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1、牛津上海版五年级下教学大纲牛津上海版五年级下教学学大纲Module 1 Using my five sensesUnit 1 What a mess(5课时)教学目标:会用whose 句型询问某物是某人的;会表述某物是某人的;掌握音标教学重难点:名词性物主代词词汇: school bagbrushpaintscrayonnotebookgluetapeputscarfhatglovesshoesT-shirtswhosemagicstoneworkshipnailfloorcarefulsharptryhardsmoothmagnetstick toclean句子:What a mess.Wh

2、at should I do?Be careful.语法: 1.名词性物主代词2. 祈使句:put in / on.Don t.3. 情态动词 can4. 名词所有格 Mum and Dad s5. a lot of 的运用发音:abady favouritea-egrade spaceairain paintayMay stayeigheight weighti pilot tigeri-elinewhiteyfly skyigh light rightiedie lieUnit 2Watch it grow(5课时)教学目标:区分一般过去式和一般现在时,会表示顺序,掌握音标牛津上海版五年级

3、下教学大纲教学重难点:一般过去时词汇 : caterpillarbutterflyduckingduckpuppydoginterestinginsectsilkwormsilkmothlaybrightbabytailturtlechickgrowhappilychicken cocoon born句子: 1. Do you know how it grows?主从复合句2. It was Now it is 3. But now I am a butterfly, flying high in the bright blue sky.现在分词flying4. First Next Then

4、 Finally 语法: 1. 一般过去时2. 一般现在时发音:earhear nearerehereeerdeer cheerair hair pairerewhere thereearwear bearUnit 3 How noisy(5 课时)教学目标:会描述听到什么;一般过去时;掌握音标教学重难点:一般过去时词汇: drilllorrymotorbikeoutsidesleepanothernoisewereheardsat句型: 1. But it is too noise outside.2. But he heard another loud noise.3. Ben did n

5、ot like it at all.牛津上海版五年级下教学大纲4. Sometimes it is so noisy.语法: 1.特殊疑问句:What s that noise?What can you hear?2. 一般过去时发音:oyboy toy joy enjoyoinoise join paint toileturesure our tour Module 2 My favourite thingsoor poorUnit 1 Food and drinks(5课时)教学目标:掌握食物类词汇; 会表达一日三餐吃了什么以及最喜欢的食物;掌握音标教学重点;询问一日三餐吃了什么词汇: m

6、eat pork beef chicken fish fruit vegetable tomato carrot cabbage bean rice drink milk had eat healthy didkeepaway句型: 1. I had2. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.3. is my favourite food.4. There s some juice.5. You should .6. What happens to ?语法: 1. 一般过去时2.副词either3. a lot ofsome发音:onoagophotogoo

7、-ehousehomecloseholeououtsouthloudcloudowhownowbowcowUnit 2 Films(5 课时)牛津上海版五年级下教学大纲教学目标:学习如何用英语表达看电影的建议以及在电影院常用的交际用语;掌握音标教学重难点:情态动词shall词汇:ticketticketofficeexitentranceseatfilmfunnyprincesssee a film句型:1. It s on 2. Which3. Can I. , please?语法:情态动词shall日常用语: 1. Here you are.2. Be quick.3. Can I hav

8、e , please4. That s. yuan, please.发音:m milkmouseroomcreamnnightfindwininngsingringn(k) bankthankn(g)hungryEnglishUnit 3 School subjects (5 课时 )教学目标:用英语向别人询问所学科目以及表达我们最喜欢的学科名称;掌握音标教学重难点: favourite用法词汇:ChineseEnglishMathsArtMusicITPEclasssubject句型:1. What is your favourite .?2. There is a short break

9、牛津上海版五年级下教学大纲3. In PE class we have great fun.4. What do you think ?5. Thanks for 语法:1. 特殊疑问句What classes do we have today?2. It s time for 的用法3. 动词 have发音:yyesyouyellowyearhhehatwh who whosewwe windModule 3 Things around uswh when whatUnit 1 Signs (5课时)教学目标:学习几种常用标志的英文表达以及在生活中的运用教学重难点:情态动词can must

10、should词汇: telephonesmokingswimmingwalksign句型: 1. You cant.2. What doesmean?3. They are语法: 1. 特殊疑问句What does this sign mean ?2. 情态动词can must should发音:llikelateblackblouser radioredgrowgrassUnit 2 Weather(5 课时)教学目标:用英语表达各种天气以及温度教学重难点:询问天气牛津上海版五年级下教学大纲词 汇 :cloudrainsnowystormfogyesterdaydegreeweatherma

11、ke句型:1. What is / was the weather?It is / was .2. What s your favourite?3. I like / dontlike 语法:特殊疑问句What s the weather like today?发音:th thirdthinkmonthmouthth theythesemotherfatherUnit 3 Changes (5 课时)教学目标:用英语表达物品的位置教学重难点:方位介词词汇:bookshelfmirrorcushioncupboardbedlampsofafurniturenextgivemovewindowwa

12、ll句型: 1. Lets 2. Are there any changes.?3. The sofa was. Now, its 4. Where was?语法:方位介词日常用语: 1. Sounds fun.2. Yes, lets do that.3. Youre right.4. Right. 5. What else?Module 4 More things to learnUnit 1 Museums(5 课时)教学目标:掌握各种博物馆名词; 会表达自己想要参观的博物馆并会描述牛津上海版五年级下教学大纲教学重难点:特殊疑问句Wh-why, what, which词汇: scienc

13、e museum insect museumart museum car museumhistory museumperformdanceusefulreally句型: 1 He can2. Which museum do you want ?3. Why? Because 4. What did you?语法: 1.情态动词can2.一般过去时3. 特殊疑问句What did you see there?Which museum do you want to visit?Unit 2Western Days (5 课时)教学目标:学习西方的节日名称,时间,有什么风俗习惯教学重难点:时间活动表

14、达词汇:ChristmasEasterHalloweenThanksgivingfindhideholidaypresent句型: 1. Whens ?It s on 2. What do you do at ?3. We usually .语法: 1. 特殊疑问句What s your favourite holiday?What do you do at Easter?2. 一般现在时日常用语: I m great, thanks.Unit 3 Story time(3 课时)教学目标:会描述故事-巨人的城堡牛津上海版五年级下教学大纲教学重难点:用一般现在时讲故事词汇: giantcastle句型: 1. They have2. Why did.?3. Both Miss Summer and Miss Autumn do noteither.4. They bring into 日常用语: Get out.


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