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1、七年级英语竞赛试题及答案七年级英语上册竞赛试题姓名班级考号分数卷首语回首即将过去的一学期, 既有失败的经历, 又有成功的喜悦。我们哭过、笑过、彷徨过;我们输过、赢过、拼搏过。听!新年的钟声马上敲响, 让我们挥手告别过去, 昂首迎接未来。我们相信在新的起点上, 每个人心中都充满了期盼: 期盼着更多的成功、期盼着更多的挑战、也期盼着自己能拿出一份满意的答卷!祝愿同学们在本次竞赛考试中考出好成绩!(满分 100 分)一 .单项填空 (26 分 )()1、 It isn t _ ring、 It s _ eraser、A、 an, anB、 a, anC、 an, aD 、 a, a()2、下列句中标

2、点符号及书写均正确的就是A Mary says to me: “glad to see you again、”B I want to work hard on English; and Chinese、CHarry Potteris a very interesting book、D Does Jenny come home from school by bike?()3、Sonia puts _ clock and _ art book on her desk、A a; anBan; theC /; theD a;a()4、Excuse me、 Is this _ dictionary?-N

3、o、 That one is _、A I; youB my; yoursC me; youD my; my()5、Uncle Tom lives _ a farm _ the country、A in; atB near; onC over; ofD on; in() 6、A: Here you are 、B:A 、That s right 、B、Let me see、C、Thanks、D、Yes , I like it()7、-_ is the tall girl in a black jacket?(-It sSimons new classmate、A、 WhoB、WhatC、Where

4、D 、Whom)8、Which of the following signs means “You canttake photos here、”ABCD()9、 Your pen is very nice、 _、A、OKB 、 No, it isntC、 Thank youD、 Yes, it is、)10、 The old man wants six _ of _ for his fruit shop、A boxes bananaB box; bananasC boxes; bananasD box banana)11、 Would you like a cup of tea?-_Id li

5、ke a glass of water, please、七年级英语竞赛试题及答案(A Thats right、B Bad newsC Yes, pleaseD No, thanks、)12、 Thank you for asking me to your party、 -_、A Sorry about thatB Youre welcome C The same to you D Youreclever、()13、 What s six and three?It s 、A、 threeB、 sixC、 nineD、eighteen()14、 His father s name is Tim G

6、reen、So his fatherfirstsname is _A、 GreenB 、 Mr、 GreenC、 TimD、Mrs 、Green()15、 Are _ Kate s _Yes,? they are、A、 this, bookB、 that, bookC、 these ,bookD、 those, books()16、 Excuse me, what s your name?_name is John Brown、A、 YourB、 MyC、 I mD、His()17、 What s that in English? It s _eraser、A、aB 、anC、theD、/()

7、18、A:、B: Nice to see you, too 、A 、 Nice to see you 、C、 How do you do!D 、B、 How are you?See you later()19、 Alice is a girl 、_my good friend、A、 She sB、 SheC、 It sD、Hes)20、 Is this your pencil, Sonia? Yes, _、A、 thank youB、 it sC、 this isD、thatis)21、 Is Tom a _?Yes, he is、A、 boyB、 uncleC、 sisterD、 girl)

8、22、 What do you call (称呼 ) your mother s sister? _、A、 AuntB、 UncleC、 CousinD、 Neice)23、 His father s name is Tim Green、So his fathers first name is _A、 GreenB、 Mr 、 GreenC、 TimD、Mrs、Green)24、 He_a baseball、 Do you _a baseball, too?A、 have , hasB、 has, haveC、 have, haveD、has,has,)25、 _is the jacket?

9、It s black and white、A、 WhereB、 What colorC、 WhatD、Which()26、 These books are _、A 、 my、 You, YouC、 mine, Your, Yours_ are in_ bags、B 、 My, Yours, yourD 、mine, Yours, your二、补全对话(5 分 )M:Excuse me,Miss Gao、May Iborrow your motorbike,please?W:_27_Wheres yours?M:Lin Tao goes to see his parents、_28_W: Whe

10、re are you going?、七年级英语竞赛试题及答案M: _29_I want to see her、W:_30_、M:There isnta bus stop here、W:Do you see Wu Dong?_31_You can borrow his、M:Wheres he?W:Look! He s playing football over there、A. So he borrows it、B、 He has a new motorbike、C、 Sorry,my motorbike is broken(坏了 )、D、Why not go there by bus?E、Ca

11、i Hong doesntcome to school、三、根据要求写出相应的答案。(10 分)1、big(反义词 )2、no(同音词 )3、 China( 形容词 )4、不同的 (翻译 )5、 one( 序数词 )6、 leaf( 复数 )7、swim( 现在分词 )8、 left (反义词 ) _9、 he (名词性物主代词 )_10、 he(宾格 )四、完型填空 (每小题 1 分,共 10 分)Peter is myclassmate、He is_1_American boy 、He is from_2_、 He is_3_ 、He _4_a round face and two big

12、 _5_ 、 His _6_ is black、 Peterlikes apples、 He likes oranges ,_7_、Its Friday、 Peter and I_8_ on duty(值日 )、 We are _9_ theclassroom、 We are doing our homework、 We are cleaning the classroom、 Peter is_10_ the blackboard and I am sweeping扫() the floor、() 1、AaBanCtheD/() 2、AJapanBEnglandC、 AmericaDChina

13、() 3、AbigBsmallClongDtall() 4、AisBhasChaveDare() 5、AeyeBeyesCearDfoot() 6、AheadBhairCnoseDhand() 7、AtoBtooCtwoDvery() 8、AamBisCareDhas() 9、AoutBinConDwith() 10、 AcleaningBcleanCcleansD is cleaning五、阅读理解。(14 分 )A阅读以下失物招领告示,选择正确答案。Found: Backpack、Is this your backpack?Please call Mary、Lost:My ID card

14、、My name is Tony、Please call 685-6034、Phone # 235-0285七年级英语竞赛试题及答案1、_ found(拣到 ) a backpack、A、 TonyB、 IC、 Mary2、The _ is Tony 、sA、 ID cardB、 backpackC、 phone3、If( 如果 )someone found Tonys ID card ,he can call_、A、 685-6034B、 235-0285C、 meD、MeD、backpackD、 MaryBMrs scott and her daughter jane are both(

15、都)teachers、They teach in the same school、They go to school by car、They leave(离开 )home at eight oclock in the morning,and they get back home at four oclock in the afternoon、Sam Scott and his sister Ann are students、 Sam goes to school by bus and Ann does,too、Some of their friends walk(步行 )to school、S

16、am and Ann get home at four oclock in the afternoon、 They do their homework before dinner(晚饭前 ),and they watch TV after dinner(晚饭后 )、They often go to bed early、4、Jane is Mrs Scotts_、A、 daughterB 、sisterC、son5、Mrs scott is_、A、 a studentB、a teacher C、a brother6、Sam goes to school、A、 by bikeB、by carC、b

17、y bus7、Ann gets home at_in the afternoon、D、 friendD、a policemanD、by planeA、 5:00B、 5:30C、 6:00D 、 4:00五、按要求句型转换 (20 分)1、 This is my computer game、(改为一般疑问句 )_ computer game?2、 Is that a notebook、 (作肯定回答 )_,_、3、 They are her keys、 (改为否定句 )They _ her keys、4、 The ruler is in the pencil case 、(划线提问 )_ th

18、e ruler?5、 This isn t a clock、(改为复数 )_、6、 That is an English book、 (划线提问 )_ that?7、 I mfine、(划线提问 )七年级英语竞赛试题及答案_ are you?8.He does his homework every evening、(改为否定句 )_ ?9、 appleisthetabletheon (连词成句 )_、10、I like action movies because they are exciting、(划线提问 )_、六、 书面表达 (15 分)假如您就是 Li Mei, 请根据卡片上的信息 ,

19、给您的笔友写一封信 ,介绍一下您的情况。要求 :卡片上的内容全部用到 ,至少写出八句话。注意信的格式。Name:Li MeiAge: 14English name:JudyNationality:ChineseSchool:No、1 Middle SchoolClass and Grade:Class 6, Grade 7Favorite Subject:English and musicLikes: reading, going to the movie, sportsDear friend,七年级英语竞赛试题及答案、阅读理解。 (30 分)46、C47、 A48、A53、A54 、 B55

20、、C56、DV 、按要求句型转换 (15 分)61、This is not62、Yes,it is、63、 aren t64、Where s65、 These aren t clocks66、What is67、 How68、He doesn t do his homework every evening、69、The apple is on the table、70、Why do you like action movies?71、 look the same72、 Whatsage73、 Lily are friends74、 arriveat75、 Whatdo for七年级英语竞赛试题及答案


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