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1、1. Im an office worker.我是一个上班族。实战一A: What do you do?你是做什么工作的?B: Im an office worker.我是一个上班族。实战二A: Hi, nice to meet you here.嗨,很高兴在这儿见到你。B: Hello,nice to meet you too.你好,我也很高兴见到你。A: What do you do for a living?你是干哪一行的?B: Im aneditor. Im an office worker.我是一个编辑。我是一个上班族。A; So am I.我也是。补充包Im an ordinary

2、 office worker.我是一个普通的上班族。Im asalaryman.我是一个上班族。I do office work我是一个上班族。2. I have a typical 9 to 5 job.我的工作是朝九晚五。实战一A: How many hours do you usually work one day?你一天通常要工作几个小时?B: I have atypical9 to 5 job.我通常上午九点上班,下午五点下班。实战二A: Do you have time to travel with me?你有时间跟我旅行吗?B: sorry,Im an office worker

3、.对不起,我是一个上班族。我通常上午九点上班,下午五点下班。1 / 7补充包:My job is a nine-to-five one.我的工作时间是朝九晚五。Our office hours are from 9 a.m. to 5.p.m.公司的工作时间是上午九点到下午五点。I work a little longer than nine to five most days.多数时间,我的工作时间都超过朝九晚五的范围。3. Dont forget to punch in and out.别忘了上下班都要打卡。实战一A: Dont forget topunchin and out.上下班都要

4、记得打卡。B: I wont.我不会忘得。实战二A: Thats all Im telling you about the business in the office.在办公室里的事情我都告诉你了。B: Thank you very much.非常感谢。A: If you have any problem, donthesitateto ask me anytime.如果你有什么问题,随时问我。B: I will.我会的。A: Oh , I almost forget toremindyou. Dont forget to punch in and out.哦,差点忘了提醒你,上下班都要记得

5、打卡。B: Ok. Thank you so much.好的,真是非常感谢。补充包:Dont forget to clock in.不要忘记打卡。Dont forget to clock in and clock out.不要忘了上下班打卡。Did you punch in?你上班打卡了吗?Did you punch out?你下班打卡了吗?4. How is your project going?你的项目进行的怎么样了?实战一2 / 7A: How is your project going?你的项目进行的怎么样了?B: Everything goes well.一切进展顺利。实战二A: G

6、eorge,How is your project going?乔治,你的项目进行的怎么样了?B: Its coming along well, but a littledelayed.进展不错,但时间上有点拖延。A: Can you finish it on time?能按时按成吗?B: I will try my best. And I think theres no problem.我会尽力,我想没什么问题。A: OK.那就好。补充包:How are things going?事情进行得如何了?How are things at work?工作进行得怎么样了?That went well

7、.进行得很顺利。办公室英语口语300句5. I can handle it myself.我会自己想办法的。实战一A: I can handle it myself.我会自己想办法的。B: I believe you.我相信你。实战二A: Can you settle it?你能搞定吗?B: I can handle it myself.我会自己想办法的。A: But I think teamwork would be better.但我认为团队协作会更好。3 / 7B: Everyone has urgent matter to deal with.每个人都有要紧的事情要处理。A: I se

8、e.我知道了。补充包:I can take care of it myself.我会自己想办法的。I can figure it out myself.我会自己想办法的。Ill do something about it.我会想办法的。6.Give it a try!试一下吧实战一A: This is the newproduct.Give it a try!这是新产品,试一下吧B: OK.好的。实战二A: Wow, what afabulousidea!哇,这个想法棒极了。B: But Im afraid it is difficult tocarry out.但我恐怕这个实施起来很难。A:

9、 Give it a try! Im alwayscomplainingthat I couldnt find the right way. Butnow your idea will work out the problem.试一下吧,我一直在抱怨找不到正确的方法,但现在你的这个方法可以解决问题。B: Oh,really?哦,真的吗?A: Yes, of course.是的,当然。补充包Try and do it.你试试看。Have another try.再试一遍。Give it another try.再试一遍。4 / 7Ill go for it.我大胆试一试。7. Which sid

10、e are you on?你支持哪一边?实战一A: Tom, which side are you on?汤姆,你支持哪一边?B: Im on your side.我支持你。实战二A: Whether Nick should be allowed to continue doing this or not is really aproblem. There seem to be two sides regarding theargument.尼克是否应该被允许继续做下去确实是个问题。关于这个争论好像出现了两派。B: Yeah, I see.是的,我知道了。A: Which side are y

11、ou on?你支持哪一边?B: Imaintaina neutralposition. Do yo have anysuggestions?我保持中立。你有什么建议吗?A: Well, I think we should ask him to show us the possible result now.嗯,我想我们应该现在就让他给出可能的结果。B: Soundsreasonbale.有道理。补充包:Who are yourootingfor?你支持哪一方?Which side do you support?你支持哪一方?Im on your side.我是站在你这边的。8. Impress

12、edfor time.我时间紧迫。实战一A: Hurry up. Im pressed for time.快点,我时间紧迫。B: Lets go.我们走吧。实战二5 / 7A: Kelly, do you workovertimetoday?凯利,今天要加班吗?B: Yes, the plan must be worked out today.Im pressed for time.是的,这个计划今天必须做出来,我时间紧迫。补充包:My scheduleis tight.我时间安排得很紧。Im really busy now.我现在真的很忙。Theres no time left.没有时间了。

13、9. Do you have any question?你们有什么问题吗?实战一A: Do you have any question?你们有什么问题吗?B: No.没有了。实战二A: Well, you really haveperfectworkexperience.恩,你确实有很好的工作经验。B: Thank you.谢谢。A: You might just be the person weve been looking for. Do you have any question?你或许正是我们一直寻找的那个人。你有什么问题吗?补充包:Any other business?还有什么问题吗

14、?Are there any final questions?最后还有什么问题吗?10. You can do it.你可以的。实战一A: Tony, I believe you. You can do it!托尼,我相信你,你可以的。B: Thanks for yourencouragement.谢谢你的鼓励。实战二6 / 7A: Come on. Though we face sometechnicalproblems, I believe everyonehere can solve them.加油!尽管我们面临一些技术上的问题,我相信这里的每个人,你们能解决这些问题。B: Lets speak out: you can do it!让我们大声的说出:你可以的。补充包:Youll make it.你可以的。Youre going to be fine.你会做好的。Its going to be all right.会好起来的。7 / 7


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