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1、Unit One Hi , GogoThe first period (第一课时)(Conversation、Vocabulary、Review)一、 教学目标1, To review “Are you hungry ? Yes, I am. Etc.2.The sounds and words3.New words: hungry, thirsty, grandmother, grandfather, short, tall, ruler, stapler二、 教学重点1、 学习本单元出现的8个新单词, and the sounds of the third preson, singular

2、 ,present tense;2、 人称代词单复数的区分;3、 能正确记住Do you have ?的用法三、 教学难点1、 能准确书写所学的单词;2、 The sounds of the third person, singular ,present tense;四、 教学过程 (1)1、 Greetings Say hello to the new students2、 Presentation :To find a few students to play a role3、 To over look the unfamiliar words ; 4、 Let the students

3、practice a few minutes, then perform it.5、 Try to recite Conversation together. (2)1,To teach the new words in Vocabulary2、to present the new words ;To do the motions to help remember the words.3、listen to the tape for Review4、A few students to repeat after the tape, then the whole class. 5、To write

4、 down the sentences and practise while the teacherask and answer questions.6、 The students work: practice with their partners7、 A few students demonstrate the questions (3)1、 To teach the students say the rhyme and help them to remember the new content.2、 Go over all the knowledge and summarize. (4)

5、 Homework1、To copy the words 2、To recite Conversation 3、Make preparations for the dictation. The second period (第二课时) (Practice1 Practice2 Song Activity1) 教学目标1. To review “Are you hungry ? Yes, I am. Etc.2.The sounds and words3.New words: hungry, thirsty, grandmother, grandfather, short, tall, rule

6、r, stapler.五、 教学重点1、 学习本单元出现的8个新单词, and the sounds of the third person, singular ,present tense;2、 人称代词单复数的区分;3、 能正确记住Do you have 等的用法。六、 教学难点 The sounds of the third person, singular ,present tense;能准确书写所学的单词。 七、 教学过程 1.Revision (recall the new words together, dictation.)T ask a student “Whats this

7、?”。then result in “ Im thirsty. 2To use the same way to show the sentences of Practice1,Listen to the tape and circle the answer3.To check the answer(2) 1.The teacher ask the student a question and review “ Are you hungry? ” 2. Hold up a object and say :I have a ruler. Do you have a ruler? Yes, I do

8、 To extend the key point “No, I dont” 3. repeat the same way to get other objects involved .1、 Pair work (3)1. To listen to the tape twice2. To sing after the tape3. Hold a competition between the boys and girds4. check over ( 4) 1、区分人称代词的数。2、用RHYME 的方式去区分,如:人称代词你我他她 你 you ,我 I ,他 he , 她 she物主代词你/我/

9、他/她的 你的 your , 我的 my ,他的 his ,她的her单数复数要分清你们 you ,我们 we ,他/她们they个个记牢,动脑筋莫出笑话,莫出错(1) 学生做练习(2) 检查,反馈(5) To summarize the contents:(1) To look over the contents(2) Homework: copy the sentences of Practice1 The third period (第三课时)(activity2, sounds and words1and2)一 、教学目标1, To review “Are you hungry ? Y

10、es, I am. Etc.不同2.The sounds and words3.New words: hungry, thirsty, grandmother, grandfather, short, tall, ruler, stapler二、 教学重点2、 学习本单元出现的8个新单词, and the sounds of the third person, singular ,present tense;3、 人称代词单复数的区分;4、 能正确记住Do you have de的用法三、教学难点5、 能准确书写所学的单词;6、 The sounds of the third person,

11、singular ,present tense;四、教学过程1. Ask the student to look over the Sounds and the words2. To write them down and let them to distinguish the words in v.+s/es3. to read after the teacher and then listen to the tape 4. ask a few students to repeat 5. ask the student to use “Can you?” to ask their partn

12、er about the words6. To look over Part2 then look at the screenTo find out the V.7. Play a game: a few students to point out the thing while hear what the teacher say 8. To summarize the contents9.Homework: review this UnitUnit 2 What day is it today?Teaching Target : What day is it today? Its Monda

13、y.What do you do on Monday? I play the violin on Monday.Teaching Key: New words: Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.Sounds and words:/ju:/The first period: (第一课时)一、词汇1、教师把图画卡片挂在黑板上。T:(指着Sunday) Its Sunday. Repeat. Ss: Its SundayT: What day is it today? Its .( 引导学生答)用一周的其他

14、几天继续进行活动。T:All the days together make one week .(出示图画卡片)Week. Repeat.Ss: Week.2、 Look at the teachers mouth, then guess the words.3、 Read together and pair work.4、新课呈现T: Open your books to page 10.Listen to the tape and repeat, point to each day as you say it .播放录音,让学生跟读一周的每一天。至于week这个单词,可让学生在图片的月历上

15、圈出一个礼拜T:(指着Saturday ) Is it Wednesday? Ss :No, it isnt . Its Saturday.(指着Monday )Is it Monday ?Ss: Yes, it is教师必要时做示范。指着一周的其他几天,问类似的问题。对话二、对话的学习:1、教师带一本大的月历和一些体育器材,如:一个篮球,一个乒乓球拍等,进入教室。Review the words .(做练习)T:What day is it today?(指着月历上一周的每一天,然后指着当天的日子)oh, its (Tuesday).教师举起一个篮球。T:I play basketball

16、on(Tuesday). (再指着月历)2、把球传给不同的学生,让他们重复句子 I play basketball on(Tuesday)教师拿起其他的体育器材,如乒乓球,假装打乒乓球。T:I play ping-pong on Sunday.(指着月历上的Sunday)把球拍传给其他学生,示范句子,让他们重复。3、新课呈现T:Open your books. Lets listen to the tape.教师播放录音,同时指着每一幅图片。T:Lets listen again and repent 播放录音,每句后停顿,让学生跟读。把学生分成四个小组,让他们分别扮演Gogo, Jenny,

17、 Tony及Mrs.Green(Tony和Jenny的妈妈)鼓励每组加上动作,如:在对话中假装玩某一项体育活动。教学后记:星期几这七个单词比较难掌握,需要不断的强化。The second period:一、指着词汇部分的图片。T:What day is it today ?(Ss: Its (Thursday)指着图片中物品T :Whats this ? Ss: Its a (piano)T: What do you do on Monday?S1:I(play the piano )on(Monday)二、播放录音,每句后暂停,让学生跟读教师指着某一位学生说:What day is it t

18、oday?SI:I(play the piano )on (Thursday).三、新课呈现播放录音:每句后暂停,让学生跟着读。T:(指着某位同学问)What day is it today ?SI: Its (Wednesday)T: (指着另一位同学问)What do you on (Wednesday),S2:I(play soccer )on ( Wednesday) 与几个学生重复此项活动。四、 Exercise 1指着每组的三张图片进行谈论。T:(指着第一组中的Monday)What day is it today ?Ss: Its Monday .T: (指着第3组中的Frida

19、y) How about this one ? what day is it today ?Ss: Its Friday .What do you do on Friday ?Ss: I play soccer on Friday.新课呈现T:Lets listen to the tape .播放第1组图片的录音,然后暂停。T:Which day of the week is it ?Do you know ? Is it this one ?(指着Monday )在学生回答时,作一个画圈动作,圈住Its Wednesday.这个句子。T: Number I is its Wednesday

20、.继续练习其他几组,每组后暂停,让学生重复每一句。Exercise 2:教师把图片挂在黑板上。T:What day is it today ?Ss: Its (Wednesday ?)Ss: I (play basketball )on (Wednesday ).重复问题,让学生提供不同的答案。新课呈现T:Now, lets read the questions.让学生大声读出问题。把学生分成两人一组或小组方式互回答。教学后记:What day is it today ? Its句型掌握理想。The third period:一、Sing a song展示一幅大的月历,指着不同的日期。开始谈论

21、学生的生日日期,帮他们找到自己的生日在今年的星期几。新课呈现T: Lets sing a song !Lets listen first .播放录音,唱到哪,就用手指到哪。把学生分成两组。一组唱问题,一组唱回答。二、活动 T: What do you do on Saturday ?Repeat .Ss: What do you do on Saturday ?T:I swim on Saturday .(指着一个学生问) What do you do on Monday ?Ss: I (cook) on Monday .用一周的不同周日对数名同学重复提问。要几个学生提出问题让其余的学生回答。

22、新课呈现教师让学生结对把调查表抄在黑板上,教师示范做一次调查。问某一学生:What do you do on Sunday ?Ss: I (play soccer )on Sunday 把soccer写进相应的方格里。若时间允许,让几组学生与全班同学分享答案。活动2 教师把第2册图画卡片挂在黑板上,在每张图画卡片下,打乱顺序写下图片的单词让一些自愿的学生把单词和相应的图片配对。让那些自愿的学生用粉笔/水彩笔把正确的单词写在图片下面问全班学生是否同意该学生的拼写新课呈现T: Open your books Look at these scrambled words . What are they

23、 ?引导学生说:Days或Days of the week 指着图片中不同的桌子,问学生它们是星期几。让学生结对,把一周内几天的拼写复原并写在下面的空白处三、语音和单词 教师把字母U写在黑板上,T: Whats this letter?Ss:UT :Yes Todays sound is same sound as the letter u .Lets practice the sound /ju:/.Look at my mouth and repeat .T:/ju/.Ss:/ju/新课呈现教师让学生看着该页上的单词。T: Lets listen to the tape .播放录音,让学生

24、指着每一个读出的单词T: Lets listen again and this time ,repeat 播放录音,让学生跟读经过充分练习后,教师任意指着不同的图片,让学生说出该单词。让学生看着歌谣旁边的图片T:(指着气球)What are these ?Ss: Theyre balloons.T: (指着独角兽) Whats this ?Ss: Its a unicorn用其他图片继续活动新课呈现T:Lets listen to the chant .播放一遍录音T: Now ,listen and point to the pictures as they are chanted .再次播

25、放录音,当唱到unicorn, cucumbers ,ice cubes 和balloons时,学生应用手指着它们。T: Lets chant together播放录音,让学生跟着唱,并跟着节奏打拍子教学后记:经过充分练习后,教师任意指着不同的图片,让学生说出该单词。学生掌握理想。Unit 3 Can I have a balloon?The first period教学目标:1、学习Conversation部分的对话,并能运用这些句型进行模仿对话。2、学习Vocabulary部分的单词,要求四会。3、会熟练应用Target部分的句子进行对话。教学重点:Vocabulary部分的单词和Targ

26、et部分的句子。教学难点:运用Conversation部分和Target部分的句子进行模仿对话。教学过程:一、Revision 1、Sing the songs: “Whats your name?” &“ What day is today?”. 2、Ask and answer the questions: 1) Are you hungry? 2) Whos she /he? 3) What day is it today? 4) What do you do on Monday?二、Presentation(一)学习Conversation1、出示实物或图片并问答: T: Whats

27、this/that? S: Its a/an.2、师出示ice cream cone图,自问自答: T: Whats this? T: Its an ice cream cone. (教学单词ice cream cone) (教师把ice cream cone给一个学生,作没有cream cone状) T: Can I have an ice cream cone, please? (当学生递过来时,教师连续说:) T: Thank you.3、板书: Can I have a/an ?(留空一行)Thank you.(留空一行)4、带读并启发学生理解板书句子的意思。5、分组用所学的单词操练句

28、子。6、找一位反应较快的学生A与教师演示对话: A: Can I ? T: Yes. Here you are. A: Thank you. T: Youre welcome.7、板书并带读: Can I have a/an ? Yes. Here you are. Thank you. Youre welcome.8、向学生解释在这里Can可以用May I来代替,意思不变。9、用类似的方法教学:Can I have a/an ? Yes, you can./No, sorry.10、让学生打开课本 ,认真听录音一遍,再跟读。11、让学生自由朗读对话两分钟,再分组扮演角色朗读对话。 12、师创

29、设情境,让学生四人一组扮演角色进行对话,并抽一组同学在全班同学面前表演,对有创意的学生给予表扬。(二)学习Vocabulary 1、创设情境教学单词,比如: 师递给学生一把尺子,说:You have a ruler.板书并教学单词“have”, 接着教师拿起尺子在黑板上画线,并板书单词“use”,说:use, I use the ruler.等等。 2、用同样的方法教学其它的单词:buy call borrow watch listen. 3、Listen to the tape and repeat,再自由记忆单词。 4、游戏:哑剧表演 让一个学生来到讲台上表演动作,其它同学猜单词并大声拼读

30、出来(三)学习Target的句型 1、教师开火车形式提问: T: Can I have a ruler? S1: Yes. Here you are. T: Can I use your pencil? S2: Yes, you can. T: Can I borrow your book? S3: Sure. Here you are. T: Can I buy your pen? S4: No, sorry. 在得到四个不同的回答后,告诉学生说:这四种回答都是正确的。 2、让学生指着书本上的图,认真听录音,然后跟读。 3、两人一组自由对话: S1: Can I ? S2: Yes. Her

31、e you are./ No, sorry.三、小结。四 Homework 1、能熟读Conversation部分的对话。 2、能熟读并背诵Vocabulary部分的单词和Target部分的句子。The second period教学目标:1、巩固Vocabulary部分的单词和Target部分的句子。 2、熟练掌握Can I ?句型及其问答。 3、学会唱Can I have a pen?这首歌。教学重点:以can 开头的一般疑问句及其问答。教学难点:Practice 2部分的问题及其问答。教学过程:一、Revision1、随意抽查几位学生背诵Conversation.2、出示Vocabula

32、ry部分的单词卡,并让一位同学 来扮演动作,其它同学猜单词并拼读出来。 3、让学生2个一组,手拿实物,一边做动作,一边对话。 A: Can I ? B: Sure. Here you are. A: Can I ? B: No, sorry.二、完成Practice 1 Listen and circle. 1、给2 分钟学生默读并理解句子的意思。 2、Listen to the tape and circle. 3、Correct the answer and then read after the tape.三、完成Practice 2 Ask and answer. 1、师生对话,教师走

33、到学生面前就地取材,问答: 1) T: Whats this? S1: Its a book. T: Can I use your book? S1: Yes. Here you are./ Yes, you can. 2) T: Whats that? S2: Its a pen. T: Can I use your pen? S2: Sure. Here you are./ No, sorry. 2、让学生认真看书,熟读句子。 3、学生两人一组拿起物件进行问答。 4、笔头完成对话。四、Sing the song: Can I have a pen? 1、启发学生看图理解并熟读歌曲。 2、L

34、isten to the tape carefully and then repeat. 3、分组比赛,一组唱问题,一组唱回答,看哪一组唱得好。 4、Sing the song together, 一边做动作,一边唱。五、Activity 1: Look, read and match. 1、师出示图片,让学生用开火车的形式快速说短语: watch TV call my mother go to the zoo buy a book borrow a stapler listen to a song 2、游戏:找图片比赛 规则:课前每人准备一套有关Activity 1的图片,每组派一位代表出来

35、,教师说短语,看哪一组代表最先找出相应的图片,哪一组就获得1分,最后分数最多的一组为胜。 3、在相应的短语上贴上图片。 4、打开书本,完成Activity 1的配对练习。 5、学生结对相互检查答案,教师巡视,帮助有困难的同学。六、小结。七、作业: 抄写第三课所学的单词,并背诵。 熟练掌握Can I ?句型及其问答。学会唱Can I have a pen?这首歌。The third period教学目标:1、巩固句型: A: Can I ? B: Sure. Here you are./ No, sorry. 2、学习Sounds and words 部分的字母、字母组合的发音及单词。 3、会应

36、用所学的知识完成Workbook的练习。教学重点:Sounds and words 部分的单词及其字母组合的发音。教学难点:字母组合oo, ui, ou和ue在单词中的发音。教学过程:一、Revision 1、出示图片或实物,让学生之间互相问答:S1: Can I have your pen? S2: Sure. Here you are.S3: Can I borrow your stapler? S4: No, sorry.二、Activity 21、出示图片,学生快速说出单词和相应的短语,如: an ice cream cone buy an ice cream conea balloo

37、m have a balloom2、游戏:教师把图片依照书本贴在黑板上,叫两位学生到讲台上来,由S1抛一下硬币,若为下面,则S1向前走一步;若为反面,则只走一步,把磁铁向相应的卡片移动,让S2向S1问一个关于图画卡片的问题,如: S2:Can I watch TV? S1:Yes, you can./ No, sorry./Sure. Here you are. 3、让学生翻开书本,两人一组玩这个游戏,注意运用上“Can I ?”这一句型。 4、学生玩游戏,教师巡视,帮助有困难的学生。三、学习Sounds and words: 1、Listen , point and say. 1)出示图片教

38、学单词,提醒学生注意字母组合oo, ui, ou和ue在单词中的读音,并注意教师发音时的嘴形。 2)听录音,录音读到哪个单词,就让学生指到哪个单词。 3)跟录音机读单词,然后自由记忆。 4)出示图片快速拼读单词。 2、Listen and chant. 1)看图问答: T: Whats this? S: Its a soup. T: Whats this? S: Its a spoon. T: Do you like soup? S: Yes, I do./ No, I dont. 2)让学生自由朗读诗句。 3)Listen to the tape and point to the pictu

39、res. 4)让学生跟录音一起唱。四、完成Workbook 练习。五、小结。六、作业:1、 背诵本课的单词和句子。2、 把Sounds and words部分的单词写一行。Unit 4 Review 1目的与要求:Language: Are you hungry? Yes, I am. Whos she? Shes my grandmother. Whats that? Its a stapler. What do you do on Monday? I play the violin on Monday. Can I have a peach? Sure . Here you are. Ca

40、n I have a balloon? No, sorry.Sounds and words:/s/,/z/,/z/,/ju:/,/u:/Vocabulary: hungry, thirsty, grandmother, grandfather, short, tall, ruler, stapler, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, week, go, use, have, borrow, buy, watch, call, listen, cooks, eats, play, reads, washes, touches, mus

41、ic, humans, unicorn, huge, cucumber, ice cube, balloon, spoon, suit, boots, soup, glueMaterials: Picture Cards 124,chalk/marker, Draw, cut and play! WB p.70, scissors, weekly schedule WB p.50教学过程:Getting ready1. Point to various pictures.T: What are they saying?Using the book1. T: Now lets listen.2.

42、 Ss draw lines from the letters to the corresponding pictures.Getting ready1. Hold up picture cards 915.2. Have Ss say the words.Using the book1. T: Draw lines from the letters to the days.2. Play the tape.Getting ready1. Put up three Picture Cards from Unit 13 on the board.2. Ask S1 to come to the

43、board.3. Make a sentence about one of the Picture Cards.T: Circle the picture.Using the book1. Point to the pictures in the boxes.2. T: Listen to the tape. Circle the correct pictures.Getting ready1. Write: cooks, Tuesday, balloon, plays and washes on the board.2. Write a word from the Sounds and words sections in Units 13 on the board, e.g. Music.3. T: which word has the same sound?Ss: Tuesday.4. Draw a line from Tuesday to music.Using the book1. Poin


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