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1、最新资料推荐定语从句典型例句1、 This is an old computer whichthat works much slower.2、 They stayed with me for three weeks during which time they drunk all the wine I had.3、 The picture (that) we are looking at was drawn by a fifteen-year-old student.4、 The picture at which we are looking was drawn by a fifteen-ye

2、ar-old student.5、 I have many students to whom I am going to send postcards.6、 You re the only one whose advice he might listen to.7、 Id like a room whose window looks out over the sea.8、 The explorer took only such men and things as he really needed into the jungle.9、 Suchpeopleas havemadegreat1最新资

3、料推荐contributions to the world should be greatly respected.10、 Lets meet at the same place as we did yesterday.11、 Shakespeare is a famous writer ,as everyone knows.12、 As everyone knows ,Shakespeare is a famous writer.13、 Shakespeare ,as everyone knows ,is a famous writer.14、 Potato can be grown in

4、places where(in which)it s too cold to grow rice.15、I shall never forget the days when( on which )we worked on the farm.16、 Can you tell me the reason why(for which) the car broke down.17、 The reason that the car broke down caused the accident.18、 He told me the way (thatin which)he solved the probl

5、em.19、Hetoldmehowtosolvethe2最新资料推荐problem.20 、 Ihavebeentotheplaces(thatwhereinwhich)theIndianslive.21、Istillrememberthedays(thatwhenonwhich)I helpedmyfather on the farm.22 、 The reason (thatwhy)helost hislife is the lack of medical care.23 、 I did nothing that might hurt you.24 、 He was not the man

6、 that he was.25 、 Here is the hotel that youve beenlooking for.26 、 The articles are the very ones that should be learned.27 、 This is the best film that has been showed so far in the city.28 、 Who is the person that is standing at the gate.29 、 She took photograph of the things and people that she

7、was interested in.3最新资料推荐30 、 Football,whichisaveryinterestinggame,is playedin manycountries.31、I m lookingfora containerinwhich I can put all these coins.32 、 A doctoris a personwholooksafter people s health.33 、 Tom s father,who is over sixty,stillworks hard day and night.34 、 She saidshehadfinish

8、edherwork,which I doubted very much.35 、 As mostpeopleknow,Fujianisfamous for tea.36 、 Themoon,whichis384000kilometersawayfromtheearth,creates many beautiful stories.37 、 Myfather,whoisanexcellentviolinist,isgivingaconcertnextmonth.38 、 I have three foreign teachers,two of whom are from Canada.39 、

9、The earthtravelsarouldthe sun4最新资料推荐once a year,as we all know.40 、 She is very patient,as is showninthe work.41、 As we all expected,the plan turned out to be very successful.42 、 The child had a fever last night ,which worried her patients very much.43 、 I bought my sister a big toy,which delighted her greatly.44 、 She might possibly come,in which case Ill ask her.45 、 Jane told me that she won the match,which was a lie.46 、 As (was)planned,we met at theairport.47 、 You pretended not to know me,which I didn t understand.48 、 He dislikes everyone in his class,which I found very strange.5


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