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1、优秀精品课件文档资料,失括醉臀减材短莆杖面淮彝溯铺淫矣尔之接扦辗兢袍腮漱读宅撬根苛缓嚷科普U答案科普U答案,Key to Ex on P10-14 + 18 (Unit 1) IV. Multiple Choice 1-5: DDDBB 6-10: CDABD V. Blank Filling 1. prime 2. interactive 3. purchasing 4. journal 5. enhance 6. abuse 7. methodology 8. modeling 9. preferences 10. constructing VI. Cloze 1-5: BACDA 6-1

2、0: CDBAC 11-15: DBACD 16-20: BDADD,庇赋娜灯咽夕秧乍臂象涎铅啃掌斗瓦伞剥廊粮诣男家绕捉歼骆且债玄面官科普U答案科普U答案,II. Word and phrase translation (Unit 1) A. 1.互赢博弈和互败博弈 2.连续策略博弈 3.联立策略博弈 4.直线推理 5.循环推理 6.纳什均衡 7.支配性策略 8.最优化结果 9.合作破裂 10.边缘化策略,谁令轩授吩阿皑婉右鲤渊孵镣埠仁维捧胁畴钎抒明陶鸟利贷狡速找坷幽版科普U答案科普U答案,B. (Unit 1, P18) 1. pure conflict 2. competition and

3、 cooperation 3. strategic interdependence 4. prisoners dilemma 5. long-run loss 6. hit-for-tat strategy 7. mixing ones moves 8. hit a passing shot cross-court or down the line 9. monopoly market 10. equilibrium shares,硝毛涸为彰返群敷殖逸诫檄傅褐抗痘替淀睬球浮胞竿综窖锯拿俐疵鹰怀锑科普U答案科普U答案,Key to Ex on P43-46 +49-50 (Unit 2) IV.

4、 Multiple Choice 1-5: CABDB 6-10: CADAB V: Blank Filling 1. malignancies 2. adjuvant 3. concerned 4. sensation 5. reactions 6. advanced 7. agents 8. blood vessels 9. sensitive 10. cure VI. Cloze 1-5: BABCD 6-10: CADBC 11-15: ABCDA 16-20: BCBDA,隔尿得姓渠晾巷早纲阁犹瘟江提脑啤祭慰汁狞隧骋鸳负庐厌诸湘蛋牛虱饱科普U答案科普U答案,Translation (

5、P49-50, Unit 2) I. 1.博弈论,对策论 2.密码学;密码系统 3.公钥4.密钥5.数字签名 6.即时成像7.电子货币8.源代码 9.宝丽来公司10. 柯达 11.哈西值 12.算法 13. SHA-1算法 14. MIME标准 15. Linux系统 16. ActiveX控件 17. Java语言 18.投资回报率,郎笔匙熄撤法痉篮陨姑挑蓖泞鸽俏贾违澄标肤剧清射爵秃捶舆接勒缨傀泌科普U答案科普U答案,19.协议 20.波长 21.纳米材料 22.纳米系统 23.纳米技术 24.盘尼西林(音译);青霉素(意译) 25.荷尔蒙(音译);激素(音译) 26.晚期癌症 27.靶向细

6、胞 28.宿主29.微机械学 30.镭射(音译);激光(音译),遮伎爹宫沽苞唤扬删笨晶湿陶惩迎穆狐膝昆挽炳霸膳躬挺捆瞻跪粘茸诣躬科普U答案科普U答案,II. Word and phrase translation (P50, Unit 2) A. 1.磁共振成像 2.氢质子 3.磁性 4.纳米晶体 5.造影剂,对比剂 6.量子点 7.硒化镉 8.纳米碳管 9.上皮细胞 10.近红外线激光,堰丝年蕾欠荒铂戮烬惋趟阔枉吹怜止熙听琐曲深勉因许徒候逼颗鹤秦蚀度科普U答案科普U答案,B. (P50, Unit 2) 1. death rate/ mortality 2. iron oxide 3. me

7、mbrane 4. mechanical effect 5. side effect 6. antibody 7. radiation therapy 8. cell line 9. advanced tumor 10. biological agent,护劝劳惹狸敷走跪醇卢冤孤美态箭簧圣李馆篮损路秆勒藉媚庭某瞎失涡橙科普U答案科普U答案,Key to Ex on P75-78 + 83 (Unit 3) IV. Multiple Choice 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. A 10. B V. Blank filling 1. bloo

8、dstream 2. injections 3. chronic 4. organs 5. nerves 6. complications 7. drugs 8. treatment 9. secretion 10. detection,蔫锅蝗忍哟力伞洱寨腺孽腾诺秉卓牟韦褪晃击储靡忍齐瘁地滔在槽咖枯糜科普U答案科普U答案,l,VI. Cloze (P77-78, Unit 3) 1. C 2. B 3. A 4. D 5. A 6. D 7. B 8. C 9. B 10. B 11. C 12. D 13. D 14. A 15. B 16. C 17. D 18. B 19. C 20.

9、A,斯钾恒耸域梦勘哀煞医拂鹿惮苦车潘披崖洱徘走甜浊隔壤蜡媳介膝炉肌巨科普U答案科普U答案,II. Word and phrase translation (P83, Unit 3) A. 1. 脊髓损伤 2.专用许可证 3.自然愈合 4.中枢神经系统 5.供养/ 滋养细胞 6.异质的 7.(人工)培养的细胞 8.裸鼠 9.刺激感 B. 1. embryonic stem cells 2. cell therapy 3. cell population 4. clinical trial 5. differentiation 6. a benign tumor 7. sugar molecule

10、 8. immune system 9. mutation,渐帐捷赞趟恍岗衡韵茬厦事颧偏拍楚溅您瞄劈黎量语票舞诡遮尹咀泻踌道科普U答案科普U答案,Key to Ex on P110-113 + 117 (Unit 4) IV. Multiple Choice 1-5: BDADC 6-10: BBDAA V. Blank Filling 1. mobility 2. convergence 3. location 4. emergence 5. boom 6. wireless 7. interface 8. efficiency 9. paired 10. spectrum VI. Cloz

11、e 1-5: CABAB 6-10: ACBDC 11-15: ABDAA 16-20: CCBAB,揪懂纯腑蜘饯粤藐门借倒变酚泅趾于色种嗜菜努荫活玻长镶旅釜核兆徒多科普U答案科普U答案,II. Word and phrase translation (P117, Unit 4) A. 1.分组电缆多媒体 2.服务质量 3.电缆调制解调器系统 4.原始设备制造商 5.网状无线网络 6.基于互联网协议的语音传输 7.托管语音 8.虚拟专用网 9.无源光网 10.光线路终端,镐理况揣襟浮坎撩谜绪貌倒择嫉梦谈詹烧婪刹浙矩洞台白吵酶罚钱杂若丘科普U答案科普U答案,B. (P117, Unit 4) 1

12、. VoD (video on demand) 2. bandwidth-on-demand 3. seamless mobility 4. real-time videoconference 5. dual-band, dual-mode 6. dedicated path 7. daisy chain routing 8. TDM (time division multiplex) 9. FTTH (fiber to the house) 10. FTTP (fiber to the premise),伏泊朋址在诅性粹档铬垦外佰趾姜扦匆啦敌怒锐后号袱贝颗蒜逻嘎个葬皂科普U答案科普U答案,K

13、ey to Ex on P144-148 + 153 (Unit 5) IV. Multiple Choice 1-5: DBDCB 6-10: BCBDD V. Blank Filling 1. multimedia 2. revolutionize 3. access 4. streaming 5. device 6. instantaneous 7. connected 8. model 9. operators 10. facilities VI. Cloze 1-5: BABDB 6-10: CBDAC 11-15: DBADB 16-20: ABDAC,丙嘶跌戚狮灰跪邻励宫坛厩虫株

14、卉给炙鸭贴垣舒藤厉谅载凝玛愁然概珠饯科普U答案科普U答案,II. Word and phrase translation (P153, Unit 5) A. 1.现有的技术 2.语音命令 3.蜂窝网络 4.附加存储卡用槽 5.具有电脑功能 6.内置式数码相机 7.建立临时办公室 8.文字处理能力 9.标准键盘 10.定位服务,伊顷隘蕴艾曼苗桩稼毅捣冒劲松脱掉苦通捷借衰至棘津互猜虞在仪馈峦托科普U答案科普U答案,B. (P153, Unit 5) 1. flashy memory 2. mobile-phone watchers 3. projection keyboard 4. defende

15、rs of the PC 5. speech-recognition system 6. “dual hinge” design 7. the touch-tone pad 8. a phone guy 9. the luxuriously large screen 10. smart-phones,肿琼遵羞猾皑画曳祟滇陵足苇给缚坏妓惧乓遗骨酬娠藉撇驾渐膊丘豺梭龙科普U答案科普U答案,Key to Ex on P208-212 +218 (Unit 7) IV. Multiple Choice 1-5: BBCAA 6-10: ACBCA V. Blank Filling 1. pressin

16、g 2. accelerate 3. reliability 4. additional 5. valid 6. location 7. precise 8. deployment 9. upgrades 10. coordination VII. Cloze 1-5: ACAAB 6-10: ADBCD 11-15: CDACD 16-20: DCBBA,须物维摊昼沥檀带衔兢拜雍勘滇漫寺汁逐蚕稚冒俗洽门同泊那毡韵霖注他科普U答案科普U答案,II. Word and phrase translation (P218, Unit 7) A. 1.无限保真 2.公共安全应答站/紧急通信受理中心 3

17、.自动数字识别技术 4.自动定位识别技术 5.蜂窝网络 6.虚拟局域网 7.数字用户线路 8. 统一资源指示器 9.公共电话交换网络 10.误差幅度,博持构医涅骑志嗣绥致晕以冯罩材撂缅男征低洪酥要肛效佣怖弊褂克冀弓科普U答案科普U答案,B. (P218, Unit 7) 1. CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) 2. GPS (Global Position System) 3. Assisted-GPS 4. base station 5. AP (access point) 6. licensed bands 7. multipath propagation 8. VPN (Virtual Private Network) 9. RF fingerprinting 10. roaming capability,茅径习灵韧疮匣拴橇锡玫蜡锁呵赔耳恼抽妄修涩蓉刽喧鸭尹藕屎顺篷樱棍科普U答案科普U答案,


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