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1、沪教牛津版深圳市初中英语七年级( 下) 语法填空专项练习语法填空专项训练 (一)根据句子意思 ,用所给单词的适当形式填空,未提供单词的根据上下文填入适当的词。AThere are many festivalsinChina、 We celebrate (庆祝 )differentfestivals(1)_different ways 、Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for (2) _ (family) to get together、 On that evening, (3)_ Moon is round and bright 、 Family members g

2、et home at this festival (4) _they eat mooncakes in the open air、 They also enjoy (5) _ (stay) and talking with eachother、Dragon Boat Festival is on the 5th day of the 5th lunar ( 农历 )month、 There (6) _ (be)boat races (竞赛 )in rivers and lakes in many places of China、 Every boat just (7) _(look) like

3、 a dragon on the water 、Qing Ming Festival is a day for people (8) _ (remember) their dead relatives、 It isoften a (9) _ (rain) day 、 People often go to the graves (坟墓 )and put food and flowersthere、Chong Yang Festival is a festival for old people 、 At this festival, people go home for the old 、 The

4、y give old people presents and best wishes、 It also a time for (10) _ (climb) 、BYour junior high school years are coming to (1) _ end、 After the big exam, most ofyou will go to a senior high school soon 、 (2) _ are you expecting (期待 )from seniorhigh school? Every student (3) _ (have) differentideas、

5、 Let s see the plans somestudents are going (4) _ (take) for the future、Zhou Jie, 15, from Shanghai: I have heard that although (尽管 )student in senior high schoolare busy with their lessons, I hope there willbe time (5) _ (enjoy) sports, especially(尤其 )tennis、 There (6) _ (be) a chess match in Shang

6、hai and I m going to help outand I msure I l(7) _ (real) enjoy it 、Jin Li, 16, from Harbin: 1 really enjoy science、 I m crazy about (8)_ (make) modelplanes, although Tm not good (9) _ it 、 I learnll more science in senior high school、Wang Ya, 15, from Xiamen: Becoming a tall man is always one of my

7、(10) _ (dream),so I hope I can be taller in senior high school 、CClothes are important in our life 、 Different people wear different clothes 、 Now le t s listen沪教牛津版深圳市初中英语七年级( 下) 语法填空专项练习to some (1) _ (people) ideas、My name is Tina 、 I (2) _ (start) working this year, so Tm able to get new clothes

8、moreoften than before、 (3) _there are different people in my working place every day, Iwant to wear (4) _ (beauty) clothes、 I like to wear bright colors and always dress up (5)_ I go to parties、I am David 、 Shopping for clothes isn t (6) _ (real) the way of life I、 I m interested indonhavet much to

9、say about clothes、 Because I (7) _ (be) still at college, I don treally mind what I wear 、 I have two jackets (8) _ I often wear them 、My name is Maria 、 I d like (9) _ (say) that my clothes have to be comfortable andshould make me feel easy as soon as I put them on、 Sometimes I buy clothes in some

10、small (10) _ (market) because they are very cheap there、DNowadays people use the phone (1) _ (talk) with others almost anywhere in the world,(2) _ you can t see the personyou are talking with when you use the phone 、 This may change (3) _ the near future 、 Now some people (4) _ (use) a kind of telep

11、hone called the picture phone or video-phone ( 可视电话 )、 With it, two people who are talking cansee each other、 Picture phones are useful (5) _ you want to show something to theperson youre calling 、 They may have other useful (6) _ (way) in the future、 Someday you may be able to ring up a library and

12、 ask to read (7) _ book 、 You llbe able toread the book right over your picture phone、 Or you may be able to do some(8) _(shop) through your picture phone 、 If you would like (9) _ (buy) something, you cancall the shop, and people at the shop (10) _ (show) you the things right over thephone、 You llb

13、e able to shop all over the world without leaving your room 、EMost children like watching TV very much, and they prefer (1) _ (watch) cartoons(卡通 ) 、Watching TV too much is bad for them, especially for (2) _eyes、 Butwatching TV also has advantages (优点 )、 (3) _ do children like watching TV? Becauseth

14、ey think it is (4) _ (interested) and easy to watch TV、 They can hear the voices andwatch the moving pictures at (5) _ same time 、 They can see and learn a lot about theircountries、 They also learn newer and better ways of (6) _ (do) something、 They mayfind that the worldis smaller and smaller、 Many

15、 children watch TV only (7) _Saturday and Sunday evening, because they are busy with (8) _ (lesson) on weekdays、Some children are used to staying up to watch TV every night, so they often go to bed too late(9) _ (get) up early next morning 、 It s also bad for theirhealth、 Just like every coin沪教牛津版深圳

16、市初中英语七年级( 下) 语法填空专项练习(10) _ (have) two sides, what we should do is making good use of (很好地利用 )TV 、语法填空专项训练 (二)根据句子意思 ,用所 的适当形式填空,未提供 的根据上下文填入适当的 。AThe summer vacation (1) _ (be) the best part of the year for most American children、Before the summer vacation comes, they make a plan to make sure they

17、have (2) _good trip 、Tom, an American boy, enjoys (3) _ (travel) very much 、 This summer, he came alongwith his parents to Beijing (4) _ (spend) their vacation 、 They made room reservations(房 )before they (5) _ (arrive) 、 After arriving, they spent half a day in the hotelgetting used to the time dif

18、ference ( 差 )、 Tom was too (6) _ (exciting) to fall asleepthat night、 The next day, they began their five-day trip 、 They visited many places (7)_ interest such as the Ming Tombs and the Great Wall、 During the trip, he posted a lotof (8) _ (postcard) to his American friends 、 In the postcards he tol

19、d (9) _ that hewas satisfied with the trip 、 He is looking forward to coming to China again 、 (10) _ an exciting trip!BLi Ming is 14 years old 、 He is a student of Grade Eight 、 At school, he (1) _ (work)hard and is very good at his lessons、 He is a good boy and he (2) _ (have) manyfriends、 But he f

20、eels very lonely (3) _ he comes back home from school 、 Sometimeshe cries (4) _ (quiet) 、 When LiMingwas three, his parents began to workinGuangzhou、 They come back (5) _ (two) a year、 They tell Li Ming that now they (6)_ (do) their best to make more money for him 、Last year, Li Ming parents didn co

21、met back because of the bad weather、 Li Ming (7)_ (miss) them very much、 Before New Year Day,s he sent his parents (8) _letter、 He wrote,Happy“ New Year, Mom and Dad 、 My (9) _ (grandparent) are verywell and 1 m doing well at school、Dont worry about us 、 Mom, I want to see you every day、 I will try

22、to save money, and then you can come back (10)_never go away 、 ”CThree foreign ( 外国的 )men came to a bus stop in London 、 About five (1) _ (minute)later, the bus came、 They (2)_ (be) ready to get on the bus、 Suddenly, peoplerushed onto the bus and tried (3) _ (push) them out of the way 、 Learning the

23、 language沪教牛津版深圳市初中英语七年级( 下) 语法填空专项练习of (4) _country is not enough、 Men should also know the manners ( 外礼貌 )andcustoms of the country 、 You will be (5) _ (surprise) when you see how different theycan be from your own 、 For example, in India, people think it is not polite (6) _ (use)the left hand for

24、 passing food at table、 It will make them (7) _ (angrily)、 In manyplaces you may see a person shaking ( 摇 )his head at another to show he is not agreeing (8)_ him or her, but in Bulgaria ( 保加利亚 )it means“ yes ” and a点nod头 )means( “ no、”In Europe it is quite usual to cross your legs (9) _ sitting and

25、 talking to someone, (10)_ in Thailand, it is not polite、 Knowing the customsof different countries isusefuland important to everyone、DA well-dressed man went into a restaurant one day 、 A waiter (1) _ (come) up to himand said, “ CanI help you, sir? ”The man said, “ CanI see the menu?”“ Sure、”The ma

26、n wanted a good meal, so he ordered a lot of nice (2) _ (dish) 、 When the man washaving his meal, a boy came in (3) _sat down beside the man 、 He asked the man (4) _ (give) him an ice cre 、am、 Then (5) _ man said, “ I go outfor a newspaper,Then he went out 、 After the boy finished (6) _ (eat) his ic

27、e cream, he stood up andwent to the door、 “ Excuseme, your father hasngivent the money for the meal and (7)_ ice cream, ” the waiter stopped him and said、 “Father? You (8) _ (be) wrong、He isn t my father、 I met him in the street、 He said he would give me an ice cream (9)_I came here at twelve o cloc

28、k, answered” the boy、 (10) _ (final)he lefthappily 、EDo you liketo visit thezoo in our city? The zoo is a good place(1) _ (have) fun、There is a zoo between a river and a small mountain、 It (2) _ (look) very big andbeautiful and there (3) _ (be) a lot of tall trees in it 、 We can see a lot of golden

29、fish inthe river 、 They have all (4) _ (kind) of colors 、 Some are red, some are yellow, someare white and some are black 、 They are swimming (5) _ the water, and they are verybeautiful 、We can see the hill 、 About twenty monkeys (6) _ (play) on it 、 Some are askingpeople for food 、 The little monke

30、ys are in their mothers、 Theyarmsarevery (7) _(interest) and children like them very much 、 We can also see the elephants、 (8) _arevery strong 、 The pandashouse is next to the monkey hill 、 There are two pandas one is sitting in a tree (9) _the other is sleeping on the grass 、 They look very shy and

31、 cute 、(10) _other animals do you like?沪教牛津版深圳市初中英语七年级( 下) 语法填空专项练习A 1、 in 2、 families 3、 the 4 、 and 5、 staying 6、 are 7、 looks 8、 to remember 9 、 rainy10、 climbingB 1 、 an 2 、 What 3 、 has 4 、 to take 5 、 to enjoy 6 、 will be 7 、 really 8 、 making 9 、 at10、 dreamsC 1、 people 、s2started 3 、 Because

32、 4、 beautiful 5 、 when 6 、 really 7、 am 8、 and 9、to say10、 marketsD 1 、 to talk 2 、 but 3 、 in 4 、 are using 5 、 when 6 、 ways 7、 a 8 、 shopping 9 、 to buy10、 will showE 1、 to watch 2 、 their 3 、 Why 4、 interesting 5 、 the 6、 doing 7 、 on 8、 lessons 9、 to get 10、 has26 版 Keys: (One possible version)

33、A 1、 is 2、 a 3、 traveling 4 、 to spend 5 、 arrived 6、 excited 7、 of 8、 postcards 9、 them10、 WhatB 1、 works 2、 has 3、 when 4、 quietly 5、 twice 6、 are doing 7、 missed 8、 a 9、grandparents 10 、 andC 1、 minutes 2 、 were 3 、 to push 4、 a 5、 surprised 6 、 to use 7、 angry 8、 with 9 、 when 10 、 butD 1、 came 2、 dishes 3、 and 4、 to give 5、 the 6、 eating 7、 your 8 、 are 9、 if 10、 FinallyE 1、 to have 2 、 looks 3 、 are 4 、 kinds 5 、 in 6 、 are playing 7 、 interesting 8 、 They 9 、 and 10、 What


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