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1、闽教版小学六年级英语测试卷小学六年级英语模拟试卷Name:_一、英汉互译 (25 分 )1、 寒假 :_2 做家庭作业 :_3 购物中心 :_4、 学习英语 :_5、 发烧 :_6、 母亲节 :_7、 瞧起来像 :_8、 玩得愉快 :_9、 读一本有趣的书 :_10、 三年前 :_11、 climba mountain:_12、 seeaflowershow:_13 、 meetmanyfriends:_14、 anAmericangirl:_15、 gotoamiddle school:_16、 Childrens Day:_17、 dosomeshopping:_18、 playthepi

2、ano:_19、visit differentplaces:_20、长时间 :_21、十三 :_22、下雨的 :_23、星期六 :_24、 一月 :_25 必须 :_闽教版小学六年级英语测试卷二、选择题。 (25 分 )()1、 Look, there are _ many people in this zoo!A 、 veryB、 moreC、 soD、 much() 2、 who are_?A、 theyB、 heC、 sheD、 them() 3、 There is _old man and _dog in the picture、A、 an, anB、 a, an C、 an, aD、

3、 a, a() 4、 Jims family _ not at home yesterday、 They went to the park、A、 isB、 areC、 wasD、 were() 5、 A: _ a beautiful skirt youve got! B: Thanks a lot、A、 ItB、 TheyC、 HowD、 What(A) 6、 Would you like to show us how to _ a horse?A 、 drawB、 drewC、 drawsD、 drawing() 7、 We have no lessons _ Saturdays or Su

4、ndays、A 、 inB、 atC、 onD、 every() 8、 Nancy is _ a dance lesson now、 She _Chinese dancesevery Friday afternoon、A、 having, learnsB、 having, learnC、 has, learningD、 have, learns() 9、 Thank you for your help、_A、 Really?B、 No thanks、C、 Thank you、D 、Yourewelcome、() 10、 What do you usually have _ lunch、A 、

5、withB、 toC、inD、 for()11、 They are twins, so they、A、 look likeB、 look atC、 look afterD、 look the same()12、 The students are _ the race now、A、 looking at、 seeing、 watchingD look()13、 He cantsing, _he can draw、A、 canB、 butC、 orD and()14、 It is cold、_ your coat、A、 WashB、 Take offC、 Take onD 、 Put on闽教版小

6、学六年级英语测试卷()15、 The elephant is _than the horst、A、bigB、 smallC、 biggerD smaller()16、The books are on the ground、 Please _for me 、A、 pick up themB 、pick it upC、 pick them up D、 pick up it()17、We must stay _the bus、A、 atB、 awayC、 away fromD、 here()18、September is the _ month in a year、A、 nineB、 ninethC

7、、ninthD、nineteenth()19、Liu Tao has a new storybook、 He is very _ 、A、 excitingB、 excitedC、 laughingD laugh() 20、 The photos aren t there_, but they were there、A.a moment ago, nowB、 just now, a moment agoC、 now, a moment agoD、 a moment ago, just now()21、 I_in class 4、Mike_in class4、we _classmate、A、 am

8、, are, areB are , is, is、C is ,are, areDam , is, are()22、 My shoes _under the bed just now、 but they_there now、Aare ,werentB were ,werentC were ,arent D are ,are()23 _is that woman, Halen?-Shes Miss lin 、-_is that dress? Is it hers?A Who , WhoesB Whose ,WhosC Whos ,Whoes D who, who()24 Mr White is f

9、rom _ 、 Hes _、He speaks、AAmerica ,American ,EnglishB American,American, English CAmerica,American, American、()25、There isnt_milk in the cup、Would you like _juice?A some , anyB any ,someCsome, someD any ,any三、根据情景选择句子,将答案的标号填入括号内。(10 分 )()1、 当您想知道橡皮放在哪儿时,问 :A、 Where is the eraser?B、 Where is the pen?

10、C、 Where is it from?()2、 当您提醒小明不要在房间玩球时,说:A、 Don t read in bed, Xiao Ming!B、 Don t be late for school, Xiao Ming!闽教版小学六年级英语测试卷C、 Don t play ball in the room, Xiao Ming!()3、 当您想知道别人能瞧见几辆汽车时,问 :A、 How much is the car?B、 How many cars can you see?C、 I can see five cars、()4、 当您想知道别人就是否喜欢那辆绿色汽车时,问:A、 Do

11、you like the green car?B、 What is the car like?C、 I m looking for a green car、()5、 当您想知道别人会不会骑马时,问:A、 Can you make a bike?B、 Can you ride a bike?C、 Can you ride a horse?()6、 当您想要一杯茶时 ,说 :A、 I d like a cup of tea、B、 Would you like a glass of tea?C、 May I have a bottle of tea?()7、 当您想知道新电视机的颜色时,问:A、 W

12、here is the new TV?B、 What s a TV?C、 What colour is the new TV?()8、 当您想知道别人就是否有钢琴时,问:A、 Have you got a dictionary?B、 Have you got a piano?C、 May I use your piano?()9、 当您要了解别人就是否喜欢游泳时,问 :A、 Do you like swimming?B、 Do you like running?C、 Do you like pingpong?()10、 当您想知道这些物品就是谁的时,问:A、 Whose are these?B

13、、 Whose are those?C、 Who are they?四、句型转换(12 分 )闽教版小学六年级英语测试卷1、 She is catching insects now、 (改为一般现在时 )Sometimes she _ _ in the park、2、 What time is it? It s time to have、(dinner改为近义句 )_ the time? It s time、dinner3、 Wash the clothes、(改为否定句 )_ wash the clothes!4、 The boy runs faster than the girl、 (改为

14、一般疑问句 )_ the boy _ faster than the girl?5、 Ann and Lily watched a film last night 、(改为现在进行时 )Ann and Lily _ _ a film now、6、 The man in blue is Su Yang、s( 对uncle划线部分提问 )_ man is Su Yang s uncle?五、会话配对 ,把序号填在题前括号内。() 1、 What can she do ?() 2、 Here s a chair for you、() 3、 How much are these apples?() 4

15、、 Where are you going?() 5、 Are you as tall as him?() 6、 Where s the bookshop?() 7、 Would you like to come?() 8、 How does she spend her weekends?(8 分)A 、 She always goes to the zoo、B、 Yes, I d love、toC、 It s on Nanjing RoadD、 About ten yuan、E、 She can play the piano、F、 Thank you、G、 No, I am taller t

16、han him、 H 、 I m going to the playground、六、根据句意填空 :(10 分)1、I like _ best、 Because it s snowy、I can make snowmen、2、 She wants to write a _ to her penfriend 、3、 There are five p_ in my family、4、Look!There are so many presents under the _tree、5、 W_camera is that? It、s mine6、 His grandpa needs a pair of

17、 _ when he reads newspapers、7、Mike is _(talltaller) than John、8、(How What )_did you go there? I went there by train、9、They went _(hikehiking) yesterday、10、What did you do ?I _( washwashed) the clothes、七、阅读理解。 (10)闽教版小学六年级英语测试卷A young man is sitting in a bus、 An old woman gets on the bus and stands i

18、n front of him、 The young man stands up、 The woman pushes 推() him back into his seat and says, “ Don t stand、 upIdon t want to sit down、”The bus stops then、 The man stands up again、 The woman pushes him down and says, “ You don t have to give me your、 seatIlike to stand、”The bus stops again、 The man

19、 stands up for the third time、 The woman tries to pushhim down again、 The man shouts 喊(叫 ) ,“ Don t push me, please、Ihave to get offthe bus!”根据短文内容选择合适的答案。() 1、 The young man isin a bus and the woman isin the bus、A、 sitting, standingB、 standing, sittingC、 standing, standing) 2、 The young man isthe o

20、ld woman、A、 in front ofB、 behindC、 under) 3 、 The young man stands up fortimes, but the woman pushes himdown、() 4、A、 oneB 、 twoThe young man stands up again and again, becauseA.He wants to get offthe bus、standing、C、three、B 、 He likesB. He wants to give the seat to the woman、() 5、At last, the young man is very、A、 happyB 、 angryC、nice


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