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1、大学英语四级阅读理解试题及答案(四)P ss ge F ur?Questions2 to3 a e based onhe following pa s、?On Tursdaft r oon Mrs 、 arke, res ed f oing out , t o er h nb g w e money an her key i ,pulled the doo b hin her tol ck i and wnt toheov r 60s Clu、She alway wentt e e on T rsdas、 t iceou ngf r an oldwoma wh lived ne、si oclo

2、c she came home, let hers l i d at nces e t cigare tesmoke、Ciga e te s ke in her ouse? o?How ? a someoe got in? She e ke h bac door andthe in o s、 l wer o kedor fastnd, ssual、 Thewas o sig ffo ed n r、 Ov a cupoftea s e wo dere whe er s me e hth v a keythat ted hrfront do r amaste ke per ps、 S she st

3、aat ho e the ll w g u sda、Nothing h p ened、Wa any n wa c ing er v ments?On the T u sda fter that she w n out her usua t me, d esse as usu l, u e d dn t go o the cl 、 I ste d she took a short cut home a a ,etti g hers lfin through her g rden and the ba k d or、She s tled down to wa t、 ?It was ju taf r

4、 u lock when the f noo ell r ng、 s、 C a k was k ng a cup oftea t the time、The ll angagn, an t en sheh ard her le t r-ox ei g sh d pen、 Wit the et e oboi ing wa er in er hand,she mov d qu etl t wadthe front or、 A og p ece f i e pp ared throu h h e ter o , andthen a ha d、 T e w retu ne and caught roun

5、d he kn bon the o r-lock 、Mrs 、 Clarke r s d th ke tleand po red thw ter over the hand 、 here ws a s ou ou si e, a d the sk seemed to dr p off th slike ag ove、 The wire ell to hfl, the hand as pulled back, and Mr 、 lark hard the s un f runni g eet、26、 rs、 C a ke d fo ward to Thu saybeau _、A 、 he wor

6、ked a on he daB 、 i vis rson Thursd y?、 she is ed cl bn Thursday、a s ecial visitor ca Thur day27、If someo d m de a e e try, _、?A 、 M s、 Clakewo ld aveoun a broke doo or window ?、 he r she wasstl i the hou e?C、 t ings would have be n th w ab ut?、 he o shewould have ne d d aste key28、 n he i d Thu a M

7、r 、 Cl ke en out_ _、?、becau e s e d dnt wa to missthe clugaiB、 to se ifth hief as ha ing about out id ?butthen changed er mindD 、 in an attempt to tr k t ethie9、 The ockonthe frontdoo was one which a piece of wir to o en i ?B、 c uldh peed fromkey?C、co l t be op e wi houa key?、 t he ub_、?A 、ne ed ide

8、w thou aused aknob instea f a k y0、T e ir fell to the floor_ _ _、A 、because r、C ar eefuse pen the d orto、hen the mangov doppof ?C、ho d?、because te mn j t wanted t get awabe ause it as tohot答案: c d b d十九 ater rob ms int e future wil bee n re ntense d mo e l 、Our inc easing opul tio wil trem ndou y nc

9、rea e u an w te,r ari se age、 hot erhand, ncrea i dea dsfor waterwill deceasesu s a tialy the a o ntow t r availablfordi ting wastes、 apid expanding u rie h hinvole m rea d ore p e chm a proc sses w llproduce largvolumes of iquid wastes, dman o th se will contai hem calswhich arenoxi us、 o f ed orr

10、id y expa d ngpopu ation ,agricultur will ve o be ntensi i d、 his wi l o e ever-i cr a qu nti ie o ic t ralchemi ls, F om this, t isa arent that dras ic te s must bet ke immediatel t ev lop c re tive meauresfor th llution pr blem、The e a e twow by wh ch this oll t o pro lemcan edindle 、 he firs elat

11、es tothe ea ment of aste o d ce sethe r p llu n azard 、 This invol t e pro e sing o soliwastes”prir t i osl a d htr atment ofl quid w st s,oreff nets,o rmi th uso he ate or i imizelut on upon i l isposa、A sec nap r ac is to e lo neconomic u e ral ora art w stes 、 a m manure spr ad in fie s as anutri

12、en r rganic upp ement、 Effluen s romse a e disposa plan areused in ome rea for irrigationandf r he utrie s o tai ed、 Efflnetsfro o h r pro essi g plantsm y alobe use as p lemental s u ce f water、M yndustri s,such as at nd oultry process g pl nts, areur ently c ver ing for as pro cs nto market b e bp

13、 oduct 、Otherndustries areote ti l on m c uses for w step o uc 、 Thepurposeof this assageis_、 o al t the r er to t e windl g wate suppl b 、 expl n i ust ial us s of wa ec 、 to cqu intth re er w h at r pollution roblems、o dem strate vr ousmeasures t ol e e pollutprob m、 hi of the following po t is NO

14、T CLUDE n hepa a e?a、n ustrial evel ment incudesthe simp i cationof xhemicalp c sses 、b 、 ilutiwast s needscertai a out f w c、 De ands forwater il o upal ngwith teexpand ng opla on、 I ten ve uti at n f andreq r s mre nd more che i als、 Threader an c n lued t a_ _、a 、 count ies oft e w ld will work t

15、ogeter o polut opr bl sb、 byprod cts m astes lea toa more p ospero arketplacec、 scie cei m ng gr at p ogresso i c easi watersupplies、 so i du tries are no, kin e onomic u e of wastes4、 Te t or gives su st nce t the pas e thro hthe s of _ _、a、 nte viewswi a thori iesin th ie d o ater con ro sb、 pin onsand sonalobs rvat o sc、 definit ons hic c ar y rta ttermsd、 srong gum nts a d rsuasions5、 hew rds prio to”( p r 、 2) prb blymean_、a 、 af r、 duri gc 、 befo e d、 bey n答案: b c


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