准确完整。四等文:(05分)基本不成文。评分细则标题 HOW TO READ ENGLISH ARTICLESWE SHOULDNT LISTEN TO MUSIC WHEN DOING OUR HOMEWORK题目中出现任何错误(如:大小写、拼错单词、漏掉信息、与主题无关、写错文体等

18、),均扣1分首段1. 语言精彩,有修辞手法(排比,设问,引用等), 导入主题自然恰当。2. 如果缺少“作为中学生”扣一分,写“作为九 年级学生”和“九年级中学生”不给分。3.最后一句必须有体现文体的句子,没有降等。1. 语言精彩,有修辞手法(排比,设问,引用等), 导入主题自然恰当。2. 是否写“作为中学生”均可,不扣分,不降等。3. 必须有体现观点的句子,即文体句,如果没有 降等;有无过渡句,均可。中段1.至少三种方法/观点,每种方法至少要有两句扩展句。2.并且三种方法/观点的第一句结构相同的句式,整齐对仗,上下呼应(一等文高分)。3. 扩展句可以用不同句式,且使用不同的说明/论证方法。尾段

19、1. 首尾呼应,即承上句。2. 有精美语句,深华主题。3.提出号召。1.重申论点,即题目。2.用精美语句,升化主题。3.提出号召。扣分情况1.书写潦草,影响表达。2.没有标题或标题有误(实虚词大小写混乱的)。3.有三种方法可以看出,但少写了一个关联词。4.有严重语法错误每处扣一分,最多扣三分。5.词语搭配不当混乱1-2个扣一分,最多扣三分【(3)(4)中同一处错误不重复扣分】。6.出现拼写,大小写1-3个扣一分,三个以上扣 两分,不超过两分。1.通篇没写“中学生”,扣一分。2.开头结尾所用的排比句内容或句式均相同。3.通篇人称不一致,前we后you或they,扣一 分或两分。4.名言警句使用不

20、恰当,扣一分。5.有关联词,但不恰当,扣一分。6.主旨句没提“写作业”,但拓展句中有;或者 主旨句中有,而拓展句中没有,此种情况扣一 分,若主旨句与拓展句都没提到写作业,每少 一个扣一分。7.无主旨句,有拓展句,扣一分。8.前两分论点后都无拓展句,第三个主旨句有拓 展句,扣2分。9.主旨句出现在首、末段,扣一分。降等情况1.脱离所给出的信息材料和话题。2.没有九年级的表达;不足80词。3.中间段没有三个方面的说明或三个方面条理不 清晰。4.中间段在回答“why”,写成议论文。5.开头结尾是写成其它文体,中间段为说明。6.文章前面写的很好,结尾也很好,但是结尾段 开头的头一句没有与第一段呼应的句

21、子降等 为11分(即使用All in all, In a word)。7.在中间段说明中,有一条混乱就为二等文。8.三点说明方法有一点与文章无关降一等,有两 点无关降二等。9.抄写前面的完型和阅读为零分;如果是自己写 的,与话题相关的,不成句子也给4-5分。1.跑体,降两等(8分起评);中段跑体,降一等; 首段跑体(有suggestions/tips/advice),扣一分, 既跑体又跑题,降两等。2.跑题,但与主题有关,有“听音乐”或“写作 业”,且文体正确,降一等(11分起评)3.只有末段没写完,降一等(11分起评);中段 和末段合并在一起写,降一等(11分起评)4.全文把“听音乐”写成“

22、听歌”,降一等5.始终两种观点在对比论证,降两等(8分起评)。6.不足80词,降一等;无关联词,降一等。7.首段写suggestions、tips、advice,末段有if wewell且结尾段中有陈述观点,只扣一 分,如无论点,是说明文特征,降一等。8.首段只有一句观点句,降一等。9.重复论点或缺少论点,降一等。说明文(一)学校生活对于人们来说是美好的、多彩的。即使一些小事也可能影响我们的心情。有的会让人感到高兴,从而增进同学们的友谊。 有的会导致同学间的不愉快(unhappiness)。对于中学生来说,如何处理好同学间的不愉快时很重要的。那么请你根据自己的经验,就中学生如何处理同学间的不愉

23、快这一话题,谈谈自己的想法。参考范文: HOW TO DEAL WITH UNHAPPINESS BETWEEN CLASSMATESAs the saying goes, “ Friends are wealth.” Friendship is so important, especially to us students. However, sometimes we may have unhappiness with our classmates. How to deal with the unhappiness between classmates? The following ways

24、 may be effective.First, make yourself calm down. It is reported that 90% of the words that are said when you are angry will hurt others seriously.You cant change anything that has happened. Therefore, keep calm when you are angry. Second, think of our own mistakes instead of others. Theres an old s

25、aying, “Put our feet in others shoes”. Follow the saying, then you can understand others and unhappiness will just be nothing. Third, communicate with classmates in time. Theres no doubt that communication is the shortest bridge which can connect our classmates and us. We are supposed to show others

26、 our thoughts to make ourselves understood by others.If you follow the suggestions mentioned above, you can deal with the unhappiness between classmates well. Actions speak louder than words. Lets get started from now on.议论文部分(一)随着社会的发展,我们的生活变得丰富多彩。面对丰富多彩的生活,一些学生认为每天穿着校服上学太呆板,体现不出青少年的活力和个性,有些校服质量不好.

27、但有些学生认为学生就应该穿校服,穿校服为家长省了很多买衣服的钱,校服很宽松适合做运动,穿校服体现人人平等扼杀攀比风.请你围绕“中学生该不该穿校服”这一话题,展开思路谈谈你的感想。参考范文:WE SHOULD WEAR SCHOOL UNIFORMSWith the development of our society, our life has become more and more colorful. So has our school life. Some students thinks it is not beautiful for us middle school students

28、to wear school uniforms because they look boring and ugly. But in my opinion, I think it is important and necessary for us middle school students to wear school uniforms.To wear school uniforms benefits us in many ways. First, wearing school uniforms can save much money. If we can go to school witho

29、ut wearing school uniforms, our parents will have to pay much money for beautiful clothes for us. For some poor families, it is hard for them to afford them. Second, wearing school uniforms is convenient for us to do sports. As middle school students, we take exercise every day. Especially in PE cla

30、ss, we will do more sports. Our school uniforms are not as tight as other clothes, so they are fit for sports. Third, wearing school uniforms is a symbol of being a student. When we wear school uniforms, it reminds us that we are students. We should study hard and follow the school rules. We must do what students should do.All in all, as middle school students, going to school in school uniforms is our only choice. Its helpful and beneficial for us students . Lets call for all the middle school students to wear school uniforms.


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