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1、 运用“助学稿”优化学生的预习方式 一、 提出问题课前预习是指学生新授课之前的自主学习,是英语学习中不可或缺的要素,因为能提高学生英语学习效率,有效培养学生的自主学习能力。虽然很多教师意识到预习重要性,但还存在不少问题,如:1.不少教师的预习作业流于形式或缺乏有效的预习设计。2.预习方式太单一,如读单词,读课文等。3.预习内容“一刀切”,造成“学优生吃不饱,学困生不消化”。4.预习内容与课堂教学衔接性差、相关度低及知识点没有落实到位。5.预习过程管理缺失,如缺乏教师的有效监控。为解决以上问题,我校用“助学稿”来优化学生预习方式,以此推进新课程改革。所谓的“助学稿”就是将教师教案和学生学案(即预


3、取过“读音关”;然后在文中找出生词,能根据读音规律或联想方法等拼写生词,争取过“拼写关”;最后找出含有生词的相应的词组,结合语境运用词汇,感悟用法,争取过“语用关”。在词汇预习中,要求学生对大多数单词做到读得准、拼得出,用得好,基本为下一步学习扫除障碍;同时,教师要为学生的词汇学习提供策略指导,如用“直接拼读法”、“构词法”、“联想法”等记忆词汇,用“语境法”运用词汇,用“观察法”、“辨析法”、“探究法”等来区别词汇的用法。词组翻译1.通过电脑学习 2.在纸上 3.活到200岁 4.免费的 5.更少的树 6.更少的休闲时间 7.更少的污染 8.更多的机器人 单词拼写1.People will

4、have (机器人)in their homes in the future.2.Can you give some (纸)to me?3.Mrs Smith does (每件事情)that a housewife should do.4.There are some birds singing in the big (树).5.The World Trade Center in New York City is one of the worlds tallest (建筑物).6.I think we can fly to the moon in the (将来).短文填空 What will

5、 peoples life be like in 2109?(Robert is a science 1 (小说)writer. The novel he 2 (写) about 3 (机器人). Last year was very popular with teenagers. Now a little 4 (记者) Sally is 5 (采访) Robert.)Sally: Robert, what do you think peoples life will be like in a 6 (一百)years?Robert: I think peoples life will be a

6、 lot better than it is now! Robots will do 7 (每件事情) for us. They will look after 8 (宠物), work in 9 (工厂)or 10 (公司), and help housewives with 11 (家务).Sally: Have ever seen robots?Robert: Yes. I have seen some of them in the Robots Show in Japan. The robots there have many different 12 (形状). Some look

7、like dogs, some look like 13 (蛇)and some look like spiders.Sally: Thats fantastic. Do you think 14 (人类) will be able to live in 15 (太空)?Robert: Yes, I think so. A number of 16 (科学家) are working hard for that.Sally: Do you think there will be more 17 (污染) on the earth?Robert: No, I dont think so. Peo

8、ple will pay more attention to the environment and the pollution will be 18 (更少). The earth will be more beautiful.Sally: Thank you for accepting my interview.Robert: Its my pleasure.词汇辨析I. more,less&fewer的用法:【 找规律】1. We should eat less junk food.2. There are fewer trees on the road.3. I bought more

9、 DVDs this time than last time.4. I will have more money if I work harder.less 是 的比较级,其最高形式是least,后面跟 (可数,不可数)名词。fewer 是 的比较级,其最高形式是fewest,后面跟 (可数,不可数)名词。more 是 和 的比较级,其最高形式是most, 后面跟 和 名词。【举一反三】1. There will be in the house in five years.(5年后房子里将有一个机器人。) 2. There in the house .(5年后房子里将有更多的机器人。) 3.

10、There in the house .15年后房子里将有更少的机器人。) 4. There in the city .(15年后城市里将有更少的污染。)【练习:选用more,fewer或less填空】1.Will there be cars in the future? No. Most people will take buses or ride bikes to work.2.I think there will be wild(野生的)animals, but more zoos.3.There will be paper books in the future. People wil

11、l read articles on comuters.4.Tom makes money than Henry, because Henry takes two part-time jobs.5. Is there pollution in cities than in the countryside? Yes. Because there are more people and cars in cities.6. There was noise(噪音)in the room after the speech started.7. He has words than before.II. i

12、n&after的用法:【找规律】1. He will arrive here in two days.2. I think hell come here after three oclock.3. They started to go again after two days.in&after均表示“在(时间)后”区别在于:in表示从现在开始的一段时间以后,它用于一般 (过去时,现在时,将来时),后跟 (一段时间,时间点)。after表示从过去某一时间为起点,它用于一般 (过去时,现在时,将来时),后跟 (一段时间,时间点)。after表示从现在开始的一段时间以后,它用于一般 (过去时,现在时

13、,将来时),后跟 (一段时间,时间点)。【举一反三】1. He Shanghai .(两点后他将到达上海。) 【从现在开始某个时间点】 2.He will finish the work in two hours.(两小时后他将完成工作。)【从现在开始一段时间后】 3. He Beijing .(两天后他将到达北京。) 【从现在开始一段时间后】 4. He Beijing (两天后他到达北京。) 【从过去某一时间为起点】【练习:选用in,after填空】1. Ill come back a month.2. He came here a month.3. She will come back

14、five oclock.4. There will be people on the moon 100 years.(二)语法预习语法学习可以帮助学生了解句型变化的规律,掌握句型的用法,从而培养遣词造句的能力。现行教材将单元语法与对话、课文有机结合。因此,教师要指导学生通过朗读对话、阅读课文,接触大量感性材料,然后观察例句或对比例句,形成感性认识,感悟语法项目,探究语法运用规则。如:阅读对话,完成练习。Boy 1: Do you think people will have robots in their homes in 100 years?Boy 2: Yes, I do. I saw a

15、 robot on TV, and it cleaned the kitchen.Boy 1: Well, I dont think people will use money. Boy 2: Do you think everything will be free?Boy 1: Yeah, probably.Boy 2: I think there will be only one country.Boy 1: Only one country in the whole world? Will there be world peace?Boy 2: I hope so.Boy 1: I be

16、t kids wont go to school. Theyll study at home on computers.Boy 2: Oh, I disagree.Boy 1: You do?Boy 2: Yeah, there will always be schools.A. 请在对话中划出含有“will”的所有句子。B. 请观察例句。1. I think every home will have a robot in the future.2. Will kids go to school?3. Kids wont go to school.4. Theyll study at home

17、 on computers.5. Kate will swim tomorrow afternoon.6. His best friend will help him when he is in trouble.7. Kate is going to swim tomorrow afternoon.8. Kate isnt going to swim tomorrow afternoon.9. Will your parents go to Paris next month?Yes, they will. / No, they wont.10. Jack is fishing with his

18、 father next weekend.11. I will/shall have less time to work in the future.12. We will/shall have more time to relax ourselves in the future because robots will do most of work for us.其中theyll=they+will she+will= he +will= you+will= 【结论】 一般将来时表示在将来某个时间内将要发生的动作或存在的状态,还可表示预测,常与表示 的时间状语连用。一般将来时可由“助动词wi

19、ll+ ”构成。否定句是在will not,可缩写成 ;疑问句是把will提到句首,即Will+主语+ ,肯定回答的形式为“Yes, 主语+ ”, 否定回答的形式为“No, 主语 ”。助动词will (有,没有)人称和数的变化(如:例5和例6)。表示将来意义的形式还有:主语+be(not) going to+ +表示 的时间状语。表示将来意义的形式还有:主语+现在进行时+表示 的时间状语。在英国英语中,一般将来时第一人称I,we除了用will,还可用 ,其他人称用will。单词填空1. Everything (be)free in twenty years.2.They think the o

20、ld man will live (be)100 years old.3.Two years ago, Sally (play)the guitar every evening.4.I (use not)money in the future, everything (be)free.5.Next month Mike will (go)to Canada.6. Alex (play)baseball with me the day after tomorrow.7. We (get)up early tomorrow morning.8. My father (leave)for Shang

21、hai next Monday.9. you (pass)the exam if she helps you?句型转换1. Mr. Green went to Shanghai three days ago.(用in five days改写) Mr. Green Shanghai three days ago.2. Well go to see our music teacher tomorrow.(改为一般疑问句) go to see your music teacher tomorrow?3. Tony will be a policeman in five years.(对划线部分提问)

22、 Tony be in five years?4. My sister will keep a cat next year.(改为否定句) My sister a cat next year。5. My uncle will be back in four days. will your uncle be back?6. Will the flowers come out soon?(作肯定回答和否定回答) Yes, . No, . C. 请观察例句1. There was a computer in the factory 20 years ago.2. There is a compute

23、r in the factory now.3. There will be a computer in the factory in five years.4. There wont be any pollution in the future.5. Will there be world peace? Yes, there will.6. Will there be less pollution? No, there wont.【结论】 there be句型的一般将来时肯定句结构为“there+ ”; 否定句结构为“there+ ”; 疑问句结构为“ +there+ ”,肯定回答的形式为“Y

24、es, ”, 否定回答的形式为“No, ”。D. 请再观察例3There will be a computer in the factory in five years. 1 2 3 4【结论】该句型可以分成四部分,a computer为名词短语,in the factory 为介词短语(往往限定范围,有时候可以省略),而in five years 为表示将来的时间状语(有时候可以省略),那么there will be句型的组成为:There will be+ +( )+( )。观察例句1、2、3并填写。7. There a robot in the house .(20年前房子里有一个机器人

25、。) 8.There is a robot in the house now. (现在房子里有一个机器人。) 9.There a robot in the house . (5后房子将里有一个机器人。)根据there will be句型的组成划分剩下的5个例句翻译句子。1. 这个周末将有一场足球赛吗? ?2. 明年我们的村庄将会有许多新路。 .3. 将来将不会有污染了。 .(三)语篇预习 语篇指对话、短文等语言材料,有些材料篇幅较长,句式复杂的句子较多。这些材料不仅侧重某种阅读技能的训练,而且渗透写作教学。笔者设计不同形式(如:表格、问题、改写、句子推敲、书面表达等)预习内容供学生查找相关信息

26、,提高学生的阅读技能,学会遣词造句的能力,提升写作技能。A. 请阅读Section A 1b的对话,完成以下题目。找出含有people,everything, kids 和there will be的句型。peopleeverything kids there will be句型1.改写对话。In the future, people robots in their homes, they money, everything . There will be only one , and there will be . Maybe kids wont , theyll

27、 ; Maybe there always be .B. 请阅读Section A 2a&2b的对话,完成以下题目。根据对话内容填写表格。peoplefree timecarsuse the subwayspollutiontreescitiesmore请根据图片写句子。1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 情景会话John: Ann, 1 Ann: The future? Well, I think well study at home on computers. And 2 John: You think so? What else will we do?Ann: 3 John: Where

28、 will we be able to go on vacations?Ann: 4 John: The moon? 5 Ann: Because its much more interesting on the moon than on the earth!A: we dont have to go to school.B: Why dont we take vacations on the earth?C: Well take long vacations, too.D: What do you think of the future?E: To the moon!C. 请阅读Sectio

29、n B 3a的课文,完成以下题目。阅读课文并填写表格。 Ming in ten yearsJob Pets SportsPlaces Clothes根据课文内容回答问题。1. What will Ming be in 10 years? Why?2. Which country or city will Ming live in? Why?3. What kind of building will Ming Live in? Why?4. Will Ming have pets?5. Will Ming dress casually? Why or why not?6. What sport

30、will Ming play often?7. Where will Ming go for vacation?8. Will Mings life be the same as yours? Why or why not?设计你自己未来,完成对话。A: Where do you live now?B: I live in .A: Where did you live ten years ago?B: .A: What do you do now? / Whats your job now?B: Im a/an .A: What do you think you will be in ten

31、years? B: I think I will be .A: Where will you live? B: .作文训练【找出文中的时间线索并完成表格】in ten years last year during the week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 81.in ten years1. be 2. live in 3.As a reporter, meet 4.live in 2.last year I Shanghai and it3. I cant have because and 4. 1.have 2. keep 5. go and 6.during the week1. lo

32、ok 2. wear 7. 1. dress 2. go to 8. visit 【句子推敲】我是一名记者。 我将成为一名记者。 10年后,我将成为一名记者。 I am a reporter. I a reporter. , I a reporter. 10年后,我想我将成为一名记者。 10年后,我想我将成为一名记者,我将住在上海。 , I I a reporter. , I I a reporter, 请按照以上方法扩展句子。1.我养宠物。我将养宠物。10年后,我将养宠物。因此10年后,我将养宠物。 , , 2.我将住公寓。我将和朋友住公寓。我想将和朋友住公寓,因为我不喜欢独自居住。 . .

33、 , .3.我将看上去挺漂亮。平日我将看上去挺漂亮。平日我将看上去挺漂亮,可能将穿套装。 , .【书面表达】根据Kate对自己未来的想象,写一篇70词左右的短文,可适当发挥。 Kate in ten yearsJob: singerPlace: Beijing, an apartmentPet: dogSport: playing baseball and swimmingAppearance: tall, long hair Kate in ten years 三、结论经实践证明,使用“助学稿”确实能提高学生的预习能力,在一定程度上培养和提高了他们的自学能力。但是实施“助学稿”也存在不少问题:如教师需要花费很多时间来设计,这就增大了工作量,而且要求加强教师之间的合作与交流;“助学稿”要形式多样,灵活多变,确保能吸引学生的动参与;要加强学生使用“助学稿”的反思,尽量让学生也参与设计,同时要渗透学习策略(如预习策略)的研究,使学生认真参与,主动思考,学会学习。参考文献:1. 陈玉莹. 浅谈NSEFC教学中对预习的有效指导. J .教学月刊.中学版,2008(6)2. 陈红娟. 通过预习题案引导学生学会学习. J .中小学英语教学与研究,2008(8)


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