
上传人:李医生 文档编号:6156059 上传时间:2020-09-14 格式:DOC 页数:3 大小:22.50KB
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1、Step 1 Warm up1. Sing the song: Shes a doctor. 2. Free talk:*Are you a student/pilot?Is he/she a student/pilot?How to spell pilot/student? Step 2. Presentation1.words juggle / juggler/teach* Look, what is he doing? He is playing. He is juggling and he is a juggler. Show the card juggle.*This time, l

2、ook at this word, what is it ? Show the card of teacher. Have the students guess the verb form.Shows the card of teach.call: Dotheactionof call somebody.*Look, do you know what am I doing? I am calling. Show the word call. help: Show the card and have the Ss say the former meaning. Show the new mean

3、ing.2.structures*Look, is he a farmer? Yes, he is. What does he do? He is a farmer. Read after the teacher. Consolidation by high and low voice. Read one by one.在自由对话中复习句型,同时检查单词拼写通过构词法的比较让学生猜测新词构成通过teacher-teach学习逆向构词help一词学生在二年级已经有所接触,因此可以在课堂上直接记忆本问题需点能力较高的学生作答这里的巩固对话进行两至四组,what does he do 的问答多进行练

4、习Sing with the tape.Read after the teacher. Read one by one.Have the Ss guess the noun form of juggle. Show the card juggler. Repeat the procedure of juggle.Read and spell after the teacher.Read and spell in rows.Read and spell after the teacher.Read and spell in lines.Have the Ss read and spell the

5、n recite this word. Read、spell and translate all the words after the teacher / together.第二课时提醒学生区分问剧中的does和答句中的is*What do you do?Show the cards and have the Ss practice in pairs.Step 3. Practice1. Lets chant: who is he? Listen to the tape. Chant and clap with the tape.2. Game: What do you do?(chains

6、 game)*Supposed that it is twenty years later. I see you by accident and want to know your job.*What do you do? Im a pilot.*What does he do? He is a pilot.3. Read and writeLook at the picture and answer the teachers question.*What can you see in the picture? What does she do? What does he do? Have t

7、he Ss finish the rest questions. Check the answers.4.Chant:Step 4. Summary作业设置:1.Copy and recite the new words 4-12.Copy the key sentences twice with translation twice3.Preview the text of unit 14.Take a photo of your family to school next classstudent/nurse/policeman/vet/doctor/pilot/dancer (通过read

8、、spell and translate的方式出示单词,让学生复习词汇拼读) 针对学生对话内容进行提问,让其他学生使用“What does he/she do?”She/He is a.进行问答,在练习句型的同时培养学生听的习惯的养成。本处对话中主要让学生练习词卡上单词,在对话进行35组后,可以让能力较强学生用新词(如engineer)进行回答,并予以翻译,扩充其他学生词汇量 通过有节奏的韵诗让学生记忆句型通过本游戏使学生巩固新句型,并将句型活用到日常生活中I am a doctor. Repeat the procedure of the last pattern.Read the sentences again.*What do you do? Im a doctor. What does he do? He is a doctor. Practice in pairs.Listen to the tape.Chant and clap with the tape.Have the Ss practice in four-pension groups.I can see a girl.She is a dancer.He is a farmer.Chant together.


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