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1、八年级英语下册-unit 2练习22014八年级下 练习二Unit 2I ll help to clean up the city parks(时间 45 分钟;总分80 分)一单项选择:( 15 分)1.Not only the students but also the teacher _ football、A 、 likeB 、 likesC 、 likingD 、 to like2 、 The boy spends every Sunday morning _English at home、A、 readB、 to readC 、 readingD 、 reads3 、 _ of th

2、e students like to talk with the teacher、A 、 EachB 、 EveryoneC 、 EveryD 、 Both4 、 Mum, I volunteer my time _ the plates today、A、 washingB 、 washedC、 to washD 、 be washed5 、 Bill Gates _ millions of dollars to poor people in 2000、A、 gave awayB、 gave outC 、 give upD 、 gave6 、 The new teacher _new book

3、s to all the students、A、 put upB、 gave upC、 handed outD 、 set up7 、 The boy is _, so he can hardly hear anything、A、 deafB 、 blindC 、 cleverD、 honest8 、 I can t buy the book now、 I _ the money in my pocket yesterday、A、 ran outB、 ran out ofC、 took out ofD 、 took out9 、 The CD is too noisy、 Would you p

4、lease _ a little?A、 turn it onB、 turn it downC 、 turn it upD、 turn down it10 、 -You are relaxing yourself here?-Yes, It feels_ to walk slowly along the river、A、 fantasticB 、 boringC、 stangeD、 terrible11 、 It s going to rain, so you d better _ an umbrella with、youA、 takeB 、 bringC、 holdD、 carry12 、 -

5、What does the girl look like?-She _ her mother、A、 looks afterB 、 comes up withC、 takes afterD 、 takes care of13 、 The students are _ the leaflets to people over there to ask them to protect ourearth 、A、 printing outB 、 giving out14 、 -Could you do _ for me, please ?-Yes, with pleasure、A、 somethingB、

6、 anything15 、 -I find that I have been unlucky these days-_ Everything will become better soonA、 Keep silent!B 、 Why not cry?C 、 selling outD 、 putting outC、 nothingD、 everything、C、 Cheer up!D、 How about you?二完形填空。 ( 20分)You may see people in need on the TV news after earthquakes or other disasters(

7、灾难 )、Perhaps you walking past16people who are living on the streets、 Or maybe you are goingto an oldpeople shomeandwantto do17helpfultothe old there 、So we candosomething to help people who are in trouble、 The answer is-volunteering、Volunteering means18some of your free time helping others、 You may1

8、9to helpothers 、 And youcan alsovolunteer20animals, the environment, or any other matter、八年级英语下册 -unit2练习 2Volunteering helps others,21 it can help you , too、Volunteering can let you see your own life22new ways、 Sometimes it s easy to worryaboutthings like gradesorgetangry23youdon thavethe newestcom

9、putergame 、Volunteering lets you spend some time on24for a while、Many people find that they really enjoy volunteering、 Volunteer experiences often put you ina different place、 And you will make a25in the world、 You ll know that, thanks to you,some kids have warm coats, hats, and shoes、 I believe you

10、 ll feel happy、()16 、 A、 homelessB 、 carelessC 、 happinessD、 useless()17 、 A、 anythingB 、 somethingC 、 nothingD 、 everything()18 、 A、 payingB、 costingC、 takingD、 spending()19 、 A、 cheerB、 raiseC、 volunteerD 、 understand()20 、 A、 to protectB、 protectingC 、 to keepD、 keeping()21 、 A、 andB、 butC 、 soD

11、、 or()22 、 A、 toB 、 ONC 、 byD 、 in()23 、 A、 sinceB 、 forC、 becauseD 、 as()24 、 A、 othersB 、 the othersC 、 otherD 、 the other()25 、 A、 differenceB、 speechC、 reportD 、 progress三阅读理解。( 20分)AEvery year thousands of young people in England finish school and then take a year off beforetheystarkworkor go t

12、o university 、 Someyoungpeoplegoto othercountries andwork asvolunteers、 Volunteers give their time to help people、 For example, they work in schools orhospitals, or they do something helpful for the environment(环境 )、Pauline Jones, 18, lives in Cardiff, Wales、 Next year she wants to go to university

13、to studyChinese, but now she s living in Belize、 Pauline says,“ I m working with other people here to savethe coral reefs( 珊瑚礁 ) in the see near Belize、 The reefs here are beautiful, but if the sea waterbecomes dirty, the coral will die、 I m helping to do research on the coral and the fish that live

14、around the reefs、 All over the world, coral reefs are dying、 We need to do something about theproblem before it s too late、”“ I m staying witha family here and I help do some housework、 I don t get any money, but it sOK 、 I love my work here, and I m learning a lot about the people of Belize 、 When

15、I finish mywork, I ll stay hereorf a few months and travel around Belize and Central America、 ”()26 、 Some young people from England _ after they finish school、A. go to university abroad、B 、 Spend one year abroad as volunteersC. go to work for moneyD、 star work in schools or hospitals()27 、 Pauline

16、Jones, an eighteen-year-old girl, is living in _ now、A 、 EnglandB 、 ChinaC、 BelizeD 、 Cardiff()28 、 Pauline Jones is _with other people、A. studying Chinese in a universityB 、 working to save the coral reefsC、 Helping do some houseworkD、 doing some research in Wales()29 、 From the passage, we know th

17、at the coral reefs _、A. will die because of the pollutionB、 are not as beautiful as beforeC、 can not live without fish in a seaD、 will probably be sold for money()30 、 Pauline Jones wants to _ after she finishes her work as a volunteer、A. stay there for another yearB、 go back home to start workC、 le

18、arn about the people homeD 、travel around Central AmericaB八年级英语下册 -unit 2练习 2What do you see in a forest? Just trees? Or do you see many other things, such as singingbirds, colorful plants and wild flowers?The forest is a whole world of its own、 It is full of many different living things、 But even t

19、houghthey are all different, they have one thing in common: they all need each other to live on、 Thetrees feed the forest“ people ” by making food in their leaves; by using sunlight to join water andminerals( 矿物 )from the soil and the air、 Their deep roots join the soil together and stop it fromdyin

20、g out, making it possible for living things to live in it、 People are like the living things in theforest 、 We need one another in order to live、 We need the farmers to grow our food, railroadsand truck drivers to bring it to our shops or other things、 We need people to prepare our food andcook it a

21、nd others to take our waste things away、 Then, of course, we need doctors, nurses,government leaders, and many others、We need people for friendship, to talk over our problems、 Think how lonely and unhappy youwould be if you lived all alone 、Life if a matter of giving and taking、 We need to help othe

22、r people as much as we need otherpeople to help us 、 Think what a good feeling you have when you can do something for someoneelse 、 You know, being a volunteer is so great!阅读短文,根据内容,判断下列句子正(T) 误 (F) 、()31 、 According to the tex, colorful plants and flowers only live on the leaves of the trees、()32 、

23、 Trees can make it possible for living things to live in the forest、()33 、 When you can t do anything for others, ou will feel very lonely、()34 、 If you live all by yourself, you will feel lonely and unhappy、()35 、 The writer mainly wants to tell us we need one another in order to live、四词汇。( 10分)A.

24、根据句意及汉语提示用适当得词完成句子。36、 Duringthe vacationMike always_( 自愿做 ) tohelptheold in an old people shome 、37、 Mr 、 Smith is the _(主人 ) of the new house 、 He bought it last year、38、 It was a long _(旅程 ), but we finally arrived there on time、39、 When he heard the reply, he smiled with a great _(满意 )、40、 You c

25、an _(想象 ) how happy I was when I heard the good new、B、 根据句意,选用适当得词组并用其正确形式填空。clean up ,cheer up,give out,used to,give away41、 My mother _get up at six o clock, but now she gets up at five 、42、 Please _! I am sure that you can win the match next time、43、 At weekends I often stay at home _ my room、44、

26、 The old man _most of his money to the people in Lushan、45、 The teacher asked Mike to help him _the test papers、五根据句意及所给汉语提示翻译下列句子。( 10分)46、 五岁时汤姆开始学汉语。 ( at the age of )_47、 吉米很像她爸爸。 ( take after)_48、 这位老人把她所有得钱捐送给了学校。(give away )_49、 她们成立这个团体来帮助那些残疾人。( set up )_50、 我希望您提出一个更好得建议。 ( come up with)八年

27、级英语下册-unit 2练习2_六、阅读对话,根据对话内容,选择合适得句子补全对话。A: Hi, Jimmy 、 51_( 10分)B: I am going to Gansu to be a volunteer、A: Sounds great! What are you going to do?B: 52_ I hear most schools are short of professional teachers、A: What subject are you going to teach?B: English 、 53_A: Will it be hard for you to live

28、 there for almost two months?B: Of course 、 54_A: And I hear there isn t enough drinking water in some places、B: That s true、 55_A: I think so 、 Wish you have a good trip!A. It s my favorite subject 、七书面表达( 15 分)B. What are you doing for your vacation?Jimmy就是一位热心肠得好孩子,她经常利用空闲时间帮助她人。请根据下面表格中得内容,C. Wh

29、o are you going with?叙述 Jimmy 就是如何帮助她人得。D. I am going to teach in a primary school 、What he can doActivitiesE.Most schools are in poor mountain villages 、be good at repairing bikes、buy broken bikes, fix them up, and give them away to poor kidsF.Im visiting my auntgive lessons to primary school stude

30、ntslearn English wellG.It will be hard, but it will be a great experience for me、sing and dance wellgo to an old people s home at weekends, cheer the old uplove animalswrite articles to protect animals, raise money for pandas要求:1、按表格中得内容书写,可适当发辉;2 、不少于 80 词,开头已给出,不计入总词数。Jimmyisakindboy、Heoftentrieshisbesttohelpothersinhissparetime、_


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