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1、物流英语复习题1.Saving or reducing expenditure in business is(D)A. Save moneyB. Increase costC. Cost planningD. Cost control2. (C ) is meant to provide facility for customer s need or inquiry and arrange it .A. ServiceB. BusinessC. Customer serviceD. Making money3、TEU and FEU both are (D)A、 ShipB、vesselC、p

2、ackageD 、Container4、A management mode which is called (A) . it including all of internalbusiness. Forexample: ordering,procurement, inventory,planning,production,quality, transportation, market, selling, service, etc.A、 Supply Chain Management (SCM)B、 Supply Chain SystemC、 Logistics managementD、 Log

3、istics cost control5、(C) can speed up the logisticactivitysuch as handling,loading andunloading, storing, transport.A、 PackingB、 ContainerC、ContainerizationD 、 Automated6、(A) is the external logistics.A、 Supply logisticsB、 Production logisticsC、 Sales channelD、 Outside logistics7 If the goods is dam

4、aged or lost in the process of logistics, the shipper can (A)to carrier.A. claimB. ask for payC. sueD. fight8. (B)is the general meaning of the contract, bill, note and proof in the process of logistics.A . Logistics activityB. Logistics documentsC. Logistics paperD. Documents9. (B )performs two bas

5、ic functions-marketing and logistics.A .Paper wrappingB. PackagingC. WarehouseD. Transportation10.The area for unloading goods in warehouse is(A)A receiving spaceB. shipping spaceC. receive areaD. collecting area11、The kit can then be (A)inside the aircraft or removed through the sidedoor.A、 stowedB

6、、storedC、putD、 taken12. ( A )has three specific points:fixed ports,fixed line and announcing shipping time in advance.A. Liner transportB. Line ship C. Line containerD. Line13. (A)is more accurate and easier than Fixed Interval System(FIS) in the order method.A. Fixed Quantity System (FQS)B. Fixed T

7、iming systemC. Fixed Channel systemD. Double-note system14. (A)is guaranteed by the full market supply and Just-in-Time ( JIT )A. Zero InventoryB. Zero-inventoryC. InventoryD. Outsourcing inventory15 (A)is software about the relation between the customer and the supplier in marketing.A. Customer Rel

8、ationship Management (CRM)B. Customer serviceC. Sales planningD. Distribution channel物流英语复习题16. (B )is one of functions in logistics, which can deliver goods to customer directly by orderin the most economic way.A. TransportationB. DistributionC. Sending goodsD. Carrying goods17. (B )is the environm

9、ental process to collect, sort, transport and bury or incinerate wastegoods.A. Environmental logisticsB. waste material logisticsC. returned logisticsD. recycle18. (D )has three parts :warehouse, high story shelf and stacker.A. Multi-story warehouseB. Automatic Multi-story warehouseC. Stereo-style w

10、arehouseD. Stereoscopic warehouse19.Ocean Bill of Lading is the( A)between carrier and shipperA. evidence of the contract of carriageB. DocumentC. Trading recordD. Bill20.The integrated logisticsactivities, equipmentand informationnetwork, and so on, is called( C)A. logistics integrationB .Logistics

11、 industryC. Logistics centerD. logistics park21. (C )links all suppliers and customers as a chain in a certain product or service.A. ContractB. Business agreementC. Supply ChainD. Network.22、Cosco and China shipping are (D)。A、CompanyB、 Transportation co.C、 Logistics allianceD、 Logisticsenterprise23.

12、 (D )isa logistics center where mostinbound goods are the wholetruck and mostoutbound goods are small pieces.A. Collection centerB. Collection goods centerC. Consolidation centerD. Deconsolidation center24. (C )is the motor carrier service between the different cities domestically.A. Pint to point t

13、ruckB. City to city truckC. Domestic intercity truckingD. Domestic transportation25. (B )is the method to keep the best inventory level and position with the minimum cost tosatisfy the demand .A. Ware house managementB. Inventory controlC. Stock managementD. Storage management26.The Bill of lading s

14、igned by the shipping company is( D)A.S-B/L(Sea-B/L)B.V-B/L(Vessel-B/L)C. Seaway BillD. Ocean-B/L27、The person who is sending goods is named as (A )A .the consignorB. the consigneeC. the forwarderD. the captain28、The minimum amount insured should be the CIF value of the goods plus (D )A. 40%B. 30%C.

15、 20%D. 10%29、Which of the following risks is not covered in FPA coverage? (C )A. general averageB. fireC. warD. salvage charges30、Logistics was formerly called Physical(A )A. distributionB. position物流英语复习题C. settingD. distribute31. (C)is for the operation ordering and the informationexchange by Inte

16、rnet among thefirms.A. Order ProcessingB. Order makingC. Electronic Order System (EOS)D. Order form32. (C)is the volume for loading goods of the vehicle.A. Vehicle tonnageB. Vehicle sizeC. Vehicle capacityD. Available Vehicle capacity33、A letter of credit is a written promise of a ( A ) to act at th

17、e request and on the instructions of the applicant and to undertake payment to the beneficiary in theamount specified in the creditA. bankB. exporterC. buyerD. importer34、All import goods should not be removed out of customs control without the(D)A. oral permission of the ships ownerB. oral permissi

18、on of the customs authoritiesC. written permission of the ships ownerD. written permission of the customs authorities35、The written permission granted by the customs authorities to the vessel, allowingit to start unloading goods, is (B)A. Import ManifestB. Entry InwardsC. Certificate of registryD. C

19、rew list36.For small and medium-sized companies, those logistics management is still (A)A. DecentralizedB. centralizedC. integratedD. concentrated37.There is no difference between the environmental logistics and(D )one.A. WhiteB .redC. blueD. green38.The large market share in the china s transportat

20、ion(B)tranisport.A .airB. railC. truckD. pipeline39.Pipelines are not (A )A .Labor-intensiveB. capital-intensive C. tech-intensiveD. Low cost and high return40.Without (A ),supply chain management doesn t work.A. Logistics information systemB. cableC. InternetD. computer41.(C) is using the equipment

21、 or tools to move goods fromone place to the otherswhich including goods collection 、distribution 、 handling 、unloading and so on.A、 carryingB. loadingC. transportationD. distribution42.logistics is referred for the( A)flow, but not including the flow of the people.A. ArticleB. GoodsC. MaterialD. Th

22、ings43.the base size of logistics facility and establishment means ( A)A. Logistics modulusB. Logistics operationC. Logistics technology44.Cosco and China shipping are(D)A. CompanyB. Transportation co.C. Logistics allianceD. Logistics enterprise45.Every manufacturer needs (A )A. MaterialB、export goo

23、dsC. Import goodsD. Inventory46.A logistics service mode designing according customers special requirements is (B )A. Customized logisticsB. Customized serviceC. Internal logisticsD. External logistics47.when the non-qualified( poor qualities) goods are returned or repaired frombuyer to物流英语复习题seller

24、, we call it ( A)A. Returned logisticsB. back logisticsC. Replace goodsD. Exchange goods48.( A) is a container which can be loaded goods of more than one shipper or consignee.A. Less-than container loadB.Combined transportationC. Bulk containerD. Bulk goods49.the goods are classifiedaccordingvariety

25、 、 the time of out or entering warehouse inadvance that is (A )A. SortingB. AssemblyC. StoringD. Stacking50.( A ) is the external logistics.A. Supply logisticsB. Production logisticsC. Sales channelD. Outside logistics51、(C ) is the internal logistics.A、 Environmental logisticsB、Military logisticsC、

26、 Production logisticsD、Buyer logistics52、When the goods reaches the destination port, but no consignee in the B/L, thencarrier will inform (A)A、 Notify PartyB、 ShipperC、CarrierD、Agent53、(D)means that sellers finished the process of delivery when the goodsover the shipboard in port of loading. And sh

27、ould pay the freights and the lowest insurances as possible ,A、 FOBB、 FASC、FCAD、 CIF54. (D ) is not a physical wall, but a lot of virtual data to protect the computer network.A. Date wallB. Date channelC. Date baseD. Firewall55. (A )isthe way to delivergoods fordifferent shippers inthe same truck by

28、 the mosteconomic route .A. Joint DistributionB. United DistributionC. Multiple DeliveryD. Joint Delivery56. (D)is used to protect goods not to be deteriorated like food and medicine.A. PackagingB. Special packagingC. Green packagingD. Vacuum packaging57. (C ) is the function of loading goods in pal

29、let and wrapping it .A. PackageB. ContainerizationC. PalletizingD. Sorting58、() is a supplementary measure to make inventory over safety stock.BA、Order Point System ( OPS )B、Fixed Quantity System ( FQS)C、 Fixed Interval System ( FIS)D、Economic Order Quantity ( EOQ)59、The term CPT should be followed

30、by ( B)A、 point of originB. named place of destinationC、 place of shipmentD.port of shipment60、According to FCA, who usually signs the contract ofcarriage and pays thefreight to the destination? ( A )A、 buyerB. seller物流英语复习题C、 carrierD. carrier s agent61、A freight forwarder is also called (C )A. an

31、exporterB. an importerC. a commission agentD. a customer62. (D )is very convenient equipment for loading and unloading goods.A. CraneB. Pallet truckC. Fork liftD. Fork lift truck63. (A) doesn t need to change package of goods or to stop in any place between the originand destination point.A. Through

32、 transportB. Transfer transportC. Combined transportD. Motor transport64. (A)is the operation to check the quantity, quality and package of the goods according tothe contract and the specific standard.A. InspectionB. ExaminationC. ControlD. Test65. (A)is based on logistics network, but more computer

33、ized and systematized than logisticsoperation.A. Virtual logisticsB. Imaginary logisticsC. Thinking logisticsD. Logistics planning66. (A)is the place to store the goods importedor in transit,without paying duty undercustome s supervision.A. Boned warehouseB. Exported warehouseC. Imported warehouseD.

34、 Customers warehouse67. (C)is a railway container transportation linking both end of the oceans.A. Bridge transport B. Land transport C. Land Bridge transportD. Cross continent transport68. (C)is the management system to control the material consumed, reduce inventory in themanufacture company.A .DR

35、P (Distribution Resource Planning)B.LRP(Logistics Resource Planning)C. MRP (Material Requirements Planning)D.ERP(Enterprise Resource Planning)69.Zero stock is the best way for (B)A. Cost controlB. inventory controlC. storage cost controlD. warehouse cost control70.The retailer and manufacturer (B)ab

36、out 5 10% of their merchandise being returned.A. ForecastB. anticipateC. participateD. record二、物流术语1、WTO( World Trade Organization ) (A)A、世界贸易组织B、世界旅游组织C、关贸总协定D、世界商业团体2、C/D (Customs Declaration)(D )A. 客户声明B.客户要求C.报关申请D.报关单3. 门到场 ( B )A. door to doorB. door to cy C. door to cfsD.door-to-cy4.库存(D)A. s

37、toringB. storageC. article reserves D. inventory5.库存周期(A )A. inventory cycle timeB. cycle stock C. safety stock D. order cycle time、 OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer )(B)6A 、原始设备制造B、原始设备制造商C、原产地制造商D、设备加工7、 物流模数 (C)。物流英语复习题A 、 Logistics mode B 、 Logistics movement C、 Logistics modulus D 、 Logisti

38、cs motion8、 回收物流(B )A 、Waste material logisticsB、 returned logisticsC、 recycle logisticsD、 recycling、9 集装运输 ( C )、 Container transportB 、 combined transportC、 containerized transportD、 condition transport10、 经常库存 (B)、 Current inventoryB、 cycle stockC、cycle inventoryD 、 regular stock11、 物流技术(D)A 、 lo

39、gistics activityB 、 logistics operation C、 logisticsmodulus D 、 logisticstechnology12、 流通加工 (A)A 、Distribution processingB、 commercial processC、 circulate processingD 、 manufacture processing13、 集装箱货运站(C )、 Container cargo stationB、 container goods stationC、 container freight stationD 、 container st

40、ation、(C )14 定期订货方式、 Fixed Period Order (FPO)C、 Fixed interval System (FIS)B、 Fixed interval Order (FIO)D 、 Fixed Order in Time(FOT)15、 SCM 供应链管理(D)A、 Management of supply chainB、 Supply Customer ManagementC、Management for supply chainD、Supply Chain Management16、 EAN( European Article Number ) (D)A、

41、欧洲商品数码B、欧洲物品编码C、欧洲物品条码D、欧洲条码系统17、班轮运输(B )A 、Line ship transport B 、Liner transport C、Line transport D、Liner transportation 18、 L/C ( Letter of Credit ) ( C )A 、信用卡B、银行存款信C、信用证D 、荣誉卡19、 FOB ( Free on Board )(B)A 、船边交货B、船上交货C、货交承运人D、边境交货20、 P/L( Packing List)(A)A 、装箱单B、包裹单C、出货单D 、托运单21、 门到场(B)A 、door to doorB、 door to c


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