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1、Wo -l e lanc : AGr w Strugg A) Wecanea l, te t, fc boand we t aywh re, ad tabl tsany i、(平板电脑)But have m esmart- h n easier tobalanc work itt re t f l e?B) In e d cade since John Ho ard du d t rk- ife balance a “babec e st pr ”, mbile tec n logie hav revol ti ized ork fo anyAustr lians 、Theyha ee iin

2、 ted the hyicl bo nda ie ha oce defi ed workplacesnd a lowed eplo e unpr d ted f ex b ty i were and hen t e rk、 But ewtechnologi s canba mixed bessing for workes、The office is alwayinour cket 、?) The s r li n rk ndLife I dex,preparedb the n e foWork+ Li e te Ui ersi yoSouth Austra a, a trc ed he w r

3、k lifeexperien eof A t li nworkers for five year 、 he late rprt, t tled “ he g queez , sow ittle imp eni rklie ou in thattime 、 Acc ing e cen re di e tor ndco-a tho of the re ort , oes or B rbara ocock , at lea t a q r er of Austra i n workers re adly affe d by wor -l interf en 、 “We are not seeing

4、a run way tr in he bt a esee n a p ol m hat isaffect ng a lot of peple and it is veryp sistent, ” Poc c sa s、 ?D) How ver , re is oe grou for which hng are etting worse : ult me wmn rkers 、 T a group s d sstisfact on w h h ir wrklifealnce h libed from、erent27 、5 pe entov th p t f v ear, whi e te me

5、rat fo full imeme a been f rly stea y、 Seve out of 10 lt me omen wo k rsof nr alway fe l “ u hed and press d r tim ”an 41 pe ce t of oth wi hful ti e o ssai the wud pre er to wor pr time he larges pr oton since 2007、E)P ofe so Poc ck say mobile ehn loie re ont i uti g act r, es e ally or th se wh wo

6、 in t s vie secto an amon mnage nd pr es ioals、 “ e t orkthat seap ary of the workp ce nd thatthe s ati l b u rticu arly affec ng f ll-time wo en who aehold g sehods together ,”s says 、 “obile technologie are a f nt ic r source ut our dta s ws th re k ide 、 An t soten overw lm ng the flexibi i y hat

7、 w t ch olog give 、 eople feel godabouteingabledel with stuff on the run andwhensuits t e , but s got ar l sha ow s de、 ”?F) Lizar atelies avil n mobile te ologiesinher ol asa direc or ftheydne -bsed ar eting nd ub ic rel ios fi m Rec gn ion R、 Checki g e als is “the f rst thing I d whn I k and th l

8、as thin I do efore Igto leep ”,sh ays 、“ ca se I ma ork ng um, I ypica ly eave he offic at iveoclo o th dot u I a w ys c eck i of an even n o a esure hat I hav ntlefta ythi u ne 、”Shea wa s i u i hersix-yea -oldasgoe o bed bef re he king non work 、 “Whatw ve n is an i ta respo e soce , ”she sa 、 “We

9、 s nd an e ail and we doe p ct resp nse o tte ha ime it , r eve hat ayit i, an hatcanges th dynami s f eery ay、”“Mbile d ices prvid ppor u tis e di nt e afewyarsago inthatw an le eand ckup the ids fro scho l andnot ee guilty ,” she sas、“ Bu i means yo n e trn off because you ae always conn td d h re

10、s a ex e t ton tat yu will awybe ac ossth ngs、Mo edevicesnab e toeherewih thekisit also mansyuight nobpay n100 percent tet oso its a cath 22(进退两难得处境),igt? ”?G)elissaGregg,Sydn y Unive tya admic w oha don e t n eresearc on h impact f tec ologyon wo k e ,says th flex bil ty nd conve ience o f re obile

11、 t hnolo iesgt u m re at ntio than h costs 、“The troubl is hat obilet c nolog arechangin h locatio s ofork, ”s e say 、“no longe ave ys callim son howwe cc s our wor think ha ssome ithtwe ethnk g abo t ae ly、 dIavoid )Gr ggound n w t cno oies me nt ma empl yees special y women wo workpart me edo ng a

12、 e amou tsof aidwor 、 “ Durig my rese c womenwuldsa to me, It s so conve nt o have my lptope on the dini g om table 、 I ca eepaneyen my ema w ile I m cookig din e an wh le Im e ig my child d hs homework 、 Whil tha s sc ibed s conve e , t e a ctuallyegagingth ee iffrent t p sof unp idlabo n thats ati

13、on 、 It s hardy cnve entif ourw rk tbei recognize、 halso dis ove ma y w rkers checkem il i emorni g try to a more c n o oer thei wodys 、I)Pcock s id he eamstudy confirmsheimort nibiiy orof p licies that pr oteworke s、 wo year gea er lea rts with ofpre hool children,or chil rn u de 18 tadis biit,w e

14、iveth “rih to request” o k flexi ilyfro th emp oyer 、 B th ivers ty of Sout Aus rali s ese rch howed nyparentsar un wareo the righ o rqestflxiilty, or unw llin toa k theirem loer、?J) “In mny rklaces getfle ility i difficult espe ially where nardworking arr gements redom na t, the c imate i ostie t l

15、exibility,or w r r a icipate a st gma (耻辱) a sig fr req es fo xib l ty,” the re or say 、) Since 2008 h uni r it esear h points mor eopl s in hat work interfe wih ac ivties outidtheirjb ad w tspe d n imewthriends 、Te r eo p c ived “wor intensi icatio ” po t dbyA tr l n orke s shighert n inErope u ins

16、iia me ures 、Near y thid o wo rs feel that they haveoo m ch wor or on pers n to d (33 、2percen o wo en an 30、3 perce to men) 、 Al sto einthee en utinmor than8 ou s aeek and m sof hem wantedo wor les 、L) But here is ho parado 、ver he last four year at sf ed with their w rk- if b lance h rien htly , r

17、m 8、3 erc nt o 6 、 1 per en、 Work r are as stresse o more r sse th neve bu he e is alevel o cep a e a o t it that thi is eway thingsare 、 “ This is ot allane ativesto , ” Pocockay 、 “Lots of ople aremanagingfne 、”) Archit c elen Barri a w r 2、5 hours a eek , h s t o daughters ged fi and e g, and doe

18、s much of t e unpa d wor at me such as ta igheirls tog mnast cs rswimmi 、Hr schedulea os r ou sue a caree he enjoy 、 “ Iw ld tw to duce my hour , ” e s y、 “I th orks fo t e girls and wo k fo me 、” n h arc itec and o he two , Kirsten Gr n,aythealanc to m age rkad fa ilyis a t of a l fe shew nts and c

19、 ee se loes、 “Worki mp ta tomsoIm prep rd to pa for it 、 If you do a ist of pro a d co , he e e a i i icant num er f egative , but I say e po it ves o twe gh he negati e、 ”1 )L)Thou ner greater ress re han eve bef r, ma y workers ca nt o ly a pt itbut l o m naget ell 、2 )H)It found hat n w t c ologi

20、esmake any work rs , pec alypart tim ork ng women , do tou aid work 、3)Mo ie chn log esha epletely han e ma Austral say of w kig, ak ng th iorki tinplace or exib 、 )F)M ieevice ak orki gmthers ha em retime o eith the r ki, b t hey a enl pa alltheir tetintothekids w th he ce keton allthe t me 、5 ))It

21、 is por ed tha at least nefor hof stra ianworkersare s rouslyinluenced byork-li iterfe ence 、 )K)More and re pe pl thin hatork interferes with their ti e withfi nsand t ctvitie outside rk、7 )M)W ay far more a tent o to thefle bi ity and n enience brough y mo ile tec o ogiesthanheco tshav to pay 、 )J

22、) In the wo plceswheretandardworkinga rang e s rev il, it i dificult fo work to a k for flex ilty、9)D) Over the ast fi e year ,t e ra of ful tie womenwo rswh are dissatis ed w thteirwork li e b lance h s beenon the rise 、10)) Alt ou entsprescho igh tochild en eq estwere ven thefor wo fleiil t, heyr

23、n t eali ing th exist ce of the right or unwil ing t xercise t、阅读理解 15 题,总分值: 5 分Directi s: ea thefo lowingpassagec ef l y、 Eac pass ge is fo l wed by om q es ions un inis ed e fo r ch ice a ed A, , h q s on、 ent n es、 F r C, and D、 hoose ach th there a he be t answ r to eae l lag、 We a hu 、 We all

24、make mi a、 e all dream, tha life、 It as ourn y、 P ase f l h e rule to ma e the urney of y u life a j urney of jo! St yig posit ve t ough e old season ud be ou bs def ns aga nst getting ill , new st y findin suggest 、 ?In a p riment t t expo ed healt y volu tee t a cold r flu vi , r searchers f ud th

25、t pe ple with e raly sun dispos t on (性格) e l ss lkely to fall ill 、 The inings , published in t e our a Psych somatic Me icne ,uild o eidence tha a “positive emo on st le ”can hel wa d f the col and ot er il ness s、Re archersbeliev t e reasonsm y e botho jective as n hap i ess o ting i u e fn t on

26、nd sub ectiv as hap y p opl eing less tro led y as rat h t oa un yos、 “Peple with a p itive emot onal tyle m y av difer nt immu e re p nse to thevirus , ”xpla ne lead tudy a ho Dr Sh ldon Coh o Car ge Mell n e sity in Pittsburgh 、 “ Andwhen the do c ld, they ay in erp et ei illness as e ng l ss seve

27、re 、?Co ena d his col e g esha f u n apreviousstudy t at hapier e lsee e l s li e y o cat acold ,b som questi nsre aied as to wheter he oioal t it itself ad he effe 、For th ew stu , the resear ers a 93 hea thy adults with ete st ndard m sures f erson lity tr it ,self pe c ive eal h a demoti na “tyl

28、”、 Toewh eded tobeh py,ener tic ndesy going we e judgedasha ingapositiveemotio ltyle, whi th ewho w re fte unhappy , nse hostile ad nega ive sty e 、 The re ear hersgave themnosedrop ont ininge the a od irus apar icu a fuius、 Ove the next xdays, he luteers r po te on any aches, pains , r neezing (打喷嚏

29、) tey, w ile t esear her coll ted object ve data 、 Chen n his coll agues f n h t s do o jectivemea u s o nsa os (鼻部得不适 ), happyeople er ess li ely o d v o ac l、1 )T e tdy f ning int experi nt suggestat _、 Havin a e tiv emot onishar ful to t rac er、B、en optimis ible tokee althy 、is morerobC、 Staying posi ve s mo e li elto catc d、D、Havin a g od spstinis mor l kel t g t ill、12)he2 mostphrase “ard off robably means” i ara


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