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1、1、 Articulatory Phonetics studies the physical properties of speech sounds 、 F2、 Sense and reference are two different notions of semantics, and they are related to each other 、T3、 Morphology studies how words can be formed to produce meaningful sentences 、 F4、 Syntax is different from morphology in

2、 that the former not only studies the morphemes, but also the combination of morphemes into words and words into sentences 、 T5、 Number and gender are categories of noun and pronoun F6、 IC analysis can be used to analyze all kinds of ambiguous structures 、 F7、 Speech act theory was originated with t

3、he British philosopher John Searle 、 F8、 The meaning of an utterance is de-contextualized; therefore stable utterances always take the form of complete sentences 、 F9、 Pragmatics treats the meaning of language as something intrinsic and inherent 、 F10、 Voicing is a phonological feature that distingu

4、ishes meaning in both Chinese and English、T11、 If two phonetically similar sounds occur in the same environments and they distinguish meaning,they are said to be in complementary distribution、 F12、 A phone is a phonetic unit that distinguishes meaning、 F13、 English is a tone language while Chinese i

5、s not、 F14、 In linguistics、 Phonology does not concern with meaning、 F15、 Morphology studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed、 T16、 Words are the smallest meaningful units of language、 F17、 Just as a phoneme is the basic unit in the study of phonology, so is a

6、morpheme the basic unit in thestudy of morphology、 T18、 The smallest meaningful units that can be used freely all by themselves are free morphemes、 T19、 Bound morphemes include two types: roots and affixes、 F20、 Inflectional morphemes manifest various grammatical relations or grammatical categories

7、such asnumber, tense, degree, and case 、 T1. A sentence is formed by phonological rules, _ rules, syntactic rules and semantic rules 、 A. Morphological B minimal C pragmatic D phonological2.A _ is a structurallyindependent unit that usually comprises a number of words toform a complete statement, qu

8、estion or command 、A. Structure B sentence C paragraph D text3. There are _ nasals in English、A 、 oneB 、 twoC、 threeD 、 four4、 The meaning carried by the inflectional morpheme is _、A 、 lexical B 、 morphemic C、 grammatical D 、 semantic5、 The plural affix in the wordtables is a (n) _ 、A 、 inflectional

9、 suffix B 、 derivational suffix C 、 free morpheme D 、 root6、 Which ofthe followingbranch of linguistics takes the inner structure of word as its mainobject of study?A 、 Phonetics、B 、 Semantics、C、 Morphology 、D、 Sociolinguistics 、7、 The phenomenon thatwords having different meaningshave the same form

10、 is called_、A 、 hyponymyB 、 synonymyC、 polysemyD、 homonymy8、 The meaning carried by the inflectional morpheme is _、A 、 lexical B 、 morphemic C、 grammatical D 、 semantic9、 According to F 、 de Saussure, _ refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all themembers of a speech community 、A 、 paro

11、leB、 performanceC、 langue D、 Language10、 Words that are close in meaning are called _ 、A 、 homonymsB 、 polysemy C 、 hyponymsD、 Synonyms1、 Which of the following statements about language is NOT true?A 、 Language is a system B、 Language is symbolicC、 Animals also have language D 、 Language is arbitra

12、ry2、 Which of the following features is NOT one of the design features of language?A 、 Symbolic B 、 Dual C 、 Productive D 、 Arbitrary3、 What is the most important function of language?A 、 Interpersonal B 、 Phatic C、 Informative D 、 Metalingual4、 Who put forward the distinction between Langue and Par

13、ole?A 、 Saussure B、 Chomsky C 、 Halliday D 、 Anonymous5、 According to Chomsky, which is the ideal users internalized knowledge of his language?A 、 competence B、 parole C、 performance D 、 langue6、A 、7、The function of the sentence A nice day, isnt it? is、informative B、 phatic C 、 directive D 、 perform

14、ativeArticulatory phonetics mainly studies、A 、 the physical properties of the sounds produced in speech B 、 the perception of soundsC、8、the combination of sounds D 、 the production of soundsThe distinction between vowels and consonants lies in、A 、 the place of articulation B、 the obstruction of airs

15、tream C、 the position of the tongue D 、 the shape of the lips9、 Which is the branch of linguistics which studies the characteristics of speech sounds and provides methods for their description, classification and transcription?A 、 Phonetics B、 Phonology C 、 Semantics D、 Pragmatics 10、 Which studies

16、the sound systems in a certain language?A 、 Phonetics B、 Phonology C 、 Semantics D、 Pragmatics11、A 、B、C、D、12、A 、13、A 、14、Minimal pairs are used to、find the distinctive features of a languagefind the phonemes of a languagecompare two wordsfind the allophones of languageUsually, suprasegmental feature

17、s include,length and pitch 、phoneme B、 speech sounds C、 syllables D 、 stressWhich is an indispensable part of a syllable?Coda B、 Onset C、 Stem D 、 PeakWhich is the smallest unit of language in terms of relationship between expression andcontent?A 、 Word B、 Morpheme C 、 Allomorph D 、 Root15、 Which st

18、udies the internal structure of words, and the rules by which words are formed?A 、 Morphology B 、 Syntax C 、 Phonology D 、 Semantics16、 Lexeme isA 、 a physically definable unitB、 the common factor underlying aset of formsC、 a grammatical unit D 、 an indefinable unit17、 Which of the followingsounds d

19、oes not belong to the allomorphs of the English pluralmorpheme ?A 、 s B 、 iz C、 ai D 、 is18、 All words contain aA 、 root morpheme B 、 bound morpheme C 、 prefix D 、suffix19、 The relationship between fruit and apple isA 、 homonymy B 、 hyponymy C 、polysemy D 、 synonymy20、 The part of the grammar that r

20、epresents a speakers knowledge of the structure of phrases andsentences is calledA 、 lexicon B 、 morphology C、 syntax D 、 semantics21、 Which of the following items is not one of the grammatical categories of English pronouns?A 、 gender B、 number C、 case D、 voice22、 The pair of words lend and borrow

21、are、A 、 gradable opposites B、 converse opposites C、 co-hyponyms D 、 synonyms23、 Big and Small are a pair ofopposites、24、 According to C 、 Morris and R 、 Carnap, which is studies the relationship between symbols and their interpreters?A 、 syntax B、 semantics C、 pragmatics D 、 sociolinguistics25、 Ther

22、e arediesis in the sentence she has sold it here yesterday、 A 、 3 B 、 4 C、5 D 、 626、 In the following conversation:- Beirut is in Peru, isnt it?- And Rome is in Romania, I suppose 、The second person violates theA 、 Quantity Maxim B 、 Quality MaximC、 RelationMaxim D 、 Manner Maxim27、 The maxim of requires that a participants contribution be relevant to the conversation、A 、 quantity B 、 quality C 、 manner D 、 relation


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