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1、Module 4 Things we enjoyUnit 11 Western festivalsPeriod 1授课时间: 总课时:教学目标知识与技能:句型复习:At Easter, children usually eat chocolate eggs. Halloween is on 31st October.过程与方法:通过Listen and say的短文阅读,了解四个重要的西方节日。情感态度与价值观:了解西方主要节日风俗文化。教学重点:句型复习:At Easter, children usually eat chocolate eggs.教学难点:句型复习:At Easter, c

2、hildren usually eat chocolate eggs. Halloween is on 31st October.教学过程Pre-task preparations在各节日名称后出示当年各节日的日期,请学生用英文表达日期。FestivalDateThe Spring FestivalThe Mid-Autumn FestivalThe Double Ninth FestivalWhile-task procedures1. 以头脑风暴的形式问问学生知道哪些西方节日,并根据需要在黑板上板书。T: what Western festivals do you know?S1: Chr

3、istmas, HalloweenT: whens Christmas ?S2: its in December. Its on 25th December.若学生说不出,教师出示Look and learn 中的图片,依次介绍Easter, Halloween, Christmas, Thanksgiving,然后教师领读。2. 出示Listen and say的图片,播放录音,学生边听边看课文及图片,然后完成表格。FestivalDateActivitiesEasterA Sunday in March or AprilChildren eat chocolate eggs.Hallowe

4、en31st OctoberChildren get candy from their neighbours.ThanksgivingThe fourth Thursday in NovemberPeople usually eat turkey.Christmas25th DecemberPeople give presents to each other.3. 再次播放课文录音,请学生逐句跟读,鼓励学生尽量模仿录音中人物的语音语调。Post-task activities调查活动。请每位学生调查两个同学,把他们最喜欢的节日记录在表格中。提示学生可以说说西方的节日,也可以说说中国的节日。Na

5、meFestivalDateActivitiesS1: Hello, (S2s name). whats your favourite festival?S2: its Halloween.S1: whens Halloween?S2: its on 31st October.板书设计Module 4 Things we enjoyUnit 11 Western festivalsPeriod 1At Easter, children usually eat chocolate eggs. Halloween is on 31st October.Module 4 Things we enjo

6、yUnit 11 Western festivalsPeriod 2授课时间: 总课时:教学目标知识与技能:句型复习:At Halloween, people make jack-o-lanterns.过程与方法:通过sing a song活跃课堂气氛,感受语言韵律。情感态度与价值观:了解西方主要节日风俗文化。教学重点:句型复习:At Halloween, people make jack-o-lanterns.教学难点:句型复习:At Halloween, people make jack-o-lanterns.教学过程Pre-task preparations1.把全班同学分成两大组,出示

7、一段描述节日的语段给第一组学生看(第二组学生不能看),请第一组的学生用英文大声朗读,再请第二组的学生猜猜是什么节日。答对得一分。然后两队交换角色。得分最多的小组获胜。 This Western festival comes in December. Its the most important festival in many Western countries.People often have a big family dinner together. They give presents to their family and friends. What festival is it ?

8、2.播放Sing a song的歌曲,让学生跟唱。While-task procedures1. 教师提问刚才播放的歌曲与哪个西方节日有关,巩固与圣诞节有关的知识。T: At which festival do people sing this song?Ss: Christmas!然后和学生头脑风暴,让学生写一写关于圣诞节可以想到哪些?Cards and presents25th Dec.Star and bellsChristmas treeChristmasFamily dinner让学生根据思维导图用一段话描述一下圣诞节。2. 可用同样方式复习复活节和感恩节。根据学生的情况,教师可适当

9、补充相关背景知识。3. 请学生出示课后根据Make and say完成的作业南瓜灯,说说自己是怎么做的。S1: I mad my jack-o-lantern with an orange. I cut out a face first. Then I cut out a circle and took out the inside. Next, I put a candle inside. This is my jack-o-lantern. Its lovely!Post-task activities让学生尝试朗读Listen and say 中的句子,教室检查学生是否能够正确连读。可用

10、开火车的方式让学生逐句朗读。S1: lets see.S2: good afternoon.S3: taste it.板书设计Unit 11 Western festivalsAt Halloween, people make jack-o-lanterns.Cards and presents25th Dec.Star and bellsChristmas treeChristmasFamily dinnerModule 4 Things we enjoyUnit 11 Western festivalsPeriod 3授课时间: 总课时:教学目标知识与技能:词汇学习:laugh at 日常

11、用语:Is that you ?过程与方法:通过read a story ,复习巩固相关语言知识,培养学生的阅读技能,帮助学生正视自己的独特之处。情感态度与价值观:了解西方主要节日风俗文化。教学重点:词汇学习:laugh at 日常用语:Is that you ?教学难点:词汇学习:laugh at 日常用语:Is that you ?教学过程Pre-task preparations1. 和学生做“快速反应”游戏。出示各个西方节日的图片,学生马上说出对应的名称。2. 播放sing a song的视频或录音,学生跟着录音唱歌,活跃课堂气氛。While-task procedures1. 用多媒

12、体或教学挂图出示Read a story的图片1,让学生阅读文字然后回答问题。1) what did Rudolfs nose look like?2) Did Rudolf like his nose? Why ?3) What did Rudolfs friends say about his nose?2. 播放故事视频或音频,让学生观看动画或听录音,提出自己不懂的句子或单词,教师给予讲解。让学生完成Read a story的后续练习,然后全班核对答案。3. 通过引导性问题和学生讨论故事蕴含的道理。最后的结论可以让学生用中文表述。T: Did Rudolf like his nose a

13、t the end of the story?S1: Yes, he did.T: Why?S2: Because his friends said, ”You have a great nose.”T: Why did his nose helped Father Christmas find his way in bad weather.Post-task activities学生分组演出课本剧,全体学生评出最佳表演奖、最佳演员以及最佳语音奖。板书设计Unit 11 Western festivalswhat did Rudolfs nose look like?Did Rudolf like his nose? Why ?What did Rudolfs friends say about his nose?


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