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1、.Resilience and survivability in communication networks: Strategies, principles, andsurvey of disciplinesComputer NetworksThe Internet has become essential to all aspects of modern life, and thus the consequences of networkdisruption have become increasingly severe. It is widely recognised that the

2、Internet is not sufficientlyresilient, survivable, and dependable, and that significant research, development, and engineering isnecessary to improve the situation. This paper provides an architectural framework for resilience andsurvivability in communication networks and provides a survey of the d

3、isciplines that resilienceencompasses, along with significant past failures of the network infrastructure. A resilience strategy ispresented to defend against, detect, and remediate challenges, a set of principles for designing resilientnetworks is presented, and techniques are described to analyse

4、network resilience.Article Outline1. Introduction and motivation2. Resilience disciplines2.1. Fault error failure chain2.2. Disciplines relating to challenge tolerance2.2.1. Fault tolerance2.2.2. Survivability2.2.3. Disruption tolerance2.2.4. Traffic tolerance2.3. Disciplines relating to trustworthi

5、ness2.3.1. Dependability2.3.2. Security2.3.3. Performability2.4. Robustness and complexity2.4.1. Robustness2.4.2. Complexity3. Challenges and past failures3.1. Unusual but legitimate traffic load.3.2. Accidents and human mistakes3.3. Large-scale disasters3.4. Malicious attacks3.5. Environmental chal

6、lenges3.6. Failures at a lower layer3.7. Summary of challenges and past failures4. ResiliNets framework and strategy4.1. Previous strategies4.1.1. ANSA4.1.2. T14.1.3. CMU-CERT4.1.4. SUMOWIN4.2. ResiliNets4.3. ResiliNets axioms4.4. ResiliNets strategy4.4.1. Introduction4.4.2. D 2R 2 inner loop4.4.3.

7、DR outer loop5. ResiliNets design principles5.1. Prerequisites5.2. Design tradeoffs5.3. Enablers5.4. Behaviour needed for resilience6. Resilience analysis6.1. State transitions and resilience evaluation6.2. Resilience analysis scenario7. Summary and research directionsDevelopment in the application

8、of ICT in condition monitoring and maintenance.Computers in IndustryThis paper reviews the available literature on the application of information and communicationtechnologies (ICT), more specifically, Web and agent technologies in condition monitoring (CM) and themaintenance of mechanical and elect

9、rical systems. The rarity of experts led to the application of artificialintelligence and, later, distributed artificial intelligence. The Web and agent technology is the latestdevelopment in this area. The literature findings have been analysed and classified in a framework whichhighlights the base

10、line technology, the objective of the technology and the industry of application. TheOSA-CBM (Open System Architecture Condition-Based Maintenance) layers are also used for theanalysis of the reviewed work. The review shows that Web and agent technologies are being used formonitoring and maintenance

11、 in manufacturing, power, and chemical industries. It is used to integrategeographically distributed systems, processes and heterogeneous data for asset management. Differentarchitectures, methodologies and tools are proposed by the researchers for the development of agentsystems. Few findings repor

12、t the use of the mobile devices. Finally, the review shows that limitedconsistent and systematic efforts have been made, in an isolated manner, to apply ICT to CM andmaintenance.Article Outline1. Introduction2. The framework3. Prognostics and decision support4. Condition monitoring and diagnostics5.

13、 Data manipulation and health assessment6. Data acquisition and condition monitoring7. Health assessment and scheduling8. ICT for data acquisition and data transfer9. ICT for integration10. ICT for conflicting goals11. Other findings12. ConclusionsAcknowledgements.ReferencesVitaeSystem integration o

14、f a portable direct methanol fuel cell and a battery hybrid International Journal of Hydrogen EnergyThis paper introduces a complete system-level design and integration of a portable direct methanol fuelcell (DMFC) system. We describe hardware and software design for the balance of plant (BOP) contr

15、ol,including a 32-bit microprocessor and electronics for actuators and sensors, focusing on reliableoperation and protection of the DMFC system. Various BOP components are characterized to find theoptimal design for better portability, reliability, and energy efficiency, and we suggest effective and

16、 robustdesign of control loops for them. We demonstrate a hybrid operation of the DMFC stack and Li-ionbattery to maintain a constant stack output current regardless of the load current to maximize theperformance. We emphasize the design of subsystems for power supply, measurement, actuator drive,an

17、d protection in detail. We verify the robust operation of BOP control against environmental changessuch as orientation and pressure variations with an implemented control board.Article Outline1. Introduction2. Portable DMFC systems3. BOP control subsystem3.1. Liquid pumps for methanol delivery3.1.1.

18、 Micro gear pumps3.1.2. Diaphragm pumps3.2. Air pumps3.3. BOP control3.3.1. Fuel and water circulation3.3.2. Air supply and temperature control4. Power hybridization subsystem4.1. Fuel cell-battery hybrid architectures4.2. Voltage clamping and current limitation.4.3. Constant-current operation5. Har

19、dware design and implementation5.1. DC DC converters and battery charger5.2. Measurement circuit5.3. Actuator driver circuits5.4. Protection circuits6. Software architecture and design6.1. Microprocessor-based BOP control6.2. Operating system selection6.3. Software design7. Experimental results7.1.

20、Pump control7.1.1. Cascaded feedback control7.1.2. Feedforward control7.2. Constant-current operation7.3. Long-term operation8. Conclusions Acknowledgements ReferencesModeling and analysis of an FC/UC hybrid vehicular power system using a wavelet-fuzzy logic based load sharing and control algorithm燃

21、料电池全面监管系统及其控制算法和模糊逻辑负载及电能监测建模分析Fuel cell (FC) systems are potentially promising candidates as alternative energy sources for use invehicular applications. The natural advantages of hybrid power sources may be effectively utilized toimprove the efficiency and dynamic response of a vehicular system. F

22、uel cell (FC) and ultra-capacitor(UC) based hybrid power systems appear to be very promising for satisfying high energy and high powerrequirements for vehicular applications. In this paper, a FC/UC hybrid vehicular power system using awavelet based load sharing and fuzzy logic based control algorith

23、m is proposed. While wavelettransforms are suitable for analyzing and evaluating the dynamic load demand profile of a hybrid electric.vehicle (HEV), the use of fuzzy logic controller is appropriate for the hybrid system control. Themathematical and electrical models of the hybrid vehicular system ar

24、e developed in detail and simulatedusing MATLAB ? , Simulink ? and SimPowerSystems? environments.Article Outline1. Introduction2. System description and methodology2.1. Modeling of a PEMFC2.2. Modeling of UC bank2.3. Drive cycle2.4. Wavelet-fuzzy logic based load sharing and control algorithm2.5. Po

25、wer conditioning unit3. Test and results4. ConclusionsAcknowledgementsReferencesSecurity threats to automotive CAN networks Practical examples and selected short-term countermeasuresReliability Engineering & System SafetyCAN 网络总线与 IC 设备运行安全The IT security of automotive systems is an evolving area of

26、 research. To analyse the current situationand the potentially growing tendency of arising threats we performed several practical tests on recentautomotive technology. With a focus on automotive systems based on CAN bus technology, this articlesummarises the results of four selected tests performed

27、on the control systems for the window lift,warning light and airbag control system as well as the central gateway. These results are supplementedin this article by a classification of these four attack scenarios using the established CERT taxonomy andan analysis of underlying security vulnerabilitie

28、s, and especially, potential safety implications.With respect to the results of these tests, in this article we further discuss two selected countermeasuresto address basic weaknesses exploited in our tests. These are adaptations of intrusion detection.(discussing three exemplary detection patterns)

29、 and IT-forensic measures (proposing proactivemeasures based on a forensic model). This article discusses both looking at the four attack scenariosintroduced before, covering their capabilities and restrictions. While thesereactive approaches areshort- term measures, which could already be added to

30、todayautomotives IT architecture, long-termconcepts also are shortly introduced, which are mainlypreventivebut will require a major redesign.Beneath a short overview on respective research approaches, we discuss their individual requirements,potential and restrictions.Article Outline1. Introduction

31、and motivation2. State-of-the-art2.1. Exemplary preventive measures2.2. Exemplary reactive measures3. Four exemplary automotive IT security threats to discuss attack potential3.1. Scenario S1: analyses on the electric window lift3.1.1. CERT classification3.1.2. Implications to comfort, security and

32、safety3.2. Scenario S2: analyses on the warning lights3.2.1. CERT classification3.2.2. Implications to comfort, security and safety3.3. Scenario S3: analyses on the airbag control system3.3.1. CERT classification3.3.2. Implications to comfort, security and safety3.4. Scenario S4: analyses on the gat

33、eway ECU3.4.1. CERT classification3.4.2. Implications to comfort, security and safety3.5. Safety and security implicationssummary and analysis of underlying problems in scenarios S1S43.5.1.Confidentiality/privacy3.5.2.Integrity.3.5.3. Authenticity3.5.4. Availability3.5.5. Non-repudiation4. Discussio

34、n of short-term countermeasures to address the demonstrated threats, their potential and restrictions4.1. Intrusion detection techniques4.1.1. Three exemplary detection patterns4.1.2. Exemplary practical implementation of detection Pattern 14.1.3. Restrictions of Patterns 1 3 and potential for futur

35、e research4.2. Proactive forensics support4.2.1. A forensic process model and its automotive application4.2.2. Centralised vs. distributed approaches to proactive measures in support of IT-forensics4.2.3.Proactive forensic measures exemplary application to the attack scenarios S1S44.2.4.Discussion o

36、f restrictions and potential for future research5. Holistic concepts for automotive IT security as long-term solutions, their potential and restrictions5.1. Exemplary requirements and research trends5.2. The potential for future automotive IT applications5.3. Remaining challenges and restrictions6.

37、Summary and outlookAcknowledgementsReferencesModern development methods and tools for embedded reconfigurable systems: A surveyHeterogeneous reconfigurable systems provide drastically higher performance and lower powerconsumption than traditional CPU-centric systems. Moreover, they do it at much low

38、er costs and shortertimes to market than non-reconfigurable hardware solutions. They also provide the flexibility that is oftenrequired for the engineering of modern robust and adaptive systems. Due to their heterogeneity, flexibilityand potential for highly optimized application-specific instantiat

39、ion, reconfigurable systems are adequatefor a very broad class of applications across different industry sectors. What prevents the reconfigurable.system paradigm from a broad proliferation is the lack of adequate development methodologies andelectronics design tools for this kind of systems. The id

40、eal would be a seamless compilation of ahigh-level computation process specification into an optimized mixture of machine code executed ontraditional CPU-centric processors and on the application-specific decentralized paralleldata-flow-dominated reconfigurable processors and hardware accelerators.

41、Although much research anddevelopment in this direction was recently performed, the adequate methodologies and tools necessaryto implement this compilation process as an effective and efficient hardware/software co-synthesis floware unfortunately not yet in place. This paper focuses on the recent de

42、velopments and developmenttrends in the design methods and synthesis tools for reconfigurable systems. Reconfigurable systemsynthesis performs two basic tasks: system structure construction and application process mapping onthe structure. It is thus more complex than standard (multi-)processor-based

43、 system synthesis forsoftware-programmable systems that only involves application mapping. The system structureconstruction may involve the macro-architecture synthesis, the micro-architecture synthesis, and theactual hardware synthesis. Also, the application process mapping can be more complicated

44、and dynamicin reconfigurable systems. This paper reviews the recent methods and tools for the macro- andmicro-architecture synthesis, and for the application mapping of reconfigurable systems. It puts muchattention to the relevant and currently hot topic of (re-)configurable application-specific instruction setprocessors (ASIP) synthesis, and specifically, ASIP instruction set extension. It also discusses themethods a


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