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1、新人教版七年级英语下册第五单元测试题2016-2017 学年度六年级第五单元测试卷()19、 Let s go to the zoo on Sunday morning._.A.That sounds goodB.Thank you very muchC.Yes,we do一、单项选择 (每小题 1分,共 30分 )()20、 Pandas are _ shy.()1、 Can t you see a lion in the cage? _.A.a kind ofB.kind ofC.kinds ofA.Yes,I can tB.No, I can tC.No,I can()21、 Don t

2、 forget _ my parents when you are in Beijing.OK ! I won t.()2、 Tom is very_.He never cleans his room.A.to seeB.seesC.seeingA.lazyB.activeC.smart()22、 Are there any _ in the tree ?()3、 There are pandas,tigers and many_ animals in the zoo.A.green leavesB.birdsC.orangesA.otherB.othersC.some()24、 We hav

3、e two _ jobs for you.They are _ interesting.()4、 Lions like to eat_,but koalas like to eat_.A.kinds of;kind ofB.kinds of;kinds ofC.kind of;kinds ofA.meat,leafB.meat,leavesC.meats,leaf()25、 Where does he _? Australia.()5、 _do they go to the park ? Because they want to play games there.A.forB.fromC.co

4、me fromA.WhyB.WhatC.When()26、 Let s go to the park on Sunday afternoon._.()6、 The_ often eat grass on the hill.A.That sounds interesting.B.Thanks a lot.C.Yes,we are.A.chickenB.horseC.sheep()27、 _ late for school next time. Sorry,I won t.()7、 _ Andy like koalas? Yes, he _.A.Not beB.Won t beC.Don t be

5、A 、 Does; likeB、 Does; doesC、 Do; do()28、 She is a doctor.Her mother is a doctor,_.()8、 His _ are very _ to us.We all like them.A.tooB.alsoC.eitherA.friendly;friendly B.friends;friendlyC.friend ;friendly()29、 English is not easy,_ I like it very much.()9、 There is _ elephant there.Near _ elephant th

6、ere is _ tall tree.A.soB.ifC.butA.an;an;aB.a;the;aC.an;the;a()30、 We must save the elephants because they are _.()10、 One of my favorite animals _ cat 、A.dangerousB.dangerC.in dangerA 、 areB 、 isC、 have二、完形填空 (每小题 1分 ,共 10分 )()11、 Henry is from the USA.His friend Molly is from the USA,_.There is a z

7、oo m our city.My parents often take me there on _1_.I like animals.I have a lot ofA.eitherB.neitherC.too_2_ animals in my room.In the _3_ I can see tigers,elephants,monkeys,pandas,bears,snakes()12、 Why not _ to the park now? Good idea! Let s go.andmany other _4_.Some animals are friendly butsomeare

8、not.Tigers,bears,lionsareA.goB.to goC.going_5_.That is why they have to stay in _6_.But I do not think it is good for animals to stay in()13、 Tom likes playing _ football, but his sister likes playing _ piano、cages.They should be free.The animals in cages can7_. t be _A 、 the; /B、 /; theC、 /; /I thi

9、nk the most interesting animals in the zoo are the dolphins.I like _8_ them swim and()14、 I like monkeys,_ they are smart.jump.They swim so fast and jump so high.They can play with a ball.They can stand up and walkA.andB.butC.because_9_ the water !They are very _10 _ to people.If you fall into the w

10、ater and can t swim,()15、 Julie likes to play _ her friends.may come to help you.A.withB.atC.from()1.A.summerB.monthC.weekends()16、 Does the lion come from China or Africa ? _.()2.A.realB.uglyC.toyA.Yes,it doesB.It comes from Africa C.No,it doesnt()3.A.zooB.parkC.bank()17、 Why _ your brother want _

11、the koalas?()4.A.tigersB.peopleC.animalsA.do;to seeB.does;to seeC.does;see()5.A.dangerousB.cuteC.interesting()18、 Hey, Sally! Please help your mom_ dinner this afternoon、()6.A.housesB.zoosC.cagesA 、 to makeB 、 makesC、 making()7.A.niceB.happyC.sad新人教版七年级英语下册第五单元测试题()8.A.lookingB.seeingC.watching()9.A

12、.inB.atC、 on()10.A.friendlyB.shyC.warm三、补全对话 (20 分)(A) 选择方框中的句子补全对话 ,其中有两项就是多余的A:_1_B:Good idea ! What animals do you want to see ?A:_2_B:Dolphins ! I like dolphins,too.They are very clever.A:_3_B:I like most of the animals,but not bears.A:_4_B:Because they are dirty and lazy.A:I don t like lions.I

13、think they are scary.B:_5_A.Yes,they are.What other animals do you like ?B.But I like lions.Lions are great.I like the movieThe Lion King.C.Let s go to the City Zoo.D.Let s go to the park.E.I want to see dolphins.F.Why ? G.I want to see elephants.(1)_ (2)_ (3)_(4)_ (5)_(B) 从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话。A: Let s g

14、o to the zoo tomorrow、B: OK 、 _1_A: At 9:30 in the morning 、B: _2_A: We are going by bike 、B: Are we going to see many animals?A: _3_We are going to see tigers, pandas, lions and many others 、B: Are we going to see the horses( 马 )too? The horse is my favorite animal 、A: Of course we are 、 There are

15、many horses in the zoo、 They have a lot of birds, too 、B: Yeah! _4_A: Some birds can talk 、 You ll see they are very clever、B: Yes, I think they are fun, too 、 See you then、A: _5_四、阅读理解 (30 分)(A)In our city there is a big zoo.There are a lot of different animals in it.There are some scary tigers and

16、 lions.They like eating meat and they eat much meat every day.There are also two big elephants and a baby( 动物幼崽 ) one.Children like to ride( 骑 ) one of them.The elephants are very kind and friendly.They eat much grass and many bananas.In the zoo,we can see differentkinds of bears,brown( 褐色的 ) bears,

17、black bears and whitebears.They are all slow and clumsy( 笨拙的 ).They stand on their back legs and lift their front legs toask for food.They like cakes very much.Do you like pandas ?There s only one in the zoo.Her name is Lingling.She is very cute.Shelikes eating bamboos.She is kind of shy.She s very

18、interesting and lovely.() 1.What do tigers and lions like eating ? They like eating _.A.fruit B.meat C.vegetables() 2.How many elephants are there in the zoo ? There are _.A.one B.two C.three() 3.What color are the bears in the zoo ?A.Black.B.Brown.C.A and B() 4.Bears stand on their _ legs and lift

19、their _ legs to ask for food.A.front;back B.back;back C.back;front() 5.Which one of the following( 下面 ) is NOT right?A.Children like to ride on the elephants in the zoo.B.The elephants are very friendly to people.C.The bears always ask for food with their back legs.(B)John gets up early from Monday

20、to Saturday, because he must go to school before 7:30 onweekdays(工作日 ) and go to the Drawing Club at 8:00 on Saturday mornings、 He usually goes to the bookshop on Saturday afternoons, and after supper he watches TV until( 直到 ) midnight 、He doesn t get uparlye on Sundays、 John s parents both work on

21、Sundays、 John always watches TV after he gets up 、 Then he usually goes to KFC to have a hamburger and some juice for lunch 、After that, he goes back home and starts to play computer games until his parents come back 、 He does his homework after supper 、 He usually has lots of weekend homework, so h

22、e must spend three hours on it、 He usually goes to bed at about 11:00 p、 m、 on Sundays、 He often complains( 抱怨 ) he has too much homework to do 、()1.How often does John need to get up early?A 、 Every day、 B 、 Five days a week、 C、Every day except on Sundays 、()2.What does John do on Sunday mornings?A

23、 、 He goes to have lessons、 B、 He goes to a club、 C、 He watches TV 、()3.When does John do his weekend homework?A 、 On Sunday evenings、B 、 On Sunday mornings 、 C、 On Saturday evenings、()4.Why does John have lunch in KFC on Sundays?A 、 Because he s too 、busy B、 Because his parents aren、tat homeC、 Beca

24、use he gets up too late、()5.Which of these is not right?A 、 John watches TVafter supper on Saturdays、B、 John doesn exerciset onSundays、C、 John watches much TV on Sunday afternoons 、新人教版七年级英语下册第五单元测试题A.A dolphin.B.A giraffe.C.An elephant.D.A panda.(C)Its a fine day 、 The White family gets up at seven

25、 oclock 、 They have breakfast at seven forty、五、用所给单词的适当形式填空(10 分 )And then they go to the park 、 They take a basket of food and a carpet ( 地毯 )、 The park is not far1.My iphone doesn t 、workWould you please lend me _ (you)?from their home, so they ride bikes there 、 When they get to the park, it s ha

26、lf、 Mrpast、 eightand2._(across) Fifth Street, and you ll see a hotelfyou 、in front oMrs 、 White are talking with each other、 Their son, Ted, is playing with a ball、 Their daughter,3.Would you like _ (go) fishing with us?Jenny, is taking photos、4.Do you know those _( art) names?After about an hour, T

27、ed and Jenny sit down to relax 、 At that time, they see a squirrel eating a pine5.Let s _ (go)to fly a kite tomorrow、nut (松子 ) in a big tree、 When they see the squirrel eating, they feel hungry 、 They go to help their6.Among the _( knife), I like the red one best、parents take the food out of the bas

28、ket 、 Ted has a hamburger、 Hamburgers are his favorite food 、7.There are many _ (animal) in the zoo 、Jenny has an apple、 Mr 、 and Mrs、 White have some bread、 They have a great time in the park、8.Sandy always _(worry) about what to wear every day 、()1、 How many people are there in the family?9.It s m

29、y _ (twelve) birthday today 、A 、 2B、 3C、 410、 The girl wants _ (buy) a toy dog for her brother、()2、 When do they get to the park?六、句型转换 (5 分)A 、 At 8:30 a 、 m、B、 At 8:00 a 、 m、 C、 At 7:40 a 、 m、1.The dolphin can dance 、 (对画线部分提问 )_ can the dolphin _ ?()3、 What is Jenny doing in the park?2.Some of my

30、 classmates are fromthe UK 、 (同义句 )Some of my classmates _ _ theA 、 She is reading a book、 B 、 She is taking photos、 C、 She is playing with a ball 、UK 、()4、 What does the underlined word“ squirrel 指 )?” refer to (3.I dont like the tigers because they re scary、(对画线提问 )_ _ you like the tigers?A 、 A ki

31、nd of fruit 、B、 A kind of sport 、 C、 A kind of animal 、4.Why don t you use your computer? (改为同义句 )_ _ use your computer?()5、 What do the family take to the park?5.Wendy wants to have a pet dog、 (改为一般疑问句 )_ Wendy _ to have a pet dog?A 、 A basket of food and a book 、 B、 A carpet and a dog、七、书面表达 (15 分

32、)C、 A basket of food and a carpet 、(A) 从方框中选择与下列谚语相匹配的中文。(D) 根据描述 ,选择相应的动物名称1.Love me, love my dog 、2.Every dog has its day 、()1.I Jimmy.I fromAfrica.Iliketo play withmy friends.I liketo eat grass.Now I min a3.Beat the dog before the lion 、4.When the cat is away, the mice will play 、zoo.Many kids co

33、me to see me every day.And I like to see them,too.5.Fine feathers make fine birds 、6.Kill two birds with one stone 、A.An elephant.B.A tiger.C.A panda.D.A lion.7.A cat has nine lives、8.Never offer to teach fish to swim 、()2.She is Kapo.She can play with a ball.She can stand up and“ walk on” the water

34、 !She is very一箭双雕。不要班门弄斧。吉人自有天相。爱屋及乌。杀鸡给猴瞧。friendly to people.She is the mostinteresting animal in the zoo.I liketo see her playingin the人靠衣装 ,佛靠金装。每人都有得意的日子。山中无老虎,猴子称霸王。water.think she likes water very much.(B) 您有一只宠物小猫,它非常讨人喜欢。请根据下面的信息把它介绍给您的好朋友。A.A dog.B.A giraffe.C.A dolphin.D.A koala.NameMimi()

35、 3.He Peters.He smart.Hefroms Afri ca.Hecan runfast.Hecatches(抓 )and eatssmallAgethreeanimals.Now he s in a zoo.He eats some meat every day.My good friends Lily and Lucy like to seeblack andwhite,two big eyes,smarthim.Appearance(外貌 )and interestingA.A panda.B.A cat.C.A lion.D.A giraffe.()4.Dudu is m

36、y good friend.He s one year old.He s kind of small.He lives in my home.HeFavorite foodfish s veryinteresting.He likes to eat meat.He likes to sing a song,!Wang! ” My“parentsWang and I like DuduHobbyplay with a ballvery much.I have a cat.Its name_A.A lion.B.A dog.C.A tiger.D.A dolphin._()5.I m Pingpi

37、ng.My parents and I live in China now.We are black and white.We like China very_much.We are from Sichuan Province( 省 )._新人教版七年级英语下册第五单元测试题_一、单项选择1 5 BAABA6 10 CBBCB1115 CABCA16 20 BBAAB21 25 ABAAC 26 30 ACACC二、完形填空答案1.C2.C3.A4.C5.A6.C7.B8.C9.C10.A三、补全对话 答案 (A)(1)C(2)E(3)A(4)F(5)B(B) 1.When shall we

38、go to the zoo? 2.How are we going? 3.Yes, we are、4.I love birds, too 、5.See you、四、阅读理解 答案 (A)1.B2.C3.C4.C5.C(B) CCABC (C) CABCC (D) 1.A2.C3.C4.B5.D五、用所给单词的适当形式填空【答案】 1.yours2.Cross3. to go4 .artists 5.go 6.knives7.animals 8.worries9.twelfth10.to buy六、句型转换 【答案】 1.What; e from3 .Why dont 4.Why not use 5.Does; want七、书面表达 【答案 A 】 1.D2.G3.E4.H5.F6.A7.C8.B(B)One possible version:I have a cat.Its name is Mimi It s three years old.It is black and white with two big eyes.I like it very much because it s very smart and interesting.Its favorite food is fish.and it likes playing with a ball.


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