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1、人教新目标英语七下阅读理解( 一)There are so many interestingtruthsabout animals.Do you know them?Let s have a look.Chickens are only animals have combs( the top of their heads. And they can only heavy bodies.头冠 ), a piece of red flesh onflya few yards because of theirAnts( 蚂蚁 ) are important in keeping( 保持 ) the

2、balance( 平衡 ) of nature. They eat large numbers of insects( 昆虫 ) and help them from being plentiful. They eat many termites( 白蚁 ) each year to keep them from destroying many homes. In turn, they are important food for birds, frogs and other animals.Bees areimportantforplantsbecauseofpollination(授 粉)

3、.Pollination is the transfer by bees of a pollen from a flower to another flower. It can help them grow into another same kind of a flower.The beautiful colors and patterns on the wings of butterflies haveusefulpurposes( 目的 ):Itis forother butterfliesto distinct(辨别 ) them;It is for absorbing( 吸收 ) t

4、he sun s heat which they need to live; It is to hide from enemies such as birds or other animals; It is to warn the enemies.Giraffe s strong hoofs( 蹄子 ) can kick in all direction and can kill the lions. It can close its nostrils( 鼻孔 ) to keep out the sand and dust during sand storms in the plains.of

5、fKangaroo s huge hind legs can jump over a nine-foot a dozen of dogs. It s tail can break a man s leg likewall.Itcan beata matchstick(火柴 ).Frogs are called amphibians because they can stay both in water and on land.根据上面的短文,选择合适的选项。()1. How many animals are mentioned in this passage?A. FourB. SixC. S

6、evenD. Eight()2. Which animals are important in keeping the balance of nature?A. ChickensB. Bees.C. Giraffes.D. Ants.()3. Which animal has huge hind legs?A. Chicken.B. Butterflies. C. Kangaroo.D. Frogs.()4. Why cant a chicken fly high?人教新目标英语七下阅读理解A. Because it has combs. B. Because it has a piece o

7、f red flesh.C. Because its body is heavy. D. Because it can fly a few yards.()5. Whats the meaning of the underline word in the last passage?A. 两栖类动物B. 水栖动物C. 陆地动物D. 动物答案: C D C C A( 二)Last Sunday itwas snowy. Mariastayed at home. Her cousinCara cameto visit her. Shecame back from Beijing. She told

8、Mariasomething abouther vacation.“ It was pretty good.” she said. Cara visited the PalaceMuseumand the Great Wall.She took many photos.Itwas lunch time.Mariacooked some noodles with beef, potatoes and tomatoes. Cara ate up thenoodles,she said slowly,“I thinkit s delicious!” But Maria thoughtthe food

9、 was awful.()1. How was the weather last Sunday?A. Sunny.B. Rainy.C. Snowy.D. Windy.()2. Where did Cara go on vacation ?A. SichuanB. HainanC. BeijingD. Shanghai()3. _ cooked noodles?A. CaraB. MariaC. Marias motherD. Cara s mother()4. Was the food awful ?A. Yes, it wasB. No, it wasntC. We don t knowD

10、. It was great()5. There were some _ in the noodles.A. beefB. potatoesC. tomatoesD. A, B and C答案: C C B C D( 三)Little Mary is a good girl.She began to go to school last year andnow shes in Grade 2.Her home is not far from school ,but she is often late for class because she likes watching TV and list

11、ening to music inthe evening and goes to bed very late.So she cant get up on time in the morning.人教新目标英语七下阅读理解This term Mr.White ,Marys uncle ,works in her school.He teaches Grade 2 history.He is very strict with students , of course , with Mary, too.He often tells Mary to follow the school rules an

12、d come to school on time.Today Mary got up lateagain.When she went to school , itwas 8: 15.Heruncle was waiting forher at theschool gate.“ You are ten minuteslatefor the firstclass. ” Mr.Whitesaid angrily (生气地) . “Whyare you oftenlate for class?”“Every time when I get to the street corner ,I always

13、see a sign (标志)It says SCHOOL GO SLOW!(慢行),” said Mary.()1Mary is a _ year student.AfifthBsecondCfirstDthree()2Mary is often late for school because _.Ashe likes watching TVB she cant sleep well at nightCher mother isntat home Dshe cantget up on time in the morning()3What does Mr.White do?He is a _.

14、AworkerBdoctorCpolicemanD teacher()4The first class begins at _.A8:10B8:00C 8: 05D 8: 15()5The sign on the street corner is for _.Adrivers(司机)BMaryCstudentsDteachers答案: B D D C A( 四)My name is Sally White. I am a school girl. My school is far from my home. Every day it takes me a lot of time to get

15、there. The road is not flat( 平整 ), so I can not go to school by bike. I often get there by busor on foot. It takes me about thirty minutes to get there by bus and about an hour on foot. I must get up early every morning. I have no time forbreakfast at home. I often have something for breakfast on th

16、e way or onthe bus. I dont want to be lateforschool,so sometimes I run to school.()1Where is Sally?人教新目标英语七下阅读理解A In China.BIn Japan.C In America.DI don t know.()2Her home is _.A newBbigCfarD near()3It takes her _ to get to school on foot.A ten minutesBthirty minutesC an hourDan hour and a half()4Wh

17、ere does Sally have breakfast?A At home.BOn the way to school.C In her school.DIn a restaurant.()5Is she often late for school?A Yes, she is.BNo, she isnt.C Yes, she does.DNo, she doesn t.答案: D C C B B( 五)Today is thefirst dayof the week.Itis inthe afternoon.Mr.Read isdrivinghis car to his sisterssc

18、hool.Now he is very near the school.Buthe doesntknow the way to it.Atthistime ,he sees a young woman.Mr.Readcomes out of his car and goes to her.“Excuse me!Wheres the school,please ?” he asks.The young woman says ,“Its very near here.I want togo with you.”Now the young woman is sitting in the car.So

19、on they come to a small house and she says ,“Stop ,please !” Mr.Read stops the car and says,“ But this is not a school. ” “ No,” says the young woman ,“this is my house.I want to get home early before supper time.Thanks for driving mehome.The school is behindthe factory.So goback to thefactory and t

20、henturn right,you can find the school.”()1Today is _.AMondayB SaturdayCTuesdayDSunday()2What is Mr.Read doing this afternoon?人教新目标英语七下阅读理解AHe is going to his sisters factory.BHe is mending (修理) a car for the young woman.CHe is driving his car to his sisters school.DHes driving his car to see a young

21、 woman.()3What does the young woman want to do?AShe wants to go to the school with Mr.Read.BShe wants to get home in Mr.Reads car.CShe wants Mr.Read to go to her house.DShe wants to stop Mr.Reads car.()4Wheres Mr.Reads sisters school?ABehind the factory.BNear the young womans house.CIn frontofthe wo

22、mans house.D Behind the womanshouse.()5Which is not TRUE?AMr.Read doesnt know the way to the school.BThe young woman doesnt get home before supper time.CMr.Read and theyoung woman arent friends.DMr.Read wants to find the school,so he must go back.答案 : D C B A B( 六)Tomand Mike are good friends.Theyar

23、e good to kids.Theywant to findsummer jobs.One day Tom tells Mike that Beidaihe Kids Summer Camp needshelp with sports ,music and computers.They are both very glad to hear this.Tomcan play basketball and volleyball , and he can swim,too.Mike play the violin ,the drums and the guitar , and he also li

24、kes soccer.Tomcanand Mike like computers very much.Can they join the Summer Camp?()1What do Tom and Mike want to do?人教新目标英语七下阅读理解AThey want to help with sports,music and computers.BThey want to be good with kids.CThey want to join the Summer Camp.DThey want to get help from the Camp.()2What does the

25、 Summer Camp need with?AMaking cakes.BDrawing pictures.CTelling stories.DSports, music and computers.()3What can Tom do?APlay the guitar.BPlay soccer.CSwim.DPlay chess.()4What cant Mike do?APlay the violin.BPlay the piano.CPlay the drums.D Play soccer.()5What do Tom and Mike both like?ASoccer.B Comp

26、uters.C Swimming.D Sports.答案: C D C B B( 七)There is a big square( 广场 )near my home. People like to go to this square after work. Some of them go to the square every day. Look! That is Mr. King. He is sitting on a chair and watching the children. Somechildren are playing a game. Someboys are playing

27、football. Lucy and Lily are standing under a tree. They are talking. Some children are flying kites( 放风筝 ). Listen! A girl is singing. This is really a nice square.I come here after school every day.()1. _ like to go to the square.A. Children.B. Fathers and mothersC. Lucy and LilyD. People()2. There

28、 are some _ in the square.人教新目标英语七下阅读理解A. birds and catsB. chairs and treesC. balls and kitesD. houses and buses()3. Lucy is talking with _.A. Mr. KingB. the boysC. LilyD. the birds()4. The writer(作者 ) can t see _ in the square.A. childrenB. menC. womenD. birds()5. What is the writer doing?A. Hes wa

29、tching the people in the park.B. He s playing a game.C. He s flying a kite.D. He s singing.答案: D B C D A( 八)Mike works very long hours everyday.He usuallygetsup at 17:00.Hehas a shower and makes his breakfast.Whata funny timetomake breakfast!After breakfast he practices his guitar, then he puts on h

30、is jacket andgoes towork.To get to work,he takes the number 17 bus tothe Star Hotel.Thebus usually leavesat 19: 15.He works allnight.Peopleloveto listentohim! He gets homeat7:00, and he watches the earlymorning news on TV.Hegoes to bed at 8 :30, a tired but happy man.Can you think what his jobis?()1

31、How long does Mike work?A7 hoursB8 hours C about 9 hoursDall night()2He _ and makes his breakfast.Agets upBtakes a showerCworksDwashes his face()3What does Mike do after breakfast?AHe practices his guitar.BHe puts on his clothes.人教新目标英语七下阅读理解CHe practiceshis guitar, then puts on his jacketand goes t

32、o work.DHe goes to work.()4Maybe he is _.Aa workerBa waiterCa singerDa teacher()5How does he go to work?ABy car.BBy bike.C On foot.D By bus.答案: D B A C D( 九)Im Jack.My father is tall and has short gray hair.He wears glasseswith heavy black frames.But I just saw a picture of him of 1968.What asurpris

33、e!Inthepicture,hes15 yearsold.Hesshortand he has glasseswith small round frames.He haslongyellowhairanditsreallystraight.Heswearingblue jeans and a T- shirt withthe word “ Love” .Im15 years oldnow.Imof mediumheightand Ihave short hair.Myhairisntyellow ; its blue.My dad thinks its strange, but my fri

34、ends think itsgreat.I wear glasses, but my glasses have bright red frames.Theyre socool !Ihave an earringinone ear,too.Dadreallycantunderstandthat.I never wear blue jeans.Ilike big baggypants andlong T - shirts.Most ofmy T- shirts have pictures of my favorite rock bands on them.()1What kind of glass

35、es did Father wear when he was fifteen yearsold ? He wore _.Aglasses with heavy black framesB long and yellow glassesCglasses with brightred framesDglasseswithsmallround frames()2What color is Jacks hair?Its _.AyellowB blueCgrayD red()3Jack likes to wear _.Ablue jeans and a T- shirtByellow jeans and

36、 a T- shirt with the word“Love”Cbig baggy pants and long T- shirts人教新目标英语七下阅读理解Dblue jeans and an earring()4Whats on Fathers T- shirt?AThe word“Love”.BHeavy and black frames.CPictures of rock bands. DAn earring.()5Who has an earring in one ear?AFather.B Jack.CJacks favorite rock bands.D Jacks friend

37、s.答案: D B C A B( 十)My name is Tom.My best friends are John and Ann.We do many things together.John lives near myhouse and we are in the sameclass.Hes fifteenyears old and hes tall and thin.He has blonde hair and blue eyes.Hes polite and very clever.Hes good at math and helps me with my homeworksomet

38、imes.He usually wears jeans and a T - shirt, but in the photo hes wearing black trousers and a yellow T - shirt.We also play basketball ata nearby park together and sometimes we play video games at my house.Our friend Ann doesnt go to our school.Shes short and slim withstraight brown hair and brown eyes.Shes a little bit shy.We all have kungfu lessons every Tuesday and Friday afternoon.We love them.Ann isreally


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