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1、Module 4 Unit 10 My garden 教案第一课时教学目标1、通过单词游戏,帮助学生学习Look and learn 中有关植物的单词。2、通过Thing and say的看图说话,帮助学生用所学词汇和句型描述植物外形。教学重点词汇:leaf plant句型:It has small green leaves.教学难点帮助学生熟练运用单词和句型。教学准备教学用具:tape cards pictures教学过程 一、导入:1、呈现各种不同的植物的图片,问学生这些植物的名称,引入新单词,全班朗读。T: Look!Here are some pictures. What can yo

2、u see?S1: I can see some trees.S2: I can see some flowers.S3:2、让学生说说植物的各个部分,继续引入单词。T: Look at this plant. Can you name the parts?S1:This is a flower.S2: This is a leaf.S3: 二、探究过程: 1、出事Look and learn 的单词卡片,让学生朗读单词。 2、单词游戏。学生两人一组,根据单词卡片做拼读游戏。 S1:Leaf. S2: L-E-A-F, Leaf. 3、学生两人一组,把描述植物不同的单词贴到植物通篇上,然后朗读

3、单词。 4、利用学生贴单词的植物图片,引导学生说话。 T: Look at the plant, Whats this? S1: Its a leaf. T: How many leaves? S2: Four leaves. T: S3: 三、随堂验收:(或随堂练习) 1、 Listen and follow. 2、 Choose and say。 学生四人一组,每人选择一副图片,在组内进行介绍。四、课堂小结: 总结本节课所学内容。【布置作业】1、 Listen and read the words and sentences.2、 Make new dialogues.【板书设计】Unit

4、 10 My Gardenleaf plantIt has small green leaves. Unit 10 My Garden 第二课时教学目标1、 学习单词:garden, them, grow2、学习句型:There are many plants in my garden. They have small green leaves. The plant has some flowers.3、通过Listen and say,了解如何描述小花园。教学重点1、 词汇:garden, them, grow2、句型:There are many plants in my garden.

5、They have small green leaves. The plant has some flowers.教学难点通过Listen and say,了解如何描述小花园。教学准备教学用具:tape, cards, pictures教学过程 一、导入: 1、出示关于植物的单词,如plant,leaf,grass,flower等,让学生快速说出相应的单词。21cnjy 2、出示各种不同的植物图片,学生选择自己喜欢的植物进行描述,并在小组内交流。 二、探究过程: 1、出示Listen and say的图片,让学生听录音,找出相应的图片。然后出示单张图片,让学生观察图片,再次听录音,回答问题。

6、(Picture 1) T:What are the plants like? S1:Theyre small and gren. T:Do the plants have leaves? S2:Yes,they have small and green leaves T:What does the boy do every day? S3:He waters the plants every day. (Picture 2) T:What are the plants like now? S1:They have flowers. T:What colour are the flowers?

7、 S2:Some are red. Some are yellow. T:What does the boy like doing in the garden? S3:He likes reading and listening to music in the garden. 2、逐句播放课文录音,让学生逐句跟读,并将黑板上的核心句型补充完整。PlantMy activities1Small and green leaves, growWater the plants2Have flowers, red, yellowReading, listening to music 3、让学生根据表格上

8、的关键词,看图说一说。 4、朗读课文,然后看图说话。 三、随堂验收:(或随堂练习) 1、出示几张花园图片,让学生选择其中一幅描述,并请同伴猜一猜是哪幅图片。 S1:I have a garden. There are S2: Is it Picture A? S1: Yes.No. 2、Think and say. 3、Listen and follow. 四、课堂小结:词汇:garden, them, grow句型:There are many plants in my garden. They have small green leaves. The plant has some flow

9、ers.【布置作业】1、 Listen and read the text. 【板书设计】Unit 10 My GardenPlantMy activities1Small and green leaves, growWater the plants2Have flowers, red, yellowReading, listening to music Unit 10 My Garden 第三课时教学目标 1、通过阅读Enjoy a story 的故事,帮助学生了解植物的生长过程,激发他们热爱大自然的情感 2、通过Read and match活动,检验学生是否连接种子生长的故事,并帮助学生丰

10、富语言。 3、通过学习任务(Task),帮助学生巩固和综合运用本单元所学的知识技能。教学重点 句型:It rains. We have big leaves.教学难点帮助学生巩固和综合运用本单元所学的知识技能。教学准备 教学用具:tape, cards, pictures教学过程 一、导入: 1、出示关于植物的单词,让学生朗读单词并口头拼读。 2、出示Think and say中不同的植物图片,让学生介绍植物。 二、探究过程: 1、出示Enjoy a story的故事,引发学生想象这是一个什么内容的故事,。 2、播放故事动画,学生听故事,回答问题: 1) What are the seeds?

11、 2) What do they need to grow? 3) What do the seeds become? 4)Talk about the plants. 3、播放课文录音,学生朗读故事。然后将学生分组,各组朗读一段文字。 4、故事配音。小组完成。 三、随堂验收:(或随堂练习)1、出示Read and match 的图片,学生独立阅读,给图片编号。2、Show and read.小徐朗读句子。3、Draw and write .四、课堂小结:总结本节所学单词和句型。【布置作业】1、 Listen and read the story.2、 Draw and write【板书设计】Unit 10 My GardenIt rains. We have big leaves.


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