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1、Lesson 1Listen and say.Nice to see you again.很高兴再次见到你们 .We are glad to see you,too.我们也很高兴见到你 .Why are you so happy?你们为什么这么开心 ?Because we are back to school again.I like school. 我喜欢学校 .Look and read.happy 开心的 excited 兴奋的 to laugh 笑Story time 故事时间北京课改版英语课本四年级上Im making a birthday cake for Lala.我正在为拉拉做

2、生日蛋糕.The dog doesnt know it.小狗不知道这个 .He is playing with Mike.他正和迈克一起玩 .Wow!Whats that?哇!那是什么 ?A birthday cake for me?给我的生日蛋糕吗 ?What a happy surprise! 真是个惊喜 !Lets read the words. 读一读单词 .again 又,再 we 我们 are 是 glad 高兴的too 也 why 为什么Lesson 2Listen and sayWhy do you look so sad today,Maomao?毛毛 ,你今天为什么看起来难

3、过?Because my dog is missing.因为我的狗不见了 .Where can he go? 他会去哪里 ?I dont know. 我不知道 .Dont be sad. 不要难过 .Im sure he will come back soon.我肯定他会回来的I hope so,too. 我也希望是这样 .Look and read.sad 难过的 angry 生气的 to cry 哭Story time 故事时间Im so sad because my favorite toy is missing.我很难过 ,因为我最喜欢的玩具不见了 .Dont be sad. 不要难过

4、 .Dont cry. 不要哭 .Im sure you can find it soon.我相信你会找到它的Here it is.它在这里 .Im so happy to see my ball again.又看到我的球了我真开心.Lets read the words. 读一读单词 .北京课改版英语课本四年级上look 看 sad 难过的 where 哪里 hope 希望Lesson 3Listen and say.My dog is back. 我的狗回来了 .Oh,great!Are you happy? 噢,太好了!你开心吗 ?Yes,Im very happy and surpri

5、sed.是的 .我非常惊喜 .Where did he go? 他去了哪里 ?He went to my grandpas house.他去了我爷爷家 .Look and read.surprised 吃惊的 tired 疲惫的 sleepy 困倦的Story time 故事时间Get up.Get up. 起来 .起来 .Play with me. 陪我玩 .I want to sleep. 我想睡觉 .Dont make me angry. 别惹我生气 .Please go away.请走开 .Sorry to wake you up.对不起把你弄醒了 .Ill come back lat

6、er. 我晚点儿再来 .Lets read the words. 读一读单词 .great 很好 surprised 吃惊的 went 去Lesson 4Now I can read. 我现在可以读 .sit seatMay I sit here? 我可以坐这儿吗 ?Is this seat free?这个座位是空座吗?No,it isnt. 不,不是的 .Im keeping it for Mr.Green.我在为格林先生看管 .Is there any meat? 有肉吗 ?Yes,but only tinned meat.有 ,但是只有罐头肉 . Is it beef?是牛肉吗 ?No,

7、it isnt.Its chicken.不,不是 .是鸡肉 .You have to heat it before you eat it.在吃之前你必须给它加热.Lets sing a song.A happy song 幸福快乐歌北京课改版英语课本四年级上.Lesson 5Listen and say.Hello.你好 .May I speak to Yangyang? 我可以跟洋洋说话吗 ?Its Maomao. 我是毛毛 .Speaking.请讲 .Hi,Yangyang.嗨,洋洋 .I got a car for my birthday.我生日收到了一辆小汽车.What?什么 ?A c

8、ar for your birthday?生日收到了一辆小汽车 ?Yes,a big purple toy car.是的 ,一辆紫色的大玩具车Do you want to have a look?你想看看吗 ?Yes,Id love to. 是的 .我想看 .Look and read.a telephone 一部电话a cell phone 一部手机a pay phone 投币式公用电话Story time 故事时间May I speak to Kate,please?我可以和凯特讲话吗 ?Speaking.请讲 .Do you want to see my new toy?你想看我的新玩具

9、吗I have a bone. 我有一块骨头 .OK.Ill come over. 好的 .我会过去 .Do you like my new toy? 你喜欢我的新玩具吗 ?Not really. 不太喜欢 .I like my new toy.我喜欢我的新玩具 .Look.看.Lets read the words. 读一读单词 .may 可以 speak 说话Lesson 6Listen and say.Hello. 你好 .Is Guoguo there?Its Sara.果果在吗 ?我是萨拉 .Sorry,Sara.对不起 ,萨拉 .Guoguo cant answer the pho

10、ne.果果不能接电话 .北京课改版英语课本四年级上She is not home. 她不在家 .Can you call back later?你晚点再打来好吗 ?OK.I have some new books,好的 .我有一些新书 ,Grimms Fairy Tales,格林童话集,The Monkey King, 西游记and the Harry Potter stories.还有哈利波特Guoguo may like thesebooks,too.果果可能也会喜欢Thank you.谢谢你 .Im sure she will like them very much.我相信她会很喜欢的

11、.Look and read.to call somebody 给某人打电话to answer the phone 接电话Story time 故事时间Look at these new books.看这些新书 .But I cant read. 但是我不会读 .Mike can read. 迈克会读 .He knows all these stories.他知道所有这些故事 .He reads them to me.他把它们读给我听了 .Sara tells me stories,too.萨拉也会给我讲故事 .I like Snow White. 我喜欢白雪公主 .Lets read the

12、 words. 读一读单词 .there 那里 call 打电话 later 一会儿 them 他们Lesson 7Listen and say.Hello. 你好 .Is Miss Wang at home?王老师在家吗 ?This is Wang Ping.我就是王平 .Whos speaking? 你是谁 ?Its Lingling. 我是玲玲 .I have a bad cold. 我得了重感冒 .I cant go to school tomorrow.明天不能去上学了 .北京课改版英语课本四年级上Im sorry to hear this,Lingling.听到这个消息我很难过 ,

13、玲玲 .Please stay in bed and drink a lot of water.请在床上休息 ,多喝水 .I will,Miss Wang.我会的 ,王老师 . Thank you.谢谢您 .Look and read.a video phone 可视电话a cordless phone 无线电话a walkie-talkie 步话机Story time 故事时间Whats wrong with you? 你怎么了?I have a runny nose. 我在流鼻涕 .I think I have a cold. 我想我感冒了 .Ill take you to see the

14、 doctor.我要带你去看医生Dont go out. 不要出去 .Stay inside and keep warm.呆在里面 ,保持暖和 .Youll get well soon. 你会很快就好的 .Lets read the words. 读一读单词 .bad 坏的 hear 听 drink 喝Lesson 8Now I can read. 现在我可以读 .pet badGet a pet,Pat.帕特 ,得到一只宠物 .Alan,Ive got a pet.北京课改版英语课本四年级上艾伦 ,我得到一只宠物 .Its a cat.是一只猫 .That black cat outside

15、?是外面那只黑猫吗 ?Lesson 9Listen and say.Would you please hold thebooks for me?你能帮我拿一下书吗 ?to lock the door锁门Story time 故事时间Can you do me a favor?你能帮我个忙吗 ?Its bad you have a black cat.有一只黑猫不好 .Thank you for your letter.谢谢你的来信 .Is your leg any better?你的腿好些了吗 ?Im glad your leg is getting better.很高兴你的腿好些了 .Let

16、s sing a song 我们来唱歌My little aeroplane 我的小飞机.The ant is moving a big piece ofI cant find my key. 我找不到钥匙bread home.了 .蚂蚁正在搬一大片面包回家.Certainly.Let me hold the books.He is very tired. 他很累了 .可以 .我来拿书 .Here is my home. 这里是我家 .Oh,here it is .噢,在这里 .But I cant open the door. 但我打Thank you so much. 太谢谢你了 .不开门

17、了 .You are welcome.不客气 .I dont know where I put my key.Look and read.我不知道把钥匙放在哪里了.to open the door开门Im really worried. 我真的很着急 .to hold the door open开着门Is this your key? 这是你的钥匙吗 ?to close the door 关门Its under the grass. 在草下面 .Thank you so much. 太感谢你了 .Lets read the words. 读一读单词 .hold 抓住 find 找到 certa

18、inly 当然 let 让Lesson 10Listen and say.Would you mind opening the door for me,please?你介意帮我打开门吗 ?My hands are full. 我腾不出手来 .Sure.Id love to. 当然可以 .我很乐意 .Thank you so much. 十分感谢 .Its so kind of you. 你真好 .Its my pleasure. 不客气 .Look and read.北京课改版英语课本四年级上to turn on the light开灯to turn off the light关灯to lif

19、t the heavy box 提起沉重的盒子to put the book back 把书放回去Story time 故事时间Its a lovely summer afternoon.这是个明媚的夏日午后 .The sun is bright. 阳光灿烂 .The sky is blue.天空湛蓝 .Im fishing by the lake.我在湖边钓鱼 .The gray clouds are coming over.乌云即将来临 .Its beginning to rain. 开始下雨了 .Let me hold a big leaf over your head.让我在你头顶撑一

20、片大叶子吧.What a big fish! 这鱼真大 !Thank you for your help.谢谢你的帮助 .Its my pleasure. 不客气 .Lets read the words. 读一读单词 .mind 介意 door 门 full 满的 kind 友善的pleasure 愉快Lesson 11Listen and say.Will you do me a favor?你能帮我个忙吗 ?What can I do for you? 我能帮你什么 ?I forgot my ping-pong paddle at home.我把乒乓球拍忘在家里了.Can I borro

21、w yours? 我能借你的吗?Sure.I will lend you mine. 当然可以.我会借给你 .Here are two. 给你这对 .You can choose. 你可以选一个 .You are so kind.Thank you.你真好 .谢谢 .Look and read.a ping-pong paddle 一个乒乓球拍swimming glasses 泳镜北京课改版英语课本四年级上a lifebelt 救生圈a mountain bike 山地车Story time 故事时间A lion is sleeping under a tree.一头狮子正在树下睡觉 .A l

22、ittle mouse is playing around.小老鼠在玩耍 .The lion is angry. 狮子生气了 .He wants to eat the mouse.他想吃掉小老鼠 .Please let me go.请放了我吧 .I will help you in the future.我将来会帮你的 .Lets me cut the net open with my sharp teeth.Thanks a lot.太谢谢了 .Lets read the words. 读一读单词 .forgot 忘记 borrow 借入 yours 你的 lend 借出choose 选择L

23、esson 12Now I can read. 现在我可以读come 来 start 开始Come on,Carl.Hurry up.快点 ,卡尔 .赶快.Lunch is ready.We will start午餐好了我们要开始了Marge is coming to our party.马吉要来我们的宴会 .And so is Arthur. 亚瑟也会来 .That is such a lovely cup.这个杯子真可爱 .Therere so many cars in the car park.停车场内有许多车 .Lets sing a song. 我们来唱歌 .Skip to my l

24、ou 跳到我这来.Lesson 13Do you understand? 你明白吗 ?1.Tick or cross.打勾或叉 .Yangyag is calling Mike. 洋洋在给迈克打电话 .Sara is answering the phone. 萨拉正在接电话 .Maomao is speaking on the phone.毛毛正在讲电话 .Guoguo is making a phone call.北京课改版英语课本四年级上果果正在打电话 .2.Listen and number. 听一听 ,标号 .Toms baby dog is missing.汤姆的宝贝狗不见了 .He

25、 is sad.他很伤心 .My father works very hard. 我爸爸工作非常努力 .He is tired. 他累了 .3.My grandma got a big birthday cake.She is so happy.她很高兴 .This toy shop is so big. 这个玩具店真大 .Im really surprised. 我真的很吃惊 .Can you read?你会读吗 ?The students are very happy to be back to schoolagain.They are glad to see each other.The

26、y like school.Maomaos dog is missing.毛毛的狗不见了 .He looks sad.He doesnt know where his dog is.Lingling tells him not to be sad.She is sure that the dog will come back soon.Maomaos dog is back.He is happy again.The dog went to his grandpas house.Maomao got a new gift.毛毛收到一件新礼物 .It is a big purple toy ca

27、r.是一辆紫色的大玩具车 .He wants Yangyang to come to his home.He is now calling Yangyang,and Yangyang would love to have a look at thegift.Lesson 14Do you understand?Tick or cross.Yangyang is holding the bag for Guoguo.Sara is helping Lingling with the heavy box.北京课改版英语课本四年级上Maomao is looking for his bike.Mik

28、e is opening the door for Sara.Listen and number.Its ten in the evening.I cant keep my eyes open.Im sleepy.How funny the story is!Everybody is laughing.His new kite is in the lake.Hes crying.I cant do my homework because he is singingin my room.Im angry.Can you read?Sara and Guoguo often talk on the

29、 phone.Sara has some new books.She is now calling Guoguo.She would like Guoguo to read these books,too.But Guoguo is not at home.Lingling is ill.She has a bad cold.She is calling Miss Wang to tell herthat she cant go to school tomorrow.Miss Wang is sorry to hear that.She tells Lingling to stay in be

30、d and drink alot of water.Mike and Baobao are going to have a ping-pongmatch but Baobao forgot his paddle at home.He wants to borrow a paddle from Mike.Mike is glad to lend his paddle to Baobao.They are good friends.Lesson 15Listen and say.Can I help you?我能帮助你吗 ?Yes,I want to get a pen.是的 .我想买一支钢笔 .

31、We have different kinds.我们有不同的种类 .Which kind would you like?北京课改版英语课本四年级上你想要哪一种 ?This kind looks nice. 这种看起来很好 .What colors do you have?你们有什么颜色的 ?We have black,blue,green,and brown.I will take a brown one. 我要褐色的 .Look and read.a pen 一支钢笔a brush 一支毛笔different kinds 不同种类Story time 故事时间I would like som

32、e meat and some bones.我想要些肉和骨头 .How much are they? 多少钱 ?Eight yuan for the meat and seven for the bones.肉 8 元,骨头 7 元.Here is twenty yuan. 这是 20 元.Here is your change. 这是找你的钱 .Thank you for shopping here. 谢谢光临 .Lets read the words. 读一读单词 . pen 钢笔 kind 种类 which 哪一个 blue 蓝色 green 绿色Lesson 16Listen and

33、sayExcuse me.劳驾 .May I look at that pair of shoes,please?我能看看这双鞋吗 ?Here you are. 给你 .They are very comfortable.它们很舒适 .How much are they? 多少钱 ?Eighty yuan.80 元.Ill take them. 我将买下它们 .Thank you.谢谢 .Look and read.a pair of slippers 一双拖鞋a pair of boots 一双靴子a pair of sneakers 一双运动鞋a pair of sandals 一双凉鞋S

34、tory time 故事时间Happy birthday,Mom! 妈妈 ,生日快乐 !北京课改版英语课本四年级上Here is my gift to you. 这是我给你的礼物 .Please open it.打开看看 .Wow!What a nice pair of slippers!哇!多漂亮的拖鞋 !I like the color! 我喜欢这颜色 !Mom,put them on and see if they fit.妈妈 ,穿上试试看合不合脚 .They are nice and comfortable.很好很舒服 .Thank you,Guoguo. 谢谢你 ,果果 .Lets

35、 read the words. 读一读单词 .me 我 pair 一双 please 请comfortable 舒适 how much 多少Lesson 17Listen and say.Its getting cold. 天气变冷了 .I will buy you a new jacket.我给你买件新夹克衫 .This shop sells jackets.这个店卖夹克 .May I try that on? 我可以试试那件吗 ?Sure.Here it is.当然可以 .给.The red color will look nice on you,Lingling.玲玲 ,你穿红色的会很

36、漂亮 . I think so,too. 我也这么想 . Look and read.an overcoat 一件外套a hoodie 带帽子的外套a jean skirt 一条牛仔裙a school uniform 一套校服Story time 故事时间Fall is coming.秋天来了 .Ill buy you a coat. 我将给你买件外套 .Id like to try on the blue one.我想试穿蓝色的那件 .Blue is my favorite color. 蓝色是我最喜欢的颜色 .The blue coat looks nice on you.你穿蓝色的外套很

37、漂亮 .It really goes well with your black pants.它和你的黑裤子很配 .Lets read the words. 读一读单词北京课改版英语课本四年级上buy 买 shop 商店 sell 卖 sure 当然Lesson 18Now I can read. 现在我可以读 .girl 女孩 winter 冬天When is the birthday of that girl in the silverskirt?Is it on the third day of the first month?是在第一个月的第三天吗?No.Thats the birthd

38、ay of that boy in the purpleshirt.Her birthday is in winter,December the third.她的生日在冬天 ,12 月 3 号.Lets sing a song. 我们来唱歌 .COLORS 颜色歌.Lesson 19Listen and sayLets look at the menu. 我们看看菜单 .There are all kinds of Chinese dishes.各类中国菜都有 .What would you like to eat? 你想吃什么 ?Id like some vegetables. 我想吃些蔬菜 .Please dont make them too salty.请不要做得太咸 .Can I have sweet and sour fish,please?请给我糖醋鱼好吗 ?Ill have some pork ribs and meatballs.我要一些猪排和肉丸子 .Look and read.a bowl


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