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1、冀教版小学英语六年级毕业总复习资料冀教版小学英语总复习资料表一:冀教版教材中所学名词分类汇总记忆表学习用品类 :pen(钢笔 ), pencil(铅笔 ), book(书), eraser(橡皮 ), ruler(尺子 ), pencil-case(铅笔盒 ), marker(彩笔 ), bag(书包 ), glue(胶水 ), scissors(剪刀 ), paper(纸 ), sharpener(卷笔刀 )、教室内物品类: door(门), window( 窗户 ), blackboard(黑板 ), desk(课桌 ), chair(椅子 ), map(地图 ), picture(图画

2、), light( 灯), chalk(粉笔 ), floor( 地板 ),wall( 墙 )、房间名称类: house(房子 ), apartment(公寓 ), room(房间 ), bedroom(卧室 ), living room(客厅 ),kitchen(厨房 ), bathroom(卫生间 )、家用物品类: bed(床), television=TV( 电视 ), table(桌子 ), telephone(电话 ), computer(电脑 ), refrigerator=fridge( 电冰箱 ), closet(衣橱 ), dresser(床头柜 ), lamp( 台灯 ),

3、 sofa(沙发 ), couch(长沙发 ), camera(照相机 ), cup(茶杯 ), glass(玻璃杯 ), bowl( 碗), dish(盘子 ), chopsticks(筷子 ), spoon(勺子 ), fork( 叉子 ), towel( 毛巾 ), sink( 水槽 ), stove(炉子 ), toilet(马桶 ), shower(淋浴器 ), bathtub(浴盆 ), brush(刷子 ), toothbrush(牙刷 ), umbrella(雨伞 )、交通工具类: bus(公共汽车 ), car(小汽车 ), truck(大卡车 ), bicycle=bike

4、(自行车 ), train(火车 ), airplane=plane(飞机 ), ship(轮船 ), boat(小船 ), taxi( 出租车 ), cab(出租小汽车 )、人体部位类: body(身体 ), head(头), hair(头发 ), eye(眼睛 ), ear(耳朵 ), nose(鼻子 ), mouth(嘴 ), face(脸), neck(脖子 ), shoulder(肩膀 ), arm(胳膊 ), elbow(胳膊肘 ), hand(手 ), finger(手指 ), stomach (肚子 ), leg(腿), knee(膝盖 ), foot( 脚) 复数 feet,

5、 toe(脚趾 )、动物名称类:cat(猫), dog(狗 ), pig(猪), duck(鸭子 ), goose(鹅 ) 复数 geese, bird(鸟), chicken(母鸡 ), chick(小鸡 ), cock(公鸡 ), bee(蜜蜂 ), butterfly( 蝴蝶 ), cow(奶牛 ), horse(马 ), rabbit(兔子 ), monkey(猴子 ), panda(熊猫 ), tiger(老虎 ), lion( 狮子 ), bear(熊 ), elephant(大象 ), donkey(驴 ), snake(蛇), frog( 青蛙 ), fish(鱼 ), she

6、ep(绵羊 ), goat(山羊 ), fox( 狐狸 ), wolf( 狼), mouse(老鼠 ) 复数 mice, zebra(斑马 ), camel(骆驼 ), deer(鹿 ), giraffe(长颈鹿 ), kangaroo(袋鼠 )、水果名称类: apple(苹果 ), banana(香蕉 ), pear(梨子 ), peach(桃子 ), orange(桔子 ), grape(葡萄 ), strawberry(草莓 ), melon(瓜 ), watermelon(西瓜 ), pineapple(菠萝 ), mango(芒果 ), coconut(椰子 )、食品名称类: bre

7、ad(面包 ), egg(鸡蛋 ), hamburger(汉堡包 ), sandwich(三明治 ), hot dog(热狗 ), ice cream(冰激凌 ), cake(蛋糕 ), cookies(饼干 ), pizza(比萨饼 ), donut(面包圈 ), toast(烤面包 ), jam(果酱 ), noodles(面条 ), dumplings(饺子 ), rice(米饭 ), soup(汤 ), French fries(炸薯条 ), sausage(香肠 ), beef(牛肉 ), mutton(羊肉 ), fish( 鱼肉 ), pork(猪肉 ), chicken(鸡肉

8、)、冀教版小学英语六年级毕业总复习资料蔬菜名称类: cabbage(卷心菜 ), onion(洋葱 ), carrot(胡萝卜 ), pea(豌豆 ), eggplant(茄子 ), tomato(西红柿 ), potato(土豆 ), beans(豆子 )、饮料名称类: juice(果汁 ), milk( 牛奶 ), pop(汽水 ), coffee(咖啡 ), coke(可乐 ), tea(茶), water(水)、家庭成员类 : grandfather(祖父 /外祖父 ), grandmother(祖母 /外祖母 ), grandpa(爷爷 / 姥爷 ), grandma(奶奶 / 姥姥

9、 ), father(父亲 ), dad(爸爸 ), mother(母亲 ), mum/mom(妈妈 ), brother(兄/弟 ), sister(姐 /妹), uncle(伯/叔 /舅/ 姑/姨父 ), aunt(伯/婶/舅 /姑/姨母 ), cousin(堂 /表兄弟姐妹 )、职业名称类: doctor(医生 ), nurse(护士 ), teacher(老师 ), worker(工人 ), driver( 司机 ),farmer(农民 ), policeman(警察 ), pupil( 小学生 ), student(中学生 ),clerk(职员 ), businessman(男商人

10、), businesswoman(女商人 ),waiter(男服务员 ), waitress(女服务员 ), cashier(收银员 ), writer( 作家 ),singer(歌手 ), actor(演员 ), dancer(舞蹈演员 )、服装名称类: blouse(男衬衫 ), shirt(女衬衫 ), T-shirt(T 恤衫 ), skirt(短裙 ), dress(连衣裙 ), jacket(夹克衫 ), cap(太阳帽 ), hat(礼帽 ), coat(大衣 ), sweater(毛衣), pants (长裤 ), shorts(短裤 ), jeans(牛仔裤 ), sock(

11、袜子 ), shoe(鞋子 ),sandals(露趾凉鞋 ), mittens=mitts(连指手套 ), gloves(分指手套 ), scarf(围巾 ), raincoat(雨衣 ), swimsuit(游泳衣 )、球类名称类: basketball(篮球 ), football( 足球 ), volleyball( 排球 ), tennis(网球 ),ping-pong=table tennis(乒乓球 ), badminton(羽毛球 ), baseball(棒球 )、方位名称类: east(东方 ),west(西方 ), north(北方 ), south(南方 )、公共场所类:

12、park(公园 ), library( 图书馆 ), gym(体育馆 ), shop(商店 ), store(商场 ), cinema=movie theatre(电影院 ), restaurant(餐馆 ), market(市场 ), hotel(宾馆 )、一日三餐类: breakfast(早餐 ), lunch(午餐 ), supper=dinner(晚餐 )、季节名称类: season(季节 ), winter( 冬季 ), spring(春季 ), summer(夏季 ), fall=autumn(秋季 )、星期名称类: week(周 ), Sunday(星期日 ), Monday(星

13、期一 ), Tuesday(星期二 ), Wednesday(星期三 ),Thursday(星期四 ), Friday(星期五 ), Saturday(星期六 )、月份名称类: month(月), January(一月 ), February(二月 ), March(三月 ), April( 四月 ), May( 五月 ), June(六月 ), July(七月 ), August(八月 ), September(九月 ), October(十月 ), November(十一月 ), December(十二月 )、图形名称类: shape(图形、形状 ), line( 直线 ), circle

14、( 圆形 ), square(方形 ), triangle(三角形 )、节日名称类: New Years Day(新年、元旦 ), Spring Festival(春节 ), Womens Day(妇女节 ), International workers Day=May国际Day(劳动节 ), ChildrensDay(儿童节 ), Teachers 教Day(师节 ), National Day(国庆节 ), Christmas Day(圣诞节 )、表二:冀教版教材中所学动词短语汇总记忆表1、play basketball(打篮球 ) 2、play ping-pong(打乒乓球 ) 3、pl

15、ay soccer(踢足球 ) 4、 like best(最喜欢 ) 5、teach sb、 to do sth、(教某人做某事 ) 6、would like to do sth、(愿意做某事 ) 7、go to the store(去商场 ) 8、ask sb、 for help(请求某人提供冀教版小学英语六年级毕业总复习资料帮助 )9、Excuse me、(打扰了 !) 10、be ready to do sth、(准备做某事 )11、wantto do sth、( 想做某事 ) 12、have fun=have a good time(过得愉快 /玩得开心 ) 13、 watch sb、

16、 do sth、(瞧某人做某事 ) 14、arrive at(到达 ) 15、have fun doing sth、(做某事开心 ) 16、yell for( 为、大声呼喊 ) 17、buy sth、for sb、(给某人买某物 ) 18、 play hard(打地努力 ) 19、throw the basketball(扔篮球 ) 20、 catch the basketball(接住篮球 ) 21、eat breakfas=have breakfast(吃早饭 ) 22、eat lunch=have lunch(吃午餐 ) 23、eat supper=have supper(吃晚餐 ) 2

17、4、be going to do sth、(打算 /准备去做某事 ) 25、eat porridge(喝粥 ) 26、 wake up(醒来 ) 27、 brush one s teeth(刷牙 ) 28、 go to school(去上学 ) 29、put on(穿上 ) 30、wash one hands(洗手 ) 31、wash one s face(洗脸 ) 32、at school(在学校 ) 33、comb ones hair(梳头 ) 34、work hard(努力工作 ) 35、 answer questions(回答问题 ) 36、do one s homework(做家庭作

18、业 ) 37、take a shower(冲淋浴 ) 38、take a bath(洗澡 ) 39、make sb、 do sth、(使某人做某事 ) 40、Watch out!(小心 !)41、make a chart(制表格 ) 42、play sports(做运动 ) 43、ask somequestions(问些问题 )44、 ride a bike=ride bikes(骑自行车 )45、 walk to school=go to school on foot(步行去学校 ) 46、have/has to(必须 /不得不 ) 47、listen to sb、(听某人讲 /说) 48、

19、 clean the room(打扫房间 ) 49、 help yourfamily( 帮助您得家人 ) 50、dry the dishes(擦干盘子 ) 51、make lunch(做午饭 ) 52、 wash clothes(洗衣服 ) 53、read a book=read books(读书 ) 54、watch TV( 瞧电视 ) 55、 look at(瞧 ) 56、jump in( 跳进 ) 57、like to do sth、 (喜欢做某事 ) 58、fly a kite/fly kites(放风筝 )59、look at the flowers(赏花 ) 60、lie on t

20、he grass(躺在草地上 ) 61、take off(脱掉 ) 62、 watch the birds fly(观瞧鸟飞 ) 63、invite sb、 to do sth、(邀请某人做某事 ) 64、stand up(站起来 ) 65、Hurry up!( 赶快 !) 66、need to do sth、( 需要做某事 ) 67、come in(进来 ) 68、go to the park(去公园 ) 69、look like( 瞧起来像 ) 70、 run into(撞上 ) 71、like doing sth、(喜爱做某事 ) 72、like swimming( 喜爱游泳 ) 73、

21、 learn English(学英语 )74、teach English(教英语 ) 75、drive the car to school(开车去学校 ) 76、listen to the radio(听收音机 ) 77、go on a trip/go on trips(去旅行 ) 78、 fly home/come back home by plane(乘飞机回家 ) 79、say hello to sb、(向某人问好 ) 80、 call sb、 on the phone(给某人打电话 ) 81、walk slowly( 走得慢 ) 82、 walk quickly( 走得快 ) 83、p

22、lay cards(打牌 ) 84、arrive in(到达 ) 85、go for a walk(散步 ) 86、walk down the street(沿着街走 ) 87、take a picture=take pictures(拍照 ) 88、go shopping(购物 ) 89、get wet(变湿 ) 90、be/get ready for(为 做好准备 ) 91、make a snowman=make snowmen(堆雪人 ) 92、Look out!( 小心 )93、walk forwards/backwards(向前走 /向后走 ) 94、 turn around(转圈)

23、 95、 all down(摔倒 ) 96、 flowers bloom( 花开 ) 97、 Come on (过来 /加油 !) 98、blow off(把 从 上吹落 )) 99、 look out the window(朝窗子外面瞧 ) 100、 go inside(进来 ) 101、 go outside(出去 ) 102、 put up(装扮 ) 103、send a card/send cards(寄贺卡 ) 104、sing a song/sing songs(唱歌 )105、bring gifts( 带来礼物 )106、 walk to the park(步行去公园) 107、

24、eat eggs(吃鸡蛋 )108、bring toys(带来玩具 )109、 help sb、 with sth、 (某人做某事 ) 110、 Christmas gifts(圣诞礼物 )表三:冀教版教材中所学过得不规则动词得过去式分类记忆表冀教版小学英语六年级毕业总复习资料a、完全不规则: am,is-was, are-were, do/does-did, go-went, see-saw, say-said, have/has-had, fly-flew, speak-spoke, buy-bought, bring-brought, think-thought, teach-taugh

25、t, eat-ate, lie-lay, can-could, will-would 、b、改变其中得元、辅音字母:give-gave, get-got, forget-forgot, come-came, run-ran,sing-sang, write-wrote,draw-drew, drink-drank, ride-rode, swim-swam,shine-shone, find-found, win-won, lose-lost, make-made、c、原形与过去式同形:read-read, put-put,hit-hit,hurt-hurt,cost-cost、表四:冀教版教

26、材中所学得对应词与反义词汇总记忆表boy(男孩 )-girl( 女孩 ), man(男士 )-woman(妇女 ), brother(兄弟 )-sister(姐妹 ), father(父亲 )-mother(母亲 ), dad(爸爸 )-mum(妈妈 ), grandfather(祖父 )-grandmother (祖母 ), uncle(叔叔 )-aunt(婶婶 ), husband(丈夫 )-wife( 妻子 ), day(白天 )-night( 夜晚 ), morning(早上 )-afternoon(下午 ), east(东方 )-west(西方 ), north(北方 )-south

27、(南方 ), big(大得 )-small(小得 ), old( 旧得 )-new(新得 ), old( 老得 )-young(少得 ), tall( 高得 )-short(矮得 ), long(长得 )-short(短得 ), left( 左面 )-right( 右面 ), wrong( 错误得 )-right(正确得 ), black( 黑色得 )-white(白色得 ), good(好得 )-bad(坏得 ), happy(高兴地 )-sad(悲伤得 ), dirty( 脏得 )-clean(干净得 ), heavy(重得 )-light( 轻得 ), hungry(饥饿得 )-full

28、( 饱得 ), cold(冷得 )-hot(热得 ), warm(温暖得 )-cool(凉爽得 ), fat( 胖得 )-thin(瘦得 ), dry(干得 )-wet( 湿得 ), hard(难得 )-easy(容易得 ), quiet(安静得 )-loud(大声得 ), quick( 快得 )-slow(慢得 ), far(远得 )-near(近得 ), high(高得 )-low( 低得 ), strong(强壮得 )-weak(虚弱得 ), healthy(健康得 )-sick(有病得 ), different( 不同得 )-same(相同得 ), expensive(昂贵得 )-ch

29、eap(便宜得 ), here(这儿 )-there(那儿 ),late(迟得 )-early(早得 ), first( 首先 )-finnally( 最后 ), always(总就是 )-never(从来不 ), inside(里面 )-outside(外面 ), up(向上 )-down(向下 ), quickly( 快地 )-slowly( 慢地 ), quietly(安静地 )-loudly( 大声地 ), well( 好)-badly( 坏 ), fast(快得、快地 )-slow( 慢得 )/slowly( 慢地 ), this(这个 )-that(那个 ), these(这些 )

30、-those(那些 ), come(来)-go(去),yes(就是 )-no(不就是 ), stand(站)-sit( 坐), open(打开 )-close(关上 ), ask(问 )-answer(答), borrow(借来 )-lend(借出 ), bring( 带来 )-take(带走 ),buy(买)-sell(卖), cry( 哭)-laugh(笑), teach(教)-learn(学), better(更好 )-worse(更坏 ), before(在 之前 )-after(在 之后 ), above(在 以上 )-below( 在 以下 )、表五:冀教版教材中所学得同音词汇总记

31、忆表buy(买)-by( 乘)-bye(再见 ), two( 二)-too(也)-to( 到) I( 我)-eye(眼睛 ),four(四)-for( 为了 ), hi(嘿 )-high(高), know( 知道 )-no(不), hear(听见 )-here(这儿 ), their(她们得 )-there(那儿 ), meet(碰见 )-meat(肉), sun(太阳 )-son(儿子 ), see(瞧见 )-sea(大海 ), hour(小时 )-our(我们得 ), write( 写)-right( 右面得 /正确得 ), weak(虚弱得 )-week(周), new(新得 )-kne

32、w(know 得过去式 ), one(一 )-won(win 得过去式 ),aren t(are与 not 得缩写 )-aunt(婶/舅 /姑/姨母 ), its(它得 )-it s(it与 is 得缩写 ), Miss(小姐 )-miss(想念 ), May( 五月 )-may(可以 )、表六:冀教版教材中常用交际用语汇总记忆表问候: Hi! Hello! Good morning/afternoon/evening! Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you, too、 A:How are you? B: Fine,thank you、/Very well,th

33、ank you 、介绍: My name is _、 / I am a student、 / I m from Canada、/This is _、冀教版小学英语六年级毕业总复习资料告别: Good-bye! /Bye! /Bye-bye!Good night!See you later /tomorrow!感谢:Thank you(very much)/ Thanks a lot、 -That s OK、 / That s Allright、 / You are welcome、 / Not at all 、道歉: -Sorry、 / I am sorry、-That s OK、 / Its

34、 all right、邀请 Would you like to go for a walk? / Will /Would you come to my birthday party?-Sure、 / No, thanks、请求允许: -May I go on a trip to Beijing?-Yes, you may、 / No, you may not、 / Sure、 / Certainly、-Can I use your pencil?-Of course, you can、祝愿与祝贺: Have a lovely day! / Good luck! / Happy New Year

35、! / Merry Christmas! You, too、 / The same to you、 -Happy birthday!-Thank you 、约会: A: Would you like to play with me this afternoon? B: Yes、 When? A: At 12:00、 B: See you then、打电话: A: Hello! May I speak to Mr 、 Wood? B: Yes, just a moment, please、 A: Hello! Is Kim there? B: No /Sorry, can I take a me

36、ssage、就医: A: What s the matter?/What s wrong with you? B:I hurt my、fingerIhave a headache /stomachache、就餐: A:Would you like something to eat / drink? B: Yes、 I would like rice and chicken、A: What would you like?B:I would like some tea、A: Would you like some more dumplings? B: Yes, please、 / No, than

37、ks / thank you、A: May I have some more soup? B: It s delicious、Sure / OK、购物: A: Can/May/I help you?B: Yes、 I want to buy a dress, please、A:Here you are、B: May I try it on?A: Ok /Sure、B: It s too big/small、A:This one is just right、 B: How much is it/ are they? A:One hundred yuan /dollars、B: It s too

38、expensive、/It s very cheap、But I like it 、 I ll take、it问路: A:Excuse me、 Do you know where is the_?B: Yes、 Go straight down the street、 Turn left /turn right 、提供帮助: A: Can I help you? /May I help you? B: Yes, please、 / No, thanks、询问对方姓名: A:Whats your name?B:My name is _、A:What s his/ her name?B: His

39、/her name is _、A:Who are you? B: I m、询问在那儿: A: Where is the book? B:It is on the desk、A:Where is Jenny?B:She is behind Danny、询问就是什么: A:What is it?B: It is a marker、询问颜色: A:What colour is the sweater? B:It is black、询问时间: A:What time is it?B: Its seven、A:When is Teachers Day? B: It s on September tent

40、h、询问地址与住址: A:Where are you from?B: I m from Canada、A:What s youraddress?B: My address is 111 Park Road、A:Where do you live?B: I live in an apartment、询问日期 :A:What day is today?B: Its Monday、A:What day is tomorrow?B: It s Tuesday、冀教版小学英语六年级毕业总复习资料A:What day was yesterday?B: It was Sunday、A:What s the

41、date?B: It s October 19th、询问对方正做什么 :A:What are you doing? B: I m writinging a letter、A:What is he/ she doing?B: He /she is playing、A:What are they doing?B: They are learning English、询问对方做过些什么 :A:What did you do?B: I went to the gym、A:What did they do?B: They played basketball、询问对方将要做什么 :A:What will

42、you do?B: I will fly a kite 、A:What is he going to do?B: He is going to learn English、询问对方最喜欢得事物 :A:Whats your favourite colour /food / fruit /shape/ season? B: My favourite colour is white 、询问数量 :A:How many pencils do you have? B: I have 10 pencils、A:How many birds can you see?B: I can see 20 birds

43、、A:How many days are there in a week?B: There are seven days in a week、询问价钱 :A:How much is the scarf?B: Twenty yuan、A:How much are the runners?B: They are thirty dollars、谈论天气气温 :A:Hows the weather today? B: Its sunny/cloudy/windy/snowy、A:What s the temperature?B: It s _degrees、询问年龄 :A:How old are yo

44、u?B:I m fourteen years old、A:How old is she/ he?B: He/ She is twenty 、询问身高 :A:How tall are you?B: Im、16 metres tall、A:How tall is she/ he?B: She/ he is 1、 7 metres tall、询问事情发生得频率 :A:How often do you play basketball?B: About once a week、A:How often does my mother clean my bedroom? B: Twice a day、询问事情

45、距离长短: A:How long is the trip?B: About two hours to Beijing 、A:How long does he go to school a day ?B: Eight hours、询问路程得远近:A:How far is it from here to Beijing?B: It s one hundred kiliometres、询问对方感觉怎么样 : A:How do you feel?B: I feel sad、询问对方就是谁 ,问谁在做些什么? A:Who is this? B: This is a man、A:Who is talking?B: Danny is talking、询问东西就是谁得 :A:Whose hat is this?询问原因: A: I like to eat vegetables、 Why?B: This is my hat /mine、B:Because its good for your health、


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