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1、锅炉专用词汇锅筒drum锅筒内部设备drum internals锅筒吊架drum hanger上部水冷壁upper water wall下部水冷壁lower water wall中部水冷壁middle water wall燃烧器区域水冷壁burner area water wall壁再区域水冷壁water wall of wall R.H. area水冷壁集箱water wall headers水冷壁固定装置fixture of water wall汽水连接管steam & water connecting pipes下水连接管feeder pipes集中下水管downcomers下水管固定装

2、置downcomer pipe fixtures集中下水管分配头downcomer distributton header高温过热器final superheater低温过热器管组1primary SH tube 1顶棚过热器roof tubes包墙过热器HRA tubes屏式过热器platen SH全大屏过热器panel division SH壁式再热器wall reheater中温再热器medium reheater高温再热器final reheater减温器desuperheater顶棚过热器集箱roof SH headers后竖井前后墙集箱Front(rear) header of H

3、RA后竖井侧墙集箱side header of rear HRA水平烟道过热器集箱SH header of level flue低温过热器集箱PSH headers大屏过热器集箱panel division SH headers后屏过热器集箱platen SH headers高温过热器集箱final SH headers壁再集箱wall RH headers中再集箱middle temperature RH headers高再集箱wall RH headers炉膛区域顶棚吊挂roof hanger in furnace area水平烟道区域顶棚吊挂roof hanger in level fl

4、ue area后竖井区域顶棚吊挂roof hanger in rear HRA过热器固定装置fixture of superheater再热器固定装置fixture of reheater过热器防蚀装置antiseptic set of SH再热器防蚀装置antiseptic set of RH汽水连接管吊挂装置hangers for steam & water pipe蒸汽连接管及集箱吊挂装置hanger for steam pipe and header水冷壁及包墙吊挂装置hangers for W.W and HRA蒸汽连接管steam pipes过热器、再热器出口导管SH and RH

5、 outlet pipes省煤器蛇形管ECON. coil省煤器吊挂管tubes for support ECON.省煤器防磨装置prevent abrasion sets for ECON.省煤器集箱ECON. headers省煤器固定装置fixture of ECON.上部烟道upper flue duct下部烟道lower flue duct烟道flue duct烟道固定装置flue duct fixed灰斗hopper膨胀接头expansion joint烟气关闭挡板damper下部柱和梁bottom columns and beams下部水平支撑bottom horizontal b

6、racing下部垂直支撑bottom vertical bracing中部柱和梁middle columns and beams中部水平支撑middle horizontal bracing中部垂直支撑middle vertical bracing上部柱和梁upper columns and beams上部水平支撑upper horizontal bracing上部垂直支撑upper vertical bracing司水小室drum-operating room柱脚锚固件anchor bolts顶护板top casing外护板boiler casing省煤器区域护板casing for eco

7、nomizer炉顶小室drum-operating room燃烧器区域防雨装置rainproof cover of burner顶部密封装置upper sealing device下部密封装置lower sealing device顶板main suspending lever上部平台扶梯upper platform & stair上部平台扶梯栅格grating of upper platform中部平台扶梯middle platform & stair中部平台扶梯栅格grating of middle platform下部平台扶梯bottom platform & stair下部平台扶梯栅格

8、grating of bottom platform上部平台扶梯围护结构rail of upper platform & stair中部平台扶梯围护结构rail of middle platform & stair下部平台扶梯围护结构rail of bottom platform & stair冷灰斗刚性梁hopper buckstay燃烧器区域刚性梁burnner buckstay后竖井刚性梁HRA. buckstay上部刚性梁upper buckstay垂直刚性梁vertical buckstay折焰角刚性梁nose buckstay校平装置leveler炉顶刚性梁roof bucksta

9、y缓冲器bumper煤粉燃烧器pulverised coal burners燃油装置fuel oil firing equipment油点火器ignition oil firing equipment燃烧器固定装置burner fixture大风箱wind boxes喷口用气动执行器pneumatic actuators for nozzles tilting风门用气动执行器pneumatic actuators for air control dampers点火风管ignition air duct锅炉范围内汽水管道steam & water pipes of boiler锅炉范围内汽水管道

10、( 弯管部分 )Steam & water pipes of boiler (bending pipe)吹灰系统固定装置fixture for soot blower system锅炉管道 ( 弯管部分 )pipes of boiler( bending pipe)锅炉管道pipes of boiler排汽管及固定装置steam vent and fixture排汽管及固定装置( 弯管部分 )steam vent pipes and fixture (bending pipe)消声器silencers汽水取样装置steam & water sampling device燃油系统管道fuel o

11、il piping system点火油系统管道light-up oil piping system出口管道固定装置outlet piping fixture锅炉管道固定装置boiler piping fixture汽水管道阀门附件valve accessory for steam-water pipe燃油系统管道阀门附件valves of fuel oil piping system吹灰系统管道及阀门附件valves and piping for soot blower system点火油系统管道及阀门附件valves of ignition oil piping system进口阀门附件im

12、port valves汽水系统测量仪表measure instrument for steam water system燃油系统管道测量仪表local indicating instruments of fuel oil piping system点火油系统管道测量仪表local indicating instruments of ignition oil piping system炉墙用金属件metal pieces of setting烟道保温用金属件metal pieces for flue area insulation管道保温用金属件metal pieces of pipe insu

13、lation防震装置antivibration device地脚螺栓安装架erection rack of anchor bolts吹灰装置soot blowers水封插板及防护围带tight and guard plates炉墙附件(门类)setting accessories(doors)培训用短管tubes for training测试装置testing device fixing构架安装专用工具special tools of the steel structure管道附件accessory of tubing随机备用件random spare parts强制备品备件mandatory spare parts构架续补零件supplement of the steel structure


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