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1、冀教版四年级下册第一单元英语测试题四年级下册第一单元英语测试题班级:_姓名:_听力部分一、听录音,选出您听到得单词。 ( 10 分)()1、A 、 fortyB、 fiftyC、 friend()2、A 、behindB、besideC、 between()3、A 、herB、helloC、 he()4、A 、penB、pencilC、 pupil()5、AwhatB 、whoC 、whose二、听录音,选择正确得答语。 (10 分)()1、 A 、Nice to meet you, too、B、Thank you 、()2 A 、His name is Danny 、B、Her name i

2、s Kim 、()3、 A 、No, it isn tB、 Yes, they are 、()4、 A 、Im ten 、B、 Very well, thank you 、()5、 AHe is in the classroom、B、 He is tall 、三、听录音,标序号。(写数字)(10 分)()()()()()四、听录音,判读正( T)误( F)、 ( 10 分)() 1、 This is Steven 、() 2、 He is a new pupil 、() 3、 She is in the classroom 、() 4、 He is in front of Danny、() 5

3、、 Jenny is reading a book 、笔试部分一读单词,选出每组中划线部分读音不同得一项。(5 分)()1、A、 dadB、 nameC、 cap()2、A、 heB、 sheC、 hello()3、A、 pigB、filmC、 hi()4、A、 whatB、 whoC、 whose冀教版四年级下册第一单元英语测试题()5、A、 seaB 、meat二单选。(5 分)()1、Steven ,_ are my friends、C、sweaterA、thisB、itC、these()2、-Whose pencil is this?-It s_ pencil、A、DannyB、Dan

4、nysC、I()3、You can call _Mr、Wood、A、IB、meC、my()4、Steven is _ a book、A、 playingB、 lookingC、 reading()5、 Kim is my friend 、_ likes to draw pictures with _ crayons、A、 She, sheB、 She, herC、 Her ,she三选词填空。(10 分)1、 The schoolbag is _ the desk、2、 The book is _ the pencil box、3、 The crayons are _ the pencil b

5、ox、4、 The pencil is _ the pen and the ruler、5、 The chair is _ the desk、betweenbeside on underin四:给下列句子选择合适得答语。 ( 10 分)() 1、Whats his name?A 、 I can see a desk、()2、What can you see?B、 His name is Bob、()3、 Is it Stevens pencil?C、 It s her ruler、()4、Where is Danny?D、 He is in the classroom、()5、 Whose r

6、uler is this?E、 No、 It s not his pencil、五连词成句。(10 分)1、areThey aplayinggame、2、backschoolto Welcome、3、Where Kimis_?冀教版四年级下册第一单元英语测试题4、therearepencilsHowmany_?5、Whoseisrulerthis_?六、完成对话。(10 分)A: Nice to meet you 、B:1、A: How many books are there o your desk?B: 2、A:3、B: He is playing on the playground、A:

7、4、B: No, my schoolbag is on the desk、A:5、A:There are six books、B: Nice to meet you,too、C:Where is Danny?D: Is this Kim s schoolbag?E: Is this your schoolbag ?B: No、 Her schoolbag is green 、七阅读短文,选择正确答案。 (10 分)We have a new classroom、There are many desks and chairs in 、it We have a new friend,too、 Hi

8、s name is Liu Dong、 He is 11 years old、 He is tall、 He likes to play ping-pong、Our English teacher is Mr、 Chen、 He likes to read books、 He is ourfriend,too!() 1、There are many _ in our new classroom、A、 desks and chairs B、 pens and pencils C、 boys and girls、() 2、Our new friend is _、A、 Mr 、 Wood 、 B、 Mr 、 ChenC、Liu Dong()3、 Liu Dong is _ years old、A、12B、11C、 13()4、 _ likes to play ping-pong、A、 IB、 Mr 、 ChenC、 Liu Dong()5、 Mr 、 Chen likes to _A、 buybooksB 、 write booksC、read books


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