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1、英语初一下冀教版unit8lesson62 教案英语初一下冀教版unit8lesson62教案第六课时Lesson 62 A Party for Li Ming课程目标导航Teaching content:1. Learn the new words.2. Master the dialogue of this lesson.3. Learn to use the model:“ Li Ming is leaving soon. Thatbegins. ” s when the party【教学目标 】Teaching goals:1. Keep the new words in mind:

2、someone, each2. Master the passage and retell the story.3. Master the patterns of this lesson.【教学重点 】Key points:1. Learn to retell a story.2. Master the usage of some key sentences.【教学难点 】Difficult points:Retell the whole passage.教学情景导入1. Greetings.2. Retell the story in Lesson61.3. Lead in by showi

3、ng the studentsrealobjects.Such as cakes,cookies,ice-cream.Ask them to remember the words.教学过程设计Step 1 Presentation1. Use real objects to introduce cake, cookies and ice-cream.2. Ask a volunteerto go out of the classroom. Hide something in his/ her desk.Teacher: Let s give _ a surprise. This flag is

4、 a surprise for _.Ask the volunteer to return to the classroom.I put something in your desk. Does _ know what s in his/ her desk, class?Students: No.Teacher: Very good! _ doesn t know what I put in his / her desk. It s a英语初一下冀教版unit8lesson62 教案surprise! A surprise.Students: A surprise.Teacher: Yes,

5、there is a surprise in your desk. Can you find it?Volunteer: Yes!Teacher: What is it?Volunteer: A flag.Teacher: Good. Let s see what surprise does Li Ming have in the passage.Step 2: Listen and readPlay the audiotapeas the studentsfollowalong in theirstudentbooks.Thenask the students read after.Step

6、 3: Read and retell1. Ask some students to read in passage in front of the class.2. Ask volunteers to retell the story.Step 4 Practice1. Talk about the pictures in this lesson. Teacher: What are the children going to do? Students: They are going to have a surprise party. Teacher: Why are they going

7、to have a surprise party? Students: Because Li Ming is leaving.Teacher: Does Li Ming know it?Students: No.2. Practise in pairs.课堂板书设计Unit 8 Li Ming Goes HomeLesson 62 A Party for Li Ming . New words: someone, each . Important sentences:1.Li Mingis leaving soon.is leaving = is going to leave2.That s

8、when the party begins.when = the time that3.There s someone at the door.4.At 4:00, Li Mingarrives with Mr. Smith.arrive reach get toWhen do you usually get to school? 作业1. Finish the exercises in the activity book.2. Recite the dialogue.3. Make dialogue by using the pictures below.英语初一下冀教版unit8lesso

9、n62 教案A: What will you give him/ her for a surprise?B: I will give him/ her _.课后巩固练习单项选择 .1. _ gifts would you like?A. How muchB. How manyC. How longD. How far2. This gift is for you. It s from me. _A. I don t want a gift.B. Where did you buy it?C. Thank you. It s very nice.D. How much is it?3. Tom

10、likes to play _.A. the basketballB. a basketballC. basketballsD. basketball4. It s time _ you _.A. for, doing your homework B. for, to do your homework5.Jim is going to _ a swim _ Tom tomorrow.A. has, withB. has, forC. have, withD. have, for6.Will you go and _ the football game?A. lookB. seeC. have

11、a lookD. watch7.Yesterday I_ Mr Smith _ the Christmas lights.A. helped, withB. help, withC. helped, toD. help, to8. What s the _ today? Thirty-two degrees.A. timeB. temperatureC. weatherD. date9. Walking to school is _.A. playB. classC. exerciseD. strong10. Is that bike _? Oh, yes, it s _.英语初一下冀教版un

12、it8lesson62教案A. your, mineC. your, myB. yours, myD. yours, mine参考答案:1-5 BCDBC 6-10 DABCD一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一一






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