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1、小学五年级英语阅读理解( 带答案 )1 StudentI m a student in Class Four, Grade ThreeMy name is Mary、I m nine、My twin brother s name is Li Mao And we、arein the same school, and in the same grade, but he is in ClassThree 、 We are good students、 I have a good friend、 I callher Miss Ying Ying、 Do you think call her Miss

2、 Ying Ying、 Doyou think Ying Ying is a good girl? No,youShere wrongisn t a girl, but a catShe is two、years old, but she looks thesame as her mother、根据短文内容 ,选择最佳答案。( )1 、 My twin _ name is _ 、A broth er s;Li WeiB、 sister s; Li MaoC、 brother s;Li Mao( )2 、 We are in the same _ and in the same _、A、 sch

3、ool; gradeB、 school;classC、 grade; class( )3 、 My good friend Miss Ying Ying is a _、A、 girlB、 catC、 dog( )4 、 I am _years old 、A、 tenB、 nineC、 nineteen( )5 、 Miss Ying Ying is _ her mother、A、 not the same asB、 not likeC、 the same as2 Aunt Judy s birthdayAunt Judy s birthday is comingShe will、be 38 y

4、ears old、Dad and Mum are going to take me to her house、 She lives inGuangzhou、 We are going to go there by train、 Her birthday、小学五年级英语阅读理解( 带答案 )party will be on Saturday、 We are leaving on Fridayafternoon、 And we are coming back on Sunday evening、am going to give my dear Aunt Judy a picture、 I am d

5、rawingit now 、 I am drawing some beautiful flowers、 I am drawinga small dog, too、 That s because she likes dogsThe picture、will be very nice、根据短文内容 ,选择最佳答案。( )1 、 Aunt Judy s birthday party will be on_I、A FridayB、 SaturdayC、 Sunday 、( )2 、 This is Aunt Judys _ birthday、A、thirty-eighthB、 fortiethC、 t

6、hirtieth( )3 、 She lives in _,so we are going there by_、A、Shanghai;trainB、 Guangzhou;planeC、 Guangzhou;train( )4 、 I am drawing _ 、A some dogs and a flowerB、 some flowers and a dogC、a dog and a flower3 Class activitiesFriday , October 20It was sunny today ,and everyone in my class _ (be)busy、We went

7、 to the Guangming farm and worked with ourteachers、 We _ (get) to the farm at about half pasteight、 Then we began _ (work) hard there、 All thegirls _ (pick) apples、 All the boys _ (put) theapples into the baskets and _ (carry ) them to thetrucks、小学五年级英语阅读理解( 带答案 )We _ (be) tired after we finished _

8、(do ) thework、 But we were very happy、We _ (stay ) on the farmfor three hours、Then we _(go ) back home by bus、1、Whats the weather like today ?_2、Where did they go ?_3、What did the girls do ?_4、What did the boys do ?_5、How long did they stay on the farm ?_4 A cunning WolfOnce there lived a wolf in th

9、e forest、 Everyday he went up tolook for food、 There were many sheep and deer in the forestThey were all afraid of him、One day the wolf saw a group of sheep、 He tried to catchthem to eat、 The father sheep and mother sheep stoodtogether to fight him、 So the wolf could do nothing、Later the sheep had a

10、 quarrel、 They went away each、When the wolf saw this, he was happy、 He caught them to eatone by one、 At last he ate all the sheep、根据短文 ,判断下列句子就是否与短文一致,如一致写 T, 否则写、F。( )1 、 The wolf looked for food everyday、( )2 、 The elephants were afraid of the wolf、( )3 、 All the sheep fought with the wolf、( )4 、

11、The wolf was sad when the sheep had a quarrel、( )5 、 The moral is that unity is strength、5Sick of jackJack was a school boy、 He didn t like going to schoolHealways wanted to have more holidays、 One day he made atelephone call to his teacher and said in a voice、 The voice、小学五年级英语阅读理解( 带答案 )sounded (

12、听起来) like his father I amssorry、 to say thatJack is ill in bed、 He won t go to school for three of fourdays 、 Oh, said the teacher, I m sorry to hear that, but I wantto know who is speaking? My father,saidsir Jack 、Theteacher got very angry、( ) 1 、 Jack was very angry、( ) 2 、 Jack wasn t ill in bed、

13、( ) 3、 The teacher was sorry to hear that Jack s father wasill 、( ) 4 、The teacher knew that Jack was speaking at last (最后)、6GuangzhouToday I ll introduce a beautiful city -Guangzhou、 Guangzhouis the capital of Guangdong、 It is very busy and modern、In Guangzhou, we can go to the Baiyun Hill to watch

14、birds 、 The birds sing very well、 Xiangjiang Zoo is a goodplace to visit too、 We can see many rare animals, such aswhite tigers, pandas、 In the Six Banyan Temple, we can takephotos and all of us will have a good time there、 Do you likeshopping? There are a lot of shopping centers and shoppingdepartm

15、ents in Guangzhou、 The dimsum in Guangzhou isvery famous;we can have it at the Guangzhou Restaurant orBanxi Restaurant、 Going on the Pearl River Cruise is a goodchoose at night, because the night views are beautiful、Welcome to Guangzhou! Choose the right answers:( ) 1 、 The capital of Guangdong is、A

16、、ShenzhenB、ZhuhaiC、Guangzhou( ) 2 、We can see a lot of at Baiyun Hill、A、tigersB、birdsC、monkeys小学五年级英语阅读理解( 带答案 )( ) 3 、 There aren t any in Xiangjiang Zoo、A、 blue whalesB、 white tigersC、 pandas( ) 4 、Banxi Restaurant is famous for、A、fishB、dimsumC、chicken( ) 5 、 We can see in Guangzhou、A、 the Long Ri

17、verB、 the Yellow RiverC、 the Pearl River7 The Tiger and The FoxOne day, a tiger was looking for something to eat、 Suddenlyhe met a fox and caught him、 The tiger said I m hungryIwill eat you up、 The fox said No, you canBecause tI am、the king of the animals、 Really? I don t think soSaid the 、tiger、 Yo

18、u don tbelieve me? Let s go and trySaid the、fox、Then they went for a walk in the forest、 All the animalsran away when they saw the tiger and the fox、 Oh, you areright 、 You are really the king of the animals、 All the animalsare afraid of you、 Said the tiger、 Then he went away、 Thefox laughed、 The ti

19、ger is so stupidIn fact, the、 animals areafraid of him, not me!、判断下列各题。正确的填T,错误的填 F。( ) 1 、 The fox was looking for something to eat when hemet the tiger、( ) 2 、 The tiger didn t believe the fox was the king of theanimals at first、( ) 3 、 All the animals were afraid of the fox、( ) 4 、 The tiger didn

20、 t eat the fox up、( ) 5 、 The fox was clever、8 A Greedy Lion小学五年级英语阅读理解( 带答案 )A hungry lion discovered a sleeping rabbit under a tree、Suddenly a deer appeared when he wanted to eat the rabbit、He though a deer was much delicious than a rabbit、 Then hechased the deer, but the deer ran too fast、 The hu

21、ngry lionwas tired 、 At last the lion gave up、 (放弃 ) He went back tolook for the sleeping rabbit、 But it was already gone、Circle T or F、 给 T 或 F 画圈、1) The hungry lion saw a sleeping rabbit、 (T F)2) A horse appeared when the lion approached(接近 ) therabbit 、 (T F)3) The lion thought the rabbit was mor

22、e delicious than the deer 、 (T F)4) The deer ran faster than the lion、 (T F)5) The lion ate the deer and the rabbit、 (T F)9A monkey and a turtleOne day, a monkey and a turtle ran a race、 The monkeysaid, I am big, I can run fast I will win 、 The、 turtle said, I amsmall 、 I am slow 、 But I will do my

23、best、 The monkey ranfaster than the turtle、 Then the monkey s friend, the rabbitcame out 、 The rabbit said to the monkey, letThe s play!monkey thought he would win anyway、 So he played with therabbit 、 The turtle ran slowly、 But he ran and ran、 Finally theturtle won、 The turtle shouted, I won! The m

24、onkey was stillplaying with the rabbit、 Then the monkey found the turtle、He was very surprised、 But it was too late、Write T for True and F for False beside thestatements、( ) The monkey is small、( ) The rabbit is turtle s friend、( ) The monkey played with the rabbit、( ) The turtle ran slowly、( ) The

25、monkey won the race、10 On the Phone(A:Mrs 、 Charles B:Clerk)小学五年级英语阅读理解( 带答案 )A:Hello 、This is Mrs 、Charles 、Id like to buy a new carCould you offer me a new type of the car,please?B:Oh,Madam,buy what?A:A new car 、And Ive got a small family,two children,and Ihavent got a lot ofmoney and、B:Oh,oh,Mada

26、m,Madam、Im afraid you have the wrongnumber 、A:Isnt this the car store?B:No 、Its Mikes Sporting Goods、A:Oh,sorry 、Do you know the number for a car store,then?B:No 、I dont 、I suggest you look in the phone book、A:Im sorry to have bothered you、B:No problem、 Words List:offer 提供 madam夫人 store 商店 goods商品su

27、ggest建 look in查阅 phone book 簿根据材料 , 下列各 “就是”或“不就是”。1、 Mrs Charles wants to buy sporting goods、 (YES NO)2、 The clerk can t offer a car(YES NO)、3、 Mrs Charles has two children、 (YES NO)4、 Mrs Charles dials a wrong number、 (YES NO)5 、 The clerk suggest Mrs Charles look in the phone book、(YES NO)11 Kang

28、aroosThere are many kangaroos in Australia and not only in zoos、You can see them everywhere outside the cities and towns、Kangaroos have very strong legs, so they are very good atjumping 、 Their tails are very strong, too、 So when they wantto have a rest, they rest on their tails、 Knagaroos are also

29、verygood at looking their babies、 Mother Kangaroos keep theirbabies safe in their pockets、一、 Write T for True and F for False beside thestatements、( )( ) There are many kangaroos in America Kangaroos have very strong legs、小学五年级英语阅读理解( 带答案 )( )( ) Kangaroos tails are very strong, too Mother kangaroos

30、 keep their babies safe in their、pokets 、二、 选择正确的答案。( ) Where are there many kangaroos?A、 In AmericaB、 In AustraliaC、 In EnglandD 、 In China( ) What are the kangaroos good at?A、 Jumping、B、 Dancing、C、 Running、D 、 Playing 、( ) How can kangaroos rest?A、 With their tails、B、 With their legs、C、 On their t

31、ails、D 、 With their feet、( ) Who keeps the babies safe in the pockets?A、 Mother kangaroos、B、 Father kangaroos、C、 Kangaroos 、D 、 Brother kangaroos、12 Sea HorsesWhen is a horse not a horse? When it is a sea horse、 The seahorse is a small fish 、 It likes warm water、 A sea horse alwaysstands up in the w

32、ater when it swims、The father sea horse carries the eggs to keep them safeuntil they hatch 、 Then the baby sea horses swim away、一、 Write T for True and F for False beside thestatements 、( ) The sea horse is also a horse、( ) The sea horse likes warm water、小学五年级英语阅读理解( 带答案 )( ) A sea horse always stan

33、ds up in the water when itswims 、( ) The baby sea horse often swims with the father seahorse 、二、 选择正确的答案。( )A、B、C、D 、 What is a sea horse?It s a small horseIt s a small fishIt s a big fishIt s a big horse、( ) What does a sea horse like?A、B、C、D 、It likes cold water、It likes hot water、It likes warm wa

34、ter、It likes cool water、( ) What does a sea horse always do in the water when it swims?A、 It always stands up、B、 It always sleeps、C、 It always jumps、D 、It always sings、( ) Is a sea horse a horse?A、 Yes, it is 、B、 Yes, it does 、C、 No, it isn t 、D 、 No, it doesn t 、13 The WeatherThe weather in Shangha

35、i is not always good、 In winner it isoften cold and wet、 In summer it is very hot、 Spring is verybeautiful、 It is not very hot、 It is not very cold, but we havea lot of rain in spring、 Autumn is the best season、 The daysare clear and dry and it is sunny and warm all the time、The weather in Shanghai

36、is sometimes warmer than inBeijing 、 But in summer it is cooler in Beijing than in Shanghai、小学五年级英语阅读理解( 带答案 )判断下列各题。正确的填T,错误的填 F。( ) The weather in winter is very cold、( ) In spring it is sunny and warm all the time( ) Autumn is the best season of the year、( ) In summer the weather in Beijing is co

37、oler than in、Shanghai 、14My SchoolI am a student of Houzhai Middle School、 My school is new、It is big and beautiful、 There are three grades、 Every gradehas twelve classes、There are about one hundred teachers in our school、 Thepeople of my school are very friendly、 We all work hard、 Inour school, the

38、re are many new buildings、 Our classroom isbig and bright, and there is a TV, we can learn much、 There isa small hill behind our teaching building、 We often visit it、There are many tall trees and beautiful flowers、 Some birdsoften sing in the morning、 There is a small lake too, the wateris very clea

39、r 、Do you think my school is beautiful? Welcome tomy school!New Words:clear清澈的正确的填 T,错误的填 F( ) 1 、 My school is old and big、( ) 2 、 I am a primary school pupil、( ) 3 、 The students are very friendly、( ) 4 、 The students are all lazy、( ) 5 、 There are many trees, flowers in the school、( ) 6 、 The water of the lake is dark、( ) 7 、 I like my school、15When Should I Eat It?Mrs King is about forty years old、 Her husband has a factoryin the town and gets a lot of money、 Their three children areall clever and they work in


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