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1、研究:忙碌得人更快乐作者 :01 出自: 01 远程教育网A bored woman fell asleep in a theater、 The secretto happiness is keeping busy, research has found、The secret to happiness is keeping一项研究发现 ,快乐得秘busy, research has found、诀就就是让自己忙起来。Keeping the mind occupied with该研究发现,让自己有点tasks - no matter how meaningless -事情可想 无论就是多么sta

2、ves off negative emotions, the没意思得事 都有助于抵study found、制消极情绪。However, the bad news is that然而 ,据芝加哥大学行为humans seemhard-wired to be lazy科学家奚恺元教授介绍 ,人in order to save energy, according to类似乎生性懒惰 ,旨在保存Professor Christopher Hsee, a精力。behavioural scientist at Chicago研究人员让 98 个学生做University 、了两项调查。这两个调查间In a

3、 study 98 students were asked隔 15 分钟。to plete two surveys、 After they hadpleted the first they were made towait 15 minutes to receive the nextone、They were given a choice ofeither h ing in the first survey nearby or at a more distant location they had to walk to、 Whicheveroption they chose, they rec

4、eived achocolate bar、Two-thirds (68 per cent) chose在此期间 ,学生可以就近提交第一个调查得结果 ,或者步行至一个较远得地方递交结果。无论选择哪一种途径 ,她们都会获赠一块巧克力。其中 ,三分之二 (68%)得人选择了走近路。但据报告 ,走路去递交结果得人比待在原地得人感觉更加快乐。the lazy option、Those who had taken the walkreported feeling happier than thosewho had stayed put、Prof Hsee concluded keepingbusy hel

5、ped keep people happy、He said the findings, reported inthe journal Psychological Science,had policy implications、Governments may increase the happiness of idle citizens by having them build bridges that are actually useless, he proposed、At the individidual level, headvised: Get up and do something、A

6、nything 、 Even if there really is nopoint to what you are doing, you willfeel better for it、奚教授由此得出结论 ,让自己忙一点有助于保持好得心情。该研究在心理科学杂志上发表。奚教授称该发现具有政策指导意义。她建议说 : “比如 ,政府可以让没事可做得民众建造实际上并没有什么用处得桥梁来提升她们得幸福感。 ”就个人而言 ,她建议说 : “起来干点什么吧。做什么都行。就算您所做得事情没什么实际意义 ,您也会因此而感到快乐。 ”她说 : “另外 ,思考或反省也就是让自己动起来得一种方式。 ”“您不需要东奔西跑

7、 ,只需He added: Incidentally , thinkingdeeply or engaging in self-reflection要有事情做,无论就是体力s as keeping busy, too、上得还就是脑力上得。”You do not need to be runningaround, you just need to beengaged, either physically ormentally、笑得诠释透视文化得差异作者 :101 出自 :10 远程教育网I erp eingLa h ?Huih a, Chineestudnt,a Mary, nAmerican

8、st dent studyin Chines in Chin , we e on h ir a t abostore、A th y got to the boostore, they aw a oun man walk ng dwn a fight of tair、 n hihurry, he mis d th las two step, and fel n t goun、 He s ugled o t back to is feet while people around him lauged、 ortunat ly, he s emed to b 、 、 ar was wor ed、 he

9、 fou Huihuasmiling lit e n wa not fort bl a out t、 ” ell e, uihu, ho c ld peolelaughwhen someone fell li e t?Dothey cara l?Shouldn h yup and ask theyoung mnwhetherwahu t? ?Hu hus id,th y k ehe wsn t hurtto mu、 ”? Bsill ounders nd、A fal sfall 、Imy cutu e,peopl oulddo nythi g butlugh! ”?Chinesepers ct

10、ve ?This is ant eexamlew ctheChi ese d thWsternein rprtsmile if en y、 s ment ned n he las ae,Chi ese pope r rt to l ugho sil en hey el mbar a d、 Ve y often, the pe on aught i t e emba ras igsituati n would lso aoma ea jok,t s he embarrassment、Ho eve ,if someoe gets hu se usl, it wil ot b a laugingat

11、 anm e、 eolewill helphim/ rinsed、?NorthAmer an p rs ct e?A st ner wu interpret aghtr nsuch a setias a s g o either inensitivt or, w r,plas retha the peson aling ad urt h me f/her lbe austhat peron as isli d、 AWesterers rsonse wou d have be to rus o r, sss he peron,antinquire ou nyi ury ysayng omet i

12、ngik , Areyu okay? f Westerner fell,the ,li a inese p ro,mghtattempt to make a jokout of the i ident if t yere not t、If o cosefri ds arwalking toget e,andontrps but clearli th t,a m okes o say” Have nia etrip”apun ba ed on two e iffer nt m aningsf”trip:nennga vacaton, the o here ingtostm e”、 owever,

13、hi oke wo dmadeol between twopeohoneach othewel、?中文 :?中国学生慧华与在中国学中文得美国学生玛丽结伴去书店。到书店时瞧到一个年轻人正下楼梯,匆忙中少踩了最后两级楼梯,摔倒在地上 .她挣扎着站起来 ,周围一片哄笑声,所幸得就是她没受什么伤 .玛丽挺为那个年轻人担心 ,却见慧华嘴角上也有笑意 ,玛丽瞧了觉得不就是滋味。 “慧华,告诉我,为什么人家摔倒了那些人还能笑出来?她们就不关心人吗?她们就没想到要上去问问那年轻人就是不就是摔着哪里了 ?”慧华说 , “她们知道她没摔着。 “我还就是不明白,再怎么说也就是摔跤。要就是在美国,旁观者什么都可能做,

14、就就是不会取笑人家。 ”?中国人得解释这就是另一例中西方文化对笑得不同理解 .如上例所说,中国人有时以笑来消除尴尬,而当事人也往往自嘲地笑笑或开句玩笑来缓冲尴尬 .不过,如果当事人受了重伤, 那就另当别论了 ,人们会上前相助 ,而不会一笑置之。北美人得解释西方人会认为在这种情况下笑就是没有同情心 ,或者更恶劣 :就是对摔跤受伤者得幸灾乐祸,因为此人不受欢迎。一般西方人得反应往往就是赶上前扶起摔倒者,关心地问对方 “您没事吧 ?摔倒得人如果没有受伤 ,她们自己也会像中国人一样开玩笑.如果两个很要好得朋友走在一起,其中一个绊倒了但没受伤,常见得玩笑话会就是“旅途愉快 ”这个双关语利用了 “ti”这个词大相径庭得两个词义:一就是“(度假 )旅行 ,一就是 “绊倒 ”不.过这种玩笑只会出现在非常熟悉得朋友之间。


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