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1、Unit 7 My day教案1教学目标 Teaching aims:1. Aims on the knowledge:Pupils will learn the new words “a quarter, past, to, half, get up , brush teeth, washface, have breakfast ,have lunch ,have dinner, half, a quarter ”, the new structures “ What time is it? Its. What time do you? Iat.2. Aims on the abilitie

2、s:Develop pupils abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing.Develop pupils communicative skills.3. Aims on the emotion:Develop pupils sense of co-operation.Let pupils know they should cherish the time and take care of our teeth.2学情分析 Our students are in Grade four .They are active and cur

3、ious, interested in new things. After learning English for two years, they have some simple basic English, so the teacher should attach importance to the communication with them, providing them the chances of using language. But SS is from countryside, it is a little difficult for them to understand

4、 and use the language.3重点难点 Teaching important points:1. To help the pupils know the new phrases and use the key sentences correctly.2. To know the third person of the verbs “brush, get, wash, have”.Teaching difficult pointsPupils can talk about the time and what they should do at the time.4教学过程 Ste

5、p 1 Warm up1. Do and sing the song “What time is it?”(设计意图:边唱边做动作,调动课堂气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣,通过歌词复习12个整点时间和句子”What time is it ? Its . Its time to .)Step 2 Lead in1. Review four special ways to tell times.2. Choose some homework, let them correct and pay attention to.(设计意图:复习微课视频中本课时需要掌握的四种时间表达法,再通过微课视频中的习题反馈的

6、易错点、难点,让学生讨论和总结。将微课与课堂相结合,做到有始有终。)3. Game “Look and say “.There are some clocks in the time box, let some students come and have a look, then ask and answer with classmates.(设计意图:通过游戏,再次巩固时间表达法中的易错点和难点,让学生在玩中学,玩中记。)Step 3 PresentationLook and learn1、Lets hear a clock and show a clock.T: What time is

7、 it?Ss: Its six oclock.(Show the sun)T: Its six oclock in the morning or in the evening, am or pm?Ss: Its six oclock in the morning or am.T: Its time to . What do you usually do at six oclock in the morning?SsT: I get up at six. What time do you get up?(板书: get up , What time do you ? I at . )Let Ss

8、 ask and answer, then show the sentence “He/she gets up at .”(板书: gets up )2、learn “brush teeth,”T: What do you usually do after you get up? Can you eat?Ss: .T: After I get up, I brush my teeth.(板书:brush teeth.)Activities:(1). T: Please show me your teeth.Let Ss show teeth to each other, then practi

9、ce the phrases “my teeth, your teeth, her teeth, his teeth, our teeth, their teeth”.(2). listen, say and do like “I brush my teeth, she brushes her teeth.”S1: I brush my teeth.S2: I brush my teeth. She/He brushes his/her teeth.S3:(3).Show two photos of teeth. One is bad, the other is good.T: Which o

10、ne do you like/want? Why? So what should we do with our teeth?Give Ss some tips and let them know we have good teeth that arent for our beauty, but they are also for our healthy.(设计意图:将英语课堂生活化,从学生平时的生活起居和熟悉的闹铃声作为切入点,让学生有话可说。利用肢体语言,帮助学生掌握物主代词,利用男、女生图片导入动词的三单形式,很形象突破难点。利用活动活跃课堂气氛,时刻提醒学生要有一个良好的作息和爱牙意识。

11、) the same way to learn “wash face”.(板书:wash /washesteeth )Activities: Make sentences.(设计意图:即学即练,利用白板的拖动功能让学生自己来动手托一托,让枯燥的练习变的有趣。)4. Look and order.Give them three times and three meals photos. Let them match and learn the new phrases “have/has breakfast, have/has lunch, have/has dinner”.T: Where is

12、 he? Who are they?(Let them say the sentences like “I have breakfast at at home /school with.”)(设计意图:利用闹钟和太阳在天空中的位置,学生很轻松的就能完成一日三餐的配图,顺利的导入生词。看图片拓展提问where、who,激发学生的思维和口语表达能力,同时让学生知道英语就在身边。)5、Lets chant and make new more chants with desk mates.Chant:I say “brush”, you say “brushes”.I brush my teeth.S

13、he brushes her teeth.Brush, brushes, brush, brushes.(设计意图:利用朗朗上口的chant,巩固练习重点短语,让学生们尝试当一回作曲家,培养学生的学习兴趣。)Step 4 Practice1、Pair workTalk about your day with your desk mate.S1: What time do you ?S2: Iat.(设计意图:2人合作通过问答操练句型,了解彼此的生活作息,增加友谊。)2. Listen and draw.a、Listen to Kittys day and draw the times on t

14、he clocks.b、Listen, repeat and check the answers.(设计意图:锻炼学生听的能力,熟悉Kitty的作息时间。画一画可以使原本的听力练习变的有趣一点。)3、Group work.Let four students in a group read and judge the passage about Peters day. Then discuss why you dont like Peters day.Summary: we should stay a healthy life and arrange the time properly.)设计意

15、图:利用Peters day 让学生意识要生活作息要有规律,同时锻炼学生的阅读能力,培养学生小组合作能力。)Step 5 HomeworkLevel 1Write a diary about your day and please arrange your time properly.Level 2、read the new phrases fluently and write them three times.、Try to read the passage fluently.(设计意图:分层作业,因材施教,减轻学困生的负担,让好的学生能“吃”的饱。)Blackboard designUnit 7 My dayget/gets up brush/brushes teeth wash/washes facehave/has breakfast have/has lunch have/has dinnerWhat time is it?Its .What time do you ?I at.oclock a quarter past half past a quarter to


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